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Friday, July 29, 2011

Nancy Pelosi — Still Unhinged

More unhinged than ever?
“...We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.” [source]
Pelosi needs to exchange her witch's wardrobe for a straitjacket.

She has bats in the belfry, perhaps courtesy of Botox:

Pelosi is not the only unhinged politician these days.

Good thing that it's not a full moon! Can't take much more of this political insanity.


  1. Its time to drop a house on the witch...(figuratively of course)

  2. I would say Pelosi is bat sh*t crazy!

    Randy, due to the insane constituency that Pelosi enjoys, I predict the lich will carry her seat until she finally keels over!

  3. What's worse, an enemy acting like an enemy, or a friend acting like an enemy?

  4. It's time these children had some adult supervision.

  5. I'm glad she's sticking around. She is the Newt Gingrich of the left (minus the brain).

    She is the poster child for limousine leftists.

  6. Pelosi is unhinged, but what does it say about the democrats that, up until recently, she was their chosen Speaker of the House!

    That speaks volumes to me about the state of the liberal mind of democrats.

    I think the broom Pelosi uses to fly around with should be used to clean both Houses.

  7. Are we sure Pelosi is a human?????

    Just saying what you are all thinking....

  8. I say, "drop the house!" Or throw a huge bucket of dirty water on her. Maybe she will melt away....

  9. I say, "drop the house!" Or throw a huge bucket of dirty water on her. Maybe she will melt away....

  10. Thanks for the link, AOW. How did the party of Truman & JFK morph into the asylum of Obama, Pelosi & Reid?

  11. 2 Timothy 4:3 - "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."

    I would say that time has clearly arrived in the political realm.

  12. listened to last minutes of Rush today :
    Congressman Jim JORDAN-'threatened ' by R Establishment-
    just heard on Rush-Jordan threatened w/ gerrymandered district-etc by the RINO elites-if he did not 'get in line'--
    He held firm---
    _Jordan's Site-give him a call of encouragement_
    and call the RINO elites -and give them a 'warning' - no more R Party or what ever you think-
    call :
    RNC -202-863 8500

    NRSC- 202-675-6000

    We need to act - or the RINO elites will think they 'own us'-

  13. Interesting observation:

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has made some incredibly naive, ill-informed and downright goofy statements before but her comment yesterday about why House Democrats oppose House Speaker John Boehner's debt-ceiling crisis bill surely must take the cake for absurdity:

    "What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today," Pelosi said.

    But equally interesting is the fact that as of noon today you can do a search for those words on the web sites of The Washington Post, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times and come up empty on all three.


  14. I think we have been going at this all wrong....

    I think we should left the Democrats have the budget they want with ever increasing deficits adding to the mounting debt. Heck lets all take a trip to vegas on the "rich" taxpayers...

    About 2 years of Obama the whole thing should go bankrupt...and we can start all other.

  15. Which one was Pelosi, the bat or the witch?

  16. Send that nutjob back to san fran, they voted for that lunatic, let them have her.

  17. I think we should left the Democrats have the budget they want with ever increasing deficits adding to the mounting debt.


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