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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Video: Hillary delete it

With a hat tip to FJ, who made me aware of these videos:

Parody version:

On the serious side, here is a good summary of some of what was contained in last Friday's documents dump:

What effect will last Friday's documents dump have on the November 8 General Election? Any effect at all?


  1. I was gearing up for a Sunday morning bike ride and Mrs Silverfiddle had one of those Sunday morning chattering shows on with the Todd guy with the beard and they were going over all the Hillary dirt pretty good, some even damning her for it.

    I still can't help but think the press frustration with Hillary's scandals is that she's been playing hide and seek when what they wanted her to do was come out and address it all so they could help her put it to bed during the dog days of summer. They wanted to go over all this and go on the record asking her tough questions about it, so when the GOP hits her on it in the fall, they can all play that old Clinton game:

    "What?" (feigned surprise). "Oh! THAT old issue? Haw haw haw, we addressed that MONTHS ago! Haw haw haw. The Trump campaign is engaging in smears and trying to relitigate old news. We're passed that already! Haw haw haw!"

    We know the Infotainment-Media Complex is in the tank for her. Now, this stuff will be hanging out during the campaign season when everyone is paying attention, and they are afraid of the volatile nature of all her lies, carelessness and scandals. Who know how it will play out? It could spin out of control. At this point, they can no longer help her control the narrative.

    1. SF,
      At this point, they can no longer help her control the narrative..

      It certainly looks that way right now.

      Hillary appears to be tanking her bid for the White House by playing hide and seek.

      I don't believe that HRC is deliberately tanking her bid for the Oval Office. For some reason(s), she's not up to the ability to save her campaign.

    2. She's a horrible campaigner, her political instincts are not good, a majority of people don't like her or trust her.

      I've heard media people say she's gotten to where she is by sheer will, hard work and an unquenchable lust for power.

      Did you see the video of her on her new plane--Hell Farce 666 or whatever they're calling it--waddling back to the press corral and granting the little lapdog sycophants an audience?

      It made even me feel a twinge of sympathy for her. She tries to be so natural and full of affection and bonhomie, but it just looks so transparently fake. And who knows? She may have been trying to be sincere, but that cawing voice, the Charles Manson eyes and her odd gestures, like she's trying to crawl out of her own skin... She just doesn't come across well...

  2. Let's review Hellary's diabolical plan that resulted in a successful defense of her lawbreaking:

    - Put her lawyer, Cheryl Mills on the inside, and then declare her your council, so she can refuse to testify, citing attorney-client privilege (that was a satanic masterstroke--I bet that one even rocked Ol' Bill back on his heels in surprised admiration).

    - Plead ignorance of what is or isn't classified, plead ignorance of how to handle classified information, even though Hillary was one of our federal government's few Original Classification Authorities, a presidential designation granted to only a handful of people at the highest reaches of government, essentially granting them the authority to declare what is and is not classified.

    - Claim "I can't recall" numerous times, and blame it all on a brain injury, all the while excoriating anyone who questions Her Rotten Heinous's health.

    * Add in that the FBI did her a large: They did not put her under oath and they did not record the session with her. So, essentially, it was a friendly sit-down, where they laid all their investigative cards on the table and allowed her to spin a soft-landing safety net for herself and her various assortment of bagmen, consiglieres, cronies and co-conspirators.

    I flamed that Benghazi congressman up one side and down the other, but I now see what he was doing: He gave her that big stage at that marathon congressional hearing to get all her lies and excuses on the record under oath. He was setting a perjury trap, with the expectation that the FBI interrogation would be the other pincer, but we see how that played out: The FBI's front melted into nothing and Hellary escaped the pincers.

    This is how the establishment takes care of their own. Comey says there was no precedent for prosecution under those statutes for what she did?

    Fine. What he, the Justice Department and everyone else left unsaid, is that if you combed the CFR, you could find most likely over 50 federal laws she and her co-conspirator cronies violated. If she were an enemy of the Establishment, that is how they would have brought her down.

    We are being ruled by a rotten, corrupt banana-republic government. DemonCrap-Rethuglican is just kabuki for the proles.

  3. The big dump has apparently come up with nothing much.
    This is being botched worse than the foundation investigations.

    The story of the election is going to be this:
    Clinton is the most disliked, defeatable candidate in decades and Republicans nominated Donald Trump.

    1. "Nothing Much"??? Where the hell you been, Stinky?

      10 Big Revelations from the Clinton FBI Report

      She "couldn't recall" 39 times...

      She went through Blackberries like crap through a goose, leaving them lay everywhere, we don't know how many of the 13+ were lost, recovered by enemies of the US, or deliberately destroyed by the Clinton Crime Family...

      Shaggy dog stories about disappearing computers, hard drives and thumb drives that make the IRS stories about Lois Lerner's destroyed computers sound credible in comparison

      17,000 e-mails she failed to turn over...

      And big, fat whopping lies like this one: She claimed to be so stupid, that she did not know that "(C)" at the beginning of a paragraph was a classification marking.

      This sagging, corrupt bag of crap and lies is so transparently dishonest and criminally-minded it leaves one blinking one's eyes.

      And the federal agencies bending over backwards to pretend this most hideously carbunkled and wretched empress is disgustingly and unabashedly naked is a great public embarrassment, a national shame, and a permanent blot upon the reputation of our federal government.

      Hellary Rotten Clintoon is the fitting ruler for such a stupid, cowed, debased and vulgar we the people of the Trans-Kardashian State of Progressive Merrakkka.

      If your guts aren't clenching with involuntary vomit retches, you're not paying attention.

    2. And WHAT ABOUT the thousands upon thousands of emails she DESTROYED or HAD destroyed BEFORE she was even formally investigated?

      Comey said in his summation just before the bastard let her off the hook that we will never know what was in any of those.

      Our friend AOW lives in the Washington Metro. It's amazing she can stand the STINK rising from the Tidal Basin spilling into the Potomac.

      No WONDER the dear woman is AILING most of the time!

      I would be too if I had to live within olfactory range of that putrid, septic milieu.

      Our nation's CRAPITAL is enough to GAG a MAGGOT. And anyone who tried to make EXCUSES for it qualifies as VERMIN.

    3. Where has this Ducky character been hiding, on Hillary's campaign plane, Broomstick One?

      This FBI dump can be described in two words:

      "Oh $h*t"

    4. FT,
      I continue to live here because this area is my ancestral home. And the area has superior medical care available.


    5. Ah oh, here's proof Hillary used (C)'s in her own e-mails that SHE originated...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No, there's plenty but the media is incredulous and playing it down. When a Trump surrogate brought up to Brooke Baldwin on CNN that the Clinton people had broken 13 Blackberries and something like 5 IPads with hammers, she yelled "Fact check!..." and, sure enough, even CNN's people had to say "They did, Brooke!" The media's just not curious.
      Plus, there's clearly something going on behind the scenes prohibiting complete exposure of Hillary...and, of course, she won't do a news conference, which makes most people wonder what she's afraid of.

      Re Clinton being so disliked and defeatable and Republicans nominating Trump? Not all of us....not by a long shot.
      If the last 8 years hadn't felt like some out of body experience with Executive Orders, Friday night news dumps, people getting away with things no Republican could have survived under the light of an honest-thinking journalist day, we'd never have had to go to the extreme of a Trump.

    2. How can you know there's plenty when details have not been released? Why should anybody assume this is more than the standard Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi that has polluted criticism of Clinton for anyone outside the fringe right base?

      As Dave Miller says, Hillary is a damaged candidate but especially in light of the village idiot the right nominated, she does not represent the end of western civilization.

      You write as if the Friday night dump and executive order (he's issued fewer than average) are unique to Obama.

    3. The Benghazi Buzzard from Bean Town strikes again, squawking out non-sequiturs...

      The only thing polluted are the demented minds of DemonCrap voters who nominated this corrupt, lying Wall Street Warmonger.

      Silly fools. You thought she was bullet-proof, didn't you?

      DemonCraps have no morals, no standards, no principles and no fundamental philosophy other than a progressive dictatorship that grinds it in and punishes your enemies.

      My number 1 pleasure of a Trump victory would be to laugh my ass off as millions of slack-jawed dimwits stand there stupid like they just got hit in the face with a door.

    4. SF,
      The Benghazi Buzzard from Bean Town? Gotta love that alliteration -- and connotation.

    5. Canardo, like most dialectical materialists who fancy themselves "well-educated," wants us to rely solely on established FACTS and FIGURES, and so either dismisses or conveniently forgets that MOST of the great discoveries forming the body of human Knowledge and Accomplishment have been derived from DEDUCTIVE REASONING –– i.e. INTUITION –– "HUNCHES," if you will.

      In the effort to satisfy LEGALISTIC, LITERALISTIC standards we spend too much of our time trying to PROVE what-we-in-fact already KNOW.

      The Great Flaw in the Scientific Approach resides in the determination of "Science" either to DENY, DENIGRATE, or DISMISS the significance of SPIRIT.

      Try to remember this:

      "The THOUGHT is FATHER to the DEED."

      Without Imagination and the capacity to use Reason to solve problems and improve our standard of living, we, human beings would be nothing more than predatory beasts.

      As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    6. FT,
      Without Imagination and the capacity to use Reason to solve problems and improve our standard of living, we, human beings would be nothing more than predatory beasts.

      Neurologically, left brain must work with the right brain to make a "whole" person.

    7. Are you TOO trying to explain everything in physical, materialistic terms, AOW?

      I know POSITIVELY that the things that matter most –– things such as Spirit, Motivation, Honesty, Integrity, Meaning, Loyalty, Courage, Affection, Creativity, Aspiration, Vision, Determination, Perseverance, Humor, etc. are INTANGIBLE, which means they cannot be seen, heard, touched, felt, weighed, measured or contained in jars, bottle, boxes, bags or safety deposit boxes.

      That means, as far as I am concerned, that these qualities must be essentially SPIRITUAL.

      Take Music for instance. We have learned how to capture the inventions of Musical Minds on paper by inventing system of notation, BUT the written score says NOTHING until it is brought to life by a performing artist who knows what it MEANS.

      The same is true for poetry, plays and books. It takes an untangle, unquantifiable MIND to read these things and bring them to live with WIT, STYLE, CHARACTER and COMPREHENSION.

      These are not idle thoughts.

  5. We can all have some amusement when the liberals come and try to pick apart Silverfiddle's list....
    Instead, it's all "Oh, that's old business! That's just a vast rightwing conspiracy"....rubbish.
    BUT, nothing will stick to her...

    and, AOW ..we can only hope you're right and any of this news is actually having a bigger impact than it might have.
    We had such a good chance of beating Hillary but I'm thinking Trump wasn't the one...an elderly Dem Black woman I adore let me tease her about being a lifelong Dem and I asked "Martha, any way you could vote Republican?" (a friend and I'd gone thru the litany of what Republicans believe..) and she said "Not THIS year" (i.e. Not with TRUMP as your pick).. sad, but she can't be the only liberal who feels that way.

    1. Z,
      We'll find out soon enough how Trump's strategy of combining certain voting blocs actually works.


    2. Z,
      BUT, nothing will stick to her...

      We're going to find out just how much power the Clinton Machine has.

  6. Is it true that Hillsry has syphilis caught from her Girlfrienf Huma?


  7. "What effect will last Friday's documents dump have on the November 8 General Election? Any effect at all?"

    Since utopian dreamers ("useful idiots") and "low information" voters, who fall at the lowest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, comprise the bulk of Shrillary's support I would expect the "effect" to be minimal. That said, I hope I'm wrong.

  8. Z, both Ducky and I have frequently agreed, as have many other libs that HRC is a deeply flawed candidate. Neither of us are voting for her, and I am in a swing state.

    There is much to dislike about here in addition to Silvers list.

    But there 2 buts.

    The conservative side had taken everything bad with her to be the end of civilization. You've all, in your disgust and anger, overreached.

    And that produced the 2nd, Donald Trump. You've lamented yourself how bad he is, yet your party nominated him. Vulgarities, inability to vet staff, his lies, and more.

    If the GOP had nominated almost anyone else, you'd be cruising.

    1. Dave,
      I'm not convinced of the certainty of the last sentence in your comment.

    2. First of all, I don't think we can overreach on the horrors of the Clinton situation...Who COULD vote for her?...and second, I haven't liked Trump since he gave his first little moves towards running.

      "Our" anger and disgust get confirmed every day in Hillary....and if Obama hadn't overreached with the kind of executive orders he signed, the healthcare most people are hugely upset about as their premiums are rising, etc etc., we might have picked a saner candidate.

      Trump is vulgar, unable to vet, and he lies (but not as much as the Left likes to portray....he was right...some Mexicans DO rape, by the way, for example)....I can't stand the man, but I don't have to vote for him (Thank GOD) because of California's electoral college, but I will fight hard to do all I CAN to prevent this country from falling to a liar, a cheat, a phony, a person who promises "Free everything" when she knows it'll kill the spirit of Americans who work School and Work HARD to make what they make...and kill the spirit of those needing help in this ridiculous entitlement society you liberals have created...as unAmerican as anything can be.

  9. If Donald Trump was in the tank for Hillary Clinton, what would he be doing differently?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Bert said...

      Are you ready to spend the next four years being reminded daily if not hourly that your candidate lost to a brain damaged Democrat?

      I hope so.

  10. A Paean to the Goddess of Peons 
    ______ (Who Ain't No Peony) _____

    Hail Hillary, head full of space,
    Ever lacking in charm and grace.

    Hillary, dear, how your red eye gleams
    Inspiring infants to have bad dreams,

    And adults to suffer much churning of guts
    And fears like the death of a thousand cuts

    Hillary! Hillary, full of disgrace
    Your surgically altered, still hideous face

    Inspires much loathing, disgust and dismay
    As does the sound of your Midwestern bray.

    Cursed art thou, and curs'd be the Brute
    Who married you once then produced ugly fruit

    As Queen of all that is anti-erotic,
    You favor, instead, what is cruel and despotic.

    Hillary, Goddess of Ethos Collective,
    I hate you so much, I've run out of invective.

    ~ Unhoo §;-o

  11. Can media sycophants toss off
    The fact of Hill'ry's wors'ning cough?
    'Twould be bad taste for us to gloat
    If she got cancer of the throat,
    Yet I believe it would be rich
    If something that bad stopped the witch.

    ~ Vendetta Sanguini

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Watch your mouth. See the guidelines for commenting at this blog.

    2. The Terminator said







  13. Either Hillsry Clinton was the dumbest Secretary of State in American history or a bald-faced liar,” thr head of the FBI said in the statement. “If it’s the former, there is a serious question she may get the nuclear codes confused if she were ever President. If it’s the latter she should be prosecuted for the same crime as Martha Stewart by making a false statement to the FBI in violation of 18 U.S. Code section 1001.”

    1. Und she gets very cranky when her diaper is full!

  14. and the masses simply do not care AOW! madness! Keep the faith my friend! xoxoxox

  15. Mario Says...
    "Hillary coughs and there is a scandal she is terminally ill. Trump completely flat out lies and its no big deal. Something wrong folks. "


  16. Why Anyone in America Would Want Someone Like Hillary as President…is PERPLEXING!!!

    1. Jackson,
      You'll get no argument from me on that score.

      But here in Liberal Land Northern Virginia, I run into plenty who do want to see HRC occupy the White House.

    2. Why do you feel Trump is an adequate alternative.

      His platform is simple - use the fear and hate of the American right to gain power.

      I enjoyed his pledge to increase military spending. Here come higher deficits. I thought that's exactly what the fringe right opposes.

  17. Even the Academy Award-winning actor and ardent Bernie Sanders campaigner Susan Sarandon, spoke out against Hillary Clinton, saying that her presidency could prove “more dangerous” than Donald Trump’s. And coming from her that is pretty damaging .

  18. PRAY for HRC to do one of two things before the election:

    1. Experience her plane blowing up over the middle of an ocean.

    2. Get an incurable disease and die.

  19. Never before in our 542 year history of electing presidents, no lying, crooked, criminal , who was being investigated by the FBI, and a "constant cougher" who cant remember anything has ever won an election.
    And let's not make this one a First!

    1. "Never before in our 542 year history of electing presidents...", Mr. Don't Know At All

      Who knew that the U.S. was founded in 1474, 18 years before Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic from Spain!

  20. Hillary's handler caries Diazepam, a benzodiazepine (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). It affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety and suffer from seizures.

  21. Months after the Obama administration spent $19 million to register new immigrant voters that will likely support Democrats in November, it’s dedicating an additional $10 million in a final push as the presidential election approaches. The money is distributed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Homeland Security agency that oversees lawful immigration, to organizations that help enhance pathways to naturalization by offering immigrants free citizenship instruction, English, U.S. history and civics courses. Officially, they’re known as “citizenship integration grants.”

    Since 2009 USCIS has doled out $63 million in these grants to prepare more than 156,000 resident immigrants in dozens of states for U.S. citizenship, according to the agency’s figures. Besides the free classes, Uncle Sam also offers immigrants free “naturalization legal services,” the latest USCIS grant announcement states. “Recipient organizations serve both traditional immigrant destinations and new immigrant getaway cities in 21 states,” the USCIS document reads. The latest $10 million investment will prepare approximately 25,000 residents from more than 50 countries, according to the agency. More than a dozen states—including California, New York, Florida, Washington and Ohio—with large resident immigrant populations are being targeted as well as cities with huge immigrant populations such as Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington D.C....

  22. Jackson,
    What is the name of Hillary's handler?

  23. Actually, Bush didn't, but I guess fact checking is something that isn't important to the college newspaper crew at Being Liberal. But Blaming Bush is always their answer !
    Never Mind that Hillary voted for that war but now she says she didn't ( another LIE) our current government just had $6.5 trillion disappear like a fart in the wind, and that our current President has increased the national debt by more than any other President in history combined.

    However, since these are Democrats, they and their loyal followers will simply attempt to sweep it all under the rug as if nothing ever happened. I guess that it's easier to just Blame Bush again.

  24. If you look at PolitiFact (the fact-checking organization hated by the rabid right because they believe George Soros runs it), you'll see a chart they made showing who told the most lies.

    And yet people believe Hillary is dishonest?
    Those Rightiy's can come up with the weirdist ideas

  25. People have started to notice there's something odd about Hillary Clinton. No, I'm not just talking about her propensity to lie whenever she's asked a question, but about her basic fitness for the office of President.

    When you look at a schedule of her events you see very few public appearances. Sure, lots of surrogates, but it looks like Hillary is hiding. However, even the New York Times noticed that she does show up for fundraisers.

    Can it be that she has so few public appearances because when she does, she so often has coughing fits (video montage)? It happened again on Labor Day in Ohio where she was barely able to continue after repeated bouts of coughing.

    1. Mike,
      And what's this about HRH possibly having an earpiece during last night's townhall "debate" with Trump?

  26. Oh My!: Was Hillary Wearing An Earpiece At The Presidential Forum? Sure Looks Like It to me!

  27. Isn't Drumpf and Putin BFFs? (Can one ever get over the RepubliCan"t candidate, Drumpf heaping praise on Putin on national TV? - What would Reagan say?!?)

    Donald "Take Their Oil" Trump was himself at the "CiC Forum":

    1) He dodged the questions, lied about his support of the Iraq War and his support for intervention in Libya;

    2) He trashed the military, calling the generals nothing but a heap of rubble;

    3) He praised the Commie strongman, Putin, calling him a "great leader," while disparaging America's Commander in Chief in front of America's military;

    4) When asked by Lauer about his plan to defeat ISIS, Trump said he would ask the generals to come up with one in 30 days. Lauer then reminded Trump that he bragged to America that HE had a great plan a beautiful plan. Trump then said, he'd combine his plan with the generals' plan. Complete and utter bullshit.

    Can anyone imagine a Democrat praising the former head of Communist Russia's KGB over our American president and not getting booed off the stage?

    There is no question that Hillary has a deep knowledge about foreign and domestic issues and is prepared to be president.

    Donald Trump is still a bullshitter, and an unapologetic liar.

    Would Drumpf lie to you? Remember, he cheats the other guy and passes the savings on to you.

    War crimes? It ain't a war crime when USA does it.


    Trust, but verify. Where are Drumpf's tax records?

    Drumpf: Making Amerika Grate Again.

  28. The Internet Exploded when people caught what Hillary was WEARING last night…
    This time we are not talking about her $12,000 pantsuit but what Hillary was wearing in her ear last night:

    1. Debonair,
      I don't know anything about these earpieces often used by actors so that they can get prompts for their forgotten lines.

      The above said, I don't believe Hillary's denial of the earpiece. She has BELOW ZERO CREDIBILITY.

  29. Mario shared on " Liberal And Proud Of It'" post.
    "Matt Lauer was an embarrassment"
    No Mario, it's Obama and Hillary who are the "embarrassments" !

  30. Hillary Clinton went on national TV and lied again about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. She may have forgotten them, but we have not!

  31. Even the New Youk Police Drpartment said
    that Hillary Clinton Was Wearing an “Invisible” Earpiece To Receive Stealth Coaching During Live NBC TV Town Hall! So please do t tell that Ptogressive liar us about "snoops".

  32. File this under "Hostage Rescue was Aborted while Obama Vacationed"!
    Obama's Tee times far outweighed making time to run America...
    So for all you regressives that insist that maobama is available 24/7 while on vacation, you might want to reconsider.
    Under the dim light of a quarter moon, a U.S. special operations team skimmed through the night skies above eastern Afghanistan, awaiting final mission approval from President Barrack Obama while speeding toward the objective. The commandos were fast on their way last month to rescue two western hostages held by hostile gunmen.
    As the raiders approached their target — a makeshift prison compound — they suddenly were ordered to stand down. The president, who was vacationing on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, did not have time to give the required final go-ahead. He wanted 24 hours to consider the rescue.
    A day later, Obama approved the mission. The commandos relaunched. This time, they reached the target — only to find the hostages had been moved four hours prior, said sources with direct knowledge of events.
    "We raised hell in that compound," said a security staffer with knowledge of the mission. "We knocked down walls and killed bad guys."
    Seven hostile combatants were killed and one injured, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed to American Media Institute. Among its many duties, CENTCOM is the Pentagon's Unified Combatant Command in charge of operations in Afghanistan.
    So the Hostage rescue was aborted while Obama vacationed. I guess another round of celebrity golf was more important.
    So the dear leader YOUR " indicision may have cost these people their lives, or at least their freedom.

  33. At the NBC News Commander-In-Chief Forum, earlier in the week, the Congenital Liar, Hillary Clinton dropped another bombshell lie when she claimed no one died on her watch in Libya.
    Hillary Clinton said “I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking that action was the right decision.”
    She should tell that to U.S. Ambassador Chris Steven’s family, oh wait she already told them another lie. I am having trouble keeping them straight.
    Americans DID die in Benghazi - needlessly! Hillary's failures, incompetence, and refusal to act caused the needless deaths of 4 Americans.

  34. Hillary snapped at Trey Gowdy During Hearing And Instantly Regretrd It.


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