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Friday, January 13, 2012

Check These Graphs

From Infidel Bloggers Alliance: but you may need to be taking anti-depressants not to crash and burn:

How is economic recovery possible?

Add to the above the following from News Bleat, words that spell political doom for a free America, an America that adheres to the checks and balances of our Constitution:
...the excesses [Barack Obama] gets away with in even one term will be repeated by a Republican president if elected. I have never seen one single reversal of gained power in my life.


  1. Wow:

    Obamanomics: Economic Recovery Results In 1,000,000 Lost Workers…

    Epic fail.

  2. Prozac for everyone. It will be put in the drinking water next!! Wait-- am I being monitored>? The problem is we have never suffered tyranny before. Let us hope we wake up soon.

  3. We are in Alice in Wonderland territory...

  4. Chart #5 is what Barry meant when he said the other day that "EPA Regulations create jobs."

    “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

  5. The govt. employee chart is crazy, but if it's any consolation, the more they hire, the quicker that miserable beast will starve and consume itself.

  6. It is depressing. Jobs in other areas, such as engineering and graphic design can be outsourced. It's not all gloom and doom, though. American workers are more efficient than most foreign workers, and produce higher quality goods. We can be competitive.

  7. Decades ago Noel Coward wrote this very funny-but-oh-so-sad satirical song. The answer to Coward's question is found in the way we conduct the affairs of state today.

    I hope you enjoy the words. They're brilliant.


    Life today is hectic.
    Our world is running away.
    Only the wise can recognize
    The process of decay.
    All our dialectic
    Is quite unable to say
    Whether we’re on the beam or not,
    Whether we’ll rise supreme or not,
    Whether this new regime or not
    Is leading us astray.

    We all have Frigidaires, radios,
    Television and movie shows
    To shield us from the ultimate abyss.
    We have our daily bread neatly cut,
    Every modern convenience but
    The question that confronts us all is this:

    What’s going to happen to the children
    When there aren’t any more grown-ups?
    Having been injected
    With some rather peculiar glands
    Darling Mum’s gone platinum
    And dances to all the rhumba bands.
    The songs that she sings at twilight
    Would certainly be the highlight
    For some of those claques that Elsa Maxwell
    Takes around in yachts.
    Rockabye, rockabye, rockabye my darlings,
    Mother requires a few more shots.
    Does it amuse the tiny mites
    To see their parents high as kites?
    What’s, what’s, what’s
    Going to happen to the tots?

    Life today’s neurotic, a ceaseless battle we wage;
    Millions are spent to circumvent
    The march of middle age.
    The fact that we grab each new narcotic
    Can only prove in the end

    Whether our hormones gel or not
    Whether our cells rebel or not,
    Whether we’re blown to hell or not,
    We’ll all be round the bend
    From taking Benzedrine, Dexamyl,
    Every possible sleeping pill
    To knock us out or knock us into shape.
    We all have shots for this, shots for that,
    Shots for making us thin or fat,
    But there’s one problem that we can’t escape.

    What’s going to happen to the children
    When there aren’t any more grown-ups?
    Thanks to plastic surgery and uncle’s abrupt demise,
    Dear Aunt Rose has changed her nose
    But doesn’t appear to realize
    The pleasures that once were heaven
    Look silly at sixty-seven,
    And youthful allure you can’t procure
    In terms of perms and pots.
    So lullaby, lullaby, lullaby my darlings,
    Try not to scratch those large red spots,
    Think of the shock when mummie’s face
    Is lifted from its proper place,
    What’s, what’s, what’s going to happen to the tots?

    What’s going to happen to the children
    When there aren’t any more grown-ups?
    It’s bizarre when grandmamma,
    Without getting out of breath
    Starts to jive at eighty-five
    And frightens the little ones to death.
    The police had to send a squad car
    When daddy got fried on vodka
    And tied a tweed coat round Mummy’s throat
    In several sailor’s knots.
    Hushabye, hushabye, hushabye my darlings,
    Try not to fret and wet your cots.
    One day you’ll clench your tiny fists
    And murder your psychiatrists.
    What’s, what’s, what’s
    Going to happen to the tots?

    Submitted by FreeThinke

  8. FT,
    taking Benzedrine, Dexamyl,
    Every possible sleeping pill
    To knock us out or knock us into shape.

    Not long ago, I sat down to table with a group of my peers. A real hen party.

    Everyone of them except for me was on Prozac or the like -- so as to be able to cope with life.


    Certainly, I have a lot to cope with. The family doc offered me an anti-depressant. I refused. Who needs yet another pill in the mix? Besides, taking an anti-depressant (I'm not suicidal or even close to being so!) will not change the facts of life here, particularly that fact of life that I'm consigned to Herculean caregiving tasks.

    BTW, most of the women on the table claimed that they needed pills to cope with their adult children and their grandchildren -- and their husbands, too, of course.

    A pill for everything!

    And they wonder why their prescription bills are so high.

  9. Good morning, AOW,

    Noel Coward -- who had a great deal more substance to him than most imagine -- was a genius at making profound criticisms in a style that seemed "frothy" and flippantly amusing. I doubt if the objects of his wit ever realized they were being skewered -- they were too busy laughing.

    You are probably in much better shape than many of the friends you mentioned. I too was offered an anti-depressant after suffering a long period of service giving care and then a series of losses that left me alone. I too refused to consider taking the pills.

    Like you I believe we must play the cards we're dealt as well as possible, shoulder our cross and carry on -- till we can't. I even add an obligation to feel gratitude that I've been able to live through some very trying experiences and can still walk and talk -- and occasionally think, write and still play music.

    I know it sounds sanctimonious, but Life is God's Gift to us, and no matter how difficult it becomes we should always thank God for giving us the experience -- even with all its unwelcome challenges and heartaches.

    The idea that a pill could alter circumstances in any meaningful way is absurd. I do believe in taking pain medication if the problem is severe and certainly in taking blood pressure medication and other things that really can help prevent dread disease from occurring or getting out of control, but "attitude adjustments" are up to us. I try to see unpleasantness as an opportunity to build character.

    Our society seems to have forgotten that we are essentially spiritual beings. Spirit is what animates us. The body is but a shell. If we make the shell look younger or different, that changes nothing about what's inside us.

    As long as we love God, we can love others, and that means we're fundamentally all right. At least that's what I am determined believe.

    So sorry about the cold! I'm pretty sure too much stress opens the door to these nasty bugs. All we can do is pray for serenity and remember that "this too shall pass."

    God bless you for the care and devotion you give to your husband. There really is no higher calling.

    ~ FreeThinke

  10. FT,
    Pills have a proper role.

    In my case, I do take bp medication and pain medication for my back injury. Low doses! In other words, the lowest dose that will control the problems.

    In my father's case of mild bipolar syndrome, a low dose of Paxil did the trick. My father and his doctor did postpone the pills for years by following other methods.

    I try to see unpleasantness as an opportunity to build character.

    To a large extent, I agree with that statement.

    Mr. AOW and I do, however, miss the life that we had -- and the one that we had "planned." I grieve of that lost life more than he does. However, he is very easy to take care of in the sense that his attitude is positive and that he is laid-back, undemanding person (Type Z?).

    This nasty cold is starting to ease off, but I'm still exhausted. All the papers I have to grade must wait!

  11. One way or the other we are all working for the government.

    I'd rather work for the private sector. At there if I quit they won't come after me with guns and threaten to throw me in jail if I don't do what I am told.

  12. Don't joke about Prozac in the drinking water: it's already there:

    Didn't they make a movie about this - where the guy rides the bomb?


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