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Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Open Thread

So, what's on your mind?

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  1. One sad fact about the on-going saga of Ferguson is not just unemployment but unemployable. Mark my words; this problem will spread.

    1. Jon,
      this problem will spread

      Very likely.

    2. The problem has already spread. Look at the two police officers killed in New York and protests across the country all based on the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" LIE!

      There was a man in the street interview on Sean Hannity's TV show last night from Ferguson. So many of those interviewed did not know and I suspect did not care what the facts were in the shooting of Mike Brown. They want to believe the worst and they are willing to repeat a lie that supports their anti-cop, anti-white prejudices. Obama, Holder and Sharpton are responsible for creating this situation.

    3. If you've been paying attention you know that the Michael Brown incident is just a catalyst which exposed a corrupt city government and police force which has been shaking down a poor and working class community for some time.
      That finally burst and you have the inevitable violent incidents that are going to accompany the outrage.

      But in a fringe right world it's east to say that a serious injustice which predates Obama, Holder and maybe even Sharpton is the responsibility.

      In right wing world Sean Hannity knows the facts about everyday life in Ferguson or any city small or large (i.e. New York) in which the police use the poor as their personal pay day loan office but the residents just need to shut up and be good stoic victims.

      You are a serious danger to the nation.

    4. Aside from his editorial comments, I largely agree with Ducky on the origins of this. Ferguson's government is dirty.

      What last nights criminal incident shows is that there appears to be nothing that will appease the aggrieved. They were gathered there because the Police Chief had resigned, and this after the City Manager and the Municipal Court Judge resigned. Missouri has taken over the City Court caseload, and even rabid rightwingers are seeing the injustice in using cops to collect extra revenue.

      So, why the angry crowd?

  2. What we're going through now is nothing.

    The Obama presidency was just a test run...

    1. ANON,
      A test run for what, specifically?

    2. Our democratic republic has devolved into a precedent-based government. Whatever somebody can get by with once becomes de facto and de jure permissible.

      Isn't it interesting that people like Hillary can float above the law, as can Holder, Lerner and Jon Corzine, while Generals Petraeus and Cartwright get prosecuted over relatively minor incidents?

      A handsome minority 'rockstar' is the perfect tool for blasting away legal precedent and trampling down pesky constitutional roadblocks. We may have made allowances for him out of goodwill or fear of being labeled racist, but those allowances stand now for all time and for all future presidents.

      The global elite, oligarchs, Davos Men, Bilderbergers, whatever you want to call them, do not like democracy in any but a Potemkin form, it's too messy.

      Europeans have been largely silenced, patriots pigeon-holed as dangerous right-wingers, their aspirations smothered under slabs of deaf and plodding bureaucracies.

      America is next, the last bastion of free peoples who have the temerity to shoot off their mouths, questioning and insulting their betters.

      Congressional votes will become more and more symbolic, as will our nation's laws, as the bureaucracy churns on, impervious and imperious.

      Obama was just a test run, the way terrorists do innocuous probes to see where the vulnerabilities are and what they can get away with before planning the actual operation.

      That, dear young lady, is what I mean by a test run.

    3. I'm afraid ANON may be right. But with one caveat. Pundits have said, what's to stop a GOP President from taking similar lawless authority based on Obama's precedent? Well, we all know that if ANY Republican President behaved this way the media firestorm of criticism would be unrelenting and Dems would already be holding impeachement hearings.

      The problem as I see it is that the GOP leadership is so neutered they will let Obama get away with anything and Obama knows it.

    4. Anon, I think you're right. If anything, I believe the final move was taken about 5 years early or this gov't wouldn't even get the Conservative pushback it has got. I think in 5 or 10 years, Americans would think all Obama's doing is normal and acceptable, with pulling his "I am KING" exec orders, pushing healthcare down our unwelcoming throats, etc....

      Mike's America is right, too......if ANY Republican pres pulled anything NEAR what Obama's doing, it would be impeachment. And if I hear one more uninformed lib compare Bush's exec orders to Obama's, I'll scream! :-)
      We've never had a DIVIDE TO CONQUER president before and we need to be on the alert...BIG TIME.

      But, I do think it's too late. Dear God, I hope I'm so wrong.

    5. Mike and Z:
      The Republican-Democrat paradigm is a smokescreen. The global elites give not a whit for such petty distinctions, for they are neither liberal nor conservative. Their money never flows to a Dennis Kucinic, Ron Paul, or any other independent-minded candidate.

      To the elites, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are indistinguishable from one another and both are safe candidates who know how to play ball. Each would tinker at the margins of domestic policy, but what does that matter to the global elites?

      The Republican-Democrat contest is panem et circenses for the masses.

    6. Hey, z, speaking of corrupt Republican administrations, something you can't bring yourself to do, what ever happened to those "weapons of mass destruction" that Saddam moved to Syria?
      Just an example of the crap we were collectively fed during the Chucklenuts administration.

      I know, I know, we;re just waiting for the likes of Ben Carson to rise and lead.

      When do you take the blinders off? No matter who's in the White House, corporate America owns us. We will continue to fuel the war machine, the insane war on drugs while everyone gets distracted by the gay marriage "debate".

      It's a sad state of affairs and we let ourselves be led by the nose.
      Yes, I mean the fringe right especially.

    7. ANON; that is a question I frequently ask on my blog...it's getting to be that the Reps are becoming nonthinking, non acting Dems, and I don't get WHY. Trilateral Commission? WHY?
      You're right...Rove can barely bring himself to say the names of Republican rogues who Americans like so much. Seems like they give him hives.

      Ducky; STOP, this is even beneath YOU.
      As for corrupt Republican administrations, I suppose your alluding to the fact that all administrations do things you don't like, or Americans don't like....who doesn't get that? Mature Americans understand not any administrations have been perfect and that sometimes it's worth not being perfect to get a righteous result. It's like arguing Hiroshima. Stop, we've done that. Your opinion's not gospel.

      I'd love someone like Carson to 'rise and lead'....you see, fine men of good character aren't as bad as you think.
      Blinders? you honestly think I DON"T BELIEVE corporate America owns us? But, I will not put aside moral issues just because some lefty thinks we can't chew gum and walk at the same time.
      The RIGHT is being led by the nose? Only the Right? Ducky......wake up. You really need to.

    8. Duck,
      what ever happened to those "weapons of mass destruction" that Saddam moved to Syria?

      Has Bashar al-Assad perhaps used some of those weapons?

      Anyway, at the time, the vast majority of Westerners thought that Saddam Hussein had WMD. Furthermore, So Damn Insane bragged that he did.

      Hindsight is perfect, but we should always remember the context of the time that we are criticizing.

    9. ANON,
      Thank you for returning to clarify and to expound. I appreciate it!

    10. Not sure what I think of Fiorina, AOW...Sadly, her personna doesn't strike me as an attractive candidate but what I LIKE (and what she'll probably lose once the leftwing media starts going thru her trash and making up lies, etc.) is that she is NOT AFRAID. She speaks her mind and it's bright and articulate.
      If more Reps were like her, we'd be winning better. We're cowering for the PC the Left has given this country and that's not healthy...all's gone worse because of it.
      I hope she pursues, but I think she'll stop speaking her mind BIG TIME if she gets big money investors telling her to be PC for the sake of winning. That really never happens anyway except for the lefties, so maybe she'll tell them to get stuffed!? I hope so.
      If Rove doesn't tout her, I'm all for her.
      What do you think?

    11. I'll say it again, AOW, it is rare that an intelligence agency credits a state with capabilities it does not have.
      Missing capabilities like Pakistan's nukes is the more likely type of intelligence failure.

      The only example of the first I can think of is the flap over the Russian MiG Foxbat which turned out to have some serious limitations that were unknown.

      The intelligence against Hussein was ginned up by the usual suspects and to this day there is no evidence that anything existed beyond a few obsolete mustard gas shells.

      Of course Hussein bragged he had them. Why wouldn't he want to seem like a hard guy in that neighborhood?

      Remember "Jailhouse" Judy Miller and "Curveball" pimping the war in the New York Times? The Washington Post? The so called liberal media all shilled for it.

    12. Ducky is correct. The intelligence behind the WMD story was ginned up by Iraqi's under the Iranian umbrella, in order to ensure we conducted regime change to a Shi'a majority government, wholly compliant with Tehran. Mission accomplished.

    13. CI,
      The intelligence behind the WMD story was ginned up by Iraqi's under the Iranian umbrella, in order to ensure we conducted regime change to a Shi'a majority government, wholly compliant with Tehran.

      In my view, that's not the whole story. However, that is certainly one of the major factors.

      It should be obvious that the Middle East in that particular region is quite destabilized. I see no hope of restoration in the near future. Do you?

    14. Duck,
      it is rare that an intelligence agency credits a state with capabilities it does not have

      I don't believe that it is all that rare. I'm thinking in terms of world history over a period of centuries -- and not only with regard to the Middle East.

      Manipulation of the onlookers' thinking is the essence of any power struggle.

    15. Z,
      Sadly, her personna doesn't strike me as an attractive candidate

      I wish that the American electorate in general would quit voting according to personality and charisma. That kind of voting has become a plague upon the land. Did the plague begin in 1960? I think that such might be the case.

      If Karl Rove doesn't like Fiorina, then that serves as my personal barometer to like her. I cannot stand Karl Rove!

    16. The Karl Rove thing is exactly my point. He hates her, I like her.
      And yes, too bad about the 'attractive' thing, but it's there..maybe since Kennedy? Remember the LEftists complaining about Nixon's 5 o'clock shadow and glowing in how handsome young Kennedy with the lovely family was?

      I have to giggle at the absolute certainty some above declare THERE WERE NO WMD :-) There are experts far more privy than any here who still claim they were moved to Syria; we certainly gave them the time. And, frankly? I think killing 300k Kurds with gases is pretty darned WMD to me.

    17. CI nailed it. ME governments are experts at playing us and getting us to do their fighting and dying for them. When will we learn?

      They played us on Iraq. Sure, there were "WMDs..." in leaky barrels and rusted canisters, and in decrepit, non-functioning rockets. Saddam has some old chemicals and some leaking weapons, but they were only a danger to those who stumbled upon them, since they were not weaponized. I am sure CI knows what he is talking about.

      Iran was the beneficiary of Bush's Iraq adventure, and in Afghanistan, the Taliban do not want us out because they are making too much money off of our presence there, contracts, bribes to allow shipments through, etc.

      We are the stupidest nation on the planet.

    18. Until we can realize and publicly acknowledge that Bush-Cheney were either naive and gullible, or they were pursuing some hidden agenda, we cannot advance as conservatives.

      Bush-Cheney's Iraq invasion was a colossal blunder on a biblical scale. It may very well be marked some day as the beginning of our nation's demise.

      If either of these men had any sense of shame, they would cloister themselves away from the public eye and trouble us no more with their tendentious lies and bulls*it.

    19. SF,
      ME governments are experts at playing us and getting us to do their fighting and dying for them. When will we learn?

      Time to drop and Iron Veil -- and establish cyber embassies only in Islamic nations. And time to stop sending Islamic nations subsidized wheat and other "goodies."

    20. SF,
      Bush-Cheney's Iraq invasion was a colossal blunder on a biblical scale.

      I think that many see that now. But at the time? Nope.

      The blunder is not one that can be fixed now. And that reality is not something that people are willing to accept.

    21. SF,
      I do recall at the time saying to one of my staunchly GOP friends: "Do you really think that this bring-democracy-to-Iraq thing can work? Do you really think that 'winning hearts and minds' will work?"

      Her response: "What do we have to lose by trying?"

      Well, now we see that we have lost. **sigh**

      I do not blame Bush-Cheney for the rise of the Islamic State. It might have happened anyway. We'll never know the answer to that, I guess.

      Meanwhile, the entire Middle East is going to "go nuclear." Game changer?

    22. SF,
      I learned the term from Mark Alexander (not the Mark Alexander of Patriot's Post -- a different individual). He wrote the book The Dawning of a New Dark Age: A Collection of Essays on Islam . It's a good book on the topic, and I have recommended the book to several of my high school students.

    23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    24. SF, you put it better than I. Every time we’ve seen reporting of a WMD find in Iraq, the neocon legacy rehabilitation team goes into full swing with their exhalations of "aha!". Lost in the contortionist backslapping, are the facts of the age of the stocks, or the previous IAEA documentation. The danger of these finds should not be summarily discounted, but what has been uncovered [literally] are items that would be more a danger to the user than any intended victim. These brief moments of alleged exoneration give facade to the public claims of Iraq having an active and potent WMD program.

      Likewise, the primary source for speculation that WMDs were moved to Syria, comes from a former Ba'athist/IRG official who has made his living from a book touting the same. Vested interest with zero corroborating intelligence, and after 12 years no less. Further speculation arose when Syria was accused of using WMD recently, prompting yet another "aha!" moment in some circles. That camp and much of the media seemingly forgetting that Syria has long had its own WMD program.

      Our media has done an abysmal job since 2001, and continues that business model. Mostly unreported, have been simple facts regarding the WMD story; Iranian involvement in our decision to invade Iraq; Iranian involvement during our occupation; the distinct shift in the enemy in Afghanistan from AQ to the Taliban....while still proffering the notion that we're fighting al Qaeda.

      And, the public record that al Qaeda's American strategy was explicitly to lure us into becoming embroiled in unwinnable occupations in the Middle East. And as Obama failed to both learn from history [as well as stand by his campaign rhetoric], we see much the same happening in Libya. Mission accomplished.

    25. CI,
      Thanks for that comment -- especially the final paragraph. OBL has won, hasn't he?

  3. I just stumbled across Hillary’s Crime: Section 1001:

    Shannen Coffin, former counsel to Vice President Dick Cheney, told Fox’s Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night that there is “no doubt” that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed a felony when she didn’t turn over her email records as she left the State Department — if she signed the usual exit form given to all exiting employees.

    The State Department’s “Separation Statement,” Form OF-109, can be seen here.

    It requires the outgoing State Department employee to certify that all “classified or administratively controlled documents and material” have been “surrendered to responsible officials.” But it doesn’t just require the return of classified materials. It also requires the employee to certify that she has “surrendered to responsible officials all unclassified documents and papers relating to the official business of the Government acquired by me while in the employ of the Department.”...

    More at the above link.

    1. Shannen Coffin's got very good information, AOW....thanks for pasting that here....
      We MUST know about this administration and all they've done to cover IRS, F&F, Benghazi, NSA, VA, etc etc....and HIllary's situation looks bad, possibly even dangerous to our country; we just can't keep buying the leftwing media's obfuscations. It's not healthy for our country.

    2. Z,
      I hope that some more visiting this thread will read Coffin's article. Some points there that many may not have considered.

    3. Erratum!

      The article was written by J. Christian Adams.

      Forget the part about Shannen Coffin. Read the article!

  4. I'm not going to defend Hillary. She is an arrogant ambitious Wall St. her husband except more hawkish but apologist and war hawk to boot. Much like her husband but not as hawkish.

    However, when Megyn the Boof Kelly brings a former counsel for Dick freakin' Cheney starts in, well let's remember that serious corruption didn't start with the current administration and paying too much attention to Faux Snooze venting just distracts us from the serious disfunction in our current government.

    Remember, Faux Snooze is not America's friend.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Remember, Fox News is the only place to get both sides of most issues.
      All Americans SHOULD want that....unless you're drooling over one side so hard you just can't bring yourself to care what's true.
      Oh, Kelly had HIM on? And not all Americans (probably less than half) believe Cheney was as bad as you) So you immediately discredit?

    3. Z, can you give me an example of a story that was covered broadly in depth by Fox?
      I maintain that the media situation is such that there is NO source that will give a comprehensive analysis.

      I use a number of sources. One of the my min sources is Democracy Now! but I tend to tune out their coverage on some issues (such as Israel believe it or not) when they become obviously manipulative.

      The best source out there right now, in my opinion, is The New York Review of Books. Very solid.
      Believe it or not I used to read National Review until they became a little bonkers. One of the better conservative sources these days is The Christian Science Monitor and I read that fairly frequently.
      Commentary can be of value but crap like Frontpage or The Blaze is just insulting.

      No TV news is of much value. Most of the blogosphere is fetid crap.
      You have to hunt around.
      Or you can just watch Fox and yak about how it covers both sides. I don't know how you can do that with a straight face.

    4. Actually, I can do that with a straight face because as much as you don't like it, it IS true. I rarely see a piece on FOX where there isn't a liberal chiming in with all the time he needs.

      OH, ya...lots of in depth; Bret Baier, Hume, and others; covering ISIS, specials on the subjects of the day. Plenty.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. By the way, sad to see CNN all in a dither over some Republican congressman's not having noted on a form the photographer he took with him on a business trip. Boy, what are the Left doing, scouring reports, forms, etc? that's SAD.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Thanks z. I asked for an example of their bipartisan reporting and got the usual, "It IS true" (i.e. If I admitted a splinter of doubt it would shatter my world view).

    9. "Or you can just watch Fox and yak about how it covers both sides. "

      Ducky, "both sides' is the label for the facade that you're getting all of the information. Your getting the information that two opposing parties want you to receive.....and framed explicitly in that light. America is being dumbed down and coddled by an utter lack of investigative reporting....and all most people can do is cheer the mouthpiece for their favorite team.

    10. CI,
      "both sides' is the label for the facade that you're getting all of the information

      Yes, indeed. Rarely are there only two sides to any issue.

      America is so politically dumbed down that I see little hope for the future. For all the talk from the education industry about critical thinking, Americans are woefully inept in their thinking skills.

    11. Z,
      I rarely see a piece on FOX where there isn't a liberal chiming in with all the time he needs.

      Certainly more of that on FNC than on other news networks.

      But you know what? The Left will not watch FNC. I've tried to get those on the Left to do so. No go!

    12. Right..but they know ALL about it, nevertheless! They have to stop believing every lib on TV ...it's like idol worship. And dumbs people down.
      AOW...."certainly more" is an understatement.
      By the way, a few leftist friends of mine finally started to give Dennis Prager's radio show a try on their long drives to work and they've become MUCH more centrist, MUCH wiser in their decision making; more open minded. Truly...good stuff.

    13. Ducky: Perhaps you didn't read my comment? I gave examples; and I don't need to educate you with more. YOU look it up. I already know it and have no need to bring you up to date on anything.
      It's always better to get varying opinions....ALWAYS.

      CI: American children are only taught critical thinking in some private schools. There isn't a living human who believes otherwise.

    14. Right..but they know ALL about it, nevertheless! They have to stop believing every lib on TV ...it's like idol worship. And dumbs people down.
      AOW...."certainly more" is an understatement.
      By the way, a few leftist friends of mine finally started to give Dennis Prager's radio show a try on their long drives to work and they've become MUCH more centrist, MUCH wiser in their decision making; more open minded. Truly...good stuff.

    15. Z @ CI,
      American children are only taught critical thinking in some private schools.

      Some is an important word in that context.

      And just what is going on in the institutions of higher learning? Any effort to promote critical thinking skills?

      Recently, some of my homeschool students participated in Prager's Ten Commandments essay contest. Very valuable experience for the students who participated and one that definitely promotes critical thinking (personal application as opposed to regurgitation)! Prager University (online videos and activities) offers a lot of wonderful material.

      I haven't listened to Prager's radio show. I wonder how I can find it?

    16. http://stores.dennisprager.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=DP&Category_Code=01010101

      there's a way to listen, AOW. He's very big here; don't know if you have him locally on a station.
      He has a good website; check it out.
      He's a very devout Jew who thinks if it wasn't for Christians, there'd not be an America......very respectful of Christians; more than many 'Christian'....

    17. I read no comment demonstrating in depth bipartisan coverage at Fox.

      Let me state it again. To believe that a single source is alway true is ridiculous. To insult people while claiming you are widely informed is silly.

    18. Again, where do you get your varying opinions.

      I gave you an idea where I get mine.
      Let's hear it.

    19. Duck,
      All of us practice confirmation bias to a certain extent.

      In my view, we should be reading a variety of sources and, at the same time, recognize that all "news" sources have their own biases.

      Frankly, I'm not enthusiastic about any "news" coverage on television -- except for my local morning news.

    20. AOW - "Recently, some of my homeschool students participated in Prager's Ten Commandments essay contest."

      Kudos. I think the Ten Commandments are an excellent exercise in critical thought...that should be used in public as well as private schools

    21. I can't continue to repeat myself, Ducky...if you can't understand, it's YOUR problem, not mine.

      The day I have to prove anything to you is the day I stop blogging. Thanks.
      One more thing: I don't know why you read The Blaze or anything else like that, but I know you read far leftist drivel, so I shouldn't wonder.
      But it's not WRONG because YOU don't like it....something you will never ever learn.

      good luck

    22. By all means Z, develop your opinions from the same sources as Nostradumbass. After all, he's just sooo smart (lol)

      The other day, I heard "the life of the mind" was calling Ducky. There wasn't an answer, no one was home.

    23. Hi, Warren....yes, that's the goal. When I AGREE with what HE believes, then I'll be SMART :-)

      good to see you here, Warren....xxxx

    24. My comments seem to be posting double....

      Did I catch that from you Z? ;^) Hope you are doing well.

      Nostradumbass is full of himself, always has been. ��

      Hi AOW. I'm keeping an eye out for the troll that calls itself "this one". Since it wanted some attention I decided to give it some. I think it might be someone that was banned before but I haven't checked the logs and IPs to see.

    25. Warren,
      I think that "This One" formerly called itself "Liberalmann."

      Why do some comments post double but others don't?

    26. AOW,

      "Why do some comments post double but others don't?"
      Personal error, server error, mouse error, accidental double click.....

      "Liberalmann", that's what I think. Time to take out the trash.

    27. Warren,
      Double posting must be a server error which affects Z's posts almost exclusively.

  5. The Sword of the Lord said

    Get that traitorous DUCK to SHUT his fat, ugly mouth. He belongs in chains till we can get him to the gallows. I recommend a long drawn out session on the Catherine Wheel before he's drawn and quartered and finally put out of his misery.

    1. Dora Parsimmonie-Spendlow said

      Please stop beating about the bush and tell us how you truly feel. Equivocation is detestable.

    2. Traitorous, Freethinke?

      I love it when you guys throw that word around as if you have a clue.

      Get on the road to Oz, Scarecrow.

    3. Duck and Pseudononymous,
      Take your feud elsewhere. Thank you.

    4. Duck,
      I'm not so sure that you didn't initiate the feud, which started quite a while back at another blog.

  6. Earlier in this thread, Silverfiddle mentioned Bush-Cheney's blunder of biblical proportions in Iraq.

    Now comes this in the Telegraph...Special Report from Libya: How Nato's Toppling of Gaddafi Has Turned to Disaster.

    So, the West never learns about RealPolitick in Islamic regions. **sigh**

    1. These are the kinds of incidents (one carried out by a con, one by a lib) that feed the idea that the presidency is controlled by shadowy elites with their own agenda.

    2. SF,
      Are there controls from shadowy elites with their own agenda? Yes. Something new? No. The shadow government has been around for at least 35 years that I know of. I won't say more than that in a public forum.

  7. Replies
    1. In 1970 John Kerry met secretly with the North Vietnamese in Paris at least twice at the same time that Henry Kissinger was trying to formally to negotiate. At that time, Kerry died not held political office but he was still
      officially a Naval Reserve officer.

      It is against federal law for a private US citizen to negotiate with a foreign power.

      One year later, Kerry was saying that he met with "both" delegations when in reality he had only met with the communist north and the so-called Viet Cong who were only a puppet organization of the Communist North. Kerry also presented the Communist's "7 point plan" which was just basically a plan for the US to surrender and tried to get President Nixon to accept. Thereby he gave aid and comfort to the enemy and committed treason.

      There you have a traitorous jerk appointed as Secretary of state by another jerk that seems bound and determined to give our self sworn enemy nuclear weapons.

    2. Warren,
      Kerry is called "John Fonda Kerry" for a reason, huh?

  8. The bottom line is we're gotten here via 4 democrat presidents since 1963. Not a single non-democrat has turned anything significant back that is now considered a life sucking problem. Education, Energy, now Healthcare, IRS becomes SS, on and on. Until someone does that all I can hope for at present is keeping the beast out of the white house. Imagine that cackling facsimile of satan's butthole for 4 or more years. I'm not just talking about her outward appearance, there is nothing but even more ugliness inside.

    1. Health costs weren't a problem before the ACA?

      Please stop.

      Just what energy problems do we have? Other than consuming too high a level of hydrocarbons.
      Really, let's hear it or are you just blowing smoke?

      You forgot Benghazi.

      Don't want Hillary? Don't nominate a Teabag.

    2. Kid,
      all I can hope for at present is keeping the beast out of the white house

      Can we accomplish that goal?

      You're absolutely correct when you state: The bottom line is we're gotten here via 4 democrat presidents since 1963. Those at the ballot box who vote their entitlements are the major factor now; everybody wants his "free gubmint goodies."

  9. Thanks for that update on the cop shooter in Ferguson:


    I've got to find some time to blog it. But it's SPRING here and the garden is calling....

  10. Found at Mike's America:

    Shooter is a friend of Dorian Johnson, Michael Brown's accomplice in store robbery and the one who spread so many lies about the shooting!

  11. Information You DeserveMarch 17, 2015 at 8:35:00 AM CDT

    It’s the VAST LEFT-WING conspiracy.

    President Obama’s senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.

    But she did so through people outside the administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.

    In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.

    Six separate probes into Hillary’s performance have been going on at the State Department. I’m told that the email scandal was timed to come out just as Hillary was on the verge of formally announcing that she was running for president — and that there’s more to come.

    Members of Bill Clinton’s camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious.

    Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett is the one behind the leak of Hillary Clinton s email scandal as well as other scandals yet to come

    1. Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett is the one behind the leak of Hillary Clinton s email scandal as well as other scandals yet to come

      I don't doubt that.


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