I have never liked "true conservative" attack on Lindsay Graham. He is his own man. Now, finally, will the yapping, sneering Graham haters give them man some credit?
I was waiting for Lindsey to complain that Dr. Ford couldn't account for her activities during the Benghazi incident.
Then the predator complaining that the Clinton's were behind it all plus the intimation of Soros money and you have real indicators of just what a Repub operator he is.
Why wasn't Mark Judge subpoenaed? Why hasn't the FBI been called to investigate Ford's allegations?
The right has made a sham of the nomination process since Merrick Garland but this is going to be hard to top.
Why didn't the Democrats cooperate in the Judiciary Committee's investigation, McDuck? They could have thereby ensured Judge's subpoena. But no... that wouldn't have delayed the confirmation like an FBI Investigation could...
Did the FBI investigate the assault allegations? No. Maybe some information was just going to pop up at random? Don't play it dumb.
Did the committee have an opportunity to question Judge? No.
As soon as Mitchell appeared as though she'd ask Kavanaugh substantive questions it was time for Benghazi Boy to hijack the hearing. Typical Rethug respect for the process.
Once again, with Garland and now Kavanaugh, Republicans have perverted the conformation process. You don't seem able to respond.
Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Ford Says She Wouldn't Prosecute Brett Kavanaugh
by Ledyard King,
USA TODAY Published 10:42 a.m. ET Sept. 28, 2018 | Updated 12:10 p.m. ET Sept. 28, 2018
The prosecutor at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her allegation of sexual assault has asked about her fear of flying. (Sept. 27) AP
Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee, privately told GOP senators she would not prosecute Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on the evidence she heard, according to the Washington Post.
That detail was spotlighted Friday by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, whose office sent out a news release Friday referring to Mitchell's conclusion.
Mitchell was hand-picked to lead the questioning of Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when both were high school students in the posh suburbs of suburban Maryland.
Mitchell avoided a high-decibel grilling Thursday and instead displayed a considerate, business-like manner befitting an experienced sex crimes prosecutor.
Cornyn, who as Senate majority whip is deputy to GOP Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News' Fox & Friends Friday morning that he thought Mitchell performed admirably.
“I spent 13 years as a judge back in Texas, and I recognize the need to have somebody who does this for a living day after day carefully question somebody who has claimed to be a victim of sexual assault," he said. "I thought she did a good job getting the basic facts out."
And THAT is a perfect parallel to what has befallen brett Kvnugh. He is being CRUCIFIED without the tinest shred of physical or foensic evidence to back uo this woman's frankly PREPOSTEROUS claim.
I firmly believe that every aspect of HER life from infancy to the present day ought to be thoroughly and rigorously examined so we may learn just what the HELL makes her TICK?
How could Senator Cornyn –– or anyone else –– claim Ms. Mtchell "did a good job of getting the basic facts out," when Christine "Ballsy" Ford gave a hyper-emotiinal-but-essentially-FACT-FREE presentation?
It is now clear this was a dirty Democrat smear job--I love how DiFi looked all befuddled and guilty at the end when confronted with her own lies. They had months to investigate but sat on it and leaked the letter for propaganda purposes. Shame on them.
The GOP did a good job patiently and professionally taking apart this dirty conspiracy. That is what a good GOP does: Do it professionally and boring--stop trying to impress the cool kids.
With characters like RINOS Silly Suzy "Potatoe Nose" Collins and Murky Lisa "Mucked Up" Murkowski, spiteful treacherous NeverTrump bastards like lame duck Battling Bob Corker, and the late unlamented Bain-Damaged John McVain in the mix the GOP still has as much spine as your Average Garden Snail.
My heart sank when at the beginning of Kavanaugh's questioning, it appeared that the "prosecutor" was going to do his questioning. Could it be the GOPers couldn't even stick their neck out to question him? That she was going to do all the questioning? But Graham came forth and saved the day. If we get Kavanaugh we will owe it to him as much as Kavanuagh.
I disagree. She provided many little "statements of fact" that can now be refuted. In the case of Ford's second door, she says her fears started in 2012, but the building permits were issued in 2008...
I thought Ms. Mitchell did very WELL during Christie "Ballsy" Ford's testimony. She brought a remarkable LACK of bile, sarcasm, obnoxious edginess, and tendentious agenda-driven partisanshit to the vicious Feces Festival.
I think the COP-fashiined FORMAT was designed to DEFEAT the emergence of TRUTH. Since NO Repubkucan Senators were permitted to question the whiny, tremulous, pale, wanly attractive, subtly vicious Demo-Tool Dr. Ford, while every God-damned fuggin' DemoThug in the room was postively encouraged to Badger, Insult, Defame, Slander, and mount viciously FABRICATED Accusations against Brett Kavanugh with impunity.
Weak, tremulous whiny Dr. Ford gets the VIP-SNOWFLAKE Treatment while DISTINGUSHED Judge Kavnaugh gets The THIRD DEGREE.
All I can say to the entire degrading spectacle is
It can't be IGNORED, and it can't be THEORIZED away.
Ho long do you think it will be at the rate things are going before actual PHYSICAL COMBAT breaks out?
It's already started with Conservatives being HARASSED and EVICTED from various RESTAURANTS simply for BEING Conservatives.
At WYD Farmer John suggested that President Trump should SHUT the GOVERNMENT DOWN to thwart the D'Rats on The Judiciary Committee.
I asked, "Would that help the president WIN a majority in the November election?
Then I said, "Nevertheless, I have to say that IF the bastard DemoThugs –– Super Troll THIS ONE is a perfect example of the genre, as are Canardo, the Registered Nurse, Dervish "Fartbreath" Sanders, et al. ––, SUCCEED in their attempt to BORK Judge Kavanugh, President Trump might just as well meekly RESIGN his office and just LET the USA be destroyed."
No One Has Come Forward to Back Up Ford, Not Even the Person Who Drove Her Home
Cybercast News Service,
by Susan Jones
Christine Blasey Ford, a psychologist who has been in therapy herself, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that she has vivid memories of the alleged attack, but not where or exactly when it happened. In her opening statement, Ford said, "The details that -- about that night that bring me here today are the ones I will never forget. They have been seared into my memory and have haunted me episodically as an adult." Later, questioned by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford explained why she´s so sure that a young Brett Kavanaugh was her attacker: "It´s -- just basic memory functions," ...
“I have been to hell and then some.” When Brett Kavanaugh showed up for his confirmation hearing, he was affable and cheerful. (Snip) He was a non-controversial nominee looking to go through the process and then move on to the Supreme Court. But now Judge Kavanaugh, the sober calm jurist stayed home; instead Mr. Smith came to Washington. The Kavanaugh who showed up to the Senate hearing today had been through 10 days of hell. He came in holding his wife’s hand, and holding the anger and pain inside until he was ready to speak. ...
It occurs to me that Senators Moynahan, Dirkson, Anderson and many other dead Democrats (note: Honorable men, not the leftist scum that identifies their party today) from the era when Democrats were human beings are smiling in their graves today because Graham saved not only the nomination, but possibly the Senate itself (and inadvertently even possibly the old Democratic party) and the country in general.
Republicans should take note. Fight fire with fire and wield the power while you have it.
Any thought that any DemonRat at ANY time was ever a DECENT person is delusional poppycock, Mr. Brandon. Like most on the Right you are much too charitable, much too trusting, much too polite, and much too gullible, and therefore, hopelessly VULNERABLE.
The DemonRats have just felt more and more "empowered" to bare their fangs, unsheath their claws, and show their TRUE character ever since the ubiquitous, Leftist-Controlled ENEMEDIA grabbed control of the reigns during Watergate, and began to DICTATE to the nation.
The Horror Show you see today has been produced by the Left's Long Slow March Through the Culture working sedulous for over a CENTURY to undermine and ultimately demolish the United States of America.
What you see today is culmination of vicious machinations put in place by Karl Marx, The Frankfurt School and reinforced by Saul Alinsky. et al.
That today we REVILE Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon and EXTOL Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rock Stars, and Barack Hussein Obama is proof of the enormous untoward sucess of this diabolicl subversive movement.
PIFFLE! D'Rats have ALWAYS been ROTTEN to the CORE. Their outward demeanor may have gotten worse, but INSIDE they have ALWAYS been a TOXIC, DELETERIOUS influence on American life.
I did not cast any aspersions at Mr. Brandon, I merely stated what I have KNOWN to be the truth for more than SIXTY-FIVE YEARS.
I am what-for-a-time-was-called a PALEO CONSERVATIVE.
I'm talking, of course, of the basis fFOR and basic thrust OF their utopian, statist, socialist-oollectivist, One-World Government, anti-Individualist, anti-Liberty AGENDA.
On a PERSONAL level many Democrats I have known –– and still know TODAY ––, are charming, personable, charitable, thoroughly decent , well-meaning people, BUT the ETHOS they embrace is decidedly TOXIC.
I consider most rank and file Democrats to be DUPES –– VICTIMS of seductive blandishments and poisonous propaganda proffered by EVIL intellectual aggressors.
Power is fleeting. Joe's comment above acknowledges this when he says ... while you have it.
It is good power is not continually vested in one party. Such a situation inevitably leads to gross corruption. Which is why power in America is about to shift. In November 2018 and 2020.
America will be fine. As long as she remains true to the values and principles that made her Great to begin with.
A fresh breeze is a blowing, and it's blowing left. Course correction is a refreshing event.
@RN: "As long as she remains true to the values and principles that made her Great to begin with."
Are you serious? We abandoned all that long ago. Read Tocqueville and weep.
Fresh breeze? The hot air from the left always carries a fetid stench. I recommend you take a vacation to Argentina to see what socialism-lite political patronage can do to a once-first world nation.
Thanks to folks who place partisan ideology above working to insure the common weal, folks who askew compromise and place winning above all else, we have arrived where are.
There is nothing partisan about rejecting hideous ideologies. Both parties used to be opposed to socialism because of its anti-American track record of economic destruction and tens of millions killed and mired in misery.
Senate Judiciary Committee advances Kavanaugh nomination in party-line vote
Fox News,
by Adam Shaw
The Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Judge Brett Kavanaugh in a party-line vote Friday afternoon, sending his Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate a day after an emotional hearing where a California professor leveled sexual assault allegations that he adamantly denied. The committee voted 11-10 to recommend Kavanaugh, with previously undecided Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., boosting the nominee with his late-breaking support.
However, that support came with a last-minute caveat. After meeting with Democrats behind closed doors ahead of the vote, Flake emerged to call for a delay ...
The FBI will fumble around for a week duplicating the statements already collected and reviewed by the Judiciary Committee. They'll find nothing new, and Murkowski and Collins will vote to confirm, having been "thorough" and "just" to all those wonderful #MeToo'ers, and exhonorate the new Associate Justice. It's a magic curtain that drops a veil over and re-legitimizes the whole sausage making process. Don't you love "restorative justice"?
Farcical TRAVESTY should have NO place in American politics.
Once AGAIN the DemonRats have turned what-should-hie-been a solemn, earnest process into the kind of low grade, obscene BURLESQUE Show police used to be called in routinely to SHUT DOWN and cart the whorish participants off to JAIL.
I have described Chrstine "Ballsy" Ford with her fatuous Erica Jong act, as a "whiny, tremulous, pale, wanly attractive, subtly vicious Demo-Tool."
I'll stand by that assessment to my dying day.
I deeply resent the mawkish, "Hands Off, Guys, She's a Delicate Little Petunia in an Onion Patch. You Gotta Handle Her with Kid Gloves" treatment the Republican gntlemen have afforded her.
CHRIST! Even President TRUMP and Brett Kavanugh, HIMSELF, played along with that sick, self-defeating, treacherous feminazi-inspired gag!
I was on the road all day yesterday (and again today) and missed all of the Kavanaugh hearing in real time. Scott and John have already offered up solid observations, especially about Senator Lindsey Graham’s finest moment. I’ll bet Rush Limbaugh lets him off the hook today from his usual label as “Lindsey Grahamnesty.” Some other time perhaps I’ll explain why I think Rachel Mitchell’s performance in the hearing was actually very effective, even if most of us thought she didn’t go for a Perry Mason-like smackdown. My historian’s eye tells me that Graham’s speech will rank as one of the ...
Ford should have gone to the local police and reported what she felt was an attempted rape 36 years ago. She should realize that by her remaining silent for 36 years and through 6 prior FBI vettings of Brett’s nominations and confirmations to very high positions, she forfeited her right to come forward and throw an allegation at an SC Judge without any corroboration and without any details that would allow the accused the slightest chance in hell of defending himself. This one fact alone proves 100% she is a political hack who lay bare in the democrat tool box to be willingly deployed at the will of Democrats who couldn’t care less if she lived or died.
Kid, It is my understanding that there is no statute of limitations preventing her from filing a report in Montgomery County, Maryland. To date, she has not done any such thing.
I know why.
The police would laugh her out of the room: no location, no date.
Where did you get your information, Ed? A LOT of "punditz have said there is NO statute of limitations on such crimes.
I'm not trying to say you are wrong, Ed, but I'd like to know more about your sources. I'm pretty sure policies of this sort vary quite a bit from state to state.
And even if an accuser went to the local department, the statute of limitations appears to have long since passed for pursuing the allegations described in Thursday’s dramatic Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
The most serious allegation that authorities could pursue, given the sworn testimony provided by Ford, would be attempted rape. But that was considered a misdemeanor in Maryland in 1982, and that would be the relevant legal standard.
They have asked the FBI to do the same social colonscopy of Dr. Ford and the other accusers that they have done of Brett Kavanaugh six times. Dr. Ford, a woman who wanted to remain anonymous, will be subject to personal questions about her marital therapy in far more detail than the Committee did. If she did in fact give her treatment records to the Washington Post, she has essentially waived confidentiality and the content will be assessed.
Let's remember she also made academic performance an issue related to her trauma. Her college years may be put up to scrutiny next. And anyone and everyone who ever knew her who may have an ax to grind will come out of the woodwork....
The Democrats are relentlessly pursuing private citizens caught up in all of this. Pursuing people who have already given sworn statements under penalty of perjury. Perhaps encompassing "beach friends", the boy Ms. Ford "went out" with at 15 and others....
Even the AP [Associated Press] notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh
American Thinker,
by Monica Showalter
Up until now, the Democrats and their media punditocracy has pushed the ‘narrative’ that female voters are all in for the sex-attack testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, despite the latter’s lifetime spotless record, and any Republican effort to Believe Kavanaugh is likely to cost them the Senate at midterms, owing to all the angry female voters who will vote against them. Well, not exactly. Even the Associated Press has, rather astonishingly, noticed that a lot of women support Brett Kavanaugh, and these aren´t the ones who actually know him, writing:
Why Another FBI Investigation of Kavanaugh Would Be Pointless
Daily Signal,
by Thomas Jipping
Campaigns of whatever sort often adopt a mantra, a phrase, or even a single word that’s repeated over and over to advance the campaign’s goals. The campaign against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is no different, and its latest mantra is “FBI investigation.” Let’s look at this mantra’s objectives and its validity. The call for another FBI investigation, which dominated the Sept. 27 hearing about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh, appears to have multiple partisan objectives, based on statements made by those opposed to his confirmation....
CNN may have some regrets after asking a “group of expert commentators” about their reaction to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford. While the commentators delivered a predictable narrative on the testimonies of the Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago, one of the group went rogue. Citing facts as the basis and not the spectacle that unfolded, CNN legal analyst, Paul Callan, gave a no-nonsense assessment of why he was in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh, while delivering a scathing ...
Seriously worried for this guy´s safety. The lunatics on the left aren´t going to stand for anyone leaving the plantation. My feeling is a bunch of horse´s just lost their heads all about to appear in Mr.Callan´s bed.
Paul Callan hit the nail on the head...."verdict of ‘not guilty’ rendered,” he concluded. “On the evidence adduced at the Kavanaugh hearings, the verdict of the Senate should be that his nomination is confirmed.”
Hire security for your wife and children, Mr. Callan, you just unleashed the leftwing crazies on them...not to mention the attacks you´ll receive from the ENEMEDIA.
Welcome to the sane side of the aisle –– and its dire consequences.
Sadly, the Kavanaugh assassiination is not Chapter 1 but may be well past the middle.
Democrats have killed Comedy, TV, Movies, our Industries, our Mines and Energy Fields, our Civility, an estimated 60,000,000 million of our Babies, our Newspapers and perhaps more.
Trump is trying to recapture America´s young heart, mind and optimism. Thank God, he is helping us win back some of what we once were.
Brett Kavanaugh is on the side of all that is good about America. We need him badly.
Except Senate hearings are not a court of law, and there is no standard of evidence for any charge or accusal hurled in the course of this sick tribunal. The Senators are fully protected and thus unaccountable whatever they say.
The truth is that Feinstein should have her "day in court" via an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee for her handling of the Ford letter and its relation to this confirmation, but there is a hitch. See, there needs to be a complaint made. And while (at last count) FOUR REPUBLICAN Senators have decried her behavior, one calling the hearing an "unethical sham", NONE has the guts to do his DUTY to make a complaint nd have her behavior investigated with possible disciplinaty action resulting. Feinstein, and likely others, deserves no less than censure for the disrepute she brought to the US Senate –– and expulsion would be a fair punishment for her apparent actions.
It may also be fair for the House Ethics Committee to investigate the now-famous envelope exchange at the Senate hearing...
It would be good to have CNN and members of the Deep State worried, but sadly, one cannot deem the FBI trustworthy any more. Indeed, there is concern for President Trump´s seeming naivete toward Rosenstein (actually now running the FBI) and his cohorts.
I don´t think these reporters are on their own. They´re reading-reporting on what some editor hands them. Maybe it is Ted Turners recent statement...or their ratings that are in the toilet.
Whatever else you do, don´t trust this bunch of demons.
Franco, Senate hearings are not a court of law, and there is no standard of evidence for any charge or accusal hurled in the course of this sick tribunal.
Furthermore, since when is groping between teenagers a crime? It certainly wasn't back in the time frame for which there allegations are made.
The FOCUS of the supplemental investigation is very specific and centers specifically on allegations of sexual assault. An issue that had not been on the table during prior FBI investigations. Which is PRECISELY why the supplemental investigation is NOT a waste of time.
What is Kavanaugh, the GOP, and the highly partisan cons afraid of. Are they really worried that the FACTS coming out of the supplemental investigation will confirm whiney Kavanaugh is in fact guilty as charged of sexual assault?
Pedophilia IS the problem. Homosexuality, or sex between CONSENTING homosexual ADULTS is NOT. Priests who abuse their priestly authority by emotionally land sexually assaulting minor child IS the problem. Priest who use their priestly power to sexually assault young boys IS.
Here's what I learned from listening to the hearings from Ford and Kavanaugh: 1) Ms. Ford stated she did not come forward for political reasons and has not been paid to come forward. Fact check: There are 3 known GoFundMe accounts in her name totaling nearly $1,000,000 dollars. She does not plan to return the money, nor has she told people not to send money. 2) She testified that she and her husband went to a therapist in 2012 while remodeling their home. They were arguing over installing a 2nd front door which she stated under oath, that she wanted as an escape route. Fact check: A check of Palo Alto building permit records show the 2nd door was installed in 2008. The record states the 2nd door was added as a separate entrance for a rental unit being developed in the home. 3) She doesn't know or remember how she got to the party. No one has come forward to take credit for taking her to the party. 4) She doesn't know or remember how she got home which was 8 miles away. No one has come forward to take credit for taking her home. 5) She doesn't know or remember when the party was. 6) She doesn't know or remember where the party was. 7) She said she does remember it was Kavanaugh. ?? She was sketchy on how many people were at the party. 9) She was 15 years old, at a party without adult supervision and without her parents knowledge, drinking illegally. 10) She said she was so upset that she was almost raped that she fled the party, leaving her best friend behind with these almost rapists. 11) She said she heard people talking about her at the party after the incident. She doesn't know or remember what they were saying. Questions: How did she hear them talking about her if she fled the house? How does she know they were talking about her if she doesn't know or remember what they were saying? 12) All of the witnesses that she named have provided statements saying it never happened, and also vouched for the good character of Kavenaugh. 13) Ford said she called her friends on her cell phone when she got home to tell them what had happened. She stated the party was in 1982. Fact check: The first cell phone was not available for sale until 1984. 14) Feinstein was deceptive and violated the rules of the judiciary committee by keeping the letter secret from the chairman and other committee members for 60 days. She never questioned Kavanaugh about it when she met with him before the confirmation hearings. 15) Someone leaked the letter to the press. The only people who had the letter were Ford, her lawyer, Feinstein, and the Democratic Senator from her state. Feinstein became very flustered and could not be sure if her office leaked the letter. Her reaction to the question seemed very suspicious. She turned to ask her staff member who was present, if her office had given the letter to the press
Oh by the way, Denny, witnesses swore they had no recollection of the party — providing no support for Ford's accusations laid out to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But their statements do not disprove the allegations, either.
Duck, Allegations which are not corroborated should be disregarded. Why? Because of the precedent, for one thing. Think about that. We are all vulnerable if allegations become automatically accepted.
And one more thing -- very important: what Ford is accusing Kavanaugh of is not a crime. Lord, how many accusations I could bring from some 50 years ago if what he did try with Ford says he tried! And I was no party girl in any respect.
I agree that uncorroborated allegations should be disregarded AFTER a full investigation.
Whether Kavanaugh committed a crime or not is irrelevant. The Senate hearing is not a trial. It is proper that the character of the nominee be investigated.
Continuation: 16) Ford was never told by Feinstein or her lawyer that the Senators on the judiciary committee would come to her for her statement or that it could have been done in private. Ford, her lawyer, and Feinstein decided her statement should be given publicly. 17) Ford stated the reason she did not want to come and provide a statement earlier was because she has a fear of flying. However, she has taken many trips where she traveled by air to Hawaii, Tahiti, etc. She also flew to Delaware where she had been hiding out since the letter was leaked. Why did she not just drive from Delaware to meet with the commitee? She doesn't know who paid for the airline ticket to Delaware. 18) Even though she said she wanted to remain anonymous, she hired a lawyer and took a polygraph test the first week of August, less than two weeks after sending the letter. The polygraph test consisted of two questions. She doesn't know who ordered or paid for the polygraph. 19) She deleted her Facebook and Twitter social media accounts before sending the letter. 20) Her attorney claims to be handling the Ford case pro bono but was hired by Feinstein. 21) Kavanaugh was very passionate in his denial, as anyone would be under a false accusation that is destroying his reputation, his family and children, and his career. 22) He likes beer and drank in high school at the legal age of 18. 23) He graduated top in his class, played basketball and football. 24) He recorded his scheduled activities in a caledar. His father preserved these calendars along with other school memorabilia such as trophies, essays, etc. in their attic. 25) The Republicans questioning Ford were respectful. 26)The Democrats were not respectful of Kavanaugh and didn't really ask any questions other than to try to get him to ask for an FBI investigation. Summary and observations: After reviewing the testemony provided by both, I have personally come to the following conclusions based on evidence and observations
The drinking age in Maryland was 21 during part of the time in question. He knew he was drinking under age.
The Republicans didn't question Ford. Kavanaugh was a disgrace when he replied to Sen. Klubachar. Just the out of control type you'd want on SCOTUS, right Denny.
He played basketball, football ... so freakin' what?
You seem more concerned about Kavanaugh than you do about Ford. You don't seem to understand that this exposes the true nature of MAGA, the return of white male privilege.
His father kept his activity calendar and his trophies in their attic ... so freakin' what?
If you ever have thoughts of a legal career, don't quit your day job.
And what about HER drinking? Have you seen the latest revelation ( HER YEAR BOOK). Maybe you should before you post the crap that you do ... Because your posts are” wrap, weak, Weak”.
Continuation: 1) I think both statements were presented in a believable manner, but the burden of proof is on the accuser, and that didn't happen. 2) I have a problem with Ms. Ford's credibility due to the contradiction of having 3 GoFundMe accounts with no plans to return the money. I had a problem with her statement that she was so distressed that she needed an extra door installed during a 2012 renovation on her home when it was actually installed in 2008 for a rental unit being prepared. I have a problem believing her statement that she has a fear of flying when in fact she had flown many, many times. I felt suspicious that something incriminating was in her social media leading her to delete her Facebook and Twitter accounts. 3) She admitted to being deceitful to her parents who did not know she was at a party without adult supervision. 4) Her behavior leading up to the hearing appears to be staged and calculated. She appears to have been coached. 5) Kavenaugh had his parents, his wife, and many friends at the hearing in support of him. 6)There was not a single family member or friend at the hearings in support of Ford. Where was her husband or the beach friends she claims gave her advice and encouraged her to come forward. The friends whom she has named as witnesses claim the incident never happened. 7) Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI six different times and not one thing has ever come up. Ford has only been asked two questions on a non admissible polygraph. 8 I believe something happened to Ford, but I don't believe Kavanaugh did it. 9) I believe that Kavanaugh's display of righteous anger is a justified response to this serious accusation. 10) I believe Feinstein and the Democrats are using mentally weak Ford as a political pawn. 11) The Democrats have stated they will go to any length to not lose this seat on the Supreme Court because this confirmation will change the Supreme Court for the next generation. This tells me that Democrats are even willing to assassinate the good character of an innocent person and destroy a family for political reasons in order to accomplish their goal. 12) Democrats have stated they are going to keep trying to delay the confirmation until after the midterms.
Based on these facts and observations, I feel certain Judge Kavenaugh is innocent of this accusation. If I were on the judiciary commitee, I would vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, not for political reasons, but because he most definitely qualified
From elsewhere on the web, and this echoes my comment above...
To me, the spectacle of a surprisingly childlike 51-year-old woman, awkward in appearance, dress, voice and overall demeanor, describing the agony of a scenario familiar to so many women who came of age in the 1980s, was indicative of deeper issues that likely existed before, whatever may have happened to her, happened.
Remember it was the "glorious" Sexual Revolution in full swing. Overall, that revolution undermined the worth of women when it comes to sexual matters: put out, or I won't take you out."
We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion: 1. Any use of profanity or abusive language 2. Off topic comments and spam 3. Use of personal invective
I have never liked "true conservative" attack on Lindsay Graham. He is his own man. Now, finally, will the yapping, sneering Graham haters give them man some credit?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he had a Damascus moment.
DeleteDoes he now realize that his "friends" across the aisle are not his or anyone's friends?
Could be. Democrats have dropped all pretense since President Trump's election totally unhinged them.
DeleteI was waiting for Lindsey to complain that Dr. Ford couldn't account for her activities during the Benghazi incident.
DeleteThen the predator complaining that the Clinton's were behind it all plus the intimation of Soros money and you have real indicators of just what a Repub operator he is.
Why wasn't Mark Judge subpoenaed?
Why hasn't the FBI been called to investigate Ford's allegations?
The right has made a sham of the nomination process since Merrick Garland but this is going to be hard to top.
Why didn't the Democrats cooperate in the Judiciary Committee's investigation, McDuck? They could have thereby ensured Judge's subpoena. But no... that wouldn't have delayed the confirmation like an FBI Investigation could...
Mark Judge made a written statement to the committee that falls under perjury laws.
The FBI did investigate Judge Kavanaugh as part of this process. They received the letter and put it in his file.
No time. No date. No location. No physical evidence. No eyewitnesses. Kinda hard to start an investigation from NOTHING.
Go grab you pink hat and scream impotently at the sky
Did the FBI investigate the assault allegations? No.
DeleteMaybe some information was just going to pop up at random?
Don't play it dumb.
Did the committee have an opportunity to question Judge?
As soon as Mitchell appeared as though she'd ask Kavanaugh substantive questions it was time for Benghazi Boy to hijack the hearing. Typical Rethug respect for the process.
Once again, with Garland and now Kavanaugh, Republicans have perverted the conformation process. You don't seem able to respond.
You know what would help your case? At least one scintilla of corroborating evidence.
DeleteSo you admit an FBI investigation is needed.
DeleteBULLSHIT, Canardo. Cut the comedy.
DeleteOne Judge on trial was enough.
DeleteDucky, so you admit you've been screaming for someone's life to be destroyed with no evidence. Totalitarian regimes love pinheads like you.
DeleteNo kidding!
Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Ford Says She Wouldn't Prosecute Brett Kavanaugh
Deleteby Ledyard King,
USA TODAY Published 10:42 a.m. ET Sept. 28, 2018 | Updated 12:10 p.m. ET Sept. 28, 2018
The prosecutor at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her allegation of sexual assault has asked about her fear of flying. (Sept. 27) AP
Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee, privately told GOP senators she would not prosecute Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on the evidence she heard, according to the Washington Post.
That detail was spotlighted Friday by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, whose office sent out a news release Friday referring to Mitchell's conclusion.
Mitchell was hand-picked to lead the questioning of Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when both were high school students in the posh suburbs of suburban Maryland.
Mitchell avoided a high-decibel grilling Thursday and instead displayed a considerate, business-like manner befitting an experienced sex crimes prosecutor.
Cornyn, who as Senate majority whip is deputy to GOP Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News' Fox & Friends Friday morning that he thought Mitchell performed admirably.
“I spent 13 years as a judge back in Texas, and I recognize the need to have somebody who does this for a living day after day carefully question somebody who has claimed to be a victim of sexual assault," he said. "I thought she did a good job getting the basic facts out."
DeleteProsecutor Who Questioned Christine Ford Says She Wouldn't Prosecute Brett Kavanaugh
The problem with that: she did not say any such thing before the cameras in the Senate Committee's chamber when the cameras were rolling.
Ah, but can you PROVE she DIDN'T say it, can you?
DeleteAnd THAT is a perfect parallel to what has befallen brett Kvnugh. He is being CRUCIFIED without the tinest shred of physical or foensic evidence to back uo this woman's frankly PREPOSTEROUS claim.
I firmly believe that every aspect of HER life from infancy to the present day ought to be thoroughly and rigorously examined so we may learn just what the HELL makes her TICK?
DeleteHow could Senator Cornyn –– or anyone else –– claim Ms. Mtchell "did a good job of getting the basic facts out," when Christine "Ballsy" Ford gave a hyper-emotiinal-but-essentially-FACT-FREE presentation?
In case anyone is awake and the least bit curious (hghly unlikey I know) the headline immediately above was supposed to read QUESTION:
DeleteIt is now clear this was a dirty Democrat smear job--I love how DiFi looked all befuddled and guilty at the end when confronted with her own lies. They had months to investigate but sat on it and leaked the letter for propaganda purposes. Shame on them.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP did a good job patiently and professionally taking apart this dirty conspiracy. That is what a good GOP does: Do it professionally and boring--stop trying to impress the cool kids.
The GOP is showing some testicular fortitude.
Yes, but a bit late, and maybe too little?
DeleteWith characters like RINOS Silly Suzy "Potatoe Nose" Collins and Murky Lisa "Mucked Up" Murkowski, spiteful treacherous NeverTrump bastards like lame duck Battling Bob Corker, and the late unlamented Bain-Damaged John McVain in the mix the GOP still has as much spine as your Average Garden Snail.
My heart sank when at the beginning of Kavanaugh's questioning, it appeared that the "prosecutor" was going to do his questioning. Could it be the GOPers couldn't even stick their neck out to question him? That she was going to do all the questioning? But Graham came forth and saved the day. If we get Kavanaugh we will owe it to him as much as Kavanuagh.
ReplyDeleteIn my view, "prosecutor" Rachel Mitchell was pathetic. Sheesh.
DeleteThat was an understatement AOW!
DeleteI disagree. She provided many little "statements of fact" that can now be refuted. In the case of Ford's second door, she says her fears started in 2012, but the building permits were issued in 2008...
DeleteShe did a great service, and it was a masterstroke on Chairman Grassley's part to bring her in.
DeleteRachel Mitchell denied the Democrats propaganda footage of old GOP men badgering a victim.
and what FJ said. The "fear of flying" exchange itself totally discredited Dr. Ford.
I thought Ms. Mitchell did very WELL during Christie "Ballsy" Ford's testimony. She brought a remarkable LACK of bile, sarcasm, obnoxious edginess, and tendentious agenda-driven partisanshit to the vicious Feces Festival.
DeleteI think the COP-fashiined FORMAT was designed to DEFEAT the emergence of TRUTH. Since NO Repubkucan Senators were permitted to question the whiny, tremulous, pale, wanly attractive, subtly vicious Demo-Tool Dr. Ford, while every God-damned fuggin' DemoThug in the room was postively encouraged to Badger, Insult, Defame, Slander, and mount viciously FABRICATED Accusations against Brett Kavanugh with impunity.
Weak, tremulous whiny Dr. Ford gets the VIP-SNOWFLAKE Treatment while DISTINGUSHED Judge Kavnaugh gets The THIRD DEGREE.
All I can say to the entire degrading spectacle is
I love watching sobbing DemonCraps wiping the smear-job blowback off their rage-twisted faces.
ReplyDeleteI'd much rather see them lying peacefully in their COFFINS –– with a STAKE planted through their black hearts.
ReplyDeleteCaligula exits the arena, vanquished
D.C., where sterling reputations come to die.
No Contest: Kavanaugh vs. the Committee
Brett Kavanaugh saves himself by himself.
5 Big Problems with Christine Blasey Ford´s Testimony at the Kavanaugh Hearings
#1 I can´t recall anything.
Lindsey Graham unloads on Dianne Feinstein, Democrats for ´unethical sham´
Graham gets the "Best in Show" award.
He’s Going to Get Reelected, Isn’t He?
If there is a God, yes!
ABC´s Moran: ´Millions of Women´ to Feel ´Annihilated Inside´ If Kavanaugh Is Confirmed
Not the real women who will celebrate.
Compare and contrast Kavanaugh´s and Ford´s testimonies
This is for those who missed the soap opera.
Dershowitz calls on GOP to postpone vote...
'My name and my family permanently destroyed'...
Battles hecklers during interview...
Committee Republicans' addresses, phone numbers splashed on WIKIPEDIA...
Wild scene at Capitol: 'Men are trash'...
Confronted in elevator by women...
Next ugly fight: Impeachment(s)...
Communists on TWITTER Discuss 'Ambushes and Assassinations' Against Political Enemies...
Flake NO! The dirty little weasel CHANGED his MIND.
DeleteSadly, I'm not in the least suprised, are you?
If there's anythng worse than a DomoThug, it's a RINOWimp.
We are in the midst of a genuine CIVIL WAR.
ReplyDeleteIt can't be IGNORED, and it can't be THEORIZED away.
Ho long do you think it will be at the rate things are going before actual PHYSICAL COMBAT breaks out?
It's already started with Conservatives being HARASSED and EVICTED from various RESTAURANTS simply for BEING Conservatives.
At WYD Farmer John suggested that President Trump should SHUT the GOVERNMENT DOWN to thwart the D'Rats on The Judiciary Committee.
I asked, "Would that help the president WIN a majority in the November election?
Then I said, "Nevertheless, I have to say that IF the bastard DemoThugs –– Super Troll THIS ONE is a perfect example of the genre, as are Canardo, the Registered Nurse, Dervish "Fartbreath" Sanders, et al. ––, SUCCEED in their attempt to BORK Judge Kavanugh, President Trump might just as well meekly RESIGN his office and just LET the USA be destroyed."
No One Has Come Forward to Back Up Ford, Not Even the Person Who Drove Her Home
ReplyDeleteCybercast News Service,
by Susan Jones
Christine Blasey Ford, a psychologist who has been in therapy herself, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that she has vivid memories of the alleged attack, but not where or exactly when it happened. In her opening statement, Ford said, "The details that -- about that night that bring me here today are the ones I will never forget. They have been seared into my memory and have haunted me episodically as an adult." Later, questioned by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford explained why she´s so sure that a young Brett Kavanaugh was her attacker: "It´s -- just basic memory functions," ...
Kavanaugh Strikes Back
by Daniel Greenfield
“I have been to hell and then some.” When Brett Kavanaugh showed up for his confirmation hearing, he was affable and cheerful. (Snip) He was a non-controversial nominee looking to go through the process and then move on to the Supreme Court. But now Judge Kavanaugh, the sober calm jurist stayed home; instead Mr. Smith came to Washington. The Kavanaugh who showed up to the Senate hearing today had been through 10 days of hell. He came in holding his wife’s hand, and holding the anger and pain inside until he was ready to speak. ...
It occurs to me that Senators Moynahan, Dirkson, Anderson and many other dead Democrats (note: Honorable men, not the leftist scum that identifies their party today) from the era when Democrats were human beings are smiling in their graves today because Graham saved not only the nomination, but possibly the Senate itself (and inadvertently even possibly the old Democratic party) and the country in general.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans should take note. Fight fire with fire and wield the power while you have it.
Any thought that any DemonRat at ANY time was ever a DECENT person is delusional poppycock, Mr. Brandon. Like most on the Right you are much too charitable, much too trusting, much too polite, and much too gullible, and therefore, hopelessly VULNERABLE.
DeleteThe DemonRats have just felt more and more "empowered" to bare their fangs, unsheath their claws, and show their TRUE character ever since the ubiquitous, Leftist-Controlled ENEMEDIA grabbed control of the reigns during Watergate, and began to DICTATE to the nation.
The Horror Show you see today has been produced by the Left's Long Slow March Through the Culture working sedulous for over a CENTURY to undermine and ultimately demolish the United States of America.
What you see today is culmination of vicious machinations put in place by Karl Marx, The Frankfurt School and reinforced by Saul Alinsky. et al.
That today we REVILE Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon and EXTOL Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rock Stars, and Barack Hussein Obama is proof of the enormous untoward sucess of this diabolicl subversive movement.
Joseph, Good thought.
DeleteMr. Brandon's thought was CHARITABLE, Ed, but MY thought is TRUE.
DeleteIn the end TRUTH must ALWAYS supersede kindness and politeness.
DeleteActually, I myself appreciate Joseph Brandon’s comment and see something important to consider there.
The Dems were never THIS bad openly or this badly behaved. Anarchists were, of course. Many of the Dems today are OPENLY anarchists and seditionists!
PIFFLE! D'Rats have ALWAYS been ROTTEN to the CORE. Their outward demeanor may have gotten worse, but INSIDE they have ALWAYS been a TOXIC, DELETERIOUS influence on American life.
DeleteI did not cast any aspersions at Mr. Brandon, I merely stated what I have KNOWN to be the truth for more than SIXTY-FIVE YEARS.
I am what-for-a-time-was-called a PALEO CONSERVATIVE.
Sad to say,there aren't many of us left.
DeleteI'm talking, of course, of the basis fFOR and basic thrust OF their utopian, statist, socialist-oollectivist, One-World Government, anti-Individualist, anti-Liberty AGENDA.
On a PERSONAL level many Democrats I have known –– and still know TODAY ––, are charming, personable, charitable, thoroughly decent , well-meaning people, BUT the ETHOS they embrace is decidedly TOXIC.
I consider most rank and file Democrats to be DUPES –– VICTIMS of seductive blandishments and poisonous propaganda proffered by EVIL intellectual aggressors.
Power is fleeting. Joe's comment above acknowledges this when he says ... while you have it.
DeleteIt is good power is not continually vested in one party. Such a situation inevitably leads to gross corruption. Which is why power in America is about to shift. In November 2018 and 2020.
America will be fine. As long as she remains true to the values and principles that made her Great to begin with.
A fresh breeze is a blowing, and it's blowing left. Course correction is a refreshing event.
@RN: "As long as she remains true to the values and principles that made her Great to begin with."
DeleteAre you serious? We abandoned all that long ago. Read Tocqueville and weep.
Fresh breeze? The hot air from the left always carries a fetid stench. I recommend you take a vacation to Argentina to see what socialism-lite political patronage can do to a once-first world nation.
Silver Fiddle, I beg you, as a personal favor to me,
Thanks to folks who place partisan ideology above working to insure the common weal, folks who askew compromise and place winning above all else, we have arrived where are.
DeleteIt's unfortunate, but, it is what it is.
There is nothing partisan about rejecting hideous ideologies. Both parties used to be opposed to socialism because of its anti-American track record of economic destruction and tens of millions killed and mired in misery.
DeleteSF ++
DeleteSenate Judiciary Committee advances Kavanaugh nomination in party-line vote
ReplyDeleteFox News,
by Adam Shaw
The Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Judge Brett Kavanaugh in a party-line vote Friday afternoon, sending his Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate a day after an emotional hearing where a California professor leveled sexual assault allegations that he adamantly denied. The committee voted 11-10 to recommend Kavanaugh, with previously undecided Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., boosting the nominee with his late-breaking support.
However, that support came with a last-minute caveat. After meeting with Democrats behind closed doors ahead of the vote, Flake emerged to call for a delay ...
The FBI will fumble around for a week duplicating the statements already collected and reviewed by the Judiciary Committee. They'll find nothing new, and Murkowski and Collins will vote to confirm, having been "thorough" and "just" to all those wonderful #MeToo'ers, and exhonorate the new Associate Justice. It's a magic curtain that drops a veil over and re-legitimizes the whole sausage making process. Don't you love "restorative justice"?
DeleteSorry, FJ, but the answer is "NO!"
DeleteFarcical TRAVESTY should have NO place in American politics.
Once AGAIN the DemonRats have turned what-should-hie-been a solemn, earnest process into the kind of low grade, obscene BURLESQUE Show police used to be called in routinely to SHUT DOWN and cart the whorish participants off to JAIL.
I have described Chrstine "Ballsy" Ford with her fatuous Erica Jong act, as a "whiny, tremulous, pale, wanly attractive, subtly vicious Demo-Tool."
I'll stand by that assessment to my dying day.
I deeply resent the mawkish, "Hands Off, Guys, She's a Delicate Little Petunia in an Onion Patch. You Gotta Handle Her with Kid Gloves" treatment the Republican gntlemen have afforded her.
CHRIST! Even President TRUMP and Brett Kavanugh, HIMSELF, played along with that sick, self-defeating, treacherous feminazi-inspired gag!
How stupidly SEXIST could you GET?
Collins and Murkowski aren't petunias needing 'special' tending? Who knew?
DeleteWho said anything about the RINO-BITCHES Collins and Murkowski?
DeleteNo, They Have No Decency—Confirmed
ReplyDeletePower Line,
by Steven Hayward
I was on the road all day yesterday (and again today) and missed all of the Kavanaugh hearing in real time. Scott and John have already offered up solid observations, especially about Senator Lindsey Graham’s finest moment. I’ll bet Rush Limbaugh lets him off the hook today from his usual label as “Lindsey Grahamnesty.” Some other time perhaps I’ll explain why I think Rachel Mitchell’s performance in the hearing was actually very effective, even if most of us thought she didn’t go for a Perry Mason-like smackdown. My historian’s eye tells me that Graham’s speech will rank as one of the ...
DeleteLinguini-spined GOPers!
Please don't give one of my very favorite pasta forms a bad name, AOW.
DeleteI have likened them unto GARDEN SNAILS. Not only are they SPINELESS, thy also leave a trail of SLIME behind themslves wherever they crawl.
Ford should have gone to the local police and reported what she felt was an attempted rape 36 years ago. She should realize that by her remaining silent for 36 years and through 6 prior FBI vettings of Brett’s nominations and confirmations to very high positions, she forfeited her right to come forward and throw an allegation at an SC Judge without any corroboration and without any details that would allow the accused the slightest chance in hell of defending himself. This one fact alone proves 100% she is a political hack who lay bare in the democrat tool box to be willingly deployed at the will of Democrats who couldn’t care less if she lived or died.
DeleteIt is my understanding that there is no statute of limitations preventing her from filing a report in Montgomery County, Maryland. To date, she has not done any such thing.
I know why.
The police would laugh her out of the room: no location, no date.
For some weird reason, Blogger called me "Unknown." **sigh** The above comment is mine.
DeleteThere was a statute limit of 1 year that is timed out.
DeleteThanks. I hadn't heard that.
Where did you get your information, Ed? A LOT of "punditz have said there is NO statute of limitations on such crimes.
DeleteI'm not trying to say you are wrong, Ed, but I'd like to know more about your sources. I'm pretty sure policies of this sort vary quite a bit from state to state.
I read it on the internet . It must be true.
And even if an accuser went to the local department, the statute of limitations appears to have long since passed for pursuing the allegations described in Thursday’s dramatic Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
The most serious allegation that authorities could pursue, given the sworn testimony provided by Ford, would be attempted rape. But that was considered a misdemeanor in Maryland in 1982, and that would be the relevant legal standard.
DeleteThe most serious allegation that authorities could pursue, given the sworn testimony provided by Ford, would be attempted rape.
Well, I see it as groping. Is groping between teenagers a crime?
Interesting take:
ReplyDeleteThey have asked the FBI to do the same social colonscopy of Dr. Ford and the other accusers that they have done of Brett Kavanaugh six times. Dr. Ford, a woman who wanted to remain anonymous, will be subject to personal questions about her marital therapy in far more detail than the Committee did. If she did in fact give her treatment records to the Washington Post, she has essentially waived confidentiality and the content will be assessed.
Let's remember she also made academic performance an issue related to her trauma. Her college years may be put up to scrutiny next. And anyone and everyone who ever knew her who may have an ax to grind will come out of the woodwork....
The Democrats are relentlessly pursuing private citizens caught up in all of this. Pursuing people who have already given sworn statements under penalty of perjury. Perhaps encompassing "beach friends", the boy Ms. Ford "went out" with at 15 and others....
More at the above link.
For some weird reason, Blogger called me "Unknown." **sigh** The above comment is mine.
DeleteI wish they'd accord ME such and honor and privilege, AOW.
DeleteYou must be very special to them.
Is Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick a sexual predator?
ReplyDeleteI say she's a WHORE for PUBLICITY and has probably been PAID a handsome sum –– UNDER the TABLE, of course –– by evil genius George Soros.
DeletePeople pf this despicable ilk are LOWER the WHALE DUNG.
NNE.COM wuth WRY QUIPS by te L.com STAFF:
ReplyDelete‘Advise & Consent’ Meets ‘Rashomon’
A day made for Frank Capra.
Why the Brett Kavanaugh Smear?
The Left´s crazed base should Google Amy Barrett
just to see what might happen.
Can We Trust the FBI?
In two words...probably not.
On Kavanaugh, has disgraced Dianne Feinstein finished herself off?
Wait for the full story to be told.
Woman says Washington state lawmaker raped her in 2007
If this catches on it´s the end of feminism.
ReplyDeleteKavanaugh’s hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come
It´s going to be very tense week.
CNN legal analyst goes rogue, stunningly supports confirmation of Kavanaugh, slams Dems
Follow Callan´s fate. This may be ugly.
Life in a Gynocracy
Clarice Feldman on women behaving badly.
Sen. Kennedy to Feinstein: ´You Should Hide Your Head in a Bag
Sen. John Kennedy (R-Ark) has become the Senate´s quote machine.
Even funnier when he´s angry.
Hillary Clinton does television´s ´Murphy Brown´ -- badly
Painful to watch [the fat, rumpsprung old hag prove she can't act]
Pedophilia Isn’t The Main Problem With Catholic Priests, Homosexuality Is
We ignore these truths at our peril. [When all else fails, beat up on the homos.]
[NOTE: Clarice Feldman's artucle "Life in a Gynocracy" SHOULD have been titled "LIFE in a VAGINACRACY."]
DeleteKanye West is da MAN! Look for a black-red wave in 2018!
ReplyDeleteToo bad it wsn't ON-Air!
ReplyDeleteEven the AP [Associated Press] notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh
American Thinker,
by Monica Showalter
Up until now, the Democrats and their media punditocracy has pushed the ‘narrative’ that female voters are all in for the sex-attack testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, despite the latter’s lifetime spotless record, and any Republican effort to Believe Kavanaugh is likely to cost them the Senate at midterms, owing to all the angry female voters who will vote against them. Well, not exactly. Even the Associated Press has, rather astonishingly, noticed that a lot of women support Brett Kavanaugh, and these aren´t the ones who actually know him, writing:
But the majority are NOT. There is a good reason for that.
ReplyDeleteWhy Another FBI Investigation of Kavanaugh Would Be Pointless
ReplyDeleteDaily Signal,
by Thomas Jipping
Campaigns of whatever sort often adopt a mantra, a phrase, or even a single word that’s repeated over and over to advance the campaign’s goals. The campaign against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is no different, and its latest mantra is “FBI investigation.” Let’s look at this mantra’s objectives and its validity. The call for another FBI investigation, which dominated the Sept. 27 hearing about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh, appears to have multiple partisan objectives, based on statements made by those opposed to his confirmation....
CNN legal analyst goes rogue, stunningly supports confirmation of Kavanaugh,
ReplyDeleteslams Dems
BizPac Review,
by Frieda Powers
CNN may have some regrets after asking a “group of expert commentators” about their reaction to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford. While the commentators delivered a predictable narrative on the testimonies of the Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago, one of the group went rogue. Citing facts as the basis and not the spectacle that unfolded, CNN legal analyst, Paul Callan, gave a no-nonsense assessment of why he was in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh, while delivering a scathing ...
Perhaps, CNN is now worried the FBI will discover who has been paying Justice Kavanaugh´s "accusers" to lie...?
DeleteIn other news, CNN replaced legal analyst Paul Callan for unspecified reasons.
DeleteLet´s hope Callahan [sic] doesn´t commit Arkancide in Ft. Marcy Park!
DeleteSeriously worried for this guy´s safety. The lunatics on the left aren´t going to stand for anyone leaving the plantation. My feeling is a bunch of horse´s just lost their heads all about to appear in Mr.Callan´s bed.
DeleteAlong with more money, there must be a nice, warm seat waiting for Callan over at Fox.
DeleteWhoopsi! Callan is going to be fired for telling the truth.
DeleteGood for Callan, but, just a matter of time before he is fitted with a brand new pair of cement shoes?
DeletePaul Callan hit the nail on the head...."verdict of ‘not guilty’ rendered,” he concluded. “On the evidence adduced at the Kavanaugh hearings, the verdict of the Senate should be that his nomination is confirmed.”
DeleteThis could be a trial balloon to save the sinking CNN ship of fools.
DeleteHire security for your wife and children, Mr. Callan, you just unleashed the leftwing crazies on them...not to mention the attacks you´ll receive from the ENEMEDIA.
DeleteWelcome to the sane side of the aisle –– and its dire consequences.
Bill O´Reilly´s next book: "Killing America"
DeleteSadly, the Kavanaugh assassiination is not Chapter 1 but may be well past the middle.
Democrats have killed Comedy, TV, Movies, our Industries, our Mines and Energy Fields, our Civility, an estimated 60,000,000 million of our Babies, our Newspapers and perhaps more.
Trump is trying to recapture America´s young heart, mind and optimism. Thank God, he is helping us win back some of what we once were.
Brett Kavanaugh is on the side of all that is good about America. We need him badly.
Except Senate hearings are not a court of law, and there is no standard of evidence for any charge or accusal hurled in the course of this sick tribunal. The Senators are fully protected and thus unaccountable whatever they say.
DeleteThe truth is that Feinstein should have her "day in court" via an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee for her handling of the Ford letter and its relation to this confirmation, but there is a hitch. See, there needs to be a complaint made. And while (at last count) FOUR REPUBLICAN Senators have decried her behavior, one calling the hearing an "unethical sham", NONE has the guts to do his DUTY to make a complaint nd have her behavior investigated with possible disciplinaty action resulting. Feinstein, and likely others, deserves no less than censure for the disrepute she brought to the US Senate –– and expulsion would be a fair punishment for her apparent actions.
It may also be fair for the House Ethics Committee to investigate the now-famous envelope exchange at the Senate hearing...
It would be good to have CNN and members of the Deep State worried, but sadly, one cannot deem the FBI trustworthy any more. Indeed, there is concern for President Trump´s seeming naivete toward Rosenstein (actually now running the FBI) and his cohorts.
DeleteI don´t think these reporters are on their own. They´re reading-reporting on what some editor hands them. Maybe it is Ted Turners recent statement...or their ratings that are in the toilet.
DeleteWhatever else you do, don´t trust this bunch of demons.
Not to worry Franco. Real Americans won't trust the REAL demons.
DeleteSenate hearings are not a court of law, and there is no standard of evidence for any charge or accusal hurled in the course of this sick tribunal.
Furthermore, since when is groping between teenagers a crime? It certainly wasn't back in the time frame for which there allegations are made.
The FOCUS of the supplemental investigation is very specific and centers specifically on allegations of sexual assault. An issue that had not been on the table during prior FBI investigations. Which is PRECISELY why the supplemental investigation is NOT a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteYou say that like you mean it.
DeleteCalls already are coming from regressives to extend and expand the "investigation".
So how does this work, Ed?
DeleteThe FBI during his vetting asked him if he sexually assaulted anyone at a high school party.
That accusation has to be investigated directly.
What is Kavanaugh, the GOP, and the highly partisan cons afraid of. Are they really worried that the FACTS coming out of the supplemental investigation will confirm whiney Kavanaugh is in fact guilty as charged of sexual assault?
ReplyDeletePedophilia IS the problem. Homosexuality, or sex between CONSENTING homosexual ADULTS is NOT. Priests who abuse their priestly authority by emotionally land sexually assaulting minor child IS the problem. Priest who use their priestly power to sexually assault young boys IS.
ReplyDeleteHere's what I learned from listening to the hearings from Ford and Kavanaugh:
ReplyDelete1) Ms. Ford stated she did not come forward for political reasons and has not been paid to come forward. Fact check: There are 3 known GoFundMe accounts in her name totaling nearly $1,000,000 dollars. She does not plan to return the money, nor has she told people not to send money.
2) She testified that she and her husband went to a therapist in 2012 while remodeling their home. They were arguing over installing a 2nd front door which she stated under oath, that she wanted as an escape route. Fact check: A check of Palo Alto building permit records show the 2nd door was installed in 2008. The record states the 2nd door was added as a separate entrance for a rental unit being developed in the home.
3) She doesn't know or remember how she got to the party. No one has come forward to take credit for taking her to the party.
4) She doesn't know or remember how she got home which was 8 miles away. No one has come forward to take credit for taking her home.
5) She doesn't know or remember when the party was.
6) She doesn't know or remember where the party was.
7) She said she does remember it was Kavanaugh.
?? She was sketchy on how many people were at the party.
9) She was 15 years old, at a party without adult supervision and without her parents knowledge, drinking illegally.
10) She said she was so upset that she was almost raped that she fled the party, leaving her best friend behind with these almost rapists.
11) She said she heard people talking about her at the party after the incident. She doesn't know or remember what they were saying. Questions: How did she hear them talking about her if she fled the house? How does she know they were talking about her if she doesn't know or remember what they were saying?
12) All of the witnesses that she named have provided statements saying it never happened, and also vouched for the good character of Kavenaugh.
13) Ford said she called her friends on her cell phone when she got home to tell them what had happened. She stated the party was in 1982. Fact check: The first cell phone was not available for sale until 1984.
14) Feinstein was deceptive and violated the rules of the judiciary committee by keeping the letter secret from the chairman and other committee members for 60 days. She never questioned Kavanaugh about it when she met with him before the confirmation hearings.
15) Someone leaked the letter to the press. The only people who had the letter were Ford, her lawyer, Feinstein, and the Democratic Senator from her state. Feinstein became very flustered and could not be sure if her office leaked the letter. Her reaction to the question seemed very suspicious. She turned to ask her staff member who was present, if her office had given the letter to the press
The GoFundMe was established after the fact of her writing to Feinstein, jealous Denny?
DeleteRead it and learn
She fled the party ... seems a normal flight response. What's your point.
Please cite evidence of your ridiculous cell phone claim.
Someone leaked the letter. No ---- , Sherlock.
Weak, weak,weak.
Oh by the way, Denny, witnesses swore they had no recollection of the party — providing no support for Ford's accusations laid out to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But their statements do not disprove the allegations, either.
DeleteWeak, weak, weak.
DeleteAllegations which are not corroborated should be disregarded. Why? Because of the precedent, for one thing. Think about that. We are all vulnerable if allegations become automatically accepted.
And one more thing -- very important: what Ford is accusing Kavanaugh of is not a crime. Lord, how many accusations I could bring from some 50 years ago if what he did try with Ford says he tried! And I was no party girl in any respect.
I agree that uncorroborated allegations should be disregarded AFTER a full investigation.
DeleteWhether Kavanaugh committed a crime or not is irrelevant. The Senate hearing is not a trial. It is proper that the character of the nominee be investigated.
ReplyDelete16) Ford was never told by Feinstein or her lawyer that the Senators on the judiciary committee would come to her for her statement or that it could have been done in private. Ford, her lawyer, and Feinstein decided her statement should be given publicly.
17) Ford stated the reason she did not want to come and provide a statement earlier was because she has a fear of flying. However, she has taken many trips where she traveled by air to Hawaii, Tahiti, etc. She also flew to Delaware where she had been hiding out since the letter was leaked. Why did she not just drive from Delaware to meet with the commitee? She doesn't know who paid for the airline ticket to Delaware.
18) Even though she said she wanted to remain anonymous, she hired a lawyer and took a polygraph test the first week of August, less than two weeks after sending the letter. The polygraph test consisted of two questions. She doesn't know who ordered or paid for the polygraph.
19) She deleted her Facebook and Twitter social media accounts before sending the letter.
20) Her attorney claims to be handling the Ford case pro bono but was hired by Feinstein.
21) Kavanaugh was very passionate in his denial, as anyone would be under a false accusation that is destroying his reputation, his family and children, and his career.
22) He likes beer and drank in high school at the legal age of 18.
23) He graduated top in his class, played basketball and football.
24) He recorded his scheduled activities in a caledar. His father preserved these calendars along with other school memorabilia such as trophies, essays, etc. in their attic.
25) The Republicans questioning Ford were respectful.
26)The Democrats were not respectful of Kavanaugh and didn't really ask any questions other than to try to get him to ask for an FBI investigation.
Summary and observations: After reviewing the testemony provided by both, I have personally come to the following conclusions based on evidence and observations
The drinking age in Maryland was 21 during part of the time in question.
DeleteHe knew he was drinking under age.
The Republicans didn't question Ford. Kavanaugh was a disgrace when he replied to Sen. Klubachar. Just the out of control type you'd want on SCOTUS, right Denny.
He played basketball, football ... so freakin' what?
You seem more concerned about Kavanaugh than you do about Ford. You don't seem to understand that this exposes the true nature of MAGA, the return of white male privilege.
His father kept his activity calendar and his trophies in their attic ... so freakin' what?
If you ever have thoughts of a legal career, don't quit your day job.
And what about HER drinking?
DeleteHave you seen the latest revelation ( HER YEAR BOOK). Maybe you should before you post the crap that you do ... Because your posts are” wrap, weak, Weak”.
ReplyDelete1) I think both statements were presented in a believable manner, but the burden of proof is on the accuser, and that didn't happen.
2) I have a problem with Ms. Ford's credibility due to the contradiction of having 3 GoFundMe accounts with no plans to return the money. I had a problem with her statement that she was so distressed that she needed an extra door installed during a 2012 renovation on her home when it was actually installed in 2008 for a rental unit being prepared. I have a problem believing her statement that she has a fear of flying when in fact she had flown many, many times. I felt suspicious that something incriminating was in her social media leading her to delete her Facebook and Twitter accounts.
3) She admitted to being deceitful to her parents who did not know she was at a party without adult supervision.
4) Her behavior leading up to the hearing appears to be staged and calculated. She appears to have been coached.
5) Kavenaugh had his parents, his wife, and many friends at the hearing in support of him.
6)There was not a single family member or friend at the hearings in support of Ford. Where was her husband or the beach friends she claims gave her advice and encouraged her to come forward. The friends whom she has named as witnesses claim the incident never happened.
7) Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI six different times and not one thing has ever come up. Ford has only been asked two questions on a non admissible polygraph.
8 I believe something happened to Ford, but I don't believe Kavanaugh did it.
9) I believe that Kavanaugh's display of righteous anger is a justified response to this serious accusation.
10) I believe Feinstein and the Democrats are using mentally weak Ford as a political pawn.
11) The Democrats have stated they will go to any length to not lose this seat on the Supreme Court because this confirmation will change the Supreme Court for the next generation. This tells me that Democrats are even willing to assassinate the good character of an innocent person and destroy a family for political reasons in order to accomplish their goal.
12) Democrats have stated they are going to keep trying to delay the confirmation until after the midterms.
Based on these facts and observations, I feel certain Judge Kavenaugh is innocent of this accusation. If I were on the judiciary commitee, I would vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, not for political reasons, but because he most definitely qualified
Great summary.
DeleteLet's get it straight, Denny.
DeleteYou have a candidate for the Supreme Court who :
1. Claims he was railroaded by the Clintons and Soros (implied). You really want a judge who sounds like he reads Breitfart?
2. His treatment of Sen. Klobuchar was so disgraceful that his handlers handed him a sheet of paper telling him to tone it down.
3. He would not answer Sen. Durbin regarding an FBI investigation but he's getting one anyway.
Asinine summary.
DeleteGreat summary.
I agree.
From elsewhere on the web, and this echoes my comment above...
ReplyDeleteTo me, the spectacle of a surprisingly childlike 51-year-old woman, awkward in appearance, dress, voice and overall demeanor, describing the agony of a scenario familiar to so many women who came of age in the 1980s, was indicative of deeper issues that likely existed before, whatever may have happened to her, happened.
Remember it was the "glorious" Sexual Revolution in full swing. Overall, that revolution undermined the worth of women when it comes to sexual matters: put out, or I won't take you out."
I also agree Denny , Great Summary, Great Post.
ReplyDeleteAs for Ducky’s response, take it for what it’s worth!