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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

(This blog's most recent political thread is HERE)

(Custom graphic by Stogie of Saber Point)

During this season of Thanksgiving, may we put aside all matters except the counting of our bountiful blessings!

This Thanksgiving 2014, what are you most thankful for?

Don't wait until something or someone you esteem is gone before you feel gratitude for that particular blessing.


  1. You and Mr. AOW have a great Thanksgiving. I do miss that holiday.

  2. I've been estranged from my brother for some time do to his mental illness and we are going to try to get together this Thanksgiving.

    He's been taking his medication and I'm hopeful we can just sit down, chat, have something to eat and watch some football togehter.

    1. I hope that works out well for you, Ducky.


    2. Duck,
      I saw your comment shortly after you published it.

      I don't know quite what to say.

      Mental illness is still quite a mystery, and solutions are iffy at best.

      I hope that you can mend fences with your brother. But if you cannot, know that the problem isn't something that you did or didn't do.

  3. I know you and Mr AOW have plenty to be thankful for. Cherish the fact that you're together! Yes, do NOT wait till a loved one is gone to appreciate them.
    I'm thankful for too much to enumerate here, but I think it's appropriate to thank you for your great work at this blog and your friendship and support over these many years. Happy Thanksgiving, AOW.

    Ducky, I have a cousin who does so well on his meds and has stayed on them recently, so I know something of what you go through. I sincerely hope that your day works out to be a real blessing for you both. Good luck.

  4. I'm thankful that I have a wife and daughters who put up with my deployments, making me feel like a king when I return home.

    That and University of Oregon football.

    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving AOW.

  5. Mr. AOW and I are hoping to go to my cousin's house, where the remainder of most of my family will be gathering. I say "hoping to go" because of (1) the weather and (2) the health of all who will be attending. Mr. AOW and I avoid any gathering where we know in advance that somebody is sniffling or puking. Can't afford to get sick!

  6. I have many blessings and few regrets. Hope you and Mr. AOW have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

  7. ___ Summation ___ 

    Thank God for family.

    Thank God for friends.

    Thank God for life,
Even in strife.

    What a pity it ends
As we're following trends

Before we could hope
To start making amends!


Live and let live,
And above all forgive.

    FreeThinke - 11/23/11

  8. AOW-Happy Thanksgiving, to you, Mr. AOW and all the feline chilluns you have! I will be searching out a restaurant to enjoy brunch with my former client...we maybe searching for awhile! LOL! Aside from that, many blessings and I learned to let go of regrets...life is too short!
    Thanksgiving blessings and joy to all!


    1. TMW! How nice of you to stop by!

      You, my good friend, are one of the people that I am thankful for. What would Mr. AOW and I have done without you in 2010, when you dropped everything to come here to help us get adjusted to life post-stroke?

      Remember how I couldn't at first find you at the airport? We had never met face to face before that day, and it's thanks to blogging that we met at all.

      Hope you find that restaurant that serves a good Thanksgiving brunch!

    2. Hi, you sweet thing! I sure remember what you did for Mr and Mrs AOW! You are a champ....and I wish you a VERY happy Thanksgiving and will be praying you find a perfect place to enjoy with your client!
      Love, Z

  9. Have a great Thanksgiving AOW. Thanks for all you do.

  10. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I'm thankful for being American this year. What a lucky, strange, and wonderful thing to be of this place and time.


    1. Hey, Jersey!

      Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving Day, man

      "Life is a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved."

      And as I said to a set of my cranky contemporaries just yesterday:

      Be of good cheer, dears.
      We're running out of years!

      That goes for you younger folks too.

      It's never a bad idea to count our blessings, and be grateful.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mr AOW. Have a great day.

  12. I'm thankful that gOd has given us free speech and that you use it so well.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your husband.

  13. I'm thankful that people have been pitching in to help AOW.

    And for myself, I had a little surgery this week -- one I'd put off a long time because I have v. bad reactions to anesthesia. When the doctor learned how bad he was willing to try it without (local only) if I could hold very still and stay calm for 20 minutes (1st praise!). The prayers of many made for a steely determination brought me through with no anesthesia (2nd praise!), no 3-month recovery with brain fog and off of work. In fact, I was in the office yesterday. Hallelujah! I just want to sing praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of Creation! And I'm heading outside now to enjoy our beautiful so. California sunshine on a rare quiet day. (3rd praise!)

  14. AOW, I hope your Thanksgiving Day is peaceful and happy.

    1. We had a wonderful dinner at my cousin's house. She is a younger cousin, so "the torch" has now been passed to her.

      She fixed two turkeys (roasted and smoked), two kings of sweet potatoes, two kinds of dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked mac and cheese, and the best apple pie in the world. The younger kids did too much shrieking, but were otherwise well behaved. The four dogs (bull dog, English Lab, golden/yellow lab crossbreed, and aged Dachshund) ate well, too.

      Mr. AOW had a bit of trouble, so we were unable to go to the second Thanksgiving feast -- one given by one of my clients, who is also a personal friend.

      I slept in this morning. Turkey coma!


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