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Friday, January 27, 2012


(Hat tip to I Hate the Media for the video in this post)

Watch the short video. Then read the information below the fold.

And just who designed the crazy regulations on spilled milk, anyway?

The EPA under Obama. See THIS POST from nearly a year ago here at Always On Watch.

I am so sick and tired of all the smoke and mirrors from this administration.

Additional reading, worth your time
: fact check of Obama's 2012 State of the Union Speech. The spilled milk lie is only one of many lies and half truths that the Liar-In-Chief spouted last Tuesday night.


  1. The hypocrisy is astounding! Solving a ridiculous problem (probably not really) that he created and then touting himself as the hero?

    Even more absurd is our criminally negligent MSM that WILL NOT take him to task over it!

  2. I did a post when this whole thing went donw. it was Obama's czar that created the rule. It was the backlash, not Obama that reversed it.

  3. Way to be stooges for the oil industry guys. Because this bogus story is put out here by oil lobbyists to protect their obscene profits and keep you paying more. Lemmings.

  4. LiberalMann,
    Read the link: Back when fellow Democrats formed the House and Senate majorities, he sought $36.5 billion in tax increases on oil and gas companies over the next decade, but Congress largely ignored the request.

    Blame the GOP all you want. The Dems are just as guilty and missed the window to strip subsidies from the oil companies. So, when you say, Way to be stooges for the oil industry guys, you are, by default, including the Dems whom you love so much.

  5. Bunkerville,
    It was the backlash, not Obama that reversed it.

    But, like any demagogue, BHO is trying to take the credit. **sigh**

  6. Brooke,
    Even more absurd is our criminally negligent MSM that WILL NOT take him to task over it!

    If the MSM would report front and center that information in the link, Obama would go down to defeat in 2012.

  7. AOW: You're wasting your time on the liberal boy. He and his ilk are impervious to facts and logic, as evinced by their continuous support for the worst president in the history of the nation.

    The economy is worse and so is unemployment. Americans should have one demand: Show me the money!

    Obama cannot, because we're still broke and unemployed.

  8. Thank you for watching the Liar in Chief for me ... I refuse.

  9. Note this essay at Heritage.

    First two paragraphs:

    Speaking last night from the U.S. Capitol, President Barack Obama described the state of the Union as he sees it — strong and getting stronger, with future growth fueled by his pursuit of progressive policies and an expansion of government, all architected to bring about his brand of “fairness.” The President essentially redelivered his 2011 State of the Union address — complete with the same empty rhetoric, class warfare cloaked in “fairness,” and proposals for massive tax and spending increases.

    The speech was notable for the items he did not mention, including many of the failed spending programs and policies he undertook over the past three years, the foreign policy and defense challenges he has exacerbated, and the economic actions he failed to take that would have created jobs and spurred economic growth.

  10. Silverfiddle,
    You're wasting your time on the liberal boy. He and his ilk are impervious to facts and logic, as evinced by their continuous support for the worst president in the history of the nation.

    Agreed on all counts.

  11. It's all about getting him to flash that,
    Ain't-I-just-the-cutest-thing-you've-ever-seen-in-your-whole-dad-blummed-life? C'MON-you-know-it's-true! smile."

    Sorry to be the one to have to say it, but the world we've devised for ourselves out of greed and wishful thinking rotates on an axis of bullshit.

    ~ FreeThinke

  12. SOTU Enhanced Version:

  13. I'm with Odie, I refuse to watch the moron.

    I read about all the stupid stuff he said, and I wasn't surprised. My Cat is definitely smarter.

  14. He imposes Obamacare on us and tells us he should be happy because he repealed a regulation on spilled milk?

    George Orwell, call your office.


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