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Monday, February 20, 2012

Islamification Via Academia

(Thanks, Mustang, for sending me the video below)

Do you know what's being taught in YOUR child's school?

ACT! for America Education

ACT! for America

A specific example of what's happening at our universities, this example being a recent one at Wake Forest University.


  1. The lady is so, so right. This is an excellent video, AOW. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. I know it was very bad when I was in college decades ago, I can only imagine that all of it has filtered down into"early childhood" indoctrination everywhere.

  3. And most of the best educated, most intelligent, most sensitive, and most "rational" people I know -- several of them proud, brilliantly articulate, well-informed, self-styled Conservative-Libertarians right here in the blogosphere refuse to entertain what they rudely dismiss with a horse laugh as "Conspiracy Theories!"

    Great God in Heaven! What would it TAKE to bring them to accept the obvious, OBVIOUS TRUTH?

    The complete takeover and subversion NEWS & INFORMATION. ENTERTAINMENT, and above all of EDUCATION in this country has been in the works for OVER a CENTURY. It has been carefully plotted, brilliantly organized and zealously carried out by MASTERS of DECEPTION, CORRUPTION, GREED and evil AMBITION.

    How anyone claiming to be rational and informed could deny this is beyond my feeble powers of comprehension -- but they DO.

    ~ FreeThinke

  4. That squishy dean who responded to the correspondent in the Front Page Mag article had the temerity to cite "Religious Diversity!"

    Right... So long as it doesn't include traditional Christianity or *Gaia Forbid* Mormonism...

    I still cannot understand how the left that is so hostile to Christianity can make such a fetish of the grossly intolerant Islam.

    I hate to sound like a broken record, but Michael Savage is right, "Liberalism is a mental disorder."

  5. I think that universities are perfectly correct in shielding those who wish to change American laws peacefully... but those who advocate violence like the radical Wake Forest Imam? Once the thought of "violence" as an acceptable means of changing America is entertained, the university administrators are no longer defenders of "intellectual liberty", but they are traitors to that cause and must be expelled from positions of responsibility.

  6. The lady in this video is an effective propagandist. Of course Islam is a false religion, but it's not the "boogeyman" she'd like us all to believe it is. What she and her masters are really after is an already dumbed-down american populace giving away their lberties for the sake of so-called security. A boogeyman is an essentail ingredient in that evil plan. Fear is indeed a powerful motivator.

    If anyone would be interested in knowing the primary problem in our schools, I recommend the book, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt:


  7. I just saw a commercial this morning telling all of us to be more tolerant while everyone was bowing and kneeling. Horse-feathers! Go back to the middle east and continue to keep that place in the dark ages. Can you tell, AOW, I've reached my saturation point?

  8. D Charles,
    Short response here before I turn off the computer for the rest of the day....

    If Islam teaches terrorism, why is there not 2.6 billion terrorists?

    Perhaps in spite of Islam.

    I can make a similar argument about Catholics and contraception: the majority of Catholics use birth control in spite of the teachings of the church.

    In spite of your views about Brigitte Gabriel, one should be looking at what's going on our universities. Islamophilia is every bit as dangerous as "Islamophobia."

  9. AOW,

    I think you take the easy simplistic approach, though that is common and thus understandable. The Islamic community in general does a rather poor promotional excercise and its' inability to criticise itself doess it no favours. Thus kneejerk reactions like shown here is understandable in the same sense that 70 years ago the Hun and Jap were considered violent breeds, dangerous and inhumain. It is simply repeating itself.

    What erks me is that there is no excuse for such base responses and I find it sad that haters like Gabriel, Spencer and even Wilders can profit from both that ignorance and the vacuum left by moderate Muslims.

    The other problem, and I have to say I point the finger at you as well, is that you point fingers at only one group and thus the perspective is further and futher lost. The examples would be pointing fingers at the influence by Islamic groups (and yes, Islamists as well), but not the already imbedded influence say by the Israeli lobby that constantly wants your unquestioned support for thier nation (even at the cost of your own). Though your site is obviously about the threat of Islamists, it should not be forgotten that a part of the radical fringe of the Jewish community targets Islam for their own expansionary reasons. That should be discussed if you wish to be fair. Also, why do you not post items about the anti-radical efforts in Muslim countries, or the groups that are workin hard in the west to distance themselves from radicals, do they not have a right to be shown to give the full picture?

    D Charles

  10. Wow!! I knew I liked this woman!! Brigitte Gabriel is fantastic and people need to hear what she has to say.

    She is passionate and cares for our nation and our children.

    God bless this precious woman. I am subscribed to her page on FB.

  11. I received your comment , thanks so much it's good to see the old familiar names like yours again.

  12. |

    "He who would be kind to the cruel will inevitably be cruel to the kind."

    ~ FreeThinke

  13. May Almighty God in His infinite wisdom, mercy and graciousness save us from prolixity, verbosity, circuitousness, circumlocution, diffuseness, garrulousness, logorrhea, excessive long-windedness, pleonasticism, undue wordiness, blather, drivel, bloviation and all and other forms of tedious, self-indulgent rambling discourse -- especially and above all the unforgivable sin of redundancy. };-)>

    ~ FreeThinke

  14. Pray too that all should remember and abide by the immortal words of The Bard, whose prolix character Polonious, father of the ill-fated Ophelia, sister to Laertes and beloved of Hamlet, the indecisive, overly contemplative, and therefore tragically ineffectual Prince of Denmark, son of the faithless Gertrude, and benighted nephew of his father's brother, the wicked usurper Claudius, and friend to Horatio, made the sage, meritorious, worthy and invaluable observation:


    ~ FreeThinke

  15. I must say I'm appalled... and not surprised in the slightest. If the position had been switched (and it been christians doing this), I can just imagine the outrage from every body of EVERY faith.

    D Charles, I will ask you this: what would your response be if she was a Muslim talking about Christians doing the exact same thing. You say she is a borderline bigot, but assuming for theory that her facts are correct and the position switched, what is the proper response?

    Assuming she is right (for sake of argument) then something is very, very wrong. The fact that teachers are ingrained to promote any religious view is absurd, and that anti-american teachers exist is frightening. The fact that no one notices or cares is worse.

    And of course, the fact that none of this seems odd (besides the muslim cursader part- seriously?) to myself personally chills me. I am one of the most bubblized people I know, and yet, I'm indotrinated to think this is right and not unusual as well. Whatever is behind this is obviously been around for a very long time, is very influential, and only now are we seening obvious results, ans by this point we don't care. Like the frog that slowly biols, by the time we notice, it is almost/is too late.

    @FT for your first comment, I will answerer: it will take people getting their heads out of the sand/their asses and actually caring a bit about the state the world is in. Right now everyone has is looking out just for them, and whatever is most conviniant for themselves. And what is conviniate is not caring about hard facts that require them to make a change and actually DO something.


  16. Wildstar, if the situation was reversed then my condemnation would be the same - because in that situation she would still be a hate monger with profit being her goal.

    My comment was not about the subject, it was about associating with such low-lifes which she most definitely is.

    As for the subject, there should be perspective and balance in any response and not kneejerk reactions. Nor should there be, extremes. For example, I would expect any quality education system to provide factual knowledge about every main theological system - of which Islam is one of them. Now having said that, it should not be baised, misleading or at the expense of another. I would reject out of hand that Islam should not be taught at schools and that Christianity should be the only source - that is illogical from at the minimum an educational point of view.

    Now not knowing the system you have there, I believe it is a justifiable concern if the educational system is pushing more Islam as some sort of result of pressure or guilt-complex because of percieved anti-Islam retribution stemming from 9/11. If that is the case, I would object to any inbalance. Equally so, I would condemn any - do not teach about Islam because of inbuilt islamophobia, bigotry or for some extremist evangelical ploy.

    Clear enough?

    Damien Charles

  17. Yawn, more bombastic drivel to serve a fodder for the feeble minded right.

  18. D.C.:

    Your astute comments will sadly not gain traction with the majority of most Americans. We can thank public "education" for the epidemic loss of critical thinking over here.

  19. I tried to play the video several times-an ad plays, then nothing.

    It also seems that you have a great deal of spam here.

  20. One of the reasons i dropped out of University. Did'nt want to soak up all the crap they teach today. And i was notorious for arguing with the Profs, especially when they would spoon feed B.S. like this.

  21. The video would only play half way through, but I heard enough to know that if I had small children, I'd be checking out their text books.

  22. D Charles,
    My blog, my choice of subject matter. Point fingers all you want.

    FYI: I have long been concerned about and worked against the revisionist history embedded in school curricula at all levels. Since 9/11, Susan Douglass has done much to promote the whitewash of Islam in school textbooks.

    We've now reached the point with major textbook publishers that Islam is promoted as the world force that shaped everything. Christianity and Judaism get short shrift in those textbooks -- and all the negatives about Judeo-Christianity are given great coverage. The same doesn't apply to Islam in those textbooks. Where is the balance in THAT?

    I happen to own a copy of the Council on Islamic Education's textbook, which delineates what to say and what not to say about Islam -- clearly a manual of propaganda. Brigitte Gabriel's comments about the CIE are exactly accurate.

  23. TCL,
    I heard enough to know that if I had small children, I'd be checking out their text books.

    I hope that all parents do the same!

  24. The video played when I tried it.

    I have no idea as to why it fails to play for others.

    Gotta love technology, huh?

  25. Jimmy O'Rourke,
    If anyone would be interested in knowing the primary problem in our schools, I recommend the book, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt.

    Thank you for pointing that out.

    I also believe that there is a deliberate attempt to shape "critical thinking skills" in a particular direction.

  26. Odie,
    I just saw a commercial this morning telling all of us to be more tolerant while everyone was bowing and kneeling.

    Another propaganda technique related to the techniques for promoting "white guilt."

  27. Wildstar,
    Right now everyone has is looking out just for them, and whatever is most conviniant for themselves. And what is conviniate is not caring about hard facts that require them to make a change and actually DO something.


    You know, American optimism is a great thing -- but it's also going to be the undoing of us. For one thing, the idea of "It's going to be okay" promotes apathy and kicks the can down the road.

    Well, we've kicked the can down the road that we're very close to the end of that road -- and not only with multiculturalism. We've done the same thing with our debt and deficit crisis.

    We've also become a people of ignoring the facts -- and I'm not referring specifically to Islam. Ignoring the facts about anything has consequences. One can postpone those consequences only so long.

  28. D. Charles would not tolerate extremes in any direction, which causes one to wonder why he is opposed to people exercising their right of freedom of speech or expression. The issue here, it seems to me, is not so much that there are people who vociferously support or condemn a religion, but rather, that government is choosing sides for all the wrong reasons. As an individual, as a parent, I am very capable of providing my children with religious training. I do not require state boards of education to do that for me, whilst cleverly disguising pro-Islamic/anti-Christian attitudes as part of a “world geography” syllabus.

    Interestingly, even if the speaker hates Islam, what has she said that isn’t true? As an educator in the social sciences, I have firsthand knowledge that what she is saying is true. I know that the Saudis provide “free of charge” all sorts of “teaching aids” filled to overflowing with Islamic propaganda. This is not the worst of it; the worst part is that under-educated teachers accept this propaganda as fact, and they in turn introduce it to students as such.

    We can agree that the crusades were a bad idea, poorly executed, but we should also examine why the Pope believed the crusades were necessary in the first place. Hint: it had nothing to do with how well Muslims treated Christian pilgrimages because one of the great lies in these materials addresses how well Muslims have treated Jews and “people of the book” throughout their 1,400-year history of murder and mayhem. Another “great lie” involves the contributions Arabs have made to science, mathematics, and the preservation of our knowledge of ancient history. Real scholarship suggests these suppositions are not historically verifiable. If we owe a debt of gratitude, it is to the Assyrian people, not Arabs.

    The facts are that people, irrespective of religion, have behaved poorly toward one another since the beginning of time. Must we censure the Vikings for bashing people in the head with mallets? This is what they did for a living. Most of us have “moved on” … but not Islamic orthodoxy. Muslims continue to cause human suffering, while at the same time making every effort to convince dimwits that they are a benevolent people. This is pure nonsense. Ms. Gabriel is doing this country a service by telling it the way it is …

  29. Choosing a college/university these days is tricky business. But this isn't new. Back in the dark ages when hubby and I attended, there were similar things in certain classes. If you refused to submit to the Liberal professor's beliefs, he could fail you and be forced to take the course again under another professor. There were not any groups back then standing up like we have today.

    Right Truth

  30. Sam Huntington, I would like to take you to task on two issues.

    The first is your assumption that I have an issue with freedom of speech. No problem at all, in fact I applaud that right. I also applaud the right to point out inaccuracies, bais and in some cases text-book bigotry. If one wishes to express views then they must also wear it and the criticisms associated.

    The second point is your generalized sweeps that, "for instance one of the great lies in these materials addresses how well Muslims have treated Jews and “people of the book” throughout their 1,400-year history of murder and mayhem."

    Also, "stating that "another “great lie” involves the contributions Arabs have made to science, mathematics, and the preservation of our knowledge of ancient history. Real scholarship suggests these suppositions are not historically verifiable. If we owe a debt of gratitude, it is to the Assyrian people, not Arabs."

    Both statements are as misleading and frankly baseless in facts and in the assumptions that you make. Terms like 1400 years of murder and mayhem is in fact a mindless rant and not an educational statement.

    Historical records are well kept and the fact remains that Jews were maltreated, "cleansed", massacred and unfairly taxed by both Muslims and Christians over the entire history of contact between them. Also, it is very clear and well documented, that on the totality, Jews were until the later half of the 19th century, better of in the Muslim world than the Christian one with of course the greatest dip at the mid 20th in Europe. It appears that you take the word of interest groups more importantly than simple academic facts. Also confusing recent events and politics as a judgement on a period that in a historical sense is very, very short. It is profiteers like Spencer and even Gabriel that will exagerate or abuse context to discuss Muslim abuses and avoid Christian ones, use present day tensions to push emotions and glance quickly over facts. The taxes "jhizia" is a great example forgetting that Byzantium was the greatest profiteers of tax from Jews and for that purpose alone, yet jhizia's original purpose was to ensure that non-Muslims paid taxes as well - no more and no less. Are you aware that until 1912 the city of Amsterdam had a separate tax rate for Jewish business? Since you mentioned the Crusades, let us not forget that the first year of the First Crusade was the Germanic armies killing tens of thousands of Jews before even setting-off to the Holy Land. Do not forget the reconquista targetted Jews along with the Muslims and that Maghreb identity and unity includes its Jewish identity to this very day. No, I suspect you will only calculate the Muslim-led pogroms and ignore the others...

    Equally aparant is the contributions of Muslims and Arabs to the sciences and arts, if there is a dispute academically, I suggest you cough up some facts. I stake my quality degree on Islamic History from SOS/Al Qarraouine on historical facts that I both studied myself and in institutions that even deleted some claims of contribution because it was not verified sufficiently (and that in Fez, not in London).

    I do condemn any group, be it Arab Muslims in America trying to exagerate or imply more than exists, but I equally deplore attempts to do the opposite. History is not playing games for the benefit of personal grudges or interest groups.

    Since I am am also a Harrow-boy then I will quote our most famous student Winston Churchill (who gets context abused by Robert Spencer to no end) with his quote that is enshrined in the main library's entry way door.

    "If one wishes to open a page of history then one must open the entire book".

    As a duel-Spanish-English citizen now hitting retirement age, I was one of many generations that had elements of Spanish history deleted deliberately in an attempt to deny Muslim-Andalousi history and claim that somehow the Castillians invented everything.


    D Charles

  31. Sam Huntington, I would like to take you to task on two issues.

    The first is your assumption that I have an issue with freedom of speech. No problem at all, in fact I applaud that right. I also applaud the right to point out inaccuracies, bais and in some cases text-book bigotry. If one wishes to express views then they must also wear it and the criticisms associated.

    The second point is your generalized sweeps that, "for instance one of the great lies in these materials addresses how well Muslims have treated Jews and “people of the book” throughout their 1,400-year history of murder and mayhem."

    Also, "stating that "another “great lie” involves the contributions Arabs have made to science, mathematics, and the preservation of our knowledge of ancient history. Real scholarship suggests these suppositions are not historically verifiable. If we owe a debt of gratitude, it is to the Assyrian people, not Arabs."

    Both statements are as misleading and frankly baseless in facts and in the assumptions that you make. Terms like 1400 years of murder and mayhem is in fact a mindless rant and not an educational statement.

    Historical records are well kept and the fact remains that Jews were maltreated, "cleansed", massacred and unfairly taxed by both Muslims and Christians over the entire history of contact between them. Also, it is very clear and well documented, that on the totality, Jews were until the later half of the 19th century, better of in the Muslim world than the Christian one with of course the greatest dip at the mid 20th in Europe. It appears that you take the word of interest groups more importantly than simple academic facts. Also confusing recent events and politics as a judgement on a period that in a historical sense is very, very short. It is profiteers like Spencer and even Gabriel that will exagerate or abuse context to discuss Muslim abuses and avoid Christian ones, use present day tensions to push emotions and glance quickly over facts. The taxes "jhizia" is a great example forgetting that Byzantium was the greatest profiteers of tax from Jews and for that purpose alone, yet jhizia's original purpose was to ensure that non-Muslims paid taxes as well - no more and no less. Are you aware that until 1912 the city of Amsterdam had a separate tax rate for Jewish business? Since you mentioned the Crusades, let us not forget that the first year of the First Crusade was the Germanic armies killing tens of thousands of Jews before even setting-off to the Holy Land. Do not forget the reconquista targetted Jews along with the Muslims and that Maghreb identity and unity includes its Jewish identity to this very day. No, I suspect you will only calculate the Muslim-led pogroms and ignore the others...

    Equally aparant is the contributions of Muslims and Arabs to the sciences and arts, if there is a dispute academically, I suggest you cough up some facts. I stake my quality degree on Islamic History from SOS/Al Qarraouine on historical facts that I both studied myself and in institutions that even deleted some claims of contribution because it was not verified sufficiently (and that in Fez, not in London).

    I do condemn any group, be it Arab Muslims in America trying to exagerate or imply more than exists, but I equally deplore attempts to do the opposite. History is not playing games for the benefit of personal grudges or interest groups.

    Since I am am also a Harrow-boy then I will quote our most famous student Winston Churchill (who gets context abused by Robert Spencer to no end) with his quote that is enshrined in the main library's entry way door.

    "If one wishes to open a page of history then one must open the entire book".

    As a duel-Spanish-English citizen now hitting retirement age, I was one of many generations that had elements of Spanish history deleted deliberately in an attempt to deny Muslim-Andalousi history and claim that somehow the Castillians invented everything.


    D Charles

  32. AOL,

    then consider finger pointed. Sure, no denying it is your blog and yet that does not diminish my criticism. As you know, I respect much in your blog and I do not put you in categories as I have others. However, it is my expressed opinion and my most sincere advice that you are treading the line of losing touch and contextual abuse simply because you push one line only. Simply put, your not showing reality.

    It is only on this one area, I make no comment and justifiably I have no right to comment on your political or other subjects.

    Remember, I say this with utter-most respect and I will not harp on this matter out of that respect.


    D Charles

  33. Here are the indisputable facts.

    Examples of Islamic murder and mayhem begin with Uhud in 625, Khandaq in 627 and Mecca in 630 and Hunayn in 630. We should ignore the Crusades … they were what they were. No one can deny the fact that the Iberian Peninsula was in a constant state of horror as Al-Andulus forced Christians to submit or die and ravaged small kingdoms of their material and human treasure. In 1189, Yaqub al-Mansur took 3,000 female and children captives; an additional 3,000 Christians were enslaved in 1191.

    According to the historian Jadunath Sarkar, Moslems subjugated people of Hindu faith beginning in 1024, when “Every device short of massacre in cold blood was resorted to in order to convert heathen subjects.”

    Then, of course, we have the Fula jihads … a series of events across in West Africa in which Moslems seized control and as many as two thirds of the entire population were enslaved by Moslems —many of whom were transported to the new world.

    In the late 1700s, Moslems declared jihad against the Russians in the Caucasus region. We had the emergence of the Mahdi in Sudan, the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia (and remain with us today), and Ottoman Turks murdered a million Armenians. Not even China escaped Moslem hostility.

    These are not, as D. Charles now claims, unfair generalizations ... but let us not confuse this issue. Gabriel is giving interested persons accurate information. What people do about it, if anything at all, is entirely up to them. Mr. Charles may not agree with Gabriel, and she may in fact be a bigot, but I fail to understand why he thinks that what she is saying is baseless. She is speaking honestly. It isn’t pretty, of course, but truth isn’t always attractive. As far as D. Charles is concerned, he is either an enabler of Islamic extremism, completely blind, or dense beyond belief.

  34. D Charles,
    History is not playing games for the benefit of personal grudges or interest groups.


    Well, I observe that the deeds of mankind are indeed full of personal grudges and promoting interest groups.

    Put another way, there is an agenda behind most of mankind's many deeds -- good or evil.

    Anyway, as Sam Huntington has pointed out, there are indeed indisputable facts.

    Furthermore, the facts that Brigitte Gabriel has pointed out about the curricula in our schools are facts and easily verifiable.

    Now, regarding the various achievements of various civilizations, it is a fact that conquerors typically claim the achievements of the conquered as the achievements of the victors. In the interest of accuracy, can we go back and unravel who did what first? Sometimes we can -- and should. But care must be taken that any particular group isn't overreaching.

    Finally, please see this video. You may not like the source, but you should watch the entire video to get a better idea of what Brigitte Gabriel speaks of in the video in the body of the blog post.

  35. DOWN with PROLIXITY!

    ~ FT

  36. I understand the agenda of the muslim brotherhood, but what i don't understand is why liberals are so easily duped by it.

    On the one hand they are hostile to Christianity, at best indifferent to it, yet when it comes to islam, a religion/cult that's far more intolerant and violent than Christianity, they fall for it without a peep or even a hard question.

    Makes you wonder doesn't it.


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