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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Musical Interlude

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Enjoy this pristine music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791):

[about Piano Concerto No. 12]


  1. A lovely thing! Like spending 25 minutes inside the Gates of Heaven where the sun always shines and the weather never ceases to be mild and sweetly fragrant.

    Of the 27 piano concerti Mozart left us this one is performed all too rarely. It must be at least forty-five years since I heard Rudolf Serkin play it in New York.

    The ones we hear most frequently are #9 in Eb-major, #20 in D-minor, #21 in C-major, #23 in A-major, #24 in C-minor, and #27 in Bb-major.

    The other 21 tend to be performed rarely at best with some shamefully neglected almost completely, unless some highly ambitious player eager to make a name for himself decides to present all 27 in a series of concerts with one of the major symphony orchestras which has happened several times in performance history, even though it's a tremendous "feat" and not the best way in my opinion to get acquainted with this superb, lumiinous repertory filled with delicious delicate subtleties too numerous to imagine.

  2. Not on the iPod though it's certainly worthy.

    I have #11, #20 and #21. I picked #11 for its use of waltz time.

    1. Mozart, who wrote many minuets –– a stately court dance in 3/4 time,, may have been influenced by the German Laendler –– a peasant dance in 3/4 time that resembles the waltz somewhat, but generally in a slower, heavier style. The buoyant, elegant light-herted Waltz, as we normally think of it, didn't really emerge until the nineteenth century. Mozart (1756-1791) was never noted for writing waltzes.

  3. Thanks for a beautiful interlude from the day's stresses AOW.


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