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Friday, January 6, 2012

The Present Constitutional Crisis

Listen to the brief audio HERE.


  1. I can't believe Harry Reid is being such a lapdog on this. There was a time when congress, especially the Senate, jealously guarded its prerogatives, regardless of party.

    That is what is lacking here. The entire senate should have stood up and threatened to impeach Obama for abrogating the constitution.

  2. The Republicans in Congress don't seem concerned about this, "no big deal.." my foot!

    Right Truth

  3. I always find it hard to read items from CNS when they have this big section saying how they are not funded by government like NPR etc, but they are most certainly a hard-Right unquestionably-there-to-vote-in-Republicans journal.

    If there is anything I pine for is independant old-school textbook journalism.

    It becomes difficult to pull out the smoke, add-ons, inuendos, tearing up of context and sift out actual facts.

    Be sure there are two or three sides to this story, I doubt very much that with expert adivsors on the payroll that the President of the US would so easily break the rules....

  4. D Charles,
    Well, Obama has stated on more than one occasion that he doesn't have much regard for the Constitution. He even said so in a State of the Union Message when he crossed the line of separation of powers and criticized a ruling from the United States Supreme Court.

    I could have found Mark Levin's commentary at a site other than CNS but didn't have the time to look.

    And, frankly, I don't take issue with CNS, anyway.

  5. Silverfiddle and Debbie,
    Whatever happened to the principles of federalism?

  6. This has NOTHING to do with Federalism.

    Now, recess appointments are Constitutionally mandated. No issue there.

    What will happen here is a court decision on whether the Senate MINORITY can block exercise of that right through a rather obvious maneuver.

    So we will move along, hopefully without the nonsense of calling this an impeachable offense.

    One thing about the right, they sure can whine.

    Obama has decided to force that challenge. Nothing out of line here.

  7. Sf mentions that he cannot imagine Reid being a lapdog, how about the Levin video where he goes along in supporting Obama detention of American citizens.

    Once Obama’s officials saw the text though, says Levin, “the administration asked us to remove the language which says that US citizens and lawful residents would not be subject to this section.”

  8. Duck,
    THIS is incorrect?

    The Senate is not currently in recess, and the Congress did not give Obama the power to name the head of CFPB without Senate approval. Nonetheless, Obama has appointed Cordray without the constitutionally mandated Senate approval.

  9. As I said, AOW. This is a challenge to what constitutes "in session". There is no Senate business being conducted and this blocking is headed for court review.

    Absolutely nothing amiss except right wingers whining that they aren't getting their way.

  10. Duck,
    Think about this contradiction. Or don't you see it as a contradiction?

  11. In that case Senate business was performed. Yes I see a difference and we'll see if SCOTUS wants a crack at this.

    We've been going through this sort of thing for a while as both sides fail to compromise. Myself, I think the Republicans are the worst offenders. When you have the likes of Jim DeMint putting a filibuster on all legislation and requiring a super majority to conduct business it may be time to look at whether the Senate can function under the current rules.

    There's a serious problem and it deserves a better discussion than the kneejerk junk from rabies radio hacks like Levin.

  12. The whole point is that Obama spits on the constitution and has never adhered to it. He does as he pleases and everyone just steps aside.

    I am curious as to why the Republicans aren't doing a darn thing.

    This isn't Obamaland, it is still America and the president is a civil servant not the other way around.

  13. Wrap your mind around THIS:

    Dem NLRB ‘recess’ appointments rushed, don’t appear on White House nominee list

    The two Democrats that President Barack Obama appointed to the National Labor Relations Board during what he considered a congressional “recess” are not on the White House’s official list of Obama’s appointments and nominations for various positions.

    Obama referred his two Democratic nominees, Sharon Block and Richard Griffin, to the Senate on Dec. 15. The Senate adjourned for the year – but did not go into an official recess — on the following day.

    WhiteHouse.gov tracks the status of all of Obama’s appointments and nominations. Block and Griffin do not appear on that list — a sign that the administration rushed the recess appointments through too quickly for the Senate to even consider them.

    “It’s hard to argue that the Senate was obstructing these Democratic nominees when they don’t even appear on the administration’s own list of nominations and appointments,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce labor policy specialist Glenn Spencer told The Daily Caller.

    Pres Clinton’s justice department, and SCOTUS both ruled that a recess must be > 3 days to be considered a recess. Neither side of the legislature has been out of session for more than 2 days.

  14. Duck,
    There's a serious problem and it deserves a better discussion than the kneejerk junk from rabies radio hacks like Levin.

    We may agree there.

    I think you can see that if Obama has indeed violated the Constitution and gets away with it, then the next time the GOP takes office, the same thing will happen.

    Thus, the principles of abiding by the Constitution will be out the window, and those dissenting to the ruling political party will be up the creek -- without a paddle or a life jacket.

  15. Leticia,
    the president is a civil servant not the other way around

    And that's true of Congress as well!

    It seems to me that America has become a political oligarchy!

  16. "It seems to me that America has become a political oligarchy!"

    WOW, AOW! That has to be the biggest understatement in the blogosphere.

    That's what we've been subjected to all our lives -- and long before. It's reaching critical mass right now, and that's why many of us are finally starting to take notice.

    "When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here.
    A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists...acting together to enslave the world...Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is--the Fed has usurped the government."

    "It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge the rulers of us all."

    ~ Congressman Louis McFadden House Committee on Banking and Currency Chairman (1920-31)

    [NOTE: Two assassination attempts were made on Mcfadden, one with gunshot and another with poison.]

    ~ FreeThinke

  17. The GOP is aghast with an appointment for a position THAT THEY CREATED! More political theater from Republicons.

    Stewart takes them to task:

  18. The Obama administration is some 30 appointments which the GOP is blocking. Like they care about America. Not.

  19. "The Obama administration is some 30 appointments which the GOP is blocking. Like they care about America. Not."

    You are making the (frankly absurd) assumption that whatever President Obama -- or the Democrats in congress -- want to do is necessarily "good" for America.

    I wonder, would you make the same assumption if a Republican president were in power?

    ~ FreeThinke

  20. "Democracies are most frequently corrupted by the insolence of demagogues."

    If Barack Obama doesn't qualify as a "demagogue," I can't think who would, can you?

    BELIEVE me this man is a "plant" -- a Trojan Horse sort of creature -- who has been skillfully maneuvered into the White House by "The Establishment" to serve the not-so-secret agenda of The Oligarchs too few want to believe exist.

    He has been deliberately placed there -- as were Bush, the First, BJ Klintoon and dear ol' "Dumbya" to help WRECK what-is-left of our Constitutional, Representative Republic.

    Whether you believe it or not, we ARE being moved ever-so-slowly, but ever-so-surely towards ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT -- a dictatorship, of course.

    Just wait and see how good it will feel to share equal status with Hottentots, Bedouins, the Asiatic Hordes, and Penguins in Antarctica. If you're lucky maybe you'll get to share an ice flow with one of the last. I understand the Penguins have a pleasant disposition and deserve to be classified among Nature's Noblemen.

    I can't believe how glad I am that my life is nearing its end. I'm even gladder that I never had children, because their future isn't going to be worth a Confederate Dollar, if the process we are undergoing is not checked soon by radical action.

    And I AIN'T talkin' 'bout the Electoral Process, which is now so corrupt and so compromised as to be meaningless.

    What is this Oligarchy" to which I refer?

    What else could it be but the result of Crony Capitalism run amok on a global scale?

    Oh yes, Virginia, the Oligarchy EXISTS. It lives wherever Blind Ambition, Greed, Vanity, Complacency and Ignorance meet in an atmosphere of mutual acceptance.

    ~ FreeThinke

  21. AOW, until this is ruled on by the courts he hasn't violated a damn thing.

    Neither your opinion nor mine has the force of law.

  22. So Ducky you actually DO subscribe to the notion that we are not ruled by three co-equal branches of government in a representative republic bound by a Constitution, but instead by a Judicial OLIGARCHY.

    I am disappointed, but hardly surprised.

    ~ FreeThinke

  23. FreeThinke,
    Yes, my statement was one of understatement.

    As you pointed out:

    That's what we've been subjected to all our lives -- and long before. It's reaching critical mass right now, and that's why many of us are finally starting to take notice.

    We have indeed reached the point that this oligarchy is "in our faces." How anyone can ignore what's happening is beyond me.

    I noted yesterday that a photoshop of Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette was
    deemed racist by the LA Times, and HERE is one blogger's dissection of the matter.

    Is every criticism of the Obamas "racist" now?

    When no criticism of those in or around the seat of power is tolerated, then the oligarchy is blatant for all to see.

  24. Duck,

    Neither your opinion nor mine has the force of law.

    True enough.

    However, you might want to reconsider the following statement you made:

    until this is ruled on by the courts he hasn't violated a damn thing

    If you need me to clarify what I mean by clarify, let me know. I'm thinking beyond if a tree falls in a deserted forest, does that tree make any noise? Rather I'm thinking if a tree falls in a deserted forest and nobody mentions the fall, has the tree not fallen at all?

  25. FreeThinke,
    BELIEVE me this man is a "plant" -- a Trojan Horse sort of creature -- who has been skillfully maneuvered into the White House by "The Establishment" to serve the not-so-secret agenda of The Oligarchs too few want to believe exist.

    He has been deliberately placed there -- as were Bush, the First, BJ Klintoon and dear ol' "Dumbya" to help WRECK what-is-left of our Constitutional, Representative Republic.

    I'm not sure that I'd go that far. But from the time I was old enough to understand anything about politics, I heard conservatives speak of "the one world government," including various groups the names of which I cannot recall on one cup of coffee. I'm sure that you know that names of those groups. Was the Trilateral Commission one of the names?

    Was all that just conspiracy theory? It surely seemed so at the time -- but that was a long time ago (50s and 60s, maybe).

    BTW, "one world government" has now morphed into the term "the new world order," I think. Was that a term that George H.W. Bush used?

  26. Liberalmann,
    The Obama administration is some 30 appointments which the GOP is blocking.

    Puhleeze! Read the Constitution. The political process is supposed to be slow.

  27. FreeThinke,
    About Louis McFadden, from Wikipedia:

    McFadden also claimed that Wall Street bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution through the Federal Reserve banks and the European central banks with which it cooperated.

    Didn't Solzhenitsyn say something similar?

  28. I'm not fan of Glenn Beck, but I found THIS VIDEO worth watching. The cheering crowds are, well, something else.

  29. Good morning, AOW, thank you for your understanding and willingness to discuss this long held Open Secret. The idea of a "plot" to establish One World Government or a New World Order (the same thing) seems preposterous and far-fetched to most normal people who believe the USA -- like England -- is immortal and indestructible, and will always be here.

    Not so!

    Tom Paine said it early on:

    "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must ... undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

    Freedom never has and never will be "free." We've been extremely lackadaisical since the end of WWII. We were the only nation who had The Bomb then. We had just won a great victory over the forces of darkness. We earnestly believed in our own rectitude. everything was coming up roses, and we felt invincible -- the sky was the limit.

    All the while the "termites" variously called "Progressives," "Liberals," Socialists," Marxists," Communists," "Fascists," -- whatever -- were busily chewing away at the foundation of our liberty, working to destroy the essence of our IDENTITY as a people.

    It doesn't matter what we CALL them, they all represent DESPOTISM disguised as "benevolence."

    It's only recently that I've begun to realize that "The Enemy" is not some far off "foreign" power, but the most powerful, dominant, ruthlessly ambitious segments of our own society working to establish an INTERNATIONAL society.

    The groups you refer to are called The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, The Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The International Order of Freemasons.

    There has been a lot of nonsense published on the subject, and most standard reference works dismiss it as “conspiracy theory” or a “popular culture genre of fiction” etc., but there’s just too much smoke for there not to be a fire at the heart of it.

    Hear the words of David Rockefeller:

    “Some... believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others… to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
    If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
    "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order."

    -- David Rockefeller speaking at a UN Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994
    "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

     David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

    It’s never been a “secret,” AOW, but it’s true meaning has been too easily obscured by promoting the Marxist-Progressive-Internationalist agenda as “for the betterment of all mankind.” Sophistry can be very powerful, indeed.

    ~ FreeThinke

  30. I watched the Glenn Beck video, AOW, and have to say that while I dislike his style intensely, just about everything he presents is irrefutable. The willfully blind ideologues will loudly decry it, but they can NOT refute it.

    That red telephone never rang once during any of the broadcasts I saw.

    Still, I wonder if Beck, himself, isn't part of the "plot," because his stridency and bizarre theatrical manner is so off-putting most intelligent educated people just dismiss what he has to say out of hand without really listening to it.

    Presenting the truth in a preposterously goofy, grotesquely clownish fashion would be an extremely clever way of convincing people it couldn't possibly BE true.

    Food for thought if nothing else ...

    ~ Freethinke

  31. As Savage just said, the dictator is coming out of his chrysalis.

  32. FT,
    David Rockefeller! Yes, I remember those speeches. I read something about them at the time -- and dismissed what I was reading as conspiracy theory.

    When GWB was elected in 2000, one of my mother's friends said, "This is no real victory. He is [I can't recall the exact words, maybe "part of the one world government"]." I put off her words as the ravings of an old woman -- although she didn't die until 2010 or 2011 at the age of 95 or so.

    I've also noticed that many who talk about The Trilateral Commission, etc., are 9/11 Truthers. I don't believe that 9/11-truther stuff.

    About Glenn Beck, you said:

    I wonder if Beck, himself, isn't part of the "plot," because his stridency and bizarre theatrical manner is so off-putting most intelligent educated people just dismiss what he has to say out of hand without really listening to it.

    I don't view Beck as part of any plot. But his very mannerisms and methods of delivery, as well as some of the strange things he has said, do not lead to his overall credibility. In fact, if I'ms having a discussion with a liberal or a Leftist and says anything similar to what Beck has said, then I lose all credibility too. **sigh** I have frequently engaged in such discussions with my neighbor from Canada; it's now reached the point that we're better off not discussing politics at all.

  33. Good morning again, AOW.

    Yes. Emily Dickinson has functioned first as the Big Sister I never had. and later developed into a lifelong companion and cherished "confidante."

    The relationship started when I discovered her in a high school English anthology at age 14. By now I have read all her poems and letters, and committed much of her verse to memory. I even set 20 of her poems to music for high voice and piano many years ago. Unfortunately, the MS was lost when the briefcase holding it was stolen when some thug broke into my car.

    I have no one but myself to blame for that. It was downright idiotic to leave anything so precious unattended on the front seat of an automobile in New York City. A personal tragedy and a harsh "life lesson," believe me.

    I believe that all knowledge originates with astute observation, imagination and most of all with intuition.

    No data has any meaning without the insight and wisdom needed to interpret it properly. Emily's life, as a semi-recluse spent almost entirely in Amherst, Massachusetts, proves -- to me -- that understanding of the human condition primarily comes from within.

    After all, the Bible says, "The Kingdom of God is within you."

    One could easily spend several lifetimes trying to understand exactly what that means.

    Thornton Wilder through the character of the Stage Manager in Our Town said very few realize how wonderful life is while they are living it -- "Only the saints and poets do some," he said.

    There's more truth in poetry (and high quality fiction) than in any dry recital of assembled facts -- or so I believe.

    ~ FreeThinke

    PS: "Why do the nations so furiously rage together, and why do the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord." - Bass aria, Messiah by George Frederick Handel. ;-) - FT

  34. FT,
    You are an expert in Emily Dickinson, then. A good kind of expert to be.

    I was late in discovering her work. For some crazy reason, my high-school English teachers didn't like Dickinson's work!

    There's more truth in poetry (and high quality fiction) than in any dry recital of assembled facts -- or so I believe.

    Absolutely! I impress this fact upon my literature students during every class session.

  35. AOW, if "all that" is just "conspiracy theory," what do those quotations from David Rockefeller and McFadden (and many others) mean?

    Do you think these man was just talking through their hats?

    Oh well, even if the majority of people believed it, there's probably nothing anyone could do about it now anyway. The Oligarchs hold ALL the cards. We the People have been left to watch the Punch and Judy Show that is American Politics today -- a show designed, I believe, to distract us from what is REALLY going on.

    I don't believe it will make a particle of difference if Obama stays in or Romney or any other the other "RINOS" get elected. It will just be more of the same, business as usual, as it has been for decades.

    It's discouraging.

    ~ FreeThinke

    PS: I didn't say Glenn Beck WAS part of a "plot," I said it's easy to believe MIGHT be because of his off-putting mannerisms. - FT

  36. FT,
    if "all that" is just "conspiracy theory," what do those quotations from David Rockefeller and McFadden (and many others) mean?

    Do you think these man was just talking through their hats?

    At the time, I wasn't on the Internet, of course. So I couldn't "SEE" proof of what these fellows were saying. Plus, we didn't have the ailing economy that we do now.

    The Oligarchs hold ALL the cards.

    Exactly. And, as you mentioned, the distractions are ever before the people. Not to mention the mainstream media's complicity -- or ignorance. Whichever really makes no difference.


    I hope to continue this discussion later. Right now, I need to rest. I think that I'm coming down with a cold!

    But I certainly am enjoying this discussion. Thank you, FT!

  37. Thank you. AOW. Most people wouldn't know Emily Dickinson from Emily Post, so it's a pleasure to know someone who understands her value as a unique voice in world literature. I'm hardly an expert on her work, but consider myself a devoted admirer.

    Amazing how someone who died more than fifty years before i was born could become a "soulmate," but she has. The miracle of spiritual communication, which could very well turn out to be the best kind of communication possible.

    I hope your cold doesn't develop. May I please suggest you keep ZICAM melt-in-your-mouth tablets on hand always, and take one IMMEDIATELY whenever you feel the first sign of a cold coming on? ZICAM doesn't pay me to help promote their product, but I can tell you it has worked wonders for me. I haven't had a cold in several years. I credit that to ZICAM -- and yes it Rush Limbaugh who put me onto it.

    ~ FreeThinke

    PS: I admire your ability to remain detached from the nasty little skirmishes that erupt from time to time. Detachment is a skill I am acquiring at an advanced age, albeit very slowly. - FT

  38. Though I find many of the comments interesting and worth debate, I do not at all subscribe the notion that there is a plot for "one world government". I consider that notiion to be a conspiracy theory of the likes of "clash of civilization" and is a self-supporting notion to be used as an excuse to support other agendas.

    If anything continual events, particularly over the last 30 plus years has proven the fragility, independance, inconsistancies and base-human desire for power that brings such a concept or goal to its knees. From the idea of peace after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union up to the failure of unity within the European Union itself - it just will not happen.

    I would support the notion that there are a clique of oligarchs that wish, want and do dominate so much, and that they - not individual politicans or parties are responsible for the financial disasters that we currently face - but that is as far as it gets and if anything, they are now paying the price and are exposed.

    There most certainly is more than two sides to every story and that is the most important thing to remember - like a police or judicial investigation - opportunity, motive, defining culpability, who is the victim and who benefits must be considered.

    When one can get to that, the story is always very different and almost always more complex than one thinks.

    Free Thinkie, please do not consider this a mark of disrespect, I happen to like your postings and the majority of what you write. In this case, I simply do not agree.


  39. FT,
    I have a little booklet of Dickinson's poems. Also, all of my literature classes do study a bit of her work. Good stuff!

    I'm thinking about heading to the pharmacy in a few minutes to get ZICAM, provided, of course, that one can take it without elevating blood pressure (for which I'm already medicated). I have a throbbing headache, usually a harbinger of a terrible cold coming on.

    I admire your ability to remain detached from the nasty little skirmishes that erupt from time to time.

    Those 40 years of moderating classroom discussions, I guess. Plus, age does have its advantages.

    Now, if I am the target, I do revert to scorched earth mode. I try not to do so as that only elevates my blood pressure.

  40. D Charles,
    If anything continual events, particularly over the last 30 plus years has proven the fragility, independance, inconsistancies and base-human desire for power that brings such a concept or goal to its knees.

    Usually, yes. Unless the gain of wealth and/or power overrides individual selfishness so that group think dominates. Think of what I'm saying as as kind of symbiosis.

  41. Good thread, thanks, all.

    Feel better, Always. xxx

  42. Z,

    I hope this doesn't morph into a full-blown cold. Shortly, my British Literature class tackles the full version of Milton's Paradise Lost. It does require concentration to read Milton!

  43. AOW- this is a horrid time of year to get a cold, so I hope you get better!

    My view of the 'one world government' is odd. While I have heard the phrase often enough to not think of it as an odd or bad statement, the idea that a massive group of people rule the government(s) seems a little absurd. I may be wrong- I haven't researched this in the slightest- but based on what you guys are saying it seems like a case of man groups with similar goals, and in 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend' they help each other succeed. And while I haven't heard of any group besides the Freemasons (conspiracy 101 will let you know about those guys), one thing I saw intrigued me; the idea that Obama was a puppet of these guys. Can't say anything (lol, I say that allot) about the others, but he did always strike me as a front for something else- man is too stupid to be elected otherwise, especially since the Dems had almost guaranteed victory in 08 (unless the Democratic Party really are stupid)

    Only other note is on Beck: Personally, I don't find him off-setting in the slightest, and he is certainly easier to understand (and listen to) than most other tv/radio hosts. Then again, I'm younger than most here, and am used to a sound-bite media, so take from that what you will.


  44. Wildstar,
    If this head cold continues as it's been progressing, I won't be in good voice to teach classes. Guess that I'll have to do less talking than usual. **wink**

    Thanks for your take on Glenn Beck. The difference in perception may well be an age thing.

    In many respects, Beck is a showman. Matches the politicians today, huh?

    As for the one world government, that idea has been around for a long time. The earliest proponent of it in the Oval Office was Woodrow Wilson, I think.

    Hey, you know what you should read? Liberal Fascism. You're up to the challenging of reading that book!

  45. AOW: I hope you're feeling better!

    I've been listening to Beck since right after 9-11. He is a lot less the humorist/ commentator he used to be; his style now is a bit too crying/ doom and gloom to stomach for three hours a day, five days a week.

    That said, he has long decried Wilson and has promoted Liberal Fascism. I believe the author of said book has been on his show, too.

  46. I wish the Republicans in Congress would make a bigger deal out of this too. Letting Obama get away with it sets a terrible precedent.

    I think it also shows Obama's weakness that he felt this was the only way to get his appointees into office. He knows they would not be approved by Congress, and he's lost the ability to persuade and sway them.

  47. Tom!

    It's been a while, huh?

    Yes, the Republicans in Congress do need to make a bigger deal out of this. It's astounding to me that Congress, both sides of the aisle, shows such willingness to cede Constitutional power. I think that we're watching the death of federalism!

    You make an interesting point about Obama's loss of ability to persuade. However, his minions, including the media, are promoting his violation of the Constitution as "doing something to get America back on track."

    I will not devolve into comparisons with Hitler -- though those comparisons do come to mind.


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