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Friday, September 4, 2015

The Migrant Crisis (With Addendum)

Flashback to February 2015: Islamic State threatens to flood Europe with refugees


Train to Germany at the Keleti Railway Station in Budapest, Hungary
As "the world" clamors for Western nations to take in the four million (mostly Muslims, as Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary has pointed out) fleeing Syria and the Magreb, the Arab world's wealthiest nations — the Gulf states of Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain — are doing almost nothing.

The West is blamed for not doing enough for these millions. Meanwhile, the wealthy Arab world largely escapes blame for doing nothing.

Additional reading, which includes a photo essay: We can't cope with this tide! Europe's despairing leaders bring back border controls with free-movement zone on brink of collapse.

Thousands of migrants emerge from the hold of a ferry onto the streets of Greece's capital, Athens 

ADDENDUM: Collapsing Immigration Policies and the Rise of Global Nationalism by Tammy Swofford at The Last English Prince.


  1. Don't worry folks. Our omniscient leaders on the Left have an answer for this problem... celebrity fundraisers!

  2. "Just bomb Benghazi, then leave! What difference at this point does it make?"

  3. Meanwhile in Syria....

    Game Changer: Putin deploys Russian troops in Syria.

    Commentary from that link:

    After Iran gets access to over $100 billion of frozen reserves as a signing amount for the nuclear deal, Regime in Tehran is setting about carving out a new map of the Middle East — tightening its hold on Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. Russian want to play a bigger role in this scramble for the Middle East.

    While President Obama is deliberately shrinking America’s global foot-print in his ideological pursuit to get on the “right side of the history”, Putin’s Russia is vengefully craving to reach Cold War imperial glory by filling in the vacuum created by America’s disengagement.

    Handing over half of the Middle East to Mullah Regime of Iran and reinstating Russia as an imperial power would be the real legacy of the Obama presidency.

    1. Looks like Hillary's "Soft Power" strategy for the Middle East is FINALLY paying off...

      ...for ALL of America's enemies!

    2. Speedy G,
      We are seeing all over the world the price of Hillary's reset button. **sigh**

  4. Well, glad I got so live in Europe back when I did...

    A European talking about Christianity... That's a hoot.

    The world is going through an epochal change. The West is intellectually, morally and financially bankrupt, we are shrinking because we do not reproduce,and we are in an inexorable retreat.

    Millions of third-world poor are burgeoning and spilling out of the toilets that spawned them. Can you blame them? I can't.

    This particular crisis across the Mediterranean is a direct result of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld. I still can't decide if they were acting with malic and aforethought, criminally negligent, or insanely arrogant.

    What a supreme irony that uber-Christian George Bush is directly responsible for the rape, murder and Exodus-scale displacement of Middle Eastern Christians and other religious minorities.

    If Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld had even an ounce of shame, a twinge of remorse, or even two squirming molecules left in their ossified consciences, they would climb the tallest skyscraper on Wall Street and plunge to their deaths.

    But they haven't even issued an apology.

    Next, Obama and his Sophomore Girls Amateur Warlord Club did the seemingly impossible: They created even more chaos and destruction in the muslim world than Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld.

    We created this gusher of human misery and hope by thinking we could "manage" the Middle East and "remake" it.

    Sure, the crapulent, bloated Middle Eastern billionaire grandees are sitting on their fat asses laughing. Who can't enjoy seeing arrogant idiots getting their comeuppance?

    1. SF,
      Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld do not even recognize what they set in motion.

      Does Obama recognize what he's set in motion? Probably. He's all about fundamental transformation, you know.

      Fundamental transformation is arriving via these waves of migrants.

      We created this gusher of human misery and hope by thinking we could "manage" the Middle East and "remake" it.

      Well, we -- you and I and other Americans who did not set policy -- are going to be the ones to pay the price first. The ruling class will be safely ensconced in their ivory towers -- until, of course, the ivory towers are no longer of any use.

    2. AOW,
      I like to remind people that rich elite live in Haiti in tony neighborhoods in the hills looking down upon the squalor.

      The elites don't give a flying **** about you or me. Once they collapse it all, they can simply move on to New Zealand or wherever...

    3. SF,
      If there is a wherever.

      See my comment @ September 4, 2015 at 4:04:00 PM EDT.

  5. This Celebration
    Will continue by The Progressive's who will make it Right!

    1. Here's a little tip, girl. Don't be mixin them bath salts in with your morning coffee, OK?

      You may be flyin high on your hallucinations, but the rest of us are the ones who gotta deal with it, OK?

    2. Written by a class one ass- he progressive

    3. You better run along now, I think I just heard Boston Piggy ringing her bell

  6. The migration crisis in Europe is a tragedy indeed. The image of that young boy found dead on the sea shore in Turkey was heart-rending. There is no doubt about it. The migration crisis is not just a tragedy, but it's a catastrophe too. And it's a catastrophe of our own making.

    The West has made so many mistakes in its policy towards the Middle East. (It's not really surprising, since the West doesn't understand the ME.) It has all been caused by wrong-headedness and weakness. Our political élite have been wrong-headed in their assessment of the ME; and they have been weak too. They are sending out all the wrong signals with their weak approach to this matter. People in the ME know that if they make it to Europe, they'll be taken care of. So why shouldn't they attempt the perilous journey?

    But it all started with that buffoon, George W. Bush. He used to commune with God each morning, or so they say. He used to make his decisions based on his communion with God. (Big joke!) Either he or God got things wrong; and I'd prefer to think it was Dubya.

    Dubya should never have invaded Iraq: Saddam Hussein should have been left where he was – in firm control. Bashar Al-Assad should have been helped when the unrest started in Syria. And Cameron and Sarkozy should have left Muammer Qadhafi where he was. He might not have been a good man in our eyes, but he was able to control the Libyans.

    Now, we have Libya out of control. Ditto Iraq. Ditto Syria. Ditto... And the result? The growth of the Islamic State, the so-called caliphate, which is the embodiment of evil. So what are we going to do about all these migrants, some of whom are genuine refugees, but many of whom, it has to be said, are economic migrants seeking a better life. (And who can blame them?)

    We are seeing the changing face of Europe change ever more, ever more quickly. The Islamisation of Europe is happening before our very eyes. Social unrest will possibly follow. Whilst as a human being with a heart, I feel profoundly sorry for these people––who wouldn't? After all, there but for the grace of God, go I––one cannot help but understand and sympathise with Viktor Orbán's sentiments too. Indeed, we should never lose sight of the veracity of his statements on the turmoil that will surely ensue in the years to come.

    1. Mark,
      Thank you for taking the time to stop by to comment. I appreciate it.

      Is Europe done for? I just cannot see how Europe can possibly absorb so many young, Muslim males without there being a major clash of civilizations. And which civilization is now the stronger? The Western one or the Islamic one?

      You mentioned "years to come." I can't imagine that the turmoil won't begin much sooner!

      I understand that some of these migrants are genuine refugees and are seeking a better life. But what about the European citizens already trying to lead their lives in their own countries?

    2. Mark,

      Do you assign any culpability at all to President Obama?

  7. Our leaders NEVER understood the strong horse stance of the ME mind. Except for Reagan, few understood it vis-a-vis the Soviets. Even though I admire the man, I did not agree with the conclusions of Natan Sharansky in his book The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror. Unfortunately, George Bush did. Once I read it I realized why WE are in trouble. And Bush's outlook is a piker compared to the self-imposed ignorance of Biden and Obama. At least THEY had an example to not follow.

    1. Baysider,
      Well-stated. I can't believe three men that old and experienced: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, could be so naive. The alternative leads me down the leftwinger path of nefarious plans and corruption.

      If anyone thinks those refugees are going to settle down to a job at the Audi plant and beer and bratwurst on the weekend, they are hopelessly naive.

      But, as I said above, Western Civ is clapped out and dying. We are the past; they are the future.

    2. SF,
      I can't believe three men that old and experienced: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, could be so naive.

      I can!

      I was taught so many falsehoods about Islam at the university (1968-1972). In fact, for many years, I described myself as pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian. And I voted for Jimmy Carter, too, because I thought that he could reach out to the Arab world and settle the problems about which I'd been taught at the university. Furthermore, I believe that the Carter-Arafat deal had brought about a whole new and wonderful world.

      It took 9/11 to make me do my own research and to come to my own conclusions. The record of Islamic history is clear -- and so are the Quran and the Hadith.

      If anyone thinks those refugees are going to settle down to a job at the Audi plant and beer and bratwurst on the weekend, they are hopelessly naive.

      No kidding! But you know what? The majority of Westerners believe just that!

    3. My question is: WHY ARE YOU giving these political people- who are ALL "so-well-educated", so much benefit of the doubt? You and I found the Truth with no trouble- if they can't find the obvious, it is because they are willfully NOT looking. Your arguments all revolve around their "ignorance". They are bought-and-paid-for, and are doing their Master's bidding. Let's not be guilty of willfully ignoring this abundantly obvious fact about the politics of our day!

    4. Hello, Lady Liberty!

      I don't really give them the benefit of the doubt. That said, I realize that their minds have been imprinted by an education-propaganda system. Bought and paid for ALSO has validity. So does the the fact that those I political power choose corrupt advisers.

      As you know, I frequently discuss Islam with "everyday" people; they, too, refuse to consider the evidence staring them in the face. I can only conclude that their brains have been "imprinted."

  8. It's all been foretold in microcosm and beautifully exemplified here:


    Art is always way ahead of the curve.

  9. We are observing a form of soft warfare.

    When I chose the name for my blog it was with a deepening belief that Prince George would be the last prince of England. My belief was not predicated on a belief that he would ever ascend to the throne.... merely that he would be the last English Prince.

    The Last English Prince

    1. Yes, this is a form of soft warfare.

      How long will it remain soft?

  10. All those Syrian refugees skipped right past Muslim Turkey to get to secular Europe.


    1. Turkey has a large number of Syrian refugees. Maybe a million +.

      To read here it's as if they aren't human beings, just flotsam.

    2. So does Jordan.

      If people are sad about that little boy, they would be really sad if they saw what was going on in ISIS territory.

      The question is, what do we do about it? Take those brave and strong enough to scramble to the best welfare states (they're no fools. To hell with down at the heels Easter Europe; they want Germany and the bennie mother lode) and ignore the millions still suffering in the muslim house of horrors?

    3. SF,
      If people are sad about that little boy, they would be really sad if they saw what was going on in ISIS territory.

      A very important point!

      In fact, I've been thinking along those lines ever since I first saw that photo of the little boy lying on the beach.

      Why is it that there is so little public weeping and gnashing of teeth over what ISIS has been doing with their various tortures, including burning victims alive in cages?

      I'm not sure that the story was ever confirmed, but I recall having read some time back about Yazidi children having been burned alive in cages. Or was it Kurdish children burned alive in cages?

      Either way. Those stories barely made much of a blip, did they?

    4. The Yazidi girls were taken for sex slaves...

      But everybody's too busy boo hooing over the archaeological destruction...

    5. We were quite aware of the plight of the Yazidi and air strikes were instrumental in saving them (so that they could immediately return the favor and slaughter Sunni villages).

      To say the plight of the Yazidi was a blip in the Western press is cynical in the extreme.

    6. Duck,
      Nevertheless, when I talked to people who didn't spend hours scrutinizing the news, those people were pretty much ignorant about the Yazidis' plight.

      I stand by my earlier statement.

  11. Again, well-said. Anti-semites are pouring into Europe.

  12. Baysider,
    It seems that the West's understanding of "The Strong Man" flew out the window when kumbaya came along. Islam has, of course, never backed down from "The Strong Man" -- except for the hudna, which has its own nefarious purposes.

  13. Thersites,
    Leftists think that their ivory towers will provide protection.

    Ivory towers collapse if enough manpower storms those towers and pulls them down.

  14. Earlier, SF typed in the following:

    We created this gusher of human misery and hope by thinking we could "manage" the Middle East and "remake" it.

    I can't disagree that the West's folly is now reaping the whirlwind.

    That reaping has just begun, too.

  15. Replies
    1. Oops.

      Here's the excerpt:

      ... Islam starts immigration, it starts a political process and Islamizing the host country. This is what makes it very different from any other form of immigration. To the everlasting shame of Islam, this migrant disaster should be thrown directly in the lap of every Islamic nation for this self inflicted human disaster.

      No European or Western nation should be made to feel obligated to relieve any muhammedan of their shameful barbarous behaviors. Rather, all efforts to expose these hardships should reflect the inherent inadequacies and blatant guilt of Islam for EVERY ELEMENT OF THIS DISASTER....

    2. HEAR, HEAR! ENOUGH of Western-Civilization-Guilt, PLEASE! Will the Kindly Rich-Brother Nations of the mohammedan world, PLEASE STAND UP! Or rather, please STEP-UP and claim responsibility for your own!

    3. Lady Libery,
      As usual, the Gulf states shirk their own accountability. **sigh**

  16. The American people are responsible for this disaster. It is the likely consequence of electing an utter moron to the presidency. Cameron said today, paraphrasing, “We must respond appropriately to this humanitarian crisis, but that is not all that we must do.” He was a little light on remedies; maybe indicting Obama in the world court would be a step in the right direction ... surely Obama is as guilty as any fascist dictator for the suffering his incompetence has imposed.

    1. The West has meddled and made a mess of the mid-East since at least the end of WW I.

      Maybe we can put him in front of the world court for making progress on avoiding a nuclear escalation in the region. What a freakin' nerve, eh?

    2. Mustang,
      Do you think that the electorate will recognize that the man they twice elected is responsible for this latest "humanitarian crisis" in the Middle East? Nah. Not a chance.

      I don't know about you, but I cringed when Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011. In the name of human rights, no less!

      Now look at the mess!

    3. Duck,
      Obama making progress on avoiding a nuclear escalation in the region?

      You are deluded if you really believe that.

    4. Upvotes for AOW: Delusion is a cornerstone of leftwing progressivism.

    5. SF,
      As you know, I rarely rebuke Duck. This time, I couldn't hold it in.

    6. He's a flaccid, leaking gasbag of lies and leftwing propaganda...

  17. Migrants/refugees/immigrants/asylum seekers =
    moslem invaders following their koran and invading countries demanding the infidels "pay their way".

    This is their strategy for caliphate. libtards help them along and will soon find that they've screwed themselves royally. I can't wait to hear them squealing. The only thing I can't figure is why the moslems haven't died laughing.

  18. The ugly reality...

    From The Hijrah Into Europe:

    To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100)


    And now a hijrah of a much greater magnitude is upon us. Evidence that this is a hijrah, not simply a humanitarian crisis, came last February, but was little noted at the time and almost immediately forgotten. The Islamic State published a document entitled, “Libya: The Strategic Gateway for the Islamic State.” Gateway into Europe, that is: the document exhorted Muslims to go to Libya and cross from there as refugees into Europe. This document tells would-be jihadis that weapons from Gaddafi’s arsenal are plentiful and easy to obtain in Libya – and that the country “has a long coast and looks upon the southern Crusader states, which can be reached with ease by even a rudimentary boat.”

    The Islamic State did not have in mind just a few jihadis crossing from Libya: it also emerged last February that the jihadis planned to flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. Now the number is shooting well beyond that in Germany alone. Of course, not all of these refugees are Islamic jihadis. Not all are even Muslims, although most are. However, no effort whatsoever is being made to determine the refugees’ adherence to Sharia and desire to bring it to their new land. Any such effort would be “Islamophobic.” Yet there are already hints that the Islamic State is putting its plan into effect: jihadis have already been found among the refugees trying to enter Europe. There will be many more such discoveries.

    Eight hundred thousand Muslim refugees in one year alone....

  19. Austria welcomes the Muslim invaders.

    To Vienna, no less!

    How ironic!

    September 11th, 1683, the day when an alliance of Christian armies led by Jan III Sobieski, the King of Poland, arrived at the Gates of Vienna.

    The Ottoman Empire had been expanding into Europe ever since Constantinople fell to the Turks, and even before that. Wherever the Muslim armies went, they plundered cities, took slaves, turned churches into mosques, and converted many thousands of Christian captives to Islam at the point of a sword.

    The Sultan’s armies overran Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia. They turned Protestant Hungary into a compliant vassal and made war repeatedly on Austria and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Ottomans had designs on Vienna, since the fall of the city would open the way into the heart of Austria and the rich principalities of southern Germany....

    No battle this time. Instead, open arms.

    1. Mustang,

      Have you seen this madness from Merkel?


    2. AOW: Knowing what we know about how every failure sticks in the craw of the Islamsist, even those hundreds of years ago, I believe the 'arrival' in Vienna was deliberate.

    3. SF,
      Yes, Vienna has symbolic significance for Muslims. And this arrival is around the date of September 11, too.

  20. Today, I showed one of my clients -- an adult who is a naturalized citizen from China -- the photos in this blog post.

    Her comment: "So many people! There will not be opportunities for this many people! Why are these countries taking in so many people."

  21. I was sure most of the Syrian migrants were Christians, or a large percentage, since the Christians are facing death in Syria more than most Muslims, at least from what we hear. Maybe not.

    AOW, I'm publishing my children's impressions from Munich Monday...individual emails they wrote about what's happening....kids who were very pro immigrant five or ten years ago.
    The situation's far worse there than we are told. FAR.

    1. I read one source earlier claiming around 3.6% of the immigrants are Christian. True or not, I just wonder if the risk is worth taking the chance.

    2. Z,
      If something unexpected doesn't happen here in the AOW household tomorrow or early on Monday, I'll make a point of reading your Monday blog post.

    3. AOW...I hope you find the time.

      Mustang, I keep hearing REFUGEES OF ALL RELIGIONS and don't quite get what's happening; if most are from Syria, then there are a ton of Christians.... I've Googled and can't find anything.
      BUT, I am hearing a lot of Afghani refugees interviewed and they're mostly not Christians, so you are probably right.
      But not from Syria; I doubt that...

    4. AOW...I hope you find the time.

      Mustang, I keep hearing REFUGEES OF ALL RELIGIONS and don't quite get what's happening; if most are from Syria, then there are a ton of Christians.... I've Googled and can't find anything.
      BUT, I am hearing a lot of Afghani refugees interviewed and they're mostly not Christians, so you are probably right.
      But not from Syria; I doubt that...

    5. Z,
      if most are from Syria, then there are a ton of Christians

      Not necessarily.

      See Migrants crisis: Slovakia 'will only accept Christians'.

      There is at least one other country doing the same, so many of the Syrian Christians may well have fled to those countries.

      I must also wonder if many Syrian Christians didn't try to flee and perhaps even boarded boats but were prevent my Muslims from reaching the shores.

  22. I stand by every word I said about Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld, but we can't lose sight of the FACT that these refugees are complicit in the Horror House their culture has produced. We should shame the able-bodied into turning around and fighting the evil that forced them out.

    Will any of them abandon the religion of their birth that has inspired so much misogyny, rapes, horrible deaths, entire societies off the rails? Will they throw off the religion that oppressed them and provided the motivational wellspring for their misery?

    Will they embrace the western values of their hosts?

    My mind keeps returning to Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints.

    They're not coming from India like in his novel, but the feckless, ball-less, two-faced, double-talking European 'leaders' are playing their roles to a T.

    1. SF,
      Raspail's book is next on my reading list. In fact, I'll be starting the book tomorrow.

    2. I just saw a story where tons of Muslims are becoming Christian in Germany; I'd have thought that's good news. Turns out they have an even better chance of staying there if they're Christians...so it might not be legitimate..
      That's what the article said, anyway; Now that I think of it, Muslims really couldn't possibly HAVE a better chance staying (all expenses paid, by the way..ALL...to the point where they demand their own muslim schools, are demanding that the German gov't cover their families AND the husband's concubine and her children..ALL) than in Germany.
      The Lutheran Pastor in Hamburg was quite sure they ARE legitimate conversions because the churches are filling up.

      Honestly, I'm sure that's a very good thing, I KNOW it is, then I think of the duplicity promoted in the koran and I am nervous.

    3. Z,
      That duplicity is a very serious matter. In part, something much like that contributed to the measures taken by the Spanish Inquisition all those centuries ago.

    4. Muslims converting to Christianity? Paint me skeptical, to the point of cynicism.

      In dire straits, any human being, not just muslims, will tell any lie that will save them and their families.

  23. How poverty stricken are the Syrian migrants? They are taking selfies with their iPhones:


  24. Wave of Syrian migrants coming to Orange County, California:


  25. Silverfiddle: If Obama read Raspail's book, do you think it would make a dent in his thinking? Or Germany's, for that matter?

  26. Silverfiddle: If Obama read Raspail's book, do you think it would make a dent in his thinking? Or Germany's, for that matter?

    1. Z: I will put my tinfoil hat firmly upon my head and state that this is all part of a deliberate and nefarious plot by global elites to leave no corner of Western Civilization unroiled. Obama is in service to this plan. Can't have smug, satisfied whities happy in their insular communities. Gotta flood them all with dissimilar peoples with clashing religions and values.

      It's happening globally, and it is happening here in the US.

      Why did our government dump all those 7th Century Somali muslims in Minnesota?

      Why are they proposing to dump syrian muslims in Idaho?

      The global elites, including Obama (and most likely the Bush regime as well) are purposely sowing global chaos.

      It's enough to make me wish for global emp bursts. I have enough ammo and guitar strings to last the rest of my life. We all hunt and fish and know how to grow vegetables, so we'd head for the hills and be just fine.

  27. About that drowned toddler on the beach:

    Family of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi had been given FREE housing in Turkey, while father’s story is full of holes.

    1. This doesn't surprise me. They know sh*thole muslim lands offer noting but misery, poverty and human debasement. They want the good stuff only the west can provide.

      If the western 'powers' weren't a flock of flapping capons, they would use this to expose the muslim world for the global shame that it is, and they would demand they put their house in order, and take in their coreligionist refuees.

  28. ISIS claimed to have smuggled in thousands amongs the refugees already arrived to Europe:



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