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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Chaffetz Schools a Stooge

Please watch the following video to the end. It's only about 4 1/2 minutes long, and you will see how the head of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (Rep. Jason Chaffetz) braces a FBI representative.

The problem is that the FBI has decided, unilaterally, without Constitutional or legal precedent that it can withhold, cherry-pick and redact  information asked for by Congress. 

It bothers me a great deal that a Federal agency (especially the FBI) thinks it can get away with this and gives us another glimpse into how seedy our government has become. 

AOW cutting in here....Readers should note who published this blog post.

Welcome back, Warren!


  1. So this is where the famous I was elected by 800000 people criticism comes from. First I'd like to say he represents 800,000 people all of them may not have voted for him but his district of 800,000 elected him. Next I'd like to say I really enjoy listening to Chaifetz. He schooled him

  2. Is there a transcript available? I can't watch video's on my work domain.

    - CI

    1. Here's a politico article that have some salient quotes and exchanges...


      Did you get your "Snowden" movie security briefing yet from your security manager?

    2. I had to wait to watch, actually listen, also.

    3. I just happened to catch this episode in real time on C-Span the other day.

      What I'd like to know right NOW is how EFFECTIVE Chaffetz's subpoena proved to be?

      DID the FBI hand over ALL the requested documents sans redactions, or is the FBI still trying to weasel out of meeting its constitutionally-mandated obligations to this congressional committee?

      If the answer is no, then we truly HAVE become a "Banana Republic."

    4. And I meant also to say, "We're all very glad to see you back in the fight, Warren."

      I know you've been through a very rough time, but I hope you are on the road to recovery now? Losing a loved one is the hardest thing we have to bear in this life. You may take that from one who knows.

      For the little it may be worth, you have had my sympathy all along, there just never seemed anything the least bit useful I could say.

    5. FT,
      Warren sent me this video via email, and I asked him to post it. I'm struggling with pain issues these days (as you know).

      Warren and I talk on the phone at least once a week. He's bearing up as "well as can be expected."

      But as Warren says, "I have my moments."

      It's tough.

      42 years of marriage -- and Jackie spent their last anniversary in the hospital.

    6. Thank you FT.

      I've lost a major portion of my life. Good times and bad, they're gone now. I don't intend to obsess over it or pity myself.

      My wife once asked me asked me, after a terrible diagnoses, "What do we do now?". I told her that we go forward from this day and take each day as it comes. That is what I shall continue to do.

      But that's enough of that.

    7. All right, but FreeThinke asked two good questions, and I wish smeine had tried to answer him, because I've been windering the same thing, myself.

      "What I'd like to know right NOW is how EFFECTIVE Chaffetz's subpoena proved to be?"

      "DID the FBI hand over ALL the requested documents sans redactions, or is the FBI still trying to weasel out of meeting its constitutionally-mandated obligations to this congressional committee?"

      I mean isn't that what the post was supposed to be about?

  3. The entire "investigation" into Hellary and her toadies' serial violation of federal law was wired from the beginning.

    We have a turdworld banana republic government of the globalist establishment, by the globalist establishment and for the globalist establishment.

    People like Chaffetz just haven't gotten the memo yet.

  4. Welcome home, Warren. Great to see you ...

    1. Z,
      I'm so GLAD that Warren might be able to post here. Especially right now. I'm still caught in the medical loop and not up to my usual blogging routine.

    2. Thank you Z.
      There are still loose ends, as you can imagine / know from experience, and many long hours to work.

      I intend to post and comment as I'm able.
      Many XOs ;^)

    3. Warren,
      I intend to post and comment as I'm able.

      You know that I'm nearly down for the count. Hanging on by my fingernails!

    4. Yes, Warren, I do know....that does finally calm down...I'll be looking forward to your posts...sending you the same XO's :-)

  5. Yes: "Welcome back, Warren!"


    "We are different" (another video)

    Did he really mean to say: "We [were] different"?

  6. Welcome back, Warren, from your "other baby sister"!
    As for the video, hehehehehe! Good on, Chaffetz!


  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This EXACT comment, purporting to be from Beakerkin, appeared at my blog under an entirely different name.

      Just thought you might want to know.

    3. Definitely not my friend The Beak! About to take out the trash.

    4. Jon,
      I have fetched your comment from my email:

      JonBerg has left a new comment on your post "Chaffetz Schools a Stooge":

      @ The Beak Speaks,

      "Trump says things that are not nice sometimes."

      YES, as so sagely stated above: "The TRUTH is NOT HATE SPEECH". While his zeal to express himself may sometimes override diplomatic prudence, he is seldom wrong when it comes to the BIG PICTURE! Shrillary offers nothing but some 30 years as an abject failure. Why [she] is even a consideration for POTUS defies all manner of logic.

      Posted by JonBerg to Always On Watch: Semper Vigilans at September 19, 2016 at 2:47:00 PM EDT

    5. Jon,
      And now you know another reason I've cut back on blogging....The pain makes me crazy in that I sometimes don't double check what I'm doing.

      Again, I apologize. You are a friend to the blog.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Not to steal your thunder, but this has been standard operating procedure for years now.

    No one messes with the democrats. They get away with everything. Could it be because they kill anyone who poses a serious threat?

    1. Kid,
      You're not stealing thunder. You're making valid points.

      Now we have the Digital Age, and the political weasels can be exposed for what they are.

      My question: Is the electorate paying attention?

      The electorate has power to bring to bear. For now.


  10. @Kid,

    "They get away with everything. Could it be because they kill anyone who poses a serious threat?"

    Hey buddy that's not even a question. There is a trail of those who have been found dead who got in the way of the Clintons. You are SPOT-ON! What is the matter with so many who can't or won't see this? I can't stand that every time I'm out, say at Safeway or anywhere else I have to observe , at least 1/2 of every one that I see as a THREAT!

    1. jonBerg, Agree of course and Thanks. (having a prob with some capitol letters btw, new keyboard on the way.)
      The threat being that they are blinding stupid/brainwashed or they know and actually support the evil. Totally with you there.

  11. OFF-TOPIC but WORTHWHILE. Mr.Trump uses this bit of verse too make a point about Obama-Clinton-D'Rat's dopey, very dangerous Open Door policy tomIllegal Aliens:

    _______ Take Me In _______

    On her way to work one morning
    Down the path along side the lake
    A tender hearted woman
    saw a poor, half-frozen snake
    His pretty colored skin had been
    all frosted with the dew
    "Oh dear!" she cried, "I'll take you in
    and I'll take care of you"

    "Take me in oh tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in, O tender woman, "
    sighed the snake.

    She wrapped him up all cozy
    in a curvature of silk
    Then laid him by the fireside
    with some honey and some milk
    She hurried home from work that night
    as soon as she arrived
    She found the snake she'd taken in
    was happily revived

    "Take me in, O tender woman,
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in, O tender woman, "
    sighed the snake.

    Now she clutched him to her bosom,
    "You're so beautiful," she cried
    "But if I hadn't brought you in by now
    you surely would have died"

    Now she stroked his pretty skin and then
    she kissed and held him tight
    But instead of saying thanks,
    the snake gave her a vicious bite.

    "Take me in, O tender woman.
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in, O tender woman, "
    sighed the snake.

    "I saved you," cried the woman
    "And you've bitten me now, why?
    You know your bite is poisonous
    and now I'm going to die."

    "Oh shut up, you stupid woman,"
    said the reptile with a grin.
    "You knew damned well I was a snake
    before you took me in.

    "Take me in, O tender woman
    Take me in, for heaven's sake
    Take me in oh tender woman, "
    hissed the snake.

    ~ Al Wilson

    In case you missed it the point of this clever parable in verse is that Allowing Followers of Mohammed into OUR society is a Modern Day Equivalent of the TROJAN HORSE.

    I refuse to do the politicly-correct thing and try to differentiate between Good Moslems and Bad Moslems. Because it's a physical impossibility to determine which is which –– and the "Good Ones" new never seem to want to rat out the "Bad Ones," –– I insist we must laceALL Moslems under Surveillance, and preparer selves to become ruthless in DETAINING, then DEPORTING all who exhibit behavior WE deem the slightest but suspicious. In others words ALL Moslems must be put in PROBATION. I, personally don't care if they are "citizens" not. I would favor a policy that STRIPS ALL SUBVERSIVE ELEMENTS of their CITIZENSHIP, and places them under Guard at the very least.

  12. Welcome back Warren, and yes, that was a smackdown! The problem is, I doubt whether the FBI will actually honor the subpoena, based on the DOJ direction, or if they do, it will be AFTER Nov 8.

  13. Breaking. News....As President, Hillary Clinton will appoint Huma Abedin as Secretary of State. This according to leaked e mails between Abedin, Mrs. Clinton,

    1. What is your SOURCE for that assertion? Without reference to a credible, reliable, verifiable source your comment is nothing but silly gossip.

    2. Here is the SOURCE


    3. Well, there's something to be said about trusting a free weekly print paper.....many of the other "articles" were even more co edit than this one. Think Weekly World News....

  14. We've seen a lot of this stuff. From Ted Cruz grilling the ICE tool to Trey Gowdy grilling various tools. And nothing happens. I understand nothing happens because of the obama and his goons administration. What I don't understand is anyone who claims to be an American supporting this attack on America. It will remove everyone's individual liberties. Lawlessness has a way of doing that. Are we really living with an over abundance of stupid dumbasses?

    1. Kid,
      Nothing happens at the politician level because so many are getting some kind of rake-off.

      As for Americans' willingness to let this kind of corruption continue, I think that there is both significant apathy and significant stupidity.

    2. Agree. Unless ESPN shoves it down their throat it ain't happening.

    3. Kid, you know my phrase "If you want a really important issue to just suddenly disappear, get Darryl Isis or Gowdy to have a hearing and show the astonishing hypocrisy or untruths in the situation and IT"S GONE!" Poof! HOW? WHY?????
      I'll tell you how...MEDIA. The dishonest media is what Andrew Breitbart was fighting when he died, he was NOT for the sometimes ridiculous rightwing exaggerated c**p Breitbart.com is covering NOW, I assure you.

    4. Your opinion seems awfully cynical, Ms AOW. You might just as well say straight out that nothing but extra money and promises of special privileges motivates anyone in government or anywhere else. I doubt if even ten percent of Americans are even faintly aware of what goes on outside their own little lives. And those who are realize that they have no power to do anything anyway, except grouse to each each other on blogs and at the local bar.

      The minority of eligible voters who still bother to go to the polls are beginning to realize that our votes don't really count anyway, because the vote counting process is undoubtedly tampered with.

      So what's the use of trying to participagte in a system we've effectively been locked out of?

    5. Trevor,
      I continue to vote because I'm tenacious -- and see it as as my civic duty.

      But, yes, I'm cynical about politics. I always have been!

      I learned at my mother's knee just how slimy politics is when there is a dearth of statesmen.

    6. Z,
      The media are in control, aren't they?

    7. Z, Agree of course. Want to get me laughing, just say "Checks and Balances"

  15. If the following is true, HRC has good reason to coerce the hiding of certain emails:


  16. It's a sad day when it becomes obvious that the FBI has been corrupted by politics and is no longer accountable to the people's elected representatives. As Chaffetz suggests, it is VERY worrying when these agencies can decide for themselves what rules to follow and which not to. How many times have we seen this in the Obama Administration and particularly as it relates to matters of law enforcement (immigration law anyone?).

    This kind of thing will only get worse if Hillary is elected.

    1. Mike,
      I guess that some people are above the law. It's not supposed to be that way.

      The Clintons always skate. Why is that?

  17. FT,
    Put this into google.

    WikiLeaks: Clinton Would Make Abedin Secretary of S

  18. "Can't we go back to speculating about Hillary's health? ;)"

    Yes, I suppose so, if there was "health" to begin with!

    1. I know quite a bit about eyes not tracking properly because Mr. AOW had that same problem -- and prism lenses, too -- after the brain hemorrhage he had on September 15, 2009. The doctor did not pronounce him mentally competent until his eyes again tracked properly.

      Would the same apply to Hillary? Maybe.


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