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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back To School

(For politics, please scroll down)

The homeschool classes that I teach resume today.

This term I am scheduled to teach the following middle-school and high-school courses:

American Literature, Advanced Composition with emphasis on creative writing, English Grammar, Economics, Latin 4, and SAT Verbal Prep.  I also have a heavy schedule of private tutoring this term.  My Advanced Composition class is quite large: eighteen nineteen students.  I'll be having a heavy grading load this school year.

Blogging will be light until I adjust to this new schedule. The next scheduled blog post will publish on September 11.


  1. If we've been well taught from the beginning, we never really leave "school." Instead, we keep on adding to what we already know, gaining new insight as to what it all means, and acquiring knowledge of things foreign or completely new to us all our conscious lives.

    To a person infected with intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge The END of LEARNING is the END of LIVING.

    May God bless all teachers with a sense of mission and true devotion to pursuing excellence in their profession.

    1. As I told my niece when we were driving home from a Sox game one evening, "It's your duty to keep life interesting."

      Odd thing is that it may be becoming more difficult in the "social media" age as the corporate culture exerts more control.

    2. ...only if you need the 'Master' to give you 'credit' for everything learned.

  2. I'd like to teach a course in business writing particularly letter writing. I found in my government experience that one of the hardest, but most important things, was to write a concise one page letter responding to a constituent request or other government official. Proposals and presentations are also difficult to master.

    1. Oh dear! Another has been infected with Z's Disease!

    2. Anonymous,
      Blogger has some kind of glitch causing this, and others are infected as well. Repairs thereto must be low on Blogger's list of priorities.

  3. Latin 4! I thought I was the last of the Mohicans to have four years of Latin, if that is what it represents. It was suppose to give me a "good foundation" :)

    1. Bunkerville,
      The study of Latin promotes logical-thinking skills.

    2. Thanks for the answer. I will have to research this. I often regretted I didn't have four years of Spanish.

  4. I hope it's a smooth quarter for you. Mr. B's father thought the same about Latin, and that's why Mr. B took it. It was gone by the time I was in high school.

  5. Off-topic, but Zero Hedge has a good take on the staged photo of the drowned boy and some thoughts on root causes:

    Warmongers in government and the media are perversely but predictably trying to conscript Aylan’s corpse into their march to escalation. They are contending that Aylan died because the West has not intervened against Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, and that it must do so now to spare other children the same fate.

    Um, no, Aylan’s family were Kurdish refugees from Kobani who had to flee that city when it was besieged, not by Assad, but by Assad’s enemy: ISIS.

    And ISIS is running rampant in that part of Syria only because the US-led West and its regional allies have given them cover by supporting and arming the jihadist-dominated uprising against Assad.

    The West has been intervening in Syria heavily since at least 2012. Indeed, it is Western intervention that has exacerbated and prolonged the conflict, which has now claimed a quarter of a million lives.

    That little boy died as a direct result of Obama's War, and if there were any dhimmicrats in the press or among the masses with the temerity to get up on their hind legs, they should hang this like a millstone around Hellery Rotten Clinton's slimy and corrupt neck.


  6. Replies
    1. Kid,
      My grading marathon for this week begins today: 25 essays to bleed all over so that they can be handed back for rewrites next Tuesay and Wednesday.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ed.

      His first session is now scheduled: October 1. He has to wait so long because of his upcoming dental surgery.

  8. Please don't forget that TOMORROW is the fourteenth anniversary of a Tragic Event in American History.


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