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Thursday, August 6, 2015

The GOP Debate

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  1. I'm looking forward to seeing BOTH the Repuboican-centered events tonight.

    I call them "events" because these highly structured, pageant-lke presentations make TRUE debate impossible.

    Frankly I would prefer to see an open-ended, largely unmoderated free-for-all of unspecified duration where the loudest, most aggressive, most charismatic, or the gentlest, most persuasive voices were permitted to come to the fore, and do their best to dominate the scene with the potency and integrity of their ideas.

    In that admittedly messy environment I believe we could get a much better idea of what each candidate may be all about than in a stage-managed, choreographed, largely theatrical presentation where the candidates are SHAPED and DIRECTED by the ENEMEDIA.

    1. FT,
      Yes, they are events because of the reasons you have stated.

      Even so, Mr. AOW and I will be watching both rounds. I'll have dinner ready early so as not to be interrupted. AND my phone will be off!

  2. Though I'll be mildly interested tomorrow, to see how Trump responds [finally?] to policy questions....I refuse to allocate any of my valuable time to political theater designed and protected by the duopolistic politico-media complex [the cabal].


    1. CI,
      Mr. AOW and I are going to watch both rounds. We don't trust any of the media reports or commentary. We want to see and hear for ourselves.

      I think that I'll fix some popcorn so as to enjoy the show even more. Yes, it's political theater.

    2. Addendum:

      I think that I'll have wine with my popcorn. :^)

      Mr. AOW will likely have beer.

  3. I'm looking forward to see Donald Trump kick the crap out of Hillary and not the other GOP candidates.

  4. Time to get it on. Crossing my fingers that someone will make some sense and give us some optimism and a light at the end of this dark tunnel.

    1. Bunkerville,
      I surely would like to see some sense from any of the 2016 candidates!

  5. I honestly think it will come down to Donald Trump and Chris Christie wrestling with a thesaurus to come up with more ways to say nothing while emitting noise from their faces.

    1. Beamish,
      In other words...


    2. A very interested liberal voterAugust 6, 2015 at 9:37:00 AM CDT

      No way Christy will fall after the first week

    3. I'm secretly rooting for John Kasich, but, we'll see if his drivetrain has a transfer case....

    4. Beamish,
      Isn't Kasich a big-government kind of guy?

    5. He was a freshman in the Gingrich led takeover of the House in '94, but moved leftwardly when he got back home at the state level (governor), but I'm not sure that makes him big gov at the federal level. I dug him in the 90s, but just like him now. I hope he remembers his roots lol

  6. I just this minute blogged about the debate, too......
    I have a meeting at my house 1 1/2 hrs into the second debate, but I'm thinking we'll see a LOT of what happened into tomorrow!

    It should be interesting, that is for sure.
    I'd prefer a less moderated debate, as well.

  7. Should be a pretty straightforward affair despite how much everyone wants a sideshow.

    With Jeb Bush calling Trump an asshole the other day it should be easy for a Trump friendly moderator to make Jeb the head geek. If there's going to be a loser tonight it's Bush.

    Kacich has the most to gain if he can generate a couple good soundbites and prove that he's a serious candidate unlike detritus such as Carson and Huckleberry Hound.

    If one of them mentions that the Iran agreement will cause more homosexuality then all bets are off.

    1. Duck,
      If there's going to be a loser tonight it's Bush.

      You could well be correct about that.

      I cannot stand Jeb Bush. Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all to see him go down in failure.

  8. I'm not sure how much about the candidate's proposed policies we'll hear tonight:

    Some GOP Candidates Might Be On TV For Only 5 Minutes During Debate.

    1. Why do they even bother? Just host a structured series of YouTube Q and A's.....and be done with it.

    2. I believe these debates are the worst ways to display any of the candidates' knowledge....it might show personality and it might be a great way to slam them (remember what Bush Sr got just for looking at his watch?), and it'll be a wonderful way for the Clinton campaign to Tweet out what they think are 'facts checked and disparaged", but what's even 10 minutes do?
      The good thing is they're not having opening statements...I always thought that was silly.

      I think the first debate at 5 EST will be FAR more productive and interesting;..the "Happy Hour Debate" than the later one.

      I can't wait to see the Dems debate....as if Dems every disagree? And Debbie Wasserman Schultz called their party the BIG TENT the other day.... You just have to laugh.

  9. I see that Harry Reid has been shooting off his mouth:

    Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the Republican field of 2016 presidential candidates are “all losers,” and he took shots at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as being a “lump of coal.”


    Reid saved his most favorable comments for Hillary and Bill Clinton, as well as Vice President Joe Biden.

    “I like Hillary very much. I talked to her husband yesterday. I love the way he ends his conversations with me, they’re so sincere: ‘Harry, I love ya,’” said Reid.

    He said Biden could make the decision about whether to run against Clinton on his own because “he’s been around a long time” and doesn’t need his advice. However, Reid expressed that the Democratic primary should be skipped altogether in order to let Clinton take the nomination.

    “I am not a big fan of primaries, I don’t think they help, especially when there’s someone as noted as Hillary,” he said.

  10. the Daily Beast:

    Hillary Clinton’s Mega-Donors Are Also Funding Jeb Bush: Racetrack owners, bankers, and chicken kings: Meet the ultra-rich bankrolling the Bush and Clinton dynasties.

    1. An even better theory is that since Trump is a very good friend of the Clintons (true) he is a stalking horse for Hillary.

    2. Donald Trump is there to keep Tea Partiers from remembering they don't disagree with Bernie Sanders on anything substantive.

  11. I'm no fan of Rick Perry, but he just managed a zinger on the topic of the Iran deal:

    "I'd much rather have had Carly Fiorina over there negotiating with Iran than John Kerry!"

    1. Why? Hewlett Packard hasn't recovered from the Fiorina disaster.

    2. Duck,
      There are differing opinions as to just what happened with Hewlett Packard. Furthermore, that's a small matter in comparison to the national and international matters under discussion during the debate.

    3. Just goes to her (lack of) managerial capabilities.

  12. Having watched this first round, Carly Fiorina did the best of any there, IMO.

    She was precise and focused and pithy.

    1. I love what she said in response to the question asked of her about Trump as front runner. Along these lines....

      "Considering that he has changed positions on some key issues, I would ask him one question: 'By exactly what set of principles would you govern?'"

  13. According to CNN:

    Twitter declares Carly Fiorina the #GOPDebate winner.

    I agree.

  14. I did get a kick out of Booby Jindal saying he'd use the IRS to shut down Planned Parenthood. Typical right wing hypocrite, no?

    Fiorina would just shut down the government if it's funded.

    DNC has the clip fed into Final Cut and already has the ads ready to go.
    You think Hillary was doing well with female voters before this?

    Seems all they had to talk about was PP. They didn't call it the children's table without good reason but yes, Fiorina may have come out of it intact.

    The rest are now official non entities.

    1. Duck,
      The rest are now official non entities.

      Too far before the election to declare that, IMO.

  15. This second event is definitely feistier!

  16. Is Ben Carson running?

    Walker looked medicated.

    If Christie and Rand had gone at it, Christie early in the 1st.

    Cruz sounded insane.

    Kasich was the most sane of the bunch.

    Rubio is way outside his weight.

    Huckleberry managed to work in prostitutes AND pimps. What a maroon.

    Jeb is very confused and has no idea what he believes.

    "Only Rosie O'Donnell" perfect.

    1. Duck,
      I don't agree -- except for Jeb is very confused and has no idea what he believes.

      Not confusion, however, IMO. Pandering for votes and trying to catch up to Trump's lead.

  17. My take on last night's debate....

    If I had to say which one of the candidates in the second event did himself the most good, I'd choose Huckabee. I never much liked him before, so this is not "my bias in favor of Huckabee" making this statement.

    Walker did himself some damage with his statement about abortion -- the statement that seemed to convey that he would never favor an abortion in order to save the mother's life.

    Dr. Carson's last two statements were excellent -- his statement about race and his closing remarks.

    I liked Mark Rubio before the debate started, and I think that he held his own. Maybe a no-harm-no-foul outcome for him.

    Jeb Bush did too much pandering for votes.

  18. Best rebuttal? The response to the entrapment question directed at El Don and his business dealings/bankruptcy.

    Hundreds of deals.... all within the confines of the law.... Come on! These are not Baby lenders. These are KILLERS! The man understands capital risk. It is not like he was stripping the last two dollars out of the Swofford's pockets with Obamacare.

    Pick you outrage.

    Kasich? He completely skirted the question of protection of citizens and Constitutional right to freedom of religion. The question posed addressed legal prosecution for acts involving freedom of conscience. He turned it into a kumbaya, pot smoking moment about luv.... yeah, luv, luv, luv.

    Best of show? Cruz, Huckabee and Trump.

    In need of a taxidermy consult? Jeb. He is old guard and it shows. In a digital age, these political postures do not fly well.

    Future promotion? Fiorina. Pit her against Hillary and she will be the erosion factor against a deeply dishonest woman.


    1. Tammy,
      I agree with you about that comment which Trump made about lenders. Those investing in his ventures are well informed on the contracts: "All capital at risk."

      In need of a taxidermy consult? Jeb. He is old guard and it shows.

      He was the male version of a Stepford wife. Sheesh.

      I am not all fired up about the social and moral issues.


      Because if the economy doesn't recover, we dissenters will not be able to afford dissenting. We won't want to risk losing our jobs and/or future employment!

      As one who personally tanked her teaching career twice because I did the right thing, I know whereof I'm speaking. Had I held onto that county job by passing the star football player, I'd be enjoying a cushy retirement right now instead of dragging myself out to work.

      Teaching homeschool classes is very rewarding in every way but the financial way. I'm lucky to break $20,000/year in tuition fees. Hence, I must supplement via private tutoring and giving piano lessons. No sick leave and no personal leave. No work, no pay!

      Yes, I am bitter about my situation. However, my conscience is clear, and I sleep at night.

    2. I have to ask why you think more supply side nonsense is going to improve your situation.

      Why do you want more of what crippled the middle class?

  19. Trump's eyes were so bloodshot I thought he was drunk.

  20. Donald Trump showed his true colors first crack out of the barrel last night when he refused to say he would NOT run on a third party ticket if he failed to win the Republican nomination, which of course he won't. I see him as insincere, manipulative, sefish and very dangerous.

    I wouldn't be a BIT surprised if the Clintons hadn't put Trump up to this to help ensure her ascent to the throne in 2015. We shall see what we shall see ...

    Meanwhile, I find myself most impressed by Carly Fiorina, Dr. Carson and Scott Walker. Chris Christie, whom I had frankly written off, made a surprisingly strong showing last night but as did Mike Huckabee, who is one of the most genuinely likable candidates out there, however both Christie and Huckabee are more liberal than conservative. Marco Rubio did better than I expected and acquitted himself admirably. With his matinee idol good looks he's sure to be a favorite with the ladies, BUT –– as we all should know by now –– it is the ENEMEDIA who chooses our candidates. "We," the electorate, have very little to do with it, and haven't most of our lives.

    What we saw last night and are apt to see from now on in is POLITICAL THEATER that –– tragically for the future of our nation –– teeters on the brink of farce.

    I was very disappointed in the performances of Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace last night –– particularly Megyn. I despise moderators who play to the Peanut Gallery with the primary purpose in mind of calling attention to THEMSELVES.

    1. FT,
      Donald Trump showed his true colors first crack out of the barrel last night when he refused to say he would NOT run on a third party ticket if he failed to win the Republican nomination...

      This morning, in a follow-up interview, Trump said that, as a businessman, he wasn't going to give up his leverage this early in the election season. I think that does make sense.

      That particular question shouldn't have been asked first crack out of the barrel; clearly, doing so was an attempt to (1) fire up Trump so that he would implode and (2) marginalize Trump for the entire debate.

      I was very disappointed in the performances of Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace last night –– particularly Megyn...the primary purpose in mind of calling attention to THEMSELVES [the moderators].

      Agreed! In my view, the moderators were in the bag for Jeb Bush. FNC has become an extension of Karl Rove, whom I DESPISE.

    2. I disagree with you FT, I thought that the Trump was clearly the winner, Carson looked kind of weak – but had great closing statement. The other winners were Cruz, Rubio, Huckabee, and Christie.
      Paul was the clear loser, he looked, and sounded as stupid as his father.
      It is up to us the republican voters to decide who did best and who will be the frontrunner, I’d pick “The Donald”.

    3. Well FT, you skirt the real questions.

      Why is Trump even considered a viable candidate.
      Why are Americans satisfied with this boiler plate debate crap.
      Where do you go for hard answers to important questions.
      Why is a presidential debate being moderated by freaking Megyn Kelly.

      Last night was such a fine example of why we are on a slow boat to oblivion that talking about Donald Trump only highlights the matter.

      Kabuki for Rollo. It is intensely sad.

    4. Why is Trump even considered a viable candidate.

      To quote the late great WFB: "I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University."

    5. Why is a presidential debate being moderated by freaking Megyn Kelly.

      Because Amy Goodman was at the monthly Communist Organizer's meeting for the staff of Democracy Now.

    6. ps - Attendance at the above for PBS and NBC staffers is also mandatory

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Democracy Now! is at the meeting of the American Psychological Association covering the reaction to the APA's collaboration with the Pentagon on torture.
      More hard news than you heard from the jackass parade last night.

    9. ... of course Ben Carson came out in favor of torture last night.

      I don't think his answer as quite as thorough as Democracy Now!'s coverage.

    10. Hard News? From people that only report on what the other guys does when he's in charge, never on what they themselves do when they're in charge? Is THAT what YOU call "hard news"?

      btw - 99% of the APA's members are Democrats. They even re-wrote the DSM to keep their pedophile "brothers" out of trouble.

    11. Duck,
      Democracy Now! is at the meeting of the American Psychological Association covering the reaction to the APA's collaboration with the Pentagon on torture.
      More hard news than you heard from the jackass parade last night.

      Good grief! Last night was just a first round.

      of course Ben Carson came out in favor of torture last night.

      Explain, please.

    12. Explain?
      This needs an explanation?

      "What we do in order to get the information we need is our business and I wouldn't necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we're going to do. … We've gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct wars. If we don't tie the generals hands behind their backs, they will be extremely effectively."

      Sounds like anything goes to me.

    13. Duck,
      The context of what Dr. Carson said does not necessarily imply torture.

      Was not the topic of discussion at the time information gathering from private citizens?

  21. And the Crazies, still love Hillary after everything that has been coming out...

  22. Megyn Kelly, Baier and Wallace, asked questions a Democrat would never ask another Democrat. Republicans eat their young and a tent as big as ours is going to take some shaking out before things settle down, so that was probably a good thing to do last night. I just sat there thinking "Man, I wish SOMEONE would ask Hillary or Sanders questions like THESE!" Makes me smile in anticipation, but that won't happen....

    Of course, this supposed 'debate' format that both parties use actually did turn into more of a 'debate' than most from either side do because they let them interact together for a change...that helped.
    Kelly's very pretty and very smart; she had every right to be on the panel. I know that probably bugs liberals.
    .I think all candidates deserve tough questions; they very accurately and pointedly questioned each candidate about very pertinent facts we needed to have answers to, and for the most part, we got them....some were pretty harsh but most were worth asking.

    Cruz seems to have done the worst, according to the polls this morning....

    What made me laugh is how so many love Trump because "he can't be bought" when he so explicitly said last night that HE BUYS PEOPLE, even reminding Rand Paul he'd contributed money to HIM. A very ugly moment showing Trump's amazing "huuuge" ego and how he can cut to the quick anyone who dares criticize. Even worse than Obama!

    He's a very ugly man who says what most Americans are thinking and they like hearing it out loud; but please, let's look at the character of people before we get too enamored with this type of lout.

    1. Z,
      I believe that Trump has so much traction because we had an election in November 2014, and then the GOP Congress caved.

      I don't mind that the moderators asked tough questions. But that first question? It was out of line to start the debate and should have been asked at the end.

      To be clear...

      That particular question shouldn't have been asked first crack out of the barrel; clearly, doing so was an attempt to (1) fire up Trump so that he would implode and (2) marginalize Trump for the entire debate.

      Karl Rove's hand in that?

    2. Oh, I have NO problem understanding why Trump has traction...as I said above, he says what most people WANT TO SAY OUT LOUD..
      And Cruz was right about the Nov 2014 election having been for NOTHING after all.
      I don't mind tough questions, either, but I just wish the Dems did the same; I think that's only fair.

      The first question was totally out of line....I lost a little respect for Baier for having asked it like he did. Was it Rove? I don't know...I can't stand the man.

      They talked about wanting to keep Trump down to a 'soft roar' in the debate and then opened with THAT? BS

  23. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/ken-shepherd/2015/08/06/carly-fiorina-pushes-back-against-chris-matthews-hardball

    Wow, even Matthews finally admires Fiorina by the end of this video......"I see why you stood out tonight" after he'd tried to 'gotcha!' her.
    no way, Chris...try it with Hillary, Not Fiorina.

    Either today or tomorrow, the big guns will be out with their version of Hewlett Packard now...as if someone fired for having done awful things would dare run for PRESIDENT? :) But wait for it. They're going to have to do all they can to stop her. I'm not sure she has a remote chance at presidency, but she sure can articulate for the cause.

  24. After seeing the video today, Trump certainly didn't dissappoint. If one wants a petulant child with zero interest [much less grasp] of policy substance....he's your candidate.

    1. CI,
      I look at it this way....

      A lot more people watched last night's debate because Trump was there.

      Both events -- the first one and the later one -- were all about a look-see at the field of candidates. Gotta start somewhere, you know.

      I must say that we're in the Age of Political Theater right now.

  25. I'm sorry that I have to write my comment right after that stupid jerkoff above me, however, it is what it is. And his garbage. Will be taken for the CRAP that it is.

    OK now, Dr. Carson in his quiet, unassuming, way showed more intelligence, wit, dignity, and admirable self-control than anyone else on the stage last night. I also agree that Megyn Kelly's performance was rude, disrespectful and unnecessarily provocative. I thought it set exactly the WRONG tone for the entire evening, which went very well, in spite of FOX's apparent to derail serious commentary n the issues by forcing the candidates to engage in "personalities."

    All that aside there wasn't one candidate from either of the two debates who would not make a better president than the foolish, farcical fiend who now occupying the White House or the hideous harpy waiting in the wings to seize power with her talons, while her shrieking voice and toxic breath befoul the air as her fangs drip blood.

  26. FJ,
    Why is Trump even considered a viable candidate.

    To quote the late great WFB: "I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University."

    Zing! Good one!

  27. Wow!

    24 Million Watch GOP Debate on Fox News; Most-Watched Cable News Program Ever:

    In the estimation of many reporters who cover the political and media beats, Fox News was the winner of the first GOP debate. And with the just-released ratings we can confirm that.

    A whopping 24 million watched the debate from 9 p.m. ET to just past 11 p.m. ET. FNC drew 7.9 million in the A25-54 demo.

    This is now the highest non-sports cable program of all time, the highest-rated cable news program of all time, and Fox News’s most-watched program ever.

    The 5 p.m. ET debate, withe the 7 lower-tier candidates did very well for Fox News too, drawing 6.1 million total viewers and 1.2 million in the demo, making it the third-highest primary debate ever on cable....

  28. Interesting read....

    Donald Trump terrifies Republican field by Roger Simon:

    CLEVELAND — They are afraid of him; they are really afraid of him. The other Republican candidates for president are afraid of Donald Trump.

    The smart ones are, anyway.

    Donald Trump didn’t just steal much of the show at a Republican debate Thursday night, he didn’t just command the stage whenever he chose to — he is an experienced TV performer, after all — but he showed his contempt for the very debate that he was taking part in.

    And the audience ate it up....

    Read the rest HERE.

  29. Democracy Now? It is a media organization for individuals who cannot find a perch to land on with viable media organizations. Probably just a rung below Huffington Post. I doubt either organization engages a peer review process for their articles because the shimmer and fallacies are easy enough to spot.

    Tammy Swofford

    1. Well, they've been broadcasting for 30 years and cover events that would otherwise be ignored.

      Now maybe in your world that's a bad thing.

      I'd enjoy your reading your list of preferred media outlets.

    2. I have to agree with Ducky. I don't find common cause with their approach, but they cover stories nobody else does.

    3. I think covering stories we don't usually hear is a good thing...but I look there from time to time and it's really unreliable. There's a headline about Blackwater changing its name to something else so they could get another contract in Afghanistan...as if nobody'd know that? Silly.
      But, in general, it's worth checking in from time to time, I think.

  30. What cheers me up today is how Republicans on the blogs are disagreeing so much ; it's something you really only see on Republican blogs and it's a healthy, good thing.
    As for the apparent Republican uproar against Megyn Kelly, I'll bet they'd love her if she interviewed Hillary or Sanders. BIG TIME.

    1. Z,
      I strongly agree with your last paragraph. But I am uneasy about Karl Rove's connections with FNC, and I have to wonder if Rove didn't give orders to take out Trump.

    2. which connections do you mean? ....that he's ON FOX from time to time? Or do you think, like others do, apparently, that he tells Ailes what to do, or the journalists? And how could he be able to do that?
      Not challenging you, just really curious what you think this connection is....I'm completely open because I'm SO not a Rove fan.

      I know Rove's GOP incredible loyalty...the 'good ol' boys club'....because I remember blogging about some guy named Ted Cruz I'd hardly heard of and wondering why Rove was SO anti Cruz ... this was a year or so ago. And Rove hasn't changed. But I look at him more as one voice at FOX like Sharpton at msnbc, or whatever..
      you think there's a real 'connection'?

    3. Z,
      do you think, like others do, apparently, that he tells Ailes what to do, or the journalists?

      Yes, I think exactly that. Rove was able to do so during the GWB years, the period of Rove's greatest credibility and political clout.

      In what principles of political philosophy does Rove believe? All that I see from him is the principle of electability, which is, in essence, the principle of expediency and is one reason that the GOP's principles of conservatism are so watered down today:

      In 2013 Rove and the PAC American Crossroads created the Conservative Victory Project for the purpose of supporting electable conservative candidates. These efforts have attracted criticism, and even personal attacks, from elements within the Tea Party movement.

      Look how wrong> Karl Rove has been since 2008. Megyn Kelly challenged him in 2012:

      On November 7, 2012, Rove protested Fox News' call of the 2012 presidential election for Barack Obama, prompting host Megyn Kelly to ask him, "Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better? Or is this real?"

      I rather imagine that Rove was furious about that challenge, don't you?

      Many Millennial Conservatives want Rove to go away. Just a week ago, a Millennial, the future of the GOP, said to me: "Rove's usefulness is over." The other Millennial present at the dinner table heartily agreed.

      Yet, somehow, FNC acts as if Karl Rove is an expert to whom to listen. I don't see any on FNC challenging him very often.

      Of all the candidates in the GOP field, Rove has the most to gain if Jeb Bush is the candidate.

      (continued below)

    4. (continued from above)

      Like John Carbaugh before him, Rove is a political-party strategist. But a political strategist -- and there are always strategists behind the scenes pulling the strings -- cannot and should not be a man in front of the camera.

      If Rove endorses Jeb Bush (and I think that likely), that endorsement will lead to defeat for the GOP in November 2016.

    5. In fact, I believe that an endorsement from Karl Rove will severely damage any GOP candidate on Election Day 2016.

      BTW, Karl Rove is no John Carbaugh, who was, back in the day, a mastermind political strategist. It was Carbaugh who decided in late 1979 that 1980 was Ronald Reagan's time to achieve victory in 1980.

      Carbaugh trained Rove, but later decided that Rove didn't learn what he needed to learn to be an effective political strategist. See Robert Novak's book The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting.

    6. Also see Robert Novak's The Reagan Revolution.

    7. AOW...terrific comments/info...thanks SO much. My question is how Rove holds that power over FOX.....Ailes certainly doesn't need money, their ratings are beating everybody and growing........I suppose if Ailes is of exactly the same mind as Rove's..? that's what you think, too?

      I think it was Cruz who said the other day that the reason we lost presidential elections is because we go for milquetoast candidates who are 'more centrist so they can get elected'.... They're afraid of the leftwing media....
      There's good reason to be afraid when they stoop to going through Palin's trash (as only one example), they dig up the slightest, oldest information on any Republican, they expect much more from Reps than Dems (like what Democrat gets asked questions about the Balkans!?)...
      But, I think you'll agree from our blog comments in the last election that Conservatives STAY HOME if the candidate isn't 'conservative enough'...which I think is outrageously stupid but they're entitled, of course. Then there was the group who wouldn't vote for Romney because he was Mormon..

      We need a candidate who hammers conservative viewpoints because we know they're getting a BIG second look since I believe people are really doubting Obama now...big time. Even libs I know, and their lib parents, etc. "climate change is more a threat than terrorism?" was their 'favorite'....I have Conservative friends with lib parents who aren't voting liberal anymore after this president's exec orders and treatment of Israel and the new nuke deal, etc. Health care affected them badly, too.

      I think if someone truly articulate...Fiorina? Cruz? Rubio?... Kasich? really grabs on tight and let's the left sling their crap against them, people will turn off to the crap and LISTEN.

      Think that could happen!? We do have an amazing number of good people.......and look at the Dem side. Notsogood.

    8. Z,
      Will get back to you on this. Bit of a crisis going on here at the moment.

    9. Z,
      We do have an amazing number of good people.......and look at the Dem side. Notsogood.

      Along those lines, please see GOP debate contenders give Democrats reason to worry in the WaPo:

      Donald Trump may top the polls in the contest for the Republican presidential nomination, but this week’s debate was a reminder that the party has able rivals who eventually could take him down — and who also could mount a stiff challenge to Hillary Rodham Clinton in the general election.


      For months, Republican leaders have talked about the breadth, depth and potential strength of their candidates. As a group, the aspiring nominees are certainly more experienced and seemingly more ready for a national campaign than the collection of politicians who sought to deny Mitt Romney the GOP nomination in 2012.

      Democrats have enjoyed the summer of Trump and hope it lasts long enough to inflict serious damage on the Republican brand. But they no doubt saw enough Thursday night to begin to worry about what a general election pitting a vulnerable Clinton against one of the non-Trumps could portend.

    10. Z,
      .I suppose if Ailes is of exactly the same mind as Rove's..? that's what you think, too?

      Yes, the cronyistic establishment of media and the political party.

    11. Z,
      I think you'll agree from our blog comments in the last election that Conservatives STAY HOME if the candidate isn't 'conservative enough'...which I think is outrageously stupid

      I understand both sides of that matter.

      But I tell you this:


      If the GOP doesn't pull itself together (I absolutely think that the reason we lost presidential elections is because we go for milquetoast candidates who are 'more centrist so they can get elected' ), the party is finished -- and should be finished.

      I strongly agree with this statement you made:

      We need a candidate who hammers conservative viewpoints .

      If the nation has changed so much that conservatism is no longer viable, well, so be it.

    12. Z,
      I must state my view one more time:


    13. I hear you! I hear you, AOW!! :-)

      lots of prayer needed!!

  31. If Trump remains miles ahead of Bush and the GOP announces Jeb as the candidate, I will vote for Trump on a third party ticket. Right now though, the GOP is working hard to smear the man who may be the actual only hope for the party.

    I think Trump knows how to drive a hard bargain. He will invigorate foreign policy and be a great Commander in Chief. Jeb is just an extension of a dynastic family. The Clintons are a dynastic family.

    Hell, I thought our forefathers came over on wooden ships to be done with political royalty.


    1. Tammy,
      Hell, I thought our forefathers came over on wooden ships to be done with political royalty.

      No kidding!

      I know that the current political "wisdom" declared that a 3rd party candidate will put the Dem candidate into the White House. But, IMO, so will Jeb Bush as the GOP POTUS candidate. He's a real turn-off!

    2. Tammy,
      BTW, I have never been registered as GOP -- for good reason. I'm registered as an Independent.

  32. BTW AOW,

    I do not walk mindlessly into the polls and pull a straight ticket. I was an alternate delegate for the GOP state convention once, and attended the same.

    But at this point, I find the GOP about as fascinating as Sarah Palin and her witless daughter, Bristol. No original ideas, plenty of bravado, little change.


    1. Tammy,
      Friend, I know that you don't vote mindlessly.

      Love your comment about how the GOP lacks ideas! There are a few exceptions in that field of candidates, however,

  33. AOW,

    I had to laugh at Trump the other night. He proclaimed that his second favorite book was one he had written. And then he claimed that his favorite book was the Bible. Doubt the man has a Bible. But I think he was playing to the crowd and they understood the underlying message. The usual politicians tell us what we want to hear. They will tell us they read their Bibles, say their prayers, yada, yada.... whatever we want to hear.

    Donald Trump? He is enjoying stirring things up, making the other candidates uncomfortable, and bringing a fresh breath of air to politics.

    Again - I just cannot vote for Jeb Bush. We need fresh blood.... coming out of the eyes, coming out of wherever..... wink

    *For the non-medical, blood can come out of wherever. Think Ebola, brain trauma and blood in the ears, etc. I agree with Trump. He called the press corps "deviants" for trying to make the issue one of menses.



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