Silverfiddle Rant! |
From a Clintonista Democrat, circa 2014:
"What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race – and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly." (
Eric Liu - CNN)
For over a decade now, white bigots have been expressing everything from disapproval to anger at the growing phenomenon of Asians and Hispanics identifying as white.
Oops! My bad. Democrats and the racially-deterministic left have been expressing that outrage.
The left's insistence on slotting people into strict skin color categories makes them sound like a 19th century British slaver in the West Indies invoking the odious "one drop rule" and deciding whether the indigenous person before him is a quadroon or an octoroon.
The Left's Replacement Theory
A related propaganda vector emanating from the racially-obsessed left is the "
White Minority by 2045" fetish they enjoy wallowing in so much. The most charitable articles view this as a "shoe on the other foot" morality tale, hoping the looming prospect of minority status will chasten whites into atoning for their white privilege, toning down the Karen, and humbly accepting their lower status.
The Great Abandonment Theory: A Democrat Dream Destroyed
Professors Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell Myers
shoot down the
"Great Replacement theory" and its concomitant
"White minority theory." Both theories are racially-deterministic, grounded in the abhorrent "one drop rule," and wrong.
That narrative depends on the misleading practice of classifying individuals of mixed backgrounds as exclusively nonwhite.
Their research reveals that instead of a "Great Replacement," there is actually a "Great Welcoming:" Whites are welcoming Hispanics, Asians and other "people of color" into the wonderful world of White Privilege, just like the beneficent whites of the 19th and 20th Century welcomed Italians, Irish and Jews into the exclusive club.
Nearly three in 10 Asian, one in four Latino, and one in five Black newlyweds are married to a member of a different ethnic or racial group. More than three-quarters of these unions are with a white partner. For more and more Americans, racial integration is embedded in their closest relationships.
Among Latinos, identifying as white or as simply “American” is common, and belies the notion that Latinos should be classified monolithically as nonwhite.
As much as they are competing for economic resources and political power, America’s racial groups are blending now more than ever. According to the most detailed of the Census Bureau’s projections, 52 percent of individuals included in the nonwhite majority of 2060 will also identify as white. By the same token, the white group will become much more diverse, because 40 percent of Americans who say they are white also will claim a minority racial or ethnic identity.
"They" are not "Replacing us," -- They are Joining Us
Please go read the entire short essay,
The Myth of a Majority-Minority America. It will give you hope. White Americans--contrary to the leftist propaganda--welcome the changing, blending demographic landscape, as do minorities eager to assimilate into this e pluribus unum.
That is a threat to the leftwing deconstructionist agenda, which is why activists continue to stoke the flames of black and white conflict, us against them racial resentment.
Fie on them all. They are only marginally better than the white supremacists. Racial identity tribal warfare is a losers game, but its all Democrats and their mirror-image fellow travelers on the extreme right have left.