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Monday, October 29, 2018

This Is The Left

With Mr. AOW returning home after being in medical facilities since September 19, I have time to post only a link. And what a doozie this link is!

Read and watch this:

UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE: Protesters heckle Marsha Blackburn during moment of silence for Tree of Life victims.

This is 21st Century America? Sheesh.


  1. If we think this is bad, wait until we get thousands more of these uncivilized nomads who are soon to breech our shores. I am sure their upbringing will have given them a similar respect for all such things.

  2. Since its inception the Marxian-Progressive Left has attacked us in two highly divergent ways one subtle, quasi-erudite, highly-intellectualized apealing to Reason and Conscience, the other fractious, strident, hyper-aggressive appealing to raw emotion and spurred into action by exacerbating the natural tedency toward Envy, Spite, Malice ad Theft many "Have-Nots" must have latently felt toward "Haves" throughout history. Didn't Marx, himself call it "Class Warfare?"

    Since our Christian doctrine tells us that ENVY and COVETOUSNESS are prominent among the Seven Deadly Sins, is it any wonder Marx felt compelled to denigrate and deride "religion" –– CHRISTIANITY in particular –– and strive to ELIMINATE faith by actively FORBIDDING its practice among the proletariat in countries overwhelmed and enslaved by Communism?

    The Democratic Party has always leant too far leftward since the Progressive Era regrettably took hold, and it became the out-and-out advocate of increasingly SOCIALISTIC policies during Franklin D. Roosevelt's regrettable regime as FDR's New Deal ushered in the immense and ever-metastasizing bureaucracy now known as the Deep State that holds all of us by the short hairs today.

    So, between the fractious, crafty, manipulative, frankly seditious practices engaged in by the professoriat once members of the distinctly alien Frankfurt School managed to infiltrate the hallowed halls of the academy, and the howling, rock-throwing mobs, bombings and murderous riots engaged in by unionists such as Samuel Gompers, anarchists such as Emma Goldman, Rosa Luxembourg, and the fllowers of Saul Alinsky, who captured the imagination of the naturally lazy, impatient, avidly rebelious Young, and Incompetent eager to find ways to circumvent the necessary self-discipline, and sincere, dedicated effort it takes to be a successful, constructive, contributing member of any healthy, prosperous society, and of disaffected minorities persuaded to see themselves purely as "VICTIMS' of the predominantly White, Protestant Christian, English-Speaking Establishent who FOUNDED this country.

    Since crypto-Marxin "Progressivism" got its foot in the door early in the last century, our ideals of Maximum Freedom for the Individual,Freedom of Choice, and the right to PURSUE Happiness –– as WE see fit –– have been steadily eroding.

    MARXISM, which IS what the Left espouses, whether they choose to admit it or not, STIFLES the Individual, DISCOURAGES Individual intiative and High Achievement as it GLORIFIES Base Ingratitude, Greed, Open Disrespect, Intolerance, One-Way Rudeness, Rebelliousness, and frankly VIOLENT CRIMINAL behavior directed at perceived OPPRESSORS.

    That IS the tragic, abysmally sad TRUTH, and frankly it STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN.

    Is it any wonder WHY we are where we are today?


    GET_____ A _____ LOAD _____ OF_____ T___H___I___S!

    Fox Business pulls episode of ´Lou Dobbs Tonight´ with ´Soros-occupied
    State Department´ remark

    Washington Examiner,

    by Joe Williams

    Fox Business on Sunday said it pulled an episode of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" that contained what critics said was anti-Semitic sentiment just a day after a gunman killed 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. In the segment, Judicial Watch official Chris Farrell claimed a Central American migrant caravan moving towards the U.S. southern border is being funded by the "Soros-occupied State Department." Farrell was referencing George Soros, a Jewish billionaire and political activist who routinely funds Democratic candidates and initiatives. ...


    Jewish Leaders Tell Trump He´s Not Welcome in Pittsburgh Until He Denounces White Nationalism

    The Hill,

    by Morgan Gstalter

    A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend. Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue. “Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,”...

    S _________ E _________ E_________ ?

  4. I recall some years back that a religious group routinely organized anti-war demonstrations at the funerals of our fallen servicemen. Hard to believe that people can stoop so low when people are grieving the loss of a loved one, or a horrific event. There is no shortage of depraved comportment in our country today, but the political left has made malodorous behavior an art form.

    Sam H.

    1. Yes, Sam,the group you're thinking of was the Westboro Baptist Church. Our Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, just referenced that odious group when he was asked if he would be able to follow the letter of the law when it worked in favor of an individual, group or faction, whose views he, personally, detested.

      Roberts immediately responded by mentioning his extreme distaste at having had NO CHOICE but to rule in FAVOR of the Westboro Bigots, BECAUSE their disgusting, mean-spirited opinions –– and even their outrageous ACTIONS –– ARE protcted under The First Amendment.

      I have serious problems with that, mself, because I have come to believe that, like President John Adams did before me –– that SUBVERSIVE speech that encourage Alienatiin and Sedition SHOULD be outlawed and spressed.

      A fine line –– a slippery slope –– to be sure, but ...

    2. From Wikipedia on Westboro "Baptist" Church:

      The WBC is not affiliated with any Baptist denomination, although it describes itself as Primitive Baptist and following the five points of Calvinism.[1] Many other Baptist churches, Baptist-affiliated seminaries, and Baptist conventions, including the Baptist World Alliance and the Southern Baptist Convention (the two largest Baptist denominations), have denounced the WBC over the years.[20]

    3. Yes, but do you agree with chief Justice Roberts that this VILE organization that makes a hideous mockery of Christ's Message has a CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED "RIGHT" to make an OBSCENE PUBLIC SPECTACLE BY hecklIingbadgering, and otherwise ABUSING decent people IN THEIR HOUR of BEREAVEMENT as they are trying to bury a SON WHO SERVED HONORABLY in OUR MILITARY who got KILLED in COMBAT.

      I'm sorry, but I do NOT think ANYONE should have that right.

      If rotten stinking bastards like that have a"right" to express their feelings i[n public, then shouldn't WE who find THEM deeply offensive hv an EQUAL "right" to beat them ro a pulp, then tear them limb from limb, ten stomp them to jelly?

      I feel the same about Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Code Pink as well as others of that ilk.


    4. WBC is a scam. Non-WBC family members have pointed out that it is an organization of litigious members of a family that is only organized to threaten to sue, or to sue, for financial gain, communities that oppose them.

    5. Aside from the paid security, what's stopping you from disrupting a Westboro "Baptist" Church service with chocolate fudge and dildos?

    6. it may do well to note that the "pastor" of the WBC has run for political office several times as a Democrat.

    7. TC,
      He has? WOWZER!

      That's important info. Thank you.

    8. Franco,
      I have a poor impression of Chief Justice Roberts. And, yes, he, too, made a mockery of Christ's teachings.

  5. Do the pukes win? I don't believe so.

    1. Kid,
      Did they win in the 1960s? Damn near -- and they migrated to the media, politics, and "academia."

  6. According to the Left, Trump is to blame for the horrific mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh this weekend. Celebrities like Sarah Silverman took it upon themselves to falsely accuse Trump of anti-Semitism despite his deep connections to the Jewish faith and his being the most pro-Israel president in U.S. history. It is clear that the Left only cares about gaining power and will go as far as exploiting the victims of mass shootings if it means smearing Trump.


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