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Monday, October 1, 2018

The gods That Failed

Silverfiddle Rant!
Many of the myriad McCain paeans took a fin de siècle tone: McCain was the last of the greats, etc.  Other pundits rebutted that, reminding us how McCain and his generation of global gods wrecked the world and couldn't do anything right: Korea and Vietnam were losses, the big financial crash in Bush the Dumber's last year, the rise of militant Islam, most of the globe still mired in poverty and misery...

The Cold War was the west's singular post-WW II victory, and had it not been for the triumvirate of Pope John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan putting the spurs to the timid, yapping UN diplomacy class, that might have never happened.

It's been ten years since the big financial crash of 2008. Joel Kotkin makes some observations in The Daily Beast...
"nine million jobs and nearly $20 trillion in household wealth were lost"
The financial collapse of 2008 is one of the elites' crowning achievement, up there with the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos. People at the bottom lost everything, while people at the top lost nothing. Government gave us all an extra kick in the balls when they looted the treasury to bail out the malefactors. It was a gratuitous and unnecessary act of shameless malfeasance.

Bush the Dumber's great failure was not making the banksters eat their losses.

Now, according to Professor Kotkin, the economy is recovered, unevenly...
"Obama’s recovery was arguably the most unequal in American history, with 95 percent of all gains through 2013 going to the top one percent."
But President Trump is bringing some good news...
"Middle America is making a major comeback... Industrial employment reversed declines that were hitting at the end of the Obama years, growing by 327,000 jobs over the past year, the best performance since 1995."

"Trump may have shifted the geography of economic growth. The share of growth now taking place in non-metropolitan area America has increased fourfold. …"

"Meanwhile the states of the Resistance, New York and California, are now experiencing increasing domestic out-migration. The rate of population growth in California is among the country’s lowest—less than half that of Texas."
More Housing Bubbles...
"Median house prices in many deep blue enclaves areas have shot past their 2008 bubble peaks. In Portland, Seattle and San Francisco, prices are up 30 percent over the decade. In Denver, prices are up more than 80 percent. They have risen 60 percent in San Jose, where the median price for houses is now a staggering $1.4 million."
What have we learned?

Governments learned nothing. They failed to punish the guilty and they continue to sponsor private gains and socialized losses for the moneyed class and global corporations.

Booming urban housing markets have learned there's a sucker born every minute.

The rich elites who control global finance learned they can perpetrate economic catastrophes, pocket the loot, and leave the rest of us to crawl out from under the rubble.

The American people learned a few lessons. Per capita household debt is down, but millions of us have also learned how to live a transient life, chasing crappy low-paying jobs while living out of our cars.


  1. As for learning anything ... government never learns from its mistakes. If the US government learned anything, it would relinquish its hold on its notion of social justice, or legislating morality, and confine itself to the things that our Constitution says that it must do. It would also try to do those few things well. This won’t happen because political elites and wealthy elites are one in the same. They are our masters ... but only because we keep voting them in to office. American voters are idiots if they are unable to perceive that these wealthy members of congress vote their pocketbook before any other consideration.

    If people are looking for social justice, they must look to their state legislatures; this is how federalism works.

    If the American people have learned any lessons, they are but a few. Those dummies still think that stuff brings happiness. It doesn’t. Stuff only clogs up the garage, the upstairs nook, or the shed out back. The answer to “How can I become a happier person” is not “I want a new BMW.”

    1. Great points, but unfortunately, precedent has already eroded the notion that we can hold the federal government to it's enumerated powers. Regardless of the party in power, the slide will continue, away from the intent of the Constitution.

    2. Does that mean in your mind, CI, that we have no choice but to admit defeat, skulk into the shadows wih our tails between our legs, and humbly wait for DEATH to relieve us of the unbearable torture of having to live powerless lives as mere cogs in the machinery of an almighty, ever-living, love;ess, despotic, inescapable STATE?

    3. Stating facts is not defeatism. Perhaps living in a hyper-partisan fairy-tale world is.

    4. All right, CI. You continue to celebrate pessimism in your bitter, crabbed, cynical, sarcastic, insufferably insolent, sneering fashion, and I shall continue to trot along joyfully in my pleasant little Dream World –– a style of living I've been able to enjoy for the bulk of my nearly 78 years on earth.

      I wish you could join me, but people addicted to misery, strife and dissension are rarely able to overcome their masochistic tendencies.

      GOOD LUCK!

      PS: Are you SURE you're not a Democrat? You sure ACT like one.


    5. You’re sadly mistaken (as usual),I haven’t been happier since I’ve eschewed political theater and simply began laughing at bloviating, self righteous clowns. I’m not the one here spamming vile rhetoric and juvenile pejoratives.

      But why do you disrespect AOW, by again trying to pick a fight? Having self esteem issues again?

  2. Legislation based on morality includes that restraining theft, murder, slavery and assault.
    Shall we dump those?

    1. We absolutely should not, because those actions listed are assaults against the Citizen. We should however, assess those current laws based on subjective versions of 'morality', that do not aggress against but curtail the Liberty of, the Citizen.

    2. Modern legislatures do not need to legislate morality; our moral laws are already contained in God's law. There are only ten of these; no need to build a multi-million dollar law library. Add to these ten but two more: "Love God with all your heart. Treat others as you would have others treat you." That last one should take care of the slavery point.

    3. Should not just laws also be ones that can be enforced?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I'll try this again. :-)

      We already have too many laws, and legislators should not pass laws that cannot be enforced, or if law-makers do not intend to enforce them. My guess is that in context with the earlier comment, a final judgment will call to account violations of moral imperatives. I'm no authority on this, though.

    6. Better. I still don't want to have to shield my grandkids eyes walking down the street.

  3. People at the bottom lost everything

    What these elites engineered wrought cost this household, in the mid-range not the bottom, our financial life. I see no end to my having to work!

    But Mr. AOW and I can say one thing, "We've never been on the government's teat. No government jobs for us, either." Except for a few years (1973-1977, when I had a county teaching job, and 1973-1975, when Mr. AOW had a state job at a state university).

    The ugly reality: living according to one's libertarian/conservative principles does not the good life make.

    1. I'm very sorry things have worked out that way for you, AOW, but your sad, embittering experience does not apply universally, thank God.

      I'm a good deal older than you, and I –– miraculously! –– have managed to avoid being oppressed in the manner you describe. I don't credit myself with any special wisdom or virtue, but I thank God my instincts have always told me to rely on faith in GOD and SERENDIPITY. In short I've followed my nose.


      This has required a good deal of FLEXIBILITY on my part. That may be a Gift. The point is I have landed in a very good place with both feet on the ground.

      I take very little personal credit for it. I pray every day in gratitude for my good fortune, but DO believe part of my enjoyment of a desirable lifestyle has come about because I have always cultivated a DETERMINEDLY OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK, despite many hard knocks, cruel setbacks, medicl challenges, and other "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" that sooner or later ALL of us must suffer.

      You live in The Belly of the Beast, as it were, so naturally the sins and failings of Big Government are bound to affect you more drastically than they probably would elsewhere.

      UNLESS you become PART of the Deep State, which I know you are not, and let yourself becime WEDDED to its Corrupt, Despotic, Self-Serving policies, you probably WILL be crushed by trying to coexist within its precincts.

      Often it's the better part of wisdom to DENY Sentiment, use good common Sense, and make the most PRAGMATIC choice possible.

      The whimsical, gently satirical poet Ogden Nash put it this way in the refrain one of his most charmungs bits of verse:

      Only the game fish swims upstream
      The sensible fish swims down.

    2. Franco,
      I'm very sorry things have worked out that way for you, AOW, but your sad, embittering experience does not apply universally.

      No, it doesn't. But with more and more government-related pensions (police, fire department, schools) failing, it WILL apply nearly universally. Unless one lives in North Dakota or some such place.

      let yourself becime WEDDED to its Corrupt, Despotic, Self-Serving policies

      Stop it. Now. I neither need nor deserve any such excoriation.

      Furthermore, as you know, I have a battle for Mr. AOW's medical treatment on my hands right now.

      Back off.

    3. Addendum:

      I stand by what I said above...

      The ugly reality: living according to one's libertarian/conservative principles does not the good life make.

    4. Have it your way, AOW, but you did NOT understand the maning of what I said, made the mistake of taking it personally, and then allowed yourself to become belligerent.

      There was no need for that, I don't deserve it, and I won't accept it..

      I understand your present situation possibly even better than you do, because I've been there, done that and lived to tell the tale on more than one occasion. You will never find a more empathetic friend than I, believe me.

      I'm very sorry you interpret my attempts to encourage and help as hostility. But let's not belabor the point. I can see further talk would be useless.

      The greatest physician I've ever been privileged to know was a medical missionary to impoverished, strife-torn India for thirty-five years. She helped me overcome a period of chronic illness which had become life-threatening.

      Her first advice to me the day we met was to quote Solomon, who said,

      "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

      Her good-humored attitude made a great difference in helping me overcome that disease whose major side effect in my case was clinical depression.

      Even though I had a very difficult time for more than two years, I've always been grateful for the Life Lesson this undesirable condition taught –– and for my enduring friendship with that wonderful doctor.

    5. Franco,
      I understand your present situation possibly even better than you do




      There will be no further discussion of this matter.

  4. My father was a home builder. From the 1950's our standard of living ricochet between boom and bust...the Dems and the GOP. Turning on the spigot, then tightening the screws. I would expect the Fed now to tighten. A fat finger among other things. Bust times are coming. I would expect before the November election.
    Capitalism is grand if the politics can be removed.

    1. Regulations were removed by Clinton/Bush and we saw the results of lax government oversight.
      Even Alan Greenspan, notorious Randoid, admitted that he was wrong to believe that markets are necessarily self correcting.

      The trick is to find the saddle point and with the banksters and hedgies still in firm control that isn't going to happen.
      The wealth disparity continues to widen. Pay up.

    2. Any Presidential election year you can pretty much bet the farm that it is going to go boom...
      Mid-terms this year should be interesting...almost the same as a Presidential I would assume. I wonder how that happens.
      From Kiplinger
      The presidential cycle. The stock market has, for the most part, ebbed and flowed with the four-year election cycle for the past 182 years. Wars, bear markets and recessions tend to start in the first two years of a president’s term, says The Stock Trader’s Almanac; bull markets and prosperous times mark the latter half. Since 1833, the Dow Jones industrial average has gained an average of 10.4% in the year before a presidential election, and nearly 6%, on average, in the election year. By contrast, the first and second years of a president’s term see average gains of 2.5% and 4.2%, respectively. A notable recent exception to decent election-year returns: 2008, when the Dow sank nearly 34%. (Returns are based on price only and exclude dividends.)

  5. "Hold onto the land, Scarlett. Cling to the land. It's the only thing that lasts,"

    1. Today that truth is undermined by the local government and rape-rate real estate taxes.

      I know whereof I speak because I’m going through that hell—along with draconian land use and zoning rules.

      The GWTW O’Haras were spared that hell, at least.

    2. Not really. Don't you remember how the CARPETBAGGERS almost succeeded in robbing plucky Miss Scarlett and her sobbing, sissyified sisters of TARA through confiscatory tax policies?

      If it hadn't been for the roguish, cynical, charmingly irreverent Rhett Butler, the carpetbaggers would have gotten away with it too. ;-)

      It's always a good idea to be on the best possible terms with rich friends or relatives, which often means we must swallow our pride, and bend our principles to avoid being impoversished or rendered destitute.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. FreeThinke, you shouldn't plagiarize mustang's post.

      I know your craving for attention is bottomless but there are limits.

    2. Duck,
      FYI: Franco De Napoli is not Franco Argosta.

  7. The last time we looked (about ten minutes ago) the DOW was UP over 270pts thanks to President Trump's success in gettng a new NAFTA agreement more favorable to American Workers and the American Economy signed.

    Three cheers for President Donald J. Trump:

    Hip-Hip HOORAY!
    Hip-Hip HOORAY!
    Hip-Hip HOORAY!

    Now let's see who among you will be the first to DISPARAGE that. I CAN'T WAIT.

    1. How is the new trade agreement particularly favorable to American workers?

      Opening 3% of the Canadian market to American dairy farmers isn't going to eliminate the need for dairy subsidies. Since we already have an accounts surplus of over $650 million with Canada (Brookings Institute) it seems this is just a manifestation of tRump's petulance and ignorance.

      If the purpose of the trade modifications on cars is to move jobs back to the U.S. it is still very unlikely that U.S. companies will pack up and abandon Mexican low wage workers.
      The agreement simply imposes a tariff on imports over about a two and a half million unit quota.

      That's the way the Canadian milk tariff works. American exports over a quota are subject to a stiff tariff.
      We never exceed the quota.

      Much ado about not much as is typical of tRump.

  8. Pocahontas Running For President ?


    How many times have we heard this dingbat say she's NOT running?
    That’s even nuttier than Michael Avanotti’s running for President.
    Maybe Pocahontas would have better luck if she opened a casino, and left the Presidency run to Michael Avanotti.

    Two Whacko’s living in a fantasy world!

  9. @ AOW

    Very odd some internet people. You invite them over for polite conversation and they pick a fight with you and your guests. It isn't just inappropriate, it's dampened rude. I'm sorry for the stress it caused you earlier.

    1. Mustang, my dear friend,
      Thank you.

      I knew early on, when I began blogging in 2005, that the blogosphere was a contentious place. Under the normal conditions of the AOW Household, I let things roll off my back.

      But at the moment I've got a lot on my plate as I fight the healthcare system as "they" try to force home a man who cannot even hold his head up after this godawful round of pancreatitis. If I allow "them" to do that, Mr. AOW loses his benefit of having therapy in a nursing home, which, at the moment, is the only appropriate setting for him.

      Plus, the hospital must tend to these almost-bedsores that they allowed to develop.

      Everything is stacked against the married couple.

      **end venting**


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