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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Video: The Rights Of Man

About the video below the fold (hat tip to Adrienne's Corner):
An attempt to explain the genius of the United States of America and what we have to do to get back to the fundamental principles of protecting individual rights.

This video shows the attack the Obama administration is pursuing against our "inalienable" rights. Be sure to watch to the very end.


  1. "... the attack the Obama administration is pursuing against our "inalienable" rights."


    Now "conservatives" are up in arms about defending inalienable and individual rights?

    Where the hell were they in defense of private business owners who were under assault by a flurry of Republicans who signed statewide smoking bans on private property owners?

  2. Unfortunately, for me, the video can't be viewed outside of the US.

    Soapster _ Many of us were sreaming bloody murder at the Republicans. Any intrusion on our God given rights must be resisted like the Patriot Act, which is anything but patriotic and yet it enjoys bipartisan support.

  3. "Barack the plumber"...

    Love it, gonna cross-post this on my blog!!!

  4. they wont rest till our Constitution is gone! Hope u had a wonderful holiday my friend:)

  5. Good to know conservativesonfire.

    I was fighting against them as well just as I'm fighting along side my liberty brethren for their right to drink raw milk.

  6. Excellent video.

    Soapster: Some of us were blind or asleep before but now we are awake to the predations of the statist of all parties.

    Are you going to welcome us aboard, or are you going to throw rocks?

  7. Another great one that says it all. Thanks.

  8. Soapster, Republican does not necessarily equal conservative. Ask Meghan McCain. Where have you been? Haven't you heard conservatives complain about RINOs? What do you think the Tea Party revolt was about? Would that it be so simple as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. We are far, far deeper in than the politics of the past. By the way, the media like Republicans that vote along with Dems so they ignore the criticism.

  9. Soapster,
    Where the hell were they in defense of private business owners who were under assault by a flurry of Republicans who signed statewide smoking bans on private property owners?

    right to drink raw milk

    You have a valid point, IMO. Of course, with regard to smoking, second hand smoke was the driving force in limiting areas where people can smoke.

    Now, some conservatives did sound the alarm about the slippery slope you imply in your comment. But these conservatives were shouted down. Even the GOP has become a promoter of social justice.

    Many governmental regulations relate to "keeping us safe."

    The Nanny State is all around us -- in various manifestations. Of course, the Nanny State doesn't promote one's making good choices and, in fact, leads to people becoming sheeple.

    Your comment about raw milk struck a chord with me. A few decades ago, the doctors advised my cousin's parents to feed him raw milk because my cousin had osteogenesis imperfecta (aka Brittle Bone Disease). Even back then, obtaining raw milk in a city was difficult, so my family move to the rural suburbs and raised their own cow. Voila! My cousin's disease was brought under control once he began drinking raw milk in the amount of nearly a gallon a day!

  10. That second hand smoke would or should trump private property rights shows the ineptitude of the Republican party.

    @Silverfiddle, we'll never stop throwing rocks at the state. You're welcome to join us in this regard.

  11. Thanks Soapster!

    Libertarianism can seem strange and unwelcoming to many who nonetheless share much of that ideology.

    We need more people trending libertarian, and putting a friendly face on it helps.


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