(Unrelated topic....See the post directly below this one. Absurdity abounds!)
Former Obama Backer Now Thinks Obama More Incompetent than Keystone Kops! over at
Mike's America. Mort Zuckerman, who supported Obama in 2008, has had a change of heart.
ReplyDeleteI quickly read the story and a thought came to my mind.
I saw yesterday the first $5/ gallon sign at a US petrol station.
Would Obama be inclined to start hostilities faster in the Middle East as the gas price climbs, in order to blame the high cost of petrol on the conflict?
Cause you know he's never to blame for anything.
Mortie has always been a squish. He was also suckered into the Madoff investment scam.
ReplyDeleteThe man is naif. I don't know how he ended up being a millionaire.
What a story!!!
ReplyDeleteMy prediction: Obama wiil secretly and by executive order at midnight on a holiday, ect, open the strategic oil reserve to ease prices shortly before November. National security be damned, the election is coming!
Why do these people wait until they unload Obama on us to come to their senses?
ReplyDeleteI had heard this, but hadn't read the article. If Obama wasn't facing re-election he could care less about soaring gas prices. Should he win in November you can bet the farm that prices will "necessarily skyrocket"! That's been his plan all the while!
ReplyDeleteAfter all those years of reviews, the dastardly Republicans had the nerve to expect Obama to take a decision. How disrespectful of the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteThe rats leave the ship first, usually to save themselves.
ReplyDeleteBush added 5 trillion to the debt. Obama added 1.3 to bail us out of the mess the GOP created.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what happens, it's always someone else's fault. And, there will be no shortage of people willing to lies for him.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Obama supporters are finally seeing the light.
Right Truth
What in Heaven's Name happened to the fourth post down?
ReplyDeleteWhat is THAT all about?
Russian SPAM?
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteI deleted the spam comment.
I'm sure that I'll see even more spam comments with word verification off. Ah, well. I'll keep up with deleting spam comments the best that I can.
Don't believe evrything the media feeds us. especially concerning polls about popularity. Seems to me a lot of people that voted for him have now jumped ship, most notably Raul Emanuel. The Lamestream Media is trying so hard to social engineer everybody into voting for the turd again...even with their polling showing him ahead. It's all a farce and i know Americans are gonna turf this loser in Nov.