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Monday, November 28, 2016

Silliness — And Serious Business

Apparently, some people don't have enough to do.

See Trump Tower turns into 'Dump Tower' on Google Maps.

What is not silly is this recount business.

From this essay at Infidel Bloggers Alliance:
Calling for recounts with timing so precise as to deny the states where the (unnecessary) recounts occur, the ability to respond in time to certify the election BEFORE the College of Electors meets is not like a 5 year old playing with a Glock 22.

Hillary Clinton's OBVIOUS involvement in a recount which cannot be completed before the electors meet represents a willingness to begin the complete, and irreversible erosion of American faith in the presidential vote. Exactly, by the way, what the desperate democrats claims the Russian hacked and un-denied wikileaks was trying to do as the agent of IVAN.

[Because of the timing] the day [may arrive] that the electors can certify only 260 of Trump's electoral votes while recounts remain uncompleted...
Read the entire essay HERE.


  1. Spoiled brats with poisoned minds upending the checkerboard...

    1. It's not as if they let SCOTUS elect the president.

      Still remember that blocked recount.

    2. Partial memories are common as one ages.

    3. SF,
      Partial memories are common as one ages.

      LOL! Good comeback.

    4. AOW,

      I am happy to see you back in the threads. I take it your surgery went well, you are feeling better and on the road to recovery?

    5. SF,
      The dye scan scheduled for Thursday will tell the tale. All my lab numbers were perfected when I was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday evening.

      BUT I'm having pain levels way above the norm for a week post-op. I see the pain management LPN on Wednesday. This was a bear of an operation!

  2. American Thinker has an interesting article about the reasons behind the recount (which I see you've already read.) Interesting. I refuse to get my panties in a twist over this. I've had enough drama for one lifetime. Hope you're feeling better, AOW.

    1. I refuse to get my panties in a twist over this. I've had enough drama for one lifetime.

      Same here!

      Hope you're feeling better, AOW.

      If only! But the severe pain I'm feeling may be coming from the surgery that stirred my guts around. I can't detect the pain syndrome which I developed before surgery, but it's difficult to be certain of that. I see the surgeon tomorrow and will get more information at that time.

    2. No panties in twist. That could only hurt now!


  3. I beg to differ. We are being too sanguine about this being over. There are no paper back ups of the electronic voting machines in PA. She will need a friendly judge but that shouldn't be too hard to find in Phila. Each and every machine will have to be manually opened. Good luck America.

    1. Herr Saloman Gründe said

      One could NEVER be "too sanguine." Buoyant optimism and cultivated faith and trust in the goodness, mercy and ultimate wisdom of Almighty God comprise our best defense the enervating, crippling force that over whelms us whenever we succumb to cynicism, doubt, pessimism and hopelessness. This does not mean we should unpleasantness or dire threats, but it DOES mean we should never give in to despair, and never stop trying to do what we believe is right and good.

  4. An interesting post over at American Thinker. If true it explains all.
    Democrats real strategy

  5. Still remember that blocked recount.

    The Electoral College has deadlines for voting. This year, the States must turn in their tally's on Dec. 13, Six days before the electors meet. The same was true for the litigants in Bush v. Gore. Gore ran out of "clock" to complete his ever-expanding re-counts and SCOTUS called "tough titties" on him. The same is likely to happen this year to Hillabeast. :)

    from Wiki n a per curiam decision, the Court ruled that there was an Equal Protection Clause violation in using different standards of counting in different counties and ruled that no alternative method could be established within the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States Code (3 U.S.C.), § 5 ("Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors"), which was December 12.[1] The vote regarding the Equal Protection Clause was 7–2, and regarding the lack of an alternative method was 5–4.[2] Three concurring justices also asserted that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Article II, § 1, cl. 2 of the Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been enacted by the Florida Legislature.

    1. Yea, the left doesn't even want the low information voters to realize the Florida Supreme Court tried to change the rules in the middle of the game!
      We even have a low information voter or two here among us.

  6. This is nothing more than an attempt to stir up the rioters even more. Democrat elitists believe in power anyway they can get it. They couldn't fix the machines enough before, so they're attempting a second try.

  7. Hillary's involvement in the recount was Stein asked to have her lawyers serve as observers. She agreed. That's all.

    Funny how Trumpites were calling the election rigged before it occurred and now are backing away from finding out if there were any serious irregularities and how Russia may have been involved. Just fearmonger and blame it on illegals. You really don't care about democracy, do you? You think the Cheeotlini cares about you?

  8. Distractions have become the norm in Americans politics. Indeed they are planned strategy. Both parties engage in developing distractions but one succeeds exceptionally well at it.

    1. Why the hell can't you ever just express a clear thought?

      There is one party behind the rioting, screaming and time wasting recounts: The DemoCraps! Now go back and dance for the sneering leftwing loonies, ya irrational ratturd ya!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your comment is of value, but off topic

    2. Oh Really?

      And I suppose that Biff Slamkowski that you DID allow was on topic?

    3. DD,
      Biff mentioned recounts, which is one of the topics in the body of the blog post.

      My blog, my property, my rules.

  10. Replies
    1. Yes. There is also some latitude given -- blog administrators' discretion.

  11. Laura Ingraham has written an intelligent piece that douses the flaming bag of excrement set alight by the foaming ranters, fleck-spittle haters and leftwing wackadoos still screaming out the irrelevancy that Hillary won the popular vote (Indians got cheated. Cubs won World Series, but didn't score more runs than Cleveland)>

    Here's the money quote brings puts the popular vote margin into context while illustrating why the founders instituted the Electoral College:

    "Hillary beat Trump 3,863,690 to 1,081,459 in New York and L.A.; he beat her by 60,044,497 to 58,527,645 in the rest of the country."

    1. Loving Ingraham ..GREAT quote there.... Mr Z had a HUGE thing for her! We got to meet her and she's about 5'1" tall, with that big mind and big voice! SF...what about her for press secretary? There's some talk of that.

    2. Don't see much of a mind at work.

      Baseball is defined by games that are won by outscoring the opposition. Now if it were one long 162 game accumulation of runs, the Red Sox would have been American League champs so I can see the appeal. In fact why even hold the series. Just give it to the best offensive team, right?

      But Ingraham needs to explain why a voter in Massachusetts doesn't have the same voting power as one in Montana, especially when Montana already has an advantage in Senate representation.

      It's also curious that the right is so profoundly aware of the popular vote discrepancy. Second largest by percentage in history. It deserves serious thought rather than Ingraham's cheap little aphorism.

    3. Z: I would love to see Laura as Press Secretary. She would shred the press corps daily, and it would be a great entertainment.

    4. It's also curious that the right is so profoundly aware of the popular vote discrepancy. Second largest by percentage in history. It deserves serious thought rather than Ingraham's cheap little aphorism.

      Why? This is why. It's not a "racial" thing, ducky. It's a "city" thing. Get your "identity politics" right for a change.

    5. Nostradumbass mewed, "Don't see much of a mind at work."
      Looking in a mirror?

      In case no one informed you; this isn't a baseball game. I could explain it for you but your cognitive dissonance would kick in and then I'd be wasting my time.

      "But Ingraham needs to explain why a voter in Massachusetts doesn't have the same voting power as one in Montana, especially when Montana already has an advantage in Senate representation.

      Perhaps you should explain why the voters in Massachusetts should be able cancel out the votes of every voter in Alaska, South Dakota and Delaware, and still have two left over.

      Pure Democracy is a game for tyrants and losers.

  12. In a typically cynical fashion, the Alex Jones righturds claim the recount by the Green Party is a money making scheme when they just elected a friggin' Keptocrat! Hillary's involvement in the recount was Stein asked to have her lawyers serve as observers. She agreed. That's all.

    Funny how Trumpfucks were calling the election rigged before it occurred and now are backing away from finding out if there were any serious irregularities and how Russia may have been involved. If Lying Donald claims 3 million illegals voted because his ego can't stand being a big loser in the popular vote, let's find out, right? No, just fearmonger and blame it on illegals. You really don't care about democracy, do you? You think the Cheeotlini cares about you?

  13. "And now, according to The New York Times, ABC and CBS, the president-elect has chosen a second-generation Goldman Sachs partner who worked for George Soros before starting a hedge fund and buying IndyMac, a failing California bank that made billions while foreclosing on homeowners after the financial crisis."

    Drain that swamp! Drain that swamp!

    We are so screwed.

    George Soros?

    1. Thanks for the link. The comment thread is illustrative.

      All the Loony Lefties dogpiled Rush Limbaugh for famously and loudly hoped President Obama would fail in his master plan to "transform America."

      Well, go travel around the innerwebz, and the comment threads are overflowing toilets of angry, bitter, drooling leftwingers rubbing their hands and hoping for a big crash, total failure for America.

      The Left: Vindictive and punitive in victory, vengeful and spiteful in defeat. Real bottomfeeders. '

    2. SF,
      go travel around the innerwebz, and the comment threads are overflowing toilets of angry, bitter, drooling leftwingers

      I've seen! What a display!

    3. So, Nostradumbass, what difference does it make to you?

  14. Obama is the only candidate ( except for Bill Clinton) who has ever made money by running for President. By that I mean bleeding the taxpayers to pay his bills even though he contributes zero in tax revenue to the public commons he profits from. He's virtually picking America's pocket.

  15. The Tweeter In Chief worries about flag burning. Apparently so much so that he can't be bothered with a daily intelligence briefing: we can only hope someone has
    hidden the nuclear codes. We live in interesting times.


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