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Friday, August 28, 2015

Curt Schilling And Islam

On August 25 2015, Major League Baseball star Curt Schilling posted the Tweet below, which he deleted after approximately ten minutes and for which he apologized:

Because Schilling posted the above, ESPN pulled Schilling from the network's Little League World Series assignment.

Additional reading...Curt Schilling and the Death of Free Speech: He told the truth. He apologized. It still wasn’t enough.


  1. I'm told that as a manager, I have to watch what I say more than I did as an engineer.
    Next week I go to sensitivity training for the most innocent of phrasings.
    I assume people in Curt Schilling's position are told the same.

    1. Ed,
      Do you have to watch what you say outside the workplace?

      Just asking.

      I'm curious about this:

      Next week I go to sensitivity training for the most innocent of phrasings.

      If you don't want to get specific here, you know how to contact me in a different venue.

    2. The clanking red hot iron walls are drawing closer and closer forcing us to plunge into The Abyss –– The yawning INFERNO where Hope dies and eternal damnation proceeds untrammeled and uninhibited.

      SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! ––SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH!

      The PENDULUM is getting closer to YOU everyday.

  2. Hillary can call the Republicans Terrorists and Curt Shilling gets fired for telling it like it is! Do you see something wrong here?

    Hillary is desperate and is scraping the bottom of the barrel. She has to come up with new lies everyday. Republicans do not support terrorists. Who was it that was gun running to the terrorists out of Benghazi? Who was it that said "What difference does it make now" when referring to those killed by the terrorist that night. This woman is not fit to hold office. I am a Republican and I am not a terrorist. Slinging mud will come back to bite you Hillary. You need to just go away.

    1. SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! ––SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH! –– SWISH!

      The PENDULUM is getting closer to YOU everyday.

  3. Robert Spencer's right.
    It seems to me that we can't say anything anymore in America...we have no sense of humor, we have no "live and let live," we have no "well, he said that and I don't like it, but....I have that right, too"
    We have to be punished. Forced to apologize. This is very dangerous.

    By the way, those numbers of muslims Spencer mentions attending rallies against extremists are really disappointing. More so than this Schilling story....

  4. Curt Schilling exercised his First Amendment rights. ESPN exercised theirs as an employer. Schilling, as an announcer, is a public figure, so even outside the direct confines of his job, his words and actions can negatively impact his employer.

    I think the fuss is because many might agree with what he said.

    1. Dave Mill is s typical Hypicicrical Liberal, he's only for equality when it fits his liberal, progressive agenda.

      And I can tell where he gets it from. The progressive cave he hangs out in

    2. Dave,
      The balance you mentioned will turn into the slippery slope. Disbelieve his caveat at your and your progeny's peril.

    3. AOW... the truth, or untruth of his statement is not the issue. This was a simple business decision by ESPN.

      In this case, there is no balance. ESPN, as the employer, holds all the cards.

      As for what Ed said, and your reply, I am guessing that if he said something his employer thought would tarnish their image, even when he is off duty, and it became public, yes, he could be fired.

      And why shouldn't he be? How is that a violation of a First Amendment Right?

    4. Dave,
      How is that a violation of a First Amendment Right?

      You make a good case for the employer's side of this matter.

      But we should also keep in mind "First They Came." I'm sure you're familiar with that bit of writing.

      the truth, or untruth of his statement is not the issue

      Oh, really? The truth doesn't matter? Hmmmm....

    5. AOW... I did not say the truth does not matter... I said it was not the issue with the decision of ESPN to reprimand their employee...

    6. If the truth isn't easy to agree with, people need to be fired.
      If the truth was said in humor but everybody's primed to be miserable and watchful for slights, the person needs to be fired.
      Etc etc.

      So some people don't watch ESPN for a while........like they're going to lose anything? But, in the heightened world of PC the leftwingers have created for us, we're held hostage in our words and actions..completely. We need to stand at a chalk board and say "I will not tell the truth or be funny at anybody's expense again because nobody can take it in this new stupid world... I will not tell the truth or be funny at anybody's expense..."

      We need to lighten up.

    7. To answer AOW, I drove in to our parking lot and saw a rental with a group of visiting engineers and techs from Hermosilla getting out.
      The car was parked diagonally enough to intrude in to the spot next to it which had a car in it already..
      Not comfortable to approach them about it, I sent a picture to our HR rep and my boss the Plant Manager.
      Subject line: Is this how they park in Mexico?
      Our HR person is of Hispanic heritage.

    8. By the way, Ed....I've been to MX City...they park on the sidewalk, which is strictly forbidden unless they pay off the shop they're parked in front AND the cops. So, I think that, compared with the truth about validated law-breaking in MX, your comment was pretty benign.
      I find it funny...but we have no sense of humor in this country anymore.

    9. Ed,
      Ugh. People need to grow a bit of tough skin.

      Good luck with enduring your sensitivity-training sessions.

  5. Who cares what Dave Miller thinks or says? Who care what any Liberal thinks or says?

    One moronic irrelevant twit defending his "Rights". That's a joke, considering who the president that he admires so much. The president who throws our Rights out the window. Mr. Dave Miller stuck his foot in his mouth (again).

  6. We gave forgotten the concept of forgiveness in our society. Not amongst Christians, in some regard - but certainly within our liability driven society. Every misplaced word must be punished.

    "Bryce Williams" just assassinated two prior co-workers because he had a history of grinding away at the slights (both real and imagined) that came his way. Chip on his shoulder. Grabbed a gun and cocked it. Is this the way we want to live as Americans? Do we want to turn into mean-spirited and vindictive people? Do we want to punish others for freedom of expression?

    Outrage is over-rated. Slights are over-rated. Real grown-ups have a "water off a duck's back" capability.

    The truly sad dynamic is that by placing an extreme emphasis on words, the words can then reverberate as extreme thought when they are not intended as such.

    Did Schilling Tweet a valid statistic? Probably. Is his correlation accurate? Who knows. Was his Tweet extreme? Nope. Actually, pretty boring and certainly not original.


  7. Robert Spencer's right.
    It seems to me that we can't say anything anymore in America...we have no sense of humor, we have no "live and let live," we have no "well, he said that and I don't like it, but....I have that right, too"
    We have to be punished. Forced to apologize. This is very dangerous.

    By the way, those numbers of muslims Spencer mentions attending rallies against extremists are really disappointing. More so than this Schilling story....

    1. I guess Z I'm just seeing it differently... I don't really care what Schilling said, or why. It has no effect on me personally, so I do take the "live and let live" attitude with it.

      I'm just sayin' that I believe ESPN has a right as an employer to expect the people it pays to hew to a certain line. You can bet he violated a clause in his contract that prohibits such public statements, as determined by ESPN, and that he signed it.

      This was simply a business decision made by ESPN in what they felt was the best interests of their company and brand.

      I'm at a loss to understand why folks are so upset by this.

      AOW... sorry to hear about Mr AOW...

    2. Dave,
      We're hoping that the antibiotic works and that Mr. AOW doesn't react adversely to it.

    3. Here's a good article from CNN on the Schilling tweet.


      It's a good read and, a different perspective...

    4. Dave,
      From what I understand, Schilling is no supporter of Trump. However, ESPN's response to the Tweet will add more fuel to Trump's fire about political correctness.

      Suppose Schiling had Tweeted something other than the comparison with Nazism. Would there then be such a harsh reaction from ESPN?

      Suppose Schilling had Tweeted about how many died at the hands of the Catholic Church or other Christian organizations? How would ESPN have then reacted?

    5. Dave, most of us are huge free speech fans, that's why.
      I'm doubting that his contract ever said "Thou shalt not even come close to insulting extremist (dare I say terrorist?) muslims, even if you really didn't if you read that line again."

    6. Z,
      We're almost to the point that ANY criticism of Islam will be disallowed -- one way or another.

      Obama: "The future doesn't belong to those who disrespect Islam" -- or something along those lines. Using an iPad right now, so unable to Google the exact wording.

    7. Z,
      Totally with you about that last sentence in your comment!

    8. Z... Schilling's right to free speech was never abrogated. Even in his own statement, he declared free speech does not mean free from consequences. Besides, that right says government cannot take away that freedom.

      And he did have a contract that says he cannot bring unwanted controversy on his employer... from what I've read and heard, it's pretty standard stuff all broadcasters must agree to.

  8. Completely legal. Too bad for Schilling.

    The leftwing-islamofascist gay mafia has successfully censored our public language and attitudes. If you go outside politburo-approved boundaries, off to the gulag, and the true beauty of it all is that it is jackboot-free.

    The proles police, censor and punish one another.

    1. SF,
      Yes, completely legal. I never meant to imply otherwise.

      But the right move on the part of ESPN? Some clearly do not think so.

    2. AOW: I'm agreeing with you.

      ESPN has reeked of PC for years, spilling over with neutered males sweating in fear of offending the panoply of leftwing tribes and pogroms.

    3. SF,
      I understand that you and I agree, my friend.

      I don't watch ESPN, so thanks for cluing me about its reeking. Doesn't surprise me. The broadcast media are all about agenda, agenda, agenda. We can't even take a sports break from the agenda. Sheesh.

    4. There are few corners of society not yet polluted and poisoned by politics.

      The highlight of my week is the weekly bluegrass jam. No drooling drones staring into 'smart' phones, no political blathering, just sweet, blessed music and good fellowship.

  9. Pretty soon we'll be reduced to listening to the NBC/ABC/CBS Corporate PR Departments reading the Nightly News.... about their latest sponsor's products.

      I HONESTLY believe that some newsmen from the past ...Huntley, Brinkley, even Cronkite, all the good guys, would be outraged at the bias of our network media.. They were taught to tell us WHY? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? and WHY? Suddenly, everybody to a byline and everybody's opinion is all that matters.
      On FOX, who really gives a **** what Shepard Smith THINKS but that's all we get for his miserable news hour...... which I almost never watch.
      Then the left blasts FOX for O'Reilly, Hannity, Kelly, when they're clearly EDITORIALISTS...and HONEST ABOUT IT.
      Wolf Blitzer can talk against Israel all he wants and that's "news", Sharpton can slam Whites and that's "news" but don't let FOX give both sides of most subjects and dare to give a conservative opinion or that's BIAS>
      The fun never quits.
      I'm starting to think it's not even bias so much anymore, as you suggest, but SHEER CORPORATE WILL. $$$$$\
      How many times have you watched a news show and , at 5:58, they say "Stay tuned for more" so you suffer thru the inane product commercial only to have them return with "Thanks, that's it for us tonight!"

    2. Faux gives both sides?

      Faux is just this side of sponsoring the Two Minutes Hate where the fringe right throws stuff at the screen yelling, "Muslims Suck !"

      You aren't even aware that Sharpton was virtually kicked off MSNBC. He's relegated to a meaningless weekend time slot.

      Did Blitzer criticize Israel?
      The nerve criticizing those angels.

      So we go from Schilling putting his foot in his mouth and getting slapped (again, he's been a dolt before) to worrying that there isn't enough anti-Muslim sentiment in the news.


    3. Duck,
      Schilling didn't Tweet that all Muslims are extremists. I believe that he Tweeted accurate percentages.

      Nobody should EVER rely on any one news source.

    4. OH, this is fun!
      Ducky....yes I did know Sharpton was kicked to the wknd...Wait, so, in your mind, it negates all the crap he did that I mentioned? weird. How in the WORLD can what I said seem to you to indicate I hadn't heard that?

      Yes, Blitzer is a total bigot against Israel......which is just FINE,he's entitled, but if you'll read my comment again, you'll realize finally that my point is he is not a news person, he's an opinion giver, which seems just FINE for the leftwing cables but let a Rightwing cable host do it, and it's BIGOTRY! You should feel utterly ashamed.

      Nobody wants anti-muslim sentiment anywhere...why would we and who said we did? Read the whole comments page again and you'll understand; people should be free to say what they want to say, and not have the leftwing dopes misconstrue constantly...a very dangerous precedent.

      My gosh...you're grasping lately; feel like you're losing?
      And, by the way...if you'd watch FOX news you'd know about both sides........they have more leftwing contributors on than CNN or MSNBC ever dreamed of. Please prove me wrong...delighted to discuss it with you.

      Why are you jumping to such unwarranted conclusions? something up with you?

    5. Thersites,
      Yes, that's where the media are going. Like the screens in Bradbury's book "Fahrenheit 451."

    6. Z,
      The Left is indeed screeching more than usual. Yes, it could be the sense that the fulfillment of their agenda is slipping away.

    7. When you see the article I am publishing Monday you'll know just why they're screeching.....yes, the fulfillment of their agenda is slipping away, the most unexpected people are supporting the Right....
      I'm a little amazed.
      That's a teaser for Monday :-) Thanks for letting me do it here!

    8. I don't see it slipping away at all. Bernie Sanders, much like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, fulfills it.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. FJ...read my Monday post...fascinating facts in there.

  10. Replies
    1. Massive doses of antibiotics to reduce the tooth's abscess before the extraction several days later. Blessedly, Mr. AOW is in no pain at all. The affected tooth is on the stroke-affected side of his face (the numb side).

      Thanks for asking, Ed. I appreciate it.

    2. SO glad there's no pain....tell Mr. AOW he's in our thoughts and prayers. xxx

  11. Schilling was right. ESPN was wrong. Whatever is in his contract, this simple observation of truth told without rancor or painting "all muslims" as bad is a tempest in a teapot. It reflects very badly on ESPN that they would even consider it an 'issue.'

    Now, let's imagine Mr, Schilling had tweeted "ALL credible scientists agree man is causing the earth to heat up." You think ESPN would come out of their tree because he fabricated such a statement?

  12. The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. - George Orwell.

    And 5-10% of molsems are extremists? That's BS. Try 60-70%

    1. Kid,
      Today's society has decided to toss out Orwell's statement. What fools the deniers of are!

      World War M is here. It's just begun.

    2. Kid,
      I, too, believe that they are colonizing with the intent of growing the caliphate. Not all colonizer a are jihadists, but it is a FACT that the vast majority of Muslims admit to yearning for the caliphate; I've seen this information in more than one study.

  13. This week, Hillary has made more than one comparison reminiscent of Schilling's -- in essence, calling those who don't support her and her platform terrorists and Nazis (the latter her box cars statement). Of course, she doesn't have a boss to fire her, so she makes these statements with impunity.

  14. The clanking red hot iron walls are drawing closer and closer forcing us to plunge into The Abyss –– The yawning INFERNO where Hope dies and eternal damnation proceeds untrammeled and uninhibited.


    Ask not towards whom the PENDULUM swings, it swings toward THEE.

  15. FT are the Progressive's the reason for your departure from blogging?

    1. No. Just sheer disgust at the way most people behave when posting comments. Progressives are no more obnoxious than people supposedly on "our" side.

      I may return later. I may not. Only time will tell. Probably will eventually, but I'm making no promises.

      Anyway, thanks for asking.


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