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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Open Thread

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So, what's on your mind?

A link to get this thread started...WATCH: Migrant Turks And Kurds Battle On Frankfurt Streets, German Army Called In.

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  1. Replies
    1. No need to ADMIT it, AOW. The de facto evidence makes it patently obvious.

      You DO realize, of course, that our blessed Democratic Party –– prodded primarily by Jewish operatives in positions of power and influence –– used the drunken sot Ted "Chapmydickquick" Kennedy to implement the 1965 overhaul of our Immigration Policy that was deliberately calculated to make CERTAIN that our traditional Anglo-European majority would be destroyed once and for all, don't you?

      Now why would anyone want to perpetrate a stupid, manifestly self-destructive policy like that, unless his motives were profoundly evil?

    2. FY,
      Yes, the Admiral of Chappaquiddick had exactly those goals in mind.

  2. Meditation on a Tragic Anniversary

    A radiant cloudless morning
    air fresh and clear
    sky the brightest blue
    mood mellow
    A lovely young day bright with promise ––

    And then a gleaming silver shell appeared
    mirroring beautifully the morning sunshine
    A Thing of Beauty –– but horribly out of place
    like a spacecraft from an alien planet

    Dipping crazily far too low upon the skyline
    before anyone could feel the menace ––
    it smashed directly into a gigantic upright construct ––
    one of a pair ––

    Twin monuments to Greed and Vain Ambition some were quick to say

    But sudden violent death eradicated an entire investment firm
    in one horrific instant ––
    dozens of bright young lives incinerated –– gone!

    Before dazed onlookers could begin to understand what was happening
    another silver shell acting as a missile
    crashed into the second of the giant pair.

    Ugly buildings! A hideous blot
    on the once-graceful Manhattan skyline.

    “Ada Louise Huxtable might secretly rejoice at this,”
    part of me thought wickedly, for I had always resented
    the overbearing, outsized twins ––
    Bounders! Interlopers ! Invaders!

    But before that ruined day was halfway through
    three-thousand innocents had been
    burned alive, brains and eyeballs boiled
    skulls pulverized, skeletons crushed
    between twisting, white hot girders
    pelted with falling rubble midst the flames
    caught, crippled, crumpled, smashed to bits ––
    Smothered in collapsing stairwells and buried alive
    in a torrent of red hot cinders and debris

    In so many ways the scene must have mimicked the final hours
    of the residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum

    And then there were those hideous echoes
    of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire ––
    Where so many jumped to their deaths
    to escape being burned alive ––
    In an instant smashed skulls, broken bones and bloody pulp
    were all that remained of their vibrant young lives.

    And not so long ago in Benghazi –– to mark the anniversary
    of this Great Triumph of Barbarity over Civilization
    our young, handsome, well-meaning,
    hopelessly naive, ambassador to Libya
    was surrounded in his quarters,
    dragged out into the streets
    beaten, sodomized and brutally murdered.

    But what does any of this matter? What difference does it make?
    Let’s just forget about it, and MOVE ON.
    Might as well.

    We are privileged to live in interesting times.

    Kyrie eleison!
    Kyrie eleison!
    Christe eleison!

    ~ FreeThinke

  3. Daemon E. Mailer said


    What a gracious lady the DemocRats want to be our President!

    Eight quotes from different books

    Her actual words:

    1) "Where is the G-d damn flag? I want the G-d damn f-cking flag up every morning at f-cking sunrise".

    Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244

    (2) “F-ck off! It's enough I have to see you sh-t-kickers every day! I'm not going to talk to you, too! Just do your G-d d-mn job and keep your mouth shut."

    Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning." From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90

    (3) "If you want to remain on this detail, get your f-cking a$$ over here and grab those bags!"

    Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book "The First Partner" p. 25

    (4) "Stay the f-ck back, stay the f-ck back away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f-cking do as I say, Okay!!?"

    Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book "Unlimited Access" by Clinton ’s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139

    (5) "Where's the miserable c-ck sucker?" (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”)

    Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5

    (6) "You f-cking idiot" Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.

    From the book "Crossfire" ~pg. 84

    (7) "Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those f-cking sunglasses! We need to go back!

    Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book “Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72

    (8) "Come on Bill, put your d-ck up! You can't f-ck her here!"

    Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

    There it is .......book, chapter and page.......the real Hillary

    Additionally, when she walked around the White House, NO ONE was permitted to look her in the eye, they all had to lower their heads with their eyes towards the ground whenever she walked by. Clearly she is a class act - NOT!

    This ill-tempered, violent, loud-mouth, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next President, and have total control as Commander in Chief of our Military, the very Military for which she has shown incredible disdain throughout her public life.

    Remember her comment about Benghazi : “what difference at this point does it make?”

    Now it should be clear why the crew of "Marine One" helicopter nick-named the craft, "Broomstick One”

    1. This is scary. She shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear button with that attitude.

    2. From what I understand, Hillary is the most despised of the recent First Ladies.

    3. Bartholomew "Rorie" Bellows said

      Wun dng's fer sher, AOW, dat fat uglee beeyotch ain't no LAYDEE.

  4. A man was vacationing in New York City and saw a Muslim bookstore, so he walked in and began browsing. When the Muslim owner asked if he could help, the man said, “Well, do you have the book by Donald Trump about the problems caused by Muslim immigration?”

    The owner answered, “OK, get the f–k out of here, and don’t ever come back, is that clear?”

    The customer smiled: “Yes, that’s the one; do you have it in paperback?”


    Take this for whatever it may be worth:

    Not a SINGLE MENTION of 911 has appeared on DRUDGE either yesterday or today.

    What, if anything, do you make of that?

    1. FT,
      Is this time the first time 9/11 that Drudge hasn't mentioned 9/11 on the anniversary date?

  6. A solidarity march for fallen Turkish soldiers? What are we talkin' about here - Gallipoli, Kut, Aqaba? Aren't they about 98 years too late? Sovereign states should have no patience expending their resources on this kind of crap. Deport them. Citizens? Revoke their citizenship, then deport them.

    1. Baysider,
      Many Muslims do not view the past as "over and done with." In addition, there is ever the yearning for the Ottoman Empire -- specifically on the part of Turks.

  7. Unfortunately most of Europe was/is doomed anyway. Their falling birth rate would not sustain their social programs. Most would have been gone years ago if they had been required to support a defense expense. Instead they counted on the good ole USA. Now they are desperate for new blood. Merkel was looking for cheap labor. She went to the wrong well.

  8. Z,
    Immigration fraud throughout these waves of "migrants," IMO.

  9. "Vlad (the Impaler) took care of that"

    So where is "Vlad" now that we need him?

  10. Baysider,
    Have you seen the recent news about the Hungarian Army? They are being armed with rubber bullets and tear gas canisters to fire upon the "refugees."

    If those measures don't work so as to slow down the inflow of the migrants, what will the Hungarian Army do next?

  11. Regarding Europe in the throes of collapsed immigration policies and what appears to be open borders:

    The math doesn't work. Set aside the sentiment. The mathematical implications alone are mind-bloggling. The vast majority of the hundreds of thousands of males crossing into Europe have no real jobs waiting for them. The vast majority will require entitlements, subsidies, etc. Finland, has already decided to pass along the cost by raising taxes on the top wage earners. Happy days are here again!

    Global internationalist Peter Sutherland is the usual U.N. lackey. He spits on national sovereignty and proclaims the greatness of an overreaching organization which needs the wings clipped.

    Large diaspora of healthy young men without a complement of women? Rape statistics will most likely climb as will the metrics for petty crime, exploitation of citizens, rackets, scams, etc.

    Immigration must occur with orderly due process for the system to work properly. Europe has a good old-fashioned stampede.

  12. http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/09/10/saudi-arabia-has-100000-air-conditioned-tents-that-can-house-3-million-people-sitting-empty-yet-has-taken-zero-refugees/

    Did you see this? UNBELIEVABLE...yet so believable...the Saudis want the West RUINED, they don't want to HELP anybody

  13. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/09/12/refugees-pose-as-syrians-to-open-door-to-asylum-in-europe/?intcmp=hpbt1

    Iraqis and Afghanis posing as Syrians to get out and come here? SURPRISE!! (not)

  14. "Finland, has already decided to pass along the cost by raising taxes." Oh yeah, that's the country that assesses traffic fines based on income. The head of a major company was fined $60,000 for speeding. It's a one-track mind.

    As a doctor friend of mine says about when the medical profession limits itself to a narrow band of treatment, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Sure true on the tax treatment mindset.


  15. "Today's Q&A became tense for a few minutes after CBS' Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett asked his questions after a particularly pointed statement insinuating that President Obama was "content to abandon" American prisoners held by Iran while the President "celebrates" the Iran deal. Garrett also stated that President Obama left the joint chiefs of staff "hanging out to dry" regarding arms trading in the Iran deal.

    President Obama called out Garretts' framing of the issue on each point, saying, "You should know better than that". The President then went on to address why the prisoners weren't linked to the negotiations and the relevant parts of the arms deal in regards to the broader comprehensive nuclear agreement.”*

    1. And Zobamas answer was ...................crickets

    2. Creig,
      Let us note that Obama didn't abandon Bowe Bergdahl.

  16. All the feckless people on far right blogs who champion Trump are in fact supporting him because for the most part they're powerless eunuchs. They think they will gain power through a billionaire clown, he gives them hope that their brand of juvenile name-calling and preening stupidity will make them important again.Trump appeals to the worst in our country and the worst in the GOP.

    1. Put the above comment into google as I did and see the surprise results.
      But you shouldn't really be shocked.
      It really figured.


  17. According to a recent poll, 66% of voters now believe the nation is headed down the wrong track.


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1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
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