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Friday, February 10, 2017

Boycott Everything!

What an angry nation we have become. It's come to this:

From Heat Street's article "Welcome to Protest Nation: All the Things Americans Are Boycotting Because of Donald Trump" (dated February 3, 2017, so the lists may have expanded):
According to a list posted on Reddit, Donald Trump’s supporters can’t patronize: Pepsi (that means no soda, Doritos, Mountain Dew or Lipton tea), Macy’s, Amazon, the entire NFL, GrubHub, Oreos, Carrier air conditioners, Dreamworks, Netflix, Lifeway Yogurt, ConAgra (which makes nearly everything you consume), Disney, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, Budweiser beer, and Apple and Dell computers.

Another spreadsheet, posted on GrabYourWallet.com, says that Trump’s opponents can’t frequent: Nordstrom, Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, LL Bean, Dillards, Zappos, TJ Maxx, Lord & Taylor, Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, the Home Shopping Network, Ross Dress for Less, Sears, Carnival Cruises, The Honest Company, the LA Clippers, Lending Tree, Miller beer, NASCAR, Uline, New Balance and Universal Studios.

Good luck.
Much more HERE.

Let's see....Save money by buying less, stay home (Without air conditioning!), lose weight by eating less junk food and drinking less beer, but have fewer choices for buying new clothes after losing all that weight because options for clothing outlets are limited.

Related: At Long Last, Someone Is Finally Leaving the Country Over Donald Trump.


  1. I dare say that the Trump supporters are much less likely to adhere to the P.C. list. As for the Progressives, it is a tenet of their religion and one of their Commandments.

  2. Ah, faux-organized boycotts...the time honored antics of virtue signaling. The left wants to boycott LL Bean, Chik-Fil-A, etc.....the right wants to boycott Starbucks, Target, etc...

    Where someone decides to spend their money, and why.....ranks really low on my list of give-a-damns. In spending money to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse, I don't limit myself.

    - CI

    1. CI,
      I don't boycott anything, either.

      That said, I've never liked Starbucks in the first place. I prefer my own coffee blends. They're much better that anything Starbucks offers.

    2. I don't boycott Starbucks.
      I'd buy coffee there if it was the last place on earth.

    3. Consuela Concepcion McFlaherty-Bamboozler said

      Starbucks coffee stinks on ice. Tastes like dirty dishwater.

  3. Replies
    1. It always is, always has been, and always will be, I fear,

  4. Never ending protests.

    From the home page for the upcoming National General Strike:

    Join us February 17, 2017 for a national general strike!
    This grassroots movement is calling for a national general strike on Feburary 17th, 2017 in defense of our nation’s constitution. Participants pledge to be non-violent. On the day of the strike, we will not go to work (unless absolutely necessary). We will not go to school (unless necessary). We will not spend any money (unless necessary). Instead, we will show dissent with unconstitutional governance through gatherings and activities to be organized at the local/personal level. Some communities are planning a day of service. Instead of work, strikers will dedicate their time to serving neighbors in need. Find your people. Make your plan. Spread the word…

    1. FJ,
      Yeah. A 4-day weekend.

      I just heard on the news that some schools are having a Black Lives Matter Studies Day on February 17.

    2. Saga City, USA said

      Marxian-Internationalist-Tyrannist Indoctrination Centers by Central Command and Control alias Pubic Education MUST be defined, discredited, defamed, dissolved, and disbanded.

      If you're going to BOYCOTT anything, make it the PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and all the universities in the POISON IVY LEAGUE, and those so-called Institutions of Higher Learning who closely resemble the POISON IVY LEAGUE.

      Learn from books published before 1965, and try to remember that CLASSICAL MUSIC, CLASSICAL POETRY and FICTION and pure MATHEMATICS contain more Truth than all the tedious Sermons, Tracts, windy Philosophical Treatises, stultifying Statistical Analysis and soul-deadening Marxian Polemics, and legalistic Hair-Splitting combined.

    3. Saga City,
      I don't disagree.

      But this is not going to happen anytime soon:

      Marxian-Internationalist-Tyrannist Indoctrination Centers by Central Command and Control alias Pubic Education MUST be defined, discredited, defamed, dissolved, and disbanded.

      Won't happen because so many groups and individuals are getting a rake-off.

      In 1961, President Eisenhower spoke of the military-industrial complex.

      For several decades now, we've also had an education-industrial complex. All sorts of crony capitalism is in play, and anyone who attempts to challenge the education-industrial complex is excoriated and, if still breathing, exiled. And God forbid that anyone seeking a job with decent pay or important responsibilities should have graduated from anything other than an Ivy League school with anything less than a Ph.D.

    4. President Eishenhower made this statement in the aforementioned link:

      a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity.

      This statement applies to the education-industrial complex. One case in point: contracts with textbook publishers. Other examples abound.

      Is it any wonder that so many students' intellectual curiosity is stifled?

    5. Saga City, USA said

      Ike was far and away the best president we've had in more than a hundred years. Ronald Reagan was a close second.

      Let us hope and pray Donald Trump will prove to be their worthy successor. So far, so good, but the army of morons, miscreants, malcontents and malignant human beings opposing him is so large –– and given so much unwarranted publicity by the enemedia, who, of course, is fully in league with them –– that one wonders if the sheer force of numbers might not be able to overwhelm President Trump and thwart his excellent agenda?

      Weak, spineless RINOS and self-important Quislings like Lindsey Graham and the ever-present thorn in our side John McCain, and arrogant self-righteous, rude and perennially truculent and combative idiots like Jason Chaffetz could very well harm the Conservative-Libertarian Cause, despite the apparently solid majority of those who are SUPPOSED to be opposed to the DemonRats.

    6. Well, instead of standing up for Conservative and Libertarian principles....I suppose anyone on the right could simply get on bended knee and perform rhetorical fellatio on Trump....making them no better that Leftists.

    7. CI,
      "No better than Leftists"? I can't agree.

      Now, I am one of those people who will never worship any man -- let alone a politician. Even a Conservative one.

  5. Replies
    1. FJ,
      Lately, I see the Left "very concerned" about Constitutionality and states' rights. Have you noticed that recent flip?

    2. The rights of minorities only seem to matter when you're in the minority...

    3. Lately, I see the Left "very concerned" about Constitutionality and states' rights. Have you noticed that recent flip?

      We need to redirect their Trojan Horse and use it against them, before they realize what they've done.

      - CI

    4. CI,
      We need to redirect their Trojan Horse and use it against them, before they realize what they've done.

      Good idea!

  6. In the post-modern era, authoritarianism (much like "the author") is supposed to be "dead"...

    Yet here we are, cultural-Leftists demanding to have everything their way, "authoring" a "new society" where "law" and "the state" serve to mask the dominant authoritarian policies of our day (written by Leftist University Professors and their radical red-diaper-baby children).

    1. Wagmore Barkless said

      Every fifty to a hundred years, established "sides" switch identities –– or change their labels, if you prefer. The angry, foul-mouthed little Asian-American in the video may be speaking the Truth, but the rebellious, contemptuous mentality he exemplifies is every bit as dangerous to serenity, happiness, productivity, beauty, and good order as any stinking, sweat-soaked, bearded Marxist with an unwiped butt, or scruffy scowling skank with bad breath and dirty, uncombed hair was only a few short decades ago.

      Nothing devised by Man will ever work, unless and until we "Come to Jesus," and heartily embrace the Beauty of Holiness as the cornerstone of our existence.

  7. As long as I don't have to boycott Dunko's, I'll be alright.

    1. Is that a restaurant? Made me laugh!

    2. Colloquialism for Dunkin" Donuts.

      As seen on SNL

      Should be a Red Sox hat.

    3. Enrique the Excacerbater said

      Duncan' Donuts was founded by John Birch, Lyndon LaRouche, and Andrew Breitbart. After Breitbart's untimely demise it was taken over by the Koch Brothers, who make sure it is staffed largely by White Supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Skinhead Sympathizers.

  8. I'm doing pretty well. I'm clean except for Amazon and Apple.

    Don't buy any ConAgra either.

    Pretty much unintentional but it's nice too know I'm in step.

    1. Thersites,
      I wouldn't even care if that happened to me. I've read that point now!

    2. It's become a virtue signalling, culture shaming world...

      Thanks, cultural capitalism!

    3. Saga City, USA said

      IGNORE all the BS. WITHDRAW from everything popular. TURN YOUR BACK on what-you-know-to-be pernicious nonsense.

      Smart People rarely-if-ever follow trends, allow themselves to be led, or become conditioned by depraved, corrupting influences.

      ALWAYS think for yourself. NEVER let anyone do your thinking FOR you.

      But above all WORK to develop FAITH in a God that is the embodiment and perfect expression of Love,Truth, Principle, Intelligence, Creativity, Beauty, and Life, itself.

      The only way to acquire faith in such a God is to ACT AS IF you ALREADY HAD it.

      Last of all adopt KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) as your motto, and stick with it.

  9. I've always thought boycotts were a bit silly. Some of the lefty boycotts are because someone in the company donated to Trump even if the company has remained neutral.

    1. Don't you people get it? The Left does this "boycott blackmail" to "mainstream" their pet projects through cultural capitalism. Pretty soon, us idiots on the right are paying for everything from "fair-trade coffee" to "seaturtle-free tuna" to "organic vegetables" to "green energy". Some of it may seem innocuous at first, but it becomes insidious once they start mandating the B-corps... (Benefit LLCs) corporations that pursue "social agendas" and "charities" instead of "profits".

    2. Thersites,
      No wonder that I so rarely shop at Whole Foods! :^)

    3. I'm glad to hear that. But the real "problem" is that the "charity" is now getting "built-in" to the prices. You may not shop at Whole Foods, but chances are, you're paying a few extra dollars for products so that their "producers" can support "eco-friendly" and "sustainable" Left-wing causes. In fact, it's becoming true of almost every "brand" name, now, even the "Trump" luxury brand.

    4. Bryan Blondel O'Hanahan said

      Anything my leftist acquaintances ardently embrace I automatically reject categorically. Whole Foods is nothing but a clever SCAM designed to get arrogant, self-righteous snobs to part with extra dough, so they can feel they're doing something "good" for their health and for "The World Community."

      It's beribboned "BS" wrapped in gold foil posing as high-class "gourmet health food."

      In other words it's BALDERDASH.

      I'm fortunate to have been born with an infallible, built-in Bullsh-t detector. My sense of smell is incredibly keen. Lucky me!

  10. Greedy Capitalist Pig said

    All I care about is the bottom line. If it pays, I'll buy it. If it doesn't pay, I'll dump it. Business and Ethics don't mix. It's all about PROFIT and NOTHING else.

    Money makes the world go around. Without it you're up the creek without an oar.

    1. All I care about is the Environment. If it pollutes, I BAN it. Humans and the Environment don't mix. It's all about pristine MOTHER NATURE and NOTHING else.

      The environment keeps the world spinning round. Without it, the Earth is an uninhabitable planet!


    2. M. Rafael Grenouille le Monstre said


  11. You know that saying "We're going to hell in a handbag"? I think the handbag has been bought. (not from Ivanka's line, of course)


    1. Cheap Marxian Troll aka Site Pest.

      Nagging Negativist

    2. Helena Hanbagge said

      I'm sick and tired of seeing and hearing MY name taken in vain. We Hanbagges are fine upstanding citizens and have been since pre-Revolutionary times. My mother served as president of our local chapter of the Colonial Dames in the Tidewater region of Virginia. Hmmmph!

  12. Replies
    1. What he misses and what the right refuses to acknowledge (because it would generate so much dissidence) is that while many of his complaints are legitimate, the contemporary economic structure isn't going to do crap all to improve his situation.

      Trump is going to improve the lot of the working class?
      Bore me later.

    2. Well one thing's for sure, ducky, neither Hillary's neolibs or McCain's neocons are planning to do anything but bring in replacement workers.

    3. Joe,
      A moment of too much candor from Bill Kristol.

    4. Bill Kristol is CERTAIN that he is safe and sound in his ivory tower.

    5. The discourse of the university... who "interpret" the master signiofiers for "us hysterics" without knowledge.

    6. Your Auntie Semitica Heidler-Kaput said

      William Kristol, son of public intellectuals Irving Kristol and Gertrude Himmelfarb, is one of The Chosen. Those people tend always to practice a form of Takeeya all their own, which enables them to assume any guise that conveniently promotes their own well being and that of their highly overrated race. I doubt if any of them have ever known the meaning of Sincerity, Loyalty and Devotion, except to their sacred, supremely self-important identity as members of The Chosen.

      In other words they can only be trusted to be untrustworthy, because they choose to live apart from any country or community they inhabit and always remain a law unto themselves in their own minds.

      Arabs and Jews may be supremely antagonistic to each other and continually at war, but we should remember that both are drawn from the SAME blood lines, and therefore share many of the same unattractive, super-combative, undesirable characteristics.

    7. European culture is exogamous. Asian endogamous. In the West, endogamous cultures pose a social threat. However, exogamous people of all tribes and cultures are welcome in the European West, so long as they abide by the marriage laws established to prevent excessive birth defects.

    8. ps - Kristols argument is one that appeals for greater exogamy. But as the Greeks once said, "none too much".

  13. I don't boycott newspapers or magazines or channels that promote socialism or communism.
    I just don't read, buy or watch them.

  14. @BMW,

    OK but a word of caution: Your "date/marry only foreign (non-American) women" if you bring them here many will, upon learning the ways that you have described, will become a worse nightmare than you, apparently, think. If you find a good- one stay in her country; that's why she is who/what she is!

  15. Loblow Upstardt, III said

    Better yet 2__4__6__8
    Everyone live celibate

  16. Boycott Gaga! How dare she NOT dis Trump! How dare she cross-over cultural markets like some political trannie!

    1. Gags apparently reconsidered her plan to pick on a Leftist show and the Super Bowl. I wonder why.

    2. By doing "This Land Is Your Land" it was a first volley to take back the patriotism meme.
      It's been completely trashed under President Happy Hands.

  17. Helen de Troit said

    You called. I came. Now what?

    By the way, the Jews may consider themselves an endogamous group, but real life has a way of contravening such exclusionary practices. Because of good old sexual attraction –– and doubtless the secularization of most (something like 85% of the Jews in Israel consider themselves atheistic) –– Jewish blood is becoming more polluted with non-Jewish blood every day. This means (we HOPE!) that Jews are in fact becoming less Jewish with each passing day.

    Once circumstances finally force them to accept reality, and give up their arrogant historic claim to exclusivity, it might be possible at last for them to become less obnoxious and take their place as just another segment of humanity. This would, of course, make it more likely they could be honestly accepted, possibly even loved, and less dependent on legal bullying, irksome vociferation, shaming their opponents into silence (the original manifestation of Political-Correctness), and devilish trickery to carve out niches for themselves.

  18. Boycotting, letter writing, black mail, blacklists, these are all Progressives tactics , I never believed in doing any of that crap, and never will.

  19. I have decided to boycott brussel sprouts. Just sayin'

  20. Replies
    1. *Note. Katy Perry performed at numerous Hillary Clinton fundraisers and was a major contributor to her campaign.... now she foments discontent and revolution.

  21. It appears that Yusra Khogali has chosen to boycott reality!

  22. “Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge"

    Yes, this is clearly on display in such places as: Chicago, Detroit and Sub Saharan Africa!


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