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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Revealed! Politician Without Makeup

With a hat tip to Kid for the video below:

Remember to vote for the goat of your choice on Tuesday. Heh.


  1. good one!
    By the way, I'm hoping too many illegals aren't reading your blog. We don't need MORE illegals to 'remember to vote,' even for the liberal ass of their choice. The news on fraud isn't good. We warned, but nobody's cared.

  2. Well, talking about illegals AOW, the deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which has struck thousands of American children and even killing some of them was directly linked to the un-caring open boarders of President Obama's stupidly and without legal authority doing, to allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children from Mexico. and Central Americans across the Texas border.And the sad part about it is that I don't expect it will be fixed until we have a Republican President either.
    I hold Barack Hussein Obama directly responsible for the spread of this sickness in the United States. Every dead, paralyzed and sick American child is the victim of his lust for political power at any cost.
    HE and HE alone IS responsible. He's the worst President in American history. Maybe in galactic history too. Who ever thought we'd have an anti-American Communist supporter of Islamofascism in office doing his best to destroy our country! And further more. I hold these uncaring, power hungry, ignorant Obama worshiping sheep, Democrats, Libertards, and especially these “DING-BAT Progressive’s, that voted for him responsible. They are just as guilty.

    And these DINGBATS sit at their computers all day log and bitch and moan about George Bush, and Sarah Palin! What a farce you STUPID people are. They don’t even care about the information that is reality, they just call news casters from Fox News names. Yeah Right, That’ll do it..

    1. Libtards need to restart at kindergarten, or maybe a lower life form and try again...

    2. Kid, Online Trading Academy wants your diploma back.

  3. I have a comment about Obama, I did not vote for this president. Any if you ask why, I’ll be more than happy to tell you.
    He has failed us badly, in so many ways. I am sick of him, and all his ways. what can we do??? his stand on islam is scary and he is ill informed, wake up Mr president?

    I am a Christian member of the Republican party and I am proud of it ok ,what are you doing to save our country.? Why not rise up speak ,or soon we will see many other sad things going on.
    he is not my leader, and I know exactly how it is to live under a fascist state, lived ij France through WW11.

  4. Well I missed that one. I thought that was one of the 72 virgins.

  5. Oops! I accidentally removed Z's comment, an excellent response to a fool who insulted my good friend Odie.

    Here is Z's comment:

    see, that's your problem, isn't it. "old rich white freaks who are supposedly typical Tea Bag party members" can be REAL smart, too. And are. Another mistake is assuming anything about bloggers without knowing them at all. I know you tend to vote that way, too, but it isn't helpful.
    But, seriously....at least Odie has the guts to have a blog.
    I don't blame you for your agenda, but you might want to be setting an example which at least tries to make liberals not look quite so unfair or mean spirited.

  6. I really thought it was him without the makeup and teleprompter...

  7. Wanna see a politician WITH makeup?

    btw - From now on, whenever an ebola case reached our country, it should be properly called a case of Obola. After all, our President has insisted that HIS ebola prevention strategy is scientifically infallible. And since its' infallible, ebola can never infect Americans. Only another virus, a "mutated" virus like Obola can do that!

    1. Come on Farmer, you want to quarantine every frat brat who blows chnks at a kegger?

      Get a grip.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The science ain't looking too good for Kaci and the "adults". :(

    4. Obama will get impeached if the worstcase US ebola numbers materialize.

    5. Won't happen. The spineless GOP has failed to hold POTUS accountable under actual cases of abuse of Executive authority.

    6. ...and if I were al Qaeda, I would guarantee that the worst case US numbers happen.

    7. 130 dead Americans by year end? When he could just quarantine West Africa travellers? The American people won't forgive that "arrogant" type of stupidity.

    8. "The American people won't forgive that "arrogant" type of stupidity."

      Sure they will......they voted in Obama.....twice.

    9. This reminds me of the AIDS hysteria in the U.S. (correct me if I'm wrong but you're still hysterical) and everyone was worked up calling for a quarantine of all AIDS patients.
      Somewhat understandable initially since the disease was not understood but EBOLA is well understood and health professionals are better policy makes tha Christie, Cuomo and LePage.

      Kudos to Kaci Hickox for telling those morons to take it in the ear.

    10. @Farmer -- 130 dead Americans by year end?

      Well the epidemic has been active most of the year and the total is zero so it better get cracking.

    11. Thersites,
      he could just quarantine West Africa travellers

      Maybe this is why he is set against quarantine:

      ...Holdren gave a clear indication of his philosophical views in the 1977 book Ecoscience, which he co-authored with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. In its pages, the authors noted, "The neo-Malthusiasn view proposes...population limitation and redistribution of wealth." They concluded, "On these points, we find ourselves firmly in the neo-Malthusian camp" (p. 954).

      Economist Thomas Malthus is one of the most literally anti-human theorists in human history. He viewed overpopulation as the fount of all woe, but one which could be staunched with enough blood. In "An Essay on the Principle of Population" Malthus wrote, "All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons...if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use...and court the return of the plague." Like their intellectual forebear, Holdren and the Ehrlichs proposed their own acceptable sacrifice to the environment....

    12. I have no doubt that it is Obama's intention to use America as the world's "base" from which the fight against ebola will be conducted.

      While I have much sympathy for the West African situation, the Canadians were wise enough to close their borders and protect their citizens.

      Many Americans are going to die in this effort. It is disingenuous to keep the truth from them.

      Well the epidemic has been active most of the year and the total is zero so it better get cracking.

      The total number of cases more than doubles every three weeks, ducky. By the end of January, the number of ebola cases in Africa is projected to be over a million.

      The world's response has been insufficient to stop the breakout of this disease. Unless thousands of health care workers in America are IMMEDIATELY conscripted into the fight, it will be lost, and millions will die.

    13. Where is Europe? The voluntary "Doctors w/o Borders" model isn't working any more. It broke when the disease hit the cities.

    14. Barcelona (AFP) - Ebola has wiped out whole villages in Sierra Leone and may have caused many more deaths than the nearly 5,000 official global toll, a senior coordinator of the medical aid group MSF said Friday.

      Rony Zachariah of Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, said after visiting Sierra Leone that the Ebola figures were "under-reported", in an interview with AFP on the sidelines of a medical conference in Barcelona.

      "The situation is catastrophic. There are several villages and communities that have been basically wiped out. In one of the villages I went to, there were 40 inhabitants and 39 died," he said.

      The World Health Organization (WHO) published revised figures on Friday showing 4,951 people have died of Ebola and there was a total of 13,567 reported cases.

      "The WHO says there is a correction factor of 2.5, so maybe it is 2.5 times higher and maybe that is not far from the truth. It could be 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000," said Zachariah.

      He stressed that "whole communities have disappeared but many of them are not in the statistics. The situation on the ground is actually much worse."

      He added that in some places the local healthcare systems were overwhelmed.

      "You have one nurse for 10,000 people and then you lose 10, 11, 12 nurses. How is the health system going to work?"

      After isolated cases in Europe, "we might get a vaccine and a treatment... but even now we need to go much faster because the clock is ticking," he said. "We want action now."

      The author of these statements specialty is Operational Research, which involves computer simulation and prediction. He works for Doctors w/o Borders. He's admitting his model is broken and the numbers of actual cases that they have are under-reported.

    15. Thersites,
      Many Americans are going to die in this effort. It is disingenuous to keep the truth from them.

      If Americans do start dying from Ebola despite PPE, I look for nurses to walk away from their careers. Every nurse whom I personally know is "into life" and, at the same time, unwilling to lay down her own life -- particularly when inept administrations (federal and hospital) aren't doing everything possible to protect nurses.

      And one more thing....The first child who dies of Ebola in America is going to cause a huge outcry. Children do catch Ebola too.

    16. Thersites,
      Those words from Rony Zachariah are grim.

      Meanwhile, Americans continue blithely on -- until that can't, that is.

    17. The point is that Obama has already conscripted America in the ebola battle, but hasn't the political fortitude to make the political case for it to the American people. He's going to let the disease, and the number of US fatalities, eventually make it for him. By then, it will likely be "too late".

      And yes, many nurses would walk away from the challenge. But if he made his case today, thousands would "enlist" and receive "commissions". All they would need is a financial incentive and a guarantee that their jobs will be waiting for them when they return (like a Reservist).

      In a month's time, it will be too late to save anyone. Ebola is already rapidly breaking out of the West African hot zone.


    Rejoice, Give Thanks and SIng.

  9. We are living in Orwellian times:

    CDC Removed Info On Coughing And Sneezing From Ebola Q&A

    One of the maddening aspects of living in the Digital Age is the constant revisionism. It's Orwell's Ministry of Truth!

  10. Can anyone here confirm or debunk the information in this article: DOD personnel to handle Ebola bodies?

    1. The information I have, still stipulates the US forces involved OP United Assistance, will not be handling Ebola patients, their bodies, or medical waste. That said, it's not imprudent to train those involved in proper procedures.

    2. The training is merely indicative of the Administration's pre-panned "Mission Creep".

    3. To be blunt, AOW, the fact that it is only being "reported" by World News Daily pretty much voids it.

    4. Duck,
      Surely you have observed that I very rarely link to WND; I am wary of the WND's reliability. However, as Thersites points out, the DOD confirms. And, yes, I did check for the confirmation before I posted the link. "Evidence" is my middle name.

  11. Drusilla the Dreadful said

    Great Idea. Isolate, Interrogate, Incarcerate, Incinerate, Obliterate, Eradicate.

    Let's dance to it.

    Only Death can save us from Disease.


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