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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Open Thread

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So, what's on your mind?

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Fox lowers threshold for early debate: The change serves to guarantee the presence of candidates such as Lindsey Graham and Carly Fiorina.

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  1. Are you as outraged over the killing of Cecil the lion, by that lowlife American dentist as I am?
    I couldn’t be more outraged than you. most likely are, I have been against abortion since my son was born 47 years ago. Having a child is why we are for heterosexual marriage. The very thought of ending a life in the womb is repulsive to me and I am sure the majority of civilized human beings feel the same way.
    I am personally sick to death other these Trophy hunting, by wealthy American hunters who pay tens of thousands of dollars for licenses to kill protected animals for trophies and sport, only to place this poor beloved Lions hean on this Creeps wall.
    I have hunted for most of my life and would not shoot anything I wouldn’t eat. That said, the reaction to Cecil is over the top. I heard today that Cecil was an African lion. Well we have a lyin African as POTUS.

    1. Zebra Lives Matter.
      Cecil was a known harrasser of zebras.

    2. ALL lives matter –– even yours.

      ALL lives are of equal value.

      "In so much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, also have ye have done it unto me."

      The Rev. Al Schweitzer

    3. We all should get acquainted with James Allen Boone's remarkable book called KINSHIP WITH ALL LIFE.


      That's a link to chapters One through Ten read aloud. The entire book is available on YouTube.

      Better yet, purchase a copy through Amazon.com, download a free ecopy, or go to a good used bookstore. There are many links concerning this book on Google.

  2. An American goes to Africa...commits a crime and kills a lion.
    A Mexican goes to America. ..illegally...and kills a 32 year old woman.in San Francisco.

    Why are liberals angrier at the first one?

    1. Good question.

      Do YOU have an answer you'd care to share?

    2. Great question. Here are my half-baked theories:

      First, we have been conditioned by social media and pop culture stories formerly known as news. Think of it as a form of digital herding, steering directing. If Orwell is more your speed, think of it as alternately, Soma, 5 minutes hate, and the passification of the Deltas and Epsilons with the drug gas and the emotional appeals over loud speakers.

      Secondly, what is going on is just too horrible to process without damaging the psyche. Humans killing other human beings while politicians play games for their own benefit, the dismemberment and piece-parting babies. Babies!

      Seriously, many people are incapable of sitting down, tuning everything else out, and focusing full attention on such horrors. It would tear your heart out, ruin that upcoming shopping spree or vacation... Humans have all kinds of psychological mechanisms to shield them from harsh realities.

    3. ... so we focus on trivial matters and pour our emotions into them as proxies.

    4. "Humans have all kinds of psychological mechanisms to shield them from harsh realities."
      Hey! What time is the game on?
      Seriously, many people I talk to at work are unaware of the Planned Parenthood videos and are shocked when I play them for them.
      Their news sources, if they exist, are not covering this.

    5. "we focus on trivial matters and pour our emotions into them as proxies." Well said!

    6. "The worth of a man's character may best be ascertained by the way he treats the helpless, the weak, the poor, –– and the animals."

      I highly recommend the following short piece To Kill an Elephant by George Orwell. It should have a most civilizing influence on all who have the stomach, and can find the courage to read it through to the end.


      "Blessed are the merciful ..."

  3. I think that we ALL know the answer to that FT.

    1. I know what I believe it is, Hans, but I was more interested in learning what others thought it was.

      I think it's because most of us are witless, unthinking sponges who are too easily subject to manipulation by the enemedia.

      Few realize it, but most don't have a single thought, opinion or yearning in our heads that wasn't deliberately PLANTED there by the enemedia.

      Many years ago a radio comedian named Phil Cook was famous for saying "All I know is what i read in the papers."

      That was before TV, computers, smart phones and the internet existed. That's how old I am! ;-)

      At any rate, the line brought chuckles at the time, but it wouldn't today, because it has become the literal truth. Most only know what they are TOLD –– i.e. what someone else wants them to know for an agenda-driven purpose.

      That to me is he REAL issue underlying the very sad story of Cecil the Lion.

    2. Free Thinker, if only more people understood and absorbed what you've said here.

  4. A progressivePosted this

    [Trump] said: 'My sons love to hunt. They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. 'But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. 'My other son, Don, is a hunter.

    But the blogger didn't mention the fact that Hillary's perverted husband is a Lady Hunter.

  5. Certainly, the story of the death of Cecil the Lion is a sad one. Shades of Born Free and all that.

    The above said, the wall-to-wall coverage of the Cecil story is another of those distractions and deflections from more important news stories.

    1. Yes, AOW, it is that, but i goes even deeper.

      Please read what I just said to Hans Chreuder above.

    2. FT,
      I agree with what you said in your comment to Hans.

    3. I am hardly upset with the death of Cecil the Lion. He was 13 years old, the average lifespan of a male lion in the wild is 10 years. It was just a matter of time till a younger male killed him. Possibly one of his own grown cubs.

      Wild animals aren't the cuddly talking creatures of Disney cartoons. Mostly they represent a nuisance if not an outright danger to human beings which cause many billions of dollars in damage yearly if not. controlled. Dear automobile collisions cause about 200 human deaths and more than a billion dollars in damage yearly.

      Lions aren't an endangered species except in certain areas where they were once common. I know that zoos and circuses have too many and, although its not talked about, I suspect they segregate the male and females to keep them from breeding and probably euthanize the old and unwanted.

      I used to hunt but quit several years ago because I reached a point where I wouldn't eat game anymore, (I don't like the taste,) I ate too much when I was young. I never trophy hunted but I don't care if someone else does in a lawful and ethical manner. It would be unethical for me to hunt because I wouldn't eat the game but I would hunt to feed someone else if it was the most reasonable choice to feed them. In that case its no different than slaughtering domesticated (non-pet) animals.

  6. Because it will get more exposure here and it's open thread, I'd like to repeat my observation that Planned Parenthood gouges clients for abortions, sells (receives compensation for) the baby parts and never rebates the woman they gouged (both literally and figuratively).
    And THEY are the champions of women's rights?

    1. Jake Knickerbocker said

      With regard to the Planned Parenthood flap, I think the stories denigrating the organization are more than a bit off base. I'm no fan of Michael Moore-type ambush journalism. It makes for good theater and certainly moves the Emotion Meter of its viewers, but I don't think it advances our understanding of complex situations or organizations.

      My hyper-active imagination can quickly visualize how two minutes of me on tape might make Hermann Goering look like a choir boy.

      On principle, I don't think that major decisions about the funding of organizations like Planned Parenthood, NPR and the like should be made in a fit of emotional pique.

      My wife and I are strong contributors to P.P. because of all the services they provide to expectant mothers (especially needy ones) -- services that aren't being provided elsewhere and have nothing to do with abortion. I also confess to some personal bias in that the Medical Director of P.P.'s New England Region is a good friend. She's one of one the most "high character" people I know and totally dedicated to women's health and their procreative rights.

    2. Lady K of Barrington Manor said

      Regarding Planned Parenthood, whatever the stupidity of some few at the top, never has there been a more crucial organization at the local level. I was on the Board of PP of Waspirico County a zillion years ago, and saw firsthand how it provided absolutely the only medical care that a huge number of impoverished girls (and middle class ones as well) from Hixontown and Briarwood ever received!

  7. As usual you are 100 percent correct Ed. However, If you’re an overly sensitive tree-hugger, Libber, or a PETA person or if you are a person that blames all the failures in the Black communities including having 10 children before you at 18 years old, and unmarried on *White Privilege* then this story is going to make your tiny little brain blow up, but if you’re an honest American that loves this nation, if you are an every day hard working man or woman, no matter what color you are, this post is going to leave you with a huge TRUTH BOMB.

    1. As I was replying to Silverfiddle above. a young black woman who works for me and is incredibly sharp was oblivious to this story.
      Not any more.

  8. Try this one on for size; Hashtag: HumanLivesMatter. What Liberals see as a fetus or a mass of cells, I see as a HUMAN BEING! So to me Babies Lives Do Matter!

    1. HumanLivesMatter.
      Marvin O'Malley got booed at the netroots convention for suggesting that.
      Then O'Malley apologized for saying it!

  9. The rabid Tea Party folks, like the ones that comment here on this blog on a daily basis, went berserk when President Obama recently wished Muslims well after Ramadam. They apparently are ignorant of the fact that one of their own, Hypocritical Conservative/Republican President George W. Bush, started the tradition of wishing Muslims "a blessed Ramadam" during his administration. But that goes with the territory , Monkey see, Monkey do!

    1. Oh, God... you just can't make this shit up...

    2. @ Saying it: "President Obama recently wished Muslims well after Ramadam... George W. Bush, started the tradition...Monkey see, Monkey do!"

      What a racist you are, calling President Obama a monkey. You should be ashamed of yourself.


    4. You were clearly implying Obama was copying Bush making him the monkey.

    5. It's very easy to make provocative comments and then deny them when you're hiding behind a made up name.

      Just Saying It As I See It.

    6. and I know of no conservative who doesn't know that Bush hosted these dinners. How many know Hillary Clinton was the first modern in the WH to do so?

  10. I know, you Libs would prefer to talk about the Lion than about the Planned Parenthood videos.
    But as every democrat would do... Never let a crisis go to waste... and right now the Lion is the crisis of the day..

  11. Meanwhile, millions of babies in the U.S. are being harvested for their organs so Planned Parenthood officials can buy an exotic car.

    1. That's a warped, highly exaggerated, frankly pinheaded view of an admittedly disturbing story that has been blown out of all proportion by the conservative enemedia –– just as the sad story of poor Cecil and Walter Palmer, the demented dentist from Minnesota has been the Main Stream Enemedia.

      STOP the MADNESS

  12. So, once again, we are seeing the radical left (the progressives) using the old diversion trick to sell a false narrative. Just change the topic for Planned Parenthood to a Lion in Africa.

    1. Let me explain why the lion hunting incident incited so much wrath.
      It's a symbol. A symbol for the privilege of the 1% who can run around the world with the blessings of right wing tools and do whatever they damn please.
      Kill endangered species, climate change? So what? These scumbags (like Trumps's son) can do what they please and who the bleep cares what anyone thinks.
      Libertarians will even support them.

      On the other hand you have the Planned Parenthood tapes which have been heavily edited and represent a lie. Now it's nothing new for the fringe right to be led by the nose by edited media but you don't care about that.
      Now the judiciary has ruled that no further tapes can be released because they are a libel and what will happen? The right will start the usual whine about "activist judges".
      Never will they admit that this whole effort is based on a LIE. You are constitutionally unable to admit you are being led by the nose by a LIE.

      No topic has been changed. You value LIES and you value the rights of monied scum to destroy whatever they have a mind to destroy.

      There, take a look at yourself.

    2. Once again Duck, specify the lie of the edited video.
      And what does climate change have to do with lion hunting (which I don't support)?

    3. 54 million abortions in America (or more) is anything but a lie.
      How many people died in WW II?

      People are outraged at the Lion because they don't believe human lives have value unless they are "wanted". "Unwanted babies" are useless eaters. This is what most progressives believe. It's nazi ideology. Please show me where my logic is wrong Mr Duck.

    4. I don't see how you can edit a video leaving only the parts where the price of dead baby parts is being negotiated and it being a lie when you say that price of dead baby parts is being negotiated in the full video.
      When, in the unedited portion, did they say "Hah! We were only fooling! Sell baby parts? No Way!".

    5. Let's give Ed a real example.

      1. A woman is pregnant with a child with a serious defect that means the child may not survive birth or the quality of life will be dreadful.

      2. The woman decides to abort. Now Alec's or Ed's opinion of that decision means bleep all.

      3. The woman decides, as is her right, that the fetal tissue will be donated to medical research.

      At NO TIME does Planned Parenthood independently contract the medical research (something that seems to offend Ed and Alec) companies. By law it must be the wishes f the mother and this legislation received Republican support before they became the tribe which rubs poo in its hair.

      As for an answer, Alec, I get a little sick of you fringe right wingers telling other people what they believe. First because you are almost always wrong and second because your lack of respect for anyone's opposing opinion makes you irredeemable.

      Myself, I believe one of the keys to reducing abortion is availability of birth control. Women are not going to stop having sex despite the fact that people like Alec and Ed would rather try to counsel them in abstinence only thinking for some bizarre reason that birth control fails more often than the human will.

      And Alec tie a can on the "nazi ideology" you primitive.

      Meanwhile, donations to Planned Parenthood are way u and the move in Congress will fail or you tyros will have given Hillary a terrific talking point that's going to turn out democratic voters.

    6. Duck,
      As far as I know, it is the law that the tissue of aborted fetuses cannot be sold -- mother's consent notwithstanding.

    7. Once again and the right seems intent on holding on t this.

      Nothing was sold.
      Planned Parenthood is allowed by statute to recoup expenses.

    8. Birth control has become universally available. In the same period abortions have increased massively. That would suggest 'more birth control' is not the solution.

    9. Baysider,
      If what you say about the availability of both control is correct -- and I believe that your statement is accurate -- why, then, are abortions still being provided in thes quantities we see today?

    10. Baysider, despite your statement, data does support you. As access to birth control has increased, yes, through the ACA, or Obamacare, abortions in this country have decreased, dramatically in some states.

      In Nevada, which before the ACA, we had one of the largest groups of non insured young people statistically. Now with those people being insured, under the approval and guidance of a GOP Governor, we have seen 15 to 20% drops in abortions.

      Google "Abortion and Birth Control Rates" and you'll find numerous studies beginning in 2012 to support this.

    11. Mr Duck, you are obviously not a gentleman, nor have reason on your side. Or, if you do, why do you have to reduce yourself to name calling? Hope you will apologize.

    12. And also, just for factual sake, I have spent most of my life on the progressive side. I don't consider myself liberal or conservative, democratic or republican. These labels make no sense in the way people are generally using them today.

      I am a Lutheran Christian from a non-Christian background.

      Your behavior is despicable. You really had no reason to lash out at me. How was I disrespectful to you?

      And did I miss your answer to my very real question?

      Shame on you.

    13. If planned parenthood is only recouping expenses, why the negotiations?
      Why the difference in value of each organ, when they come in sets?
      I hate to say anything about costing an arm and a leg, but if the abortion is an expense, why is that passed on to the mother of the dead baby?
      Shouldn't PP giver her the abortion freely and pass the cost on to the customer, er, recipient?
      That would be recovering costs, because the abortion was already paid for.
      And how do expenses pay for a Lamborghini?
      Your move, Duck.

    14. And I repeat my above comment:
      Once again Duck, specify the lie of the edited video.
      And what does climate change have to do with lion hunting (which I don't support)?

    15. @ Ducky: "A symbol for the privilege of the 1% who can run around the world with the blessings of right wing tools and do whatever they damn please."

      Right. There are no leftwing tools jetting around, yapping about climate change, etc.

    16. To Nostradumbass:
      Isn't it time for you to pitch your copy of the Communist Manifesto and grow up?

      Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

      There comes a time when your crap isn't funny anymore. It just makes people sorry for the old fart with the mental condition, (that would be you.)

      What happened to you that arrested your development? Were you kidnapped by an escapee from the Frankfurt School then locked in a closet and feed through the keyhole?

    17. Beamish,
      Spot on with your analysis of the contrast.


  13. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. The useful idiots on the left are blogging about that “wonderful” Iran deal. And, nothing could be further from the truth! NOTHING!
    It is a sad day in America when the President of the United States acts more in sympathy with our enemies, such as Iran, than he does to protect the safety and security of the American public against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Perhaps he is the Manchurian Candidate, conditioned by decades of socialism and communism to betray the United States and cause America’s downfall from within?
    A deal requires give & take on both sides. In this case, Iran took & we gave. Go figure! Deal? What Deal? The "Deal" is that in 10 or 15 years Iran WILL have a Nuclear Bomb, that's about what this "Deal" amounts to.
    With a swipe of that executive pen Obama screwed us all. Yes folks, we are in essence all so screwed.
    I’m still waiting for any of this to make sense.

    1. When things don't make sense, it's usually because we're either missing essential details, or we don't want to accept some or all of the facts we have.

      You've grasped the details DDW. Which part doesn't make sense yet?

  14. I have my many candidates picked and in what order. I know how each thinks, acts, and lives. A nonsense debate isn't going to dissuade that.

    1. Hey, Odie, if all the debates are nothing but "nonsense," that could mean everything we THINK we know about the candidates is nonsense too. O homes;y be;ieve the debates do at least this much for us"

      They give us a chance to see and hear the candidates answer questions and interact with each other. Even if the whole thing IS "stage managed," we can still learn a LOT just from seeing and hearing them go through their paces in front of the cameras.

      I am praying the GOP doesn't nominate Jeb Bush. I don't know about you, but I am fed up sick and tired with the Bushes and their dubious connections to The New World Order crowd. The Bushes are MUCH too friendly with the Clintons and that whole cabal of INTERNATIONALISTS for me ever to trust a one of them again.

      I like Dr. Carson, I like Carly Fiorina, I like Scott Walker, I like what Marco Rubio SAYS, the others don't interest me much.

      A Walker-Fiorina ticket, a Walker-Carson ticket, a Fiorina-Carson ticket might be just what we need, but it's still much to early to be sure of anything in this rotten game.

      All I know for sure is I'd rather vote for Walter Palmer, DDS, or Caitlyn Jenner than HELLary. ;-)

  15. Replies
    1. Ed,
      The very idea that charges might be brought is so surreal that I'm gasping for breath.

    2. Gateway Pundit? That means corroboration is mandatory.

    3. Please note that the Navy Times is carrying a story about an investigation into why the personnel were armed but there is no mention of any move to file charges.

      Not a good idea to jump on the first release from Gateway Pundit. It has a long history of writing bull.

    4. "Gateway Pundit ... has a long history of writing bull."

      You mean like the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Time, The New Yorker, The Nation, TruthOut, Buzzflash, the DailyKos, MoveOn.org and the vicious distortions of truth published by the likes of Howard Zinn, Susan Sontag, Noam Chomsky, Sy Hersh, Michael Moore and Greg Pallast?

    5. The Navy is undertaking the standard investigation that all of us as citizens, should expect and respect. The LCDR has not been charged with any crime.

      That the Gateway Pundit chose to generate an outrage-inducing headline....is also expected.


    6. It's time to organize a "bring your gun to work day" and put an end to all the silly DOD "Gun free" work rules through jury nullification.

    7. CI,
      The Navy is undertaking the standard investigation that all of us as citizens, should expect and respect. The LCDR has not been charged with any crime.

      He was under fire. IMO, the regulation which prohibits his having a private weapon at the recruitment center should be waived because of the extenuating circumstances. Frankly, I see no point in expenditure so as to investigate.

    8. http://www.navytimes.com/story/military/2015/07/21/sources-navy-officer-marine-shot-chattanooga-gunman/30426817/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=

    9. CI,
      That's not how the military works.

      I know. My husband was US Army (Military Police).

      The way that the military works was the primary reason that my husband didn't re-up.

    10. Why we would like this to be an open and shut case, with full exoneration......anytime there is a Serious Incident Report, the service component is required by DOD regulation, to assign an investigating officer and launch an Article 15-6 Line of Duty investigation.

      It's a formality that commanders do not generally have the authority to waive.

    11. Sure.....what could go wrong?

      From "arming" the "Armed Forces"? If something did "go wrong" it would have to originate in a fundamental defect in the very principle upon which the organization was structured.

    12. I'm just wondering how you would manage the accountability and storage of sensitive items. Which is a fundamental and appropriate concern for the Armed Forces.

    13. Sensitive items? Likes ammo and weapons? I'm not advocating storing nuclear weapons in a recruiting office. And police forces seem to manage just fine... provided you take little credence in "black lives matter" complaints. Yes, there can be an "inappropriate use" of firearms. But it's a risk worth considering, given a "still-active and declared" WoT.

    14. The regs originated during Bush I. It was a different time (pre- 9/11)

    15. Yes, like ammunition and firearms. I'm not saying that there isn't a solution. SF and myself have both endorsed a 'designated carrier/Master-at-Arms' type of program.

      I simply caution reflexive calls for arming the garrison military writ large, without the context of logistics and accountability.

    16. CI,
      I support a 'designated carrier/Master-at-Arms' type of program -- if the show can be gotten on the road with some alacrity.

      Let there be one more jihadist attack such as the one in Chattanooga, and the outcry of enraged Americans will be heard. I hope!

      ISIS has specifically targeted the military here on our home soil. Measures must be taken ASAP. By "ASAP," I don't mean with the usual crawl speed of the bureaucracy.

    17. Agreed. The Administration won't break any records dealing with the problem; The GOP holds Congress....what are they going to do?

    18. I will prefer to deal with the consequences of carrying a weapon to work should I ever have to defend lives that the "Gun Free Zone" sign won't. The 2nd, 4th, 10th amendments are my concealed carry permit.

    19. Legalistic thinking will be the death of us.

      "First we kill all the lawyers" might not be as absurd as it sounds in a society where we are required to allow ourselves to shot, knifed, beaten or bludgeoned to death while waiting for the "authorities" to get off their butts and defend us, or for "clearance" to defend ourselves from "the proper authority."

      The prissy little niceties of obedience to the law and practicing "ethics" MUST be thrown out AUtoMAtiCALLY when its a matter of kill or be killed and time is of the essence.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oops! I didn't mean to delete that comment. Blame this iPad.

  17. Now for some good news.

    There is now available a 100% effective single dose Ebola vaccine.

    Would that have happened without the NIH?

    1. HURRAH! If true, I wonder why it hasn't been trumpeted all over the enemedia?

      Not long ago too many were ripping down he curtains, setting their hair on fire and generally carrying on as though the The Black Death were making a Second Debut.

      Unfortunately for our ever-degenerating culture the enemedia thrives on the dissemination of bad news.

      That's because, as a people, we've become addicted to Rage, Anxiety and Alarmism.

      Don't you wonder how and why that happened? I do.

    2. It is indeed accurate, FT.
      Everyone but Fox is reporting it.

      I'd say the intent is to have us addicted to fear but your mileage may vary.

    3. Duck,
      Fox News reported information about the Ebola vaccine two days ago.

    4. Yes, it probably would have happened at the NIH: Grants are given, the smart guys at NIH would be doing whatever work it is elsewhere.

      And yes, it was definitely covered by FOX..AOW's right.
      Who wouldn't cover that? Is that supposed to be political?
      It's fabulous news.

    5. We all should know by now, that CANARDO never misses an opportunity –– however small, thin, faint or ragged –– to politicize ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

      Ca va sans dire –– or should.

      Never forget he admittedly LIVES to "cheese off" the right wing.

      Isn't it time we followed the sage advice given by The Farmer in the Dell, and LET "the cheese stand alone?"

      Hi ho the Derry-o!


    6. @ FreeThinke:

      "Isn't it time we followed the sage advice given by The Farmer in the Dell, and LET "the cheese stand alone?"

      LOL! Ducky's a particularly stinky block, isn't he?

  18. The University of New Hampshire holds "We are committed to supporting and sustaining an educational community that is inclusive, diverse and equitable." It's the first picture (6 women, one man (maybe) and half black) that goes with the statement that puts the lie to it. What were they thinking?

  19. Regarding asking unarmed military to await "first responders" - Does that mean the first responders carrying the body bags and toe tags for Decedent Affairs?

    Tammy Swofford supports a Doctrine of the Last Shot Fired. If there is an attack in progress, the last shot fired should be from a firearm wielded against the assailant. Turn the perp into a sieve. But don't stop shooting until the body doesn't twitch.

    1. Tex Yahooty-Kazooty said

      Don't stop shooting till the body stops twitching, then stomp all over it with hobnailed boots, urinate and defecate all over it, then pour gasoline on it, and set on fire. Don't leave the scene till nothing is left but ashes and soot.

  20. Jericho, Cecil the lion's brother, killed:

    The brother of slain Cecil the lion, whose death sparked widespread outrage this week, was killed by a hunter Saturday in Zimbabwe, a local conservation group said....

    Who are the safari guides in Zimbabwe?

  21. So, Smirking, Uncle Joe Biden said that he’s taking a New Look at the possibility of a Presidential run!
    Yeah right, Surprise, Surprise! I’ve been saying that he would for the past 3 or 4 months. And I also predicted that Hillary Clinton WILL NOT RUN!
    Is this really news? Come on give us a friken break. The handwriting has been on the wall for months.
    All the news that has been coming out about Madam Clinton’s use of private emails when she was Secretary of State, The Clinton Foundation scandal , and the upcoming Benghazi hearings again, and the lies, followed by more lies. Yes, I know we’re still a long way from the 2016 election, but Madam Hillary no longer looks quite as invincible as she did 6 or 12 months ago. And Hillary's scandals piling up faster than anyone could have ever imagined. And I think that she’s already way past the point of total destruction. And to that the fact that Obama is not exactly in her corner in fact I think that he’s out to destroy her. And so enters Joe Biden. Sound familiar? Think back to her attempt to run in 2008 when Obama kicked the crap out of her in the Primaries, she was a Front-Runner then as well. Until the party threw her to the Wolves because they know she couldn’t win. So what has changed since? Do you want the truth? The Real Truth? Can You Handle The Truth?
    Hillary is unelectable and she has become brutally hard to look at, as well as being a liar and crooked... Hillary has more baggage than American Airlines!

    Put all that together with the fact that the people ore sick and tired of Obama’s lies, the voters want a candidate who is honest and trustworthy, and Hillary Clinton is surely NOT that person.
    It’s Time for Hillary Clinton and the Rest of Her Donkeys to Go Back to Arkansas

  22. @ Ducky: "Not a good idea to jump on the first release from Gateway Pundit. It has a long history of writing bull."

    Said the leftwing manure spreader who gets his misinformation from HufferPost, The Nation and Rolling Stoned...

    1. Fool?

      Dabbling in commie pseudo philosophy, failed marxist theory, feminist post-deconstructionalism, etc is at least amusing when done by college kids, but it's downright sad when 'adults' wallow in it.

    2. SF,
      I was going to delete Duck's comment wherein he called you a fool (ad hominem attack, which administrators here delete at their discretion). However, on second thought, I decided that the exchange would get interesting if you came back with a response.

    3. You are comparing The Nation to Gateway Pundit?

      Their banner-logo says it all ducky. "Instigating Progress Daily". You can't be any more up front about your intention to bias the news than that!

    4. Hoft dropped another pant load

      And his cabana boy, Allen West, went right along with the lie.
      Gateway Pundit -- Makes you smart like a gerbil.

    5. Duck,
      Interesting? Marginally so.

      The law apparently does require an investigation, and we have discussed that matter rather extensively in this thread.

  23. Chris Mathews just killed the Bernie Sanders momentum and set the DNC back 40 years...

    1. ps - the last of the 3 videos was made this morning... and makes a distinction that Republicans would be extremely foolish not to keep on making.

    2. Na...leftwingers aren't even aware enough to see the irony in the interview....they're just cheering them both on, hating FOX and the GOP.
      But, I hope you're right.

    3. Joe,
      Thanks for that link. I'm watching the last of the videos right now.

    4. As much as I detest Democrats, none of them have ever asked me to set aside my principles and vote for their candidate anyway, as the Republican Party did with Mitt Romney. I will see the Republican Party destroyed for that.


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