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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The fix is in.....again.

Roger Simon says,  "In a stunning Friday (isn't it always?) revelation, we found out that yet another key figure from Hillary Clinton's "rat pack" -- her former chief-of-staff Cheryl Mills - was given immunity in the email server investigation."

(Please read the link before commenting)

IMO, the FBI has left the business of investigation of criminality and entered the business of immunizing as many criminals as possible from prosecution. At least "Progressive" criminals.

But the rot goes much deeper

Step up right here and get your third world bananas before they rot.


  1. Warren,
    It is surreal to me that all this is going on and that most Americans either don't know or don't care.

    From the first link:

    Isn't it time for the FBI -- or some decent agent or agents -- to fess up to save the rapidly declining reputation of their organization?

    It is past time! I guess that they're too worried about their benefits and their gravy train to do the thing of honor and integrity. They are morally bankrupt.

    1. It is surreal, but we cannot expect any government agency to be beyond corruption these days. Progressive dogma has seeped into every branch, every institution, and has corrupted the system beyond reason.

    2. @ AOW. I think what this country really needs is a purge. There are too many politicians who have abandoned their Constitutional duties in favor of power and graft and too many bureaucrats and sycophants sucking at the government teat!

  2. The chief federal law enforcement agency has been derelict in it's duties...and has been outed as protecting the political elite long before now. Comey should be sacked at the very least. So much for government transparency.

    The FBI is only slightly less a boondoggle that Homeland Security.

    - CI

  3. After gathering up Hillary’s ‘notes’ the “cleaner” he tucked them under his arm while staring at the NBC hack moderator, Lester Holt and the 2 met onstage and from the video it appears that Hillary’s goon wanted to hand Holt the papers, which most likely were all the questions and pre-planned answers to Holt’s questions.

    The WHOLE story Here:

    1. while staring at the NBC hack moderator

      Not necessarily. He might have been looking to see if the cameras were panning in his direction.

      Removing the papers is not in itself suspicious.

      But if those papers were handed off to Lester Holt, it's a whole different ball game.

    2. Look at the whole story with the pictures to prove it

    3. Check out the link...I did, it's very incrimating

    4. I did check the link and watched the video ("Sean's Tweet") -- and before I responded to your comment.

      "Hillary's helper" appears to be trying to sneak the removal of the papers. Note that I'm using the work appears.

      A question for you as you seem to know quite a bit about this matter:

      Is there photographic or video evidence of "Hillary's helper" handing off those papers to Lester Holt?

      I will give you this, though....At times during the debate, Hillary looked bored and if she were marking time. Because she had the list of questions in advance?

    5. I watched the debate closely.

      At one point, HRC's facial expression went completely blank. Perhaps because the debate took a turn not on her list.

      I'm engaging in a bit of speculation here. But as a teacher of 40+ years, I know what I saw: a blank look.

    6. Candidates take notes and talking points to the lecterns during debates. Having them or looking down at them is neither new nor controversial.

      It seems unduly speculative to assert that Clinton had the debate questions beforehand.

      - CI

    7. What if Donald Trump just sucked at the debate? Occam's Razor, y'all.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Comey needs to resign and apologize to the American people and to the good professionals at the FBI. He has damaged that agency's reputation.

    Hugh Hewitt claims to know for a fact that the FBI rank and file are apoplectic, and ready to break out in open rebellion.

    We have a turdworld banana republic government of the power elites, by the corrupt lawyers, for the globalist oligarchs.

    The Clintons corrupt and pervert everything they touch.

    1. SF,
      Comey needs to resign and apologize to the American people and to the good professionals at the FBI.

      I agree!

      Why hasn't he done so?

    2. Christopher,
      Yep, the entire filthy cartel!

  5. You should check out Sen Ben Sasse questioning Comey before a Senate committee this week.

    Hillary Clinton and her team or co-conspirators had this all gamed out back in 2008, with malice and aforethought. The server, getting around classification rules, covering the State Department-Clinton Foundation pay for play money-making racket, and most importantly, the Clinton Crime Family's got a lot of buffers.

    They patiently set up and interlocking tangle of lawyers, consiglieri, and executive privilege defenses, to the point the FBI had to beg Cheryl Mills for her laptop. They had to beg her for it! And she demanded immunity in return!

    They granted all this immunity and got nothing to show for it but rotten Clinton eggs on their faces.

    The stench from this just keeps getting worse and worse. We now know President Obama's e-mails were also on that server and that he used a pseudonym.

    We also now know that there were hundreds or thousands of CENTCOM e-mails on that server that were permanently eradicated with BleachBit. We know China, Russia and potentially other bad actors have all those e-mails with all that sensitive information.

    What we don't know--thanks to Hillary's well-oiled criminal enterprise cleaning up the crime scene so well--is what was in those e-mails. We don't know what China and Russia know about us.

    Hillary Clinton is "extremely careless" and she is compromised by foreign intelligence. She is unfit for the presidency, and her combination of extreme carelessness and and total compromise by foreign enemies would put our nation in grave danger. She must not become president.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Warren,
    The tentacles and the power of the Clinton Polotical Machine are more extensive than any of us know. The Clintons have had decades to oil that machine.

    I wonder if Horowitz's "Discover thr Networks" has some must-know information.

    1. The Obama's, once of out power but remaining in DC, will eclipse the Clinton's.

      The Obama Organization's political power and global influence and money-vacuuming will make the Clinton Foundation look like a Karachi kebab stand with a broken wheel.

    2. The unimaginable. The Obamas on the lose.

    3. The Clinton Family Criminal Organization has so much information about its links to shady characters and businesses that receive special treatment from the government, I wouldn't know where to begin. Take a look at the link but first pack a lunch.

    4. SF,
      The Obama's, once of out power but remaining in DC, will eclipse the Clinton's.

      That will frost the Clintons!

    5. Warren,
      The Clinton Political Machine is, well, something else.

      Smells of sulfur.

  7. Why do you keep writing to "Warren," when "Warren" has not put n an a;earache here?

    1. Anonymous,
      Are you incapable of reading?

      The post is signed as follows:

      Posted by Warren at 9/28/2016 06:53:00 AM .

    2. We never look at the author's name, because it has always been you. Please don't best testy. I meant no harm

    3. I have not always been the sole author here at this blog is there are two other members of the team here: Warren and Sam.

    4. Perhaps a little off-topic but where has Sam been? I really miss his sage input. Did I miss something? If so, sorry to bring it up. Whatever, keep-up the GOOD WORK,all !

    5. Jon,
      I haven't heard from Sam in ages! He has fallen off the radar. He is still listed as a contributor here because he might be back for all I know.

      I, too, miss Sam.

    6. Gad! My comment of September 28, 2016 at 5:13:00 PM EDT is garbled -- iPad autocorrect.

  8. SF,
    We also now know that there were hundreds or thousands of CENTCOM e-mails on that server that were permanently eradicated with BleachBit.

    An OBVIOUS attempt at covering tracks!

  9. From the third link in the body of the blog post:

    A federal judge on Tuesday gave the State Department until February 2017 to release the full 1,600-page file of records about official events during Hillary Clinton’s tenure, assuring that the full batch is not public by Election Day.

    Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia declared that the State Department will have to release at least 300 pages of the records per month to the Republican National Committee (RNC), which has sued the Obama administration over the materials.

    The order is nonetheless a setback for the RNC, which had pleaded with the court in August for the entire slate of records to be made public well before the November election....


  10. This may be considered OFF-TOPIC, but this EXCELLENT REVEW of MONDAY’S DEBATE was posted at my blog by “MS PINKBOTTOM.” I think it is well worth sharing. I hope you agree?

    “No matter what anyone says about the debate, including the expectations expressed by the media pundits and partisan organizations, it was pretty much Trump being Trump, interrupting, challenging, and dissembling; and Clinton being Clinton using progressive rhetoric, jabbing where appropriate, and using fact and figures to demonstrate her knowledge.”

    “Did anyone learn anything new? No! Did anything change? No!”

    “Hillary demonstrated physical stamina – but so did the great actor Yul Brenner in his last performance of the “King and I,” and immediately offstage was given oxygen and led away in a wheelchair. Hillary Clinton’s health issues still remain unexplored. Donald Trump continuously drank water during the debate whereas Hillary Clinton avoided any appearance of weakness.”

    “The greatest stalemate was Trump being challenged about his tax returns, and responded by challenging Clinton to produced her deleted emails.”

    “Funny, Trump attacked Hillary on her temperament while clearly demonstrating an aggressive demeanor.”

    “Hillary Clinton ended the debate with a sexist attack on Trump and Trump did not fire back with anything about her husband being a sexual predator and protecting him by attacking women viciously.”

    “Donald Trump was visibly unprepared for tonight's debate and it showed in terms of missed opportunities to attack Clinton as well as being unable to artfully sidestep issue landmines which Clinton threw in his path. Typical Trump -- believing he is "smart enough" to simply ‘wing it.’”

    “Some of the missed opportunities: Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Pay-for-Play, Cybersecurity and securing her own email server, and Muslim immigration.
    Nobody won the debate, but Americans lost – having to put up with these two seriously flawed candidates. Both spent more time talking about themselves and defending their actions rather than presenting a vision for America. Also, Trump was the ONLY one who walked through the "spin room" and spoke with reporters rather than simply putting surrogates out to tell your story.”

    “Where Trump failed: Trump did not counter the birther charges by asking why President Obama's team spent millions in legal fees fending off any challenge that would have allowed a court-appointed grandmaster to examine the original documents and report back to the court. Including documents related to foreign travel and possible foreign scholarships. Likewise, he did not mention that Hillary Clinton had a history of personal and political scandals and apparently has been given a pass by law enforcement and the mainstream media.”

    “Where Hillary failed: Clinton could have asked Trump if he would release his tax returns if the IRS granted him immunity.”

    “The biased Moderator Lester Holt did not include some very pertinent questions that might have challenged Mrs. Clinton. Instead he avoided anything that might embarrass or discomfort her. Questions that everyone was waiting for, but were never asked. But he frequently challenged Trump, and was aggressive in following up. Unequal treatment of the two candidates so obvious it might as well bite you.

  11. “Where Hillary failed: Clinton could have asked Trump if he would release his tax returns if the IRS granted him immunity.”
    Immunity from what? Release of the documents wouldn't lead to prosecution.

    Clinton was spot on delineating what the Orange Man (did he hang with John Boehner) might be hiding.

    1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/accused-connecticut-mobster-tied-art-heist-near-death-153415107.html

      had you heard this?

  12. @Nostradumbass,
    Are you really that dense?

    If the IRS really had anything on Trump he would be sitting in jail and his property confiscated.

    1. My thought exactly, Warren. HRC and her minions in the enemedia try to portray Mr. Trump's intelligent use of existing laws to his own best advantage as either downright criminal, or at the very least unkind, immoral, callous and selfish. That's nonsense, and sensible people know it.

      The birther non-issue is another illegitimate, disingenuous way they try to weaken and defame Mr. Trump.

      Where I take issue with the Republican candidate lies in his seeming inability to answer these stupid, disingenuous charges as effectively as he might.

      The Tax Return thing he should just curtly dismiss by saying he's done nothing illegal by taking advantage of existing laws, and let it go at that.

      The Birther thing he again should have dismissed curtly by saying, "Mr. Obama dug in his heels, took great pains and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to avoid showing us his birth certificate. Naturally that looked suspicious –– like he must have something to hide ––, so naturally I did what I could to make him to reveal the document. His conduct regarding that matter still don't pass the smell test, as far as I'm concerned, but I realized, as a practical matter, we'd just have to let it go. At any rate it had nothing to do with his skin color. I would have done the same if he'd been of French or Scandinavian descent."

      Mr. Trump's answers to Mrs. Clinton's spurious charges go on much too long, and sound rambling, incoherent and too defensive. I think this must mean he let's his heart rule his head when he feels unjustly attacked.
      Most of us do, but it's not, as they say, "presidential."

  13. Trump's biggest mistake was in shaking dirtbag Holt's hand! I hope he spit in his hand before he did!

    1. Hey, AA!

      Good to see you here, my friend.

    2. Yes AA, because that would certainly be Presidential and a behavior that would bring honor to the office.

    3. Amen to that AA.

      As for Dave Miller, who let that stench ban in?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Comey's congressional testimony is revealing more of the process. The Justice Department granted the immunity, not the FBI and Comey claims to not know who did it.

    The picture is coming clearer now. Obama's cronies in the Justice Department are the ones who wired this, and Comey allowed his once-respected bureau to be used as a patsy in all of this.

    In a real investigation, the FBI and Justice don't allow a co-conspirator (Mills) to suddenly claim attorney-client privilege and sit in on the questioning and dictate terms. The FBI tells you to sit down, shut up and start talking. If not, they get what they want some other way.

    When going after non-power elites, if they want your laptop, they don't beg for it and let you dictate terms and demand immunity, they send in a swat team, kick your door in, and take whatever evidence they need.

    The Justice Department is corrupt. Imagine Haldeman and Ehrlichman getting immunity during Watergate.

    Yes, we've had corruption at Justice before, and this is one more sad instance of it.

    I'm back to listening to talk radio on the way to work (short drive), and Hugh Hewitt is doing yeoman's work presenting this all in an understandable format. If you can find podcasts of his show, I highly recommend giving him a listen.

    Hewitt is now in DC, and he's got connections all over. The stench is growing, and he and other connected people swear the FBI rank and file is almost in open rebellion over all of this. They rightly see that their agency has been used, abused and tossed aside like used toilet paper, and they are angry.

    1. SF,
      The Justice Department granted the immunity, not the FBI...

      How much coverage does the news give to that detail?

    2. AOW: This whole thing has been covered poorly. Hillary simply conducting business with that private server broke federal law concerning open records and properly handling government property (all the communications)

      Glossed over in the classified e-mail scandal is that someone air-gapped classified information from the high side to the low side, most likely with a CD or thumb drive, a court-martial offence for any military person. The presence of the Confidential marking "(C)" was evidence of that.

      I just read a politico article today where an obvious Hillary toady wrote up this whole chain of events, but concluded, ha ha ha, it was all just a big mix-up.

      The Justice Department did a major dirty, and the sad part is, they will get by with it.

  15. What happened to our constitution where everyone is accountable under the law? Our system is now so corrupt under this administration, that anything goes and is acceptable. It is unconscionable, unacceptable, morally wrong and we the people need to stand up to this tyranny, before Hillary lies herself into the presidency and destroys this great nation forever. We have the ability to determine the future of our country, if we stand united and vote for Trump in November. If we do not and Hillary wins, we will have no one to blame, but ourselves. God bless America.. They are so EVIL and Corrupt SOB's

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  17. All anyone need to do is to read these hatful progressive blogs to see how these people are doing their best to distroy this country from within.. There is no doubt in my mind that one of the primary agenda items of the progressive socialist democrats is to destroy that which makes America great – citizens who place being an American over being a hyphenated American. Whether by dilution with illegal aliens who adhere to their own language, customs, foods, and dilution with foreign immigrants who have radically different beliefs – including religious-based intolerance of anything other than their religion, the progressives are balkanizing America. Destroying America from within by creating competing constituencies that look to the progressive socialist democrats to redress their so-called grievances.
    The progressives are attacking America from within by destroying our faith in all that is America …
    And by electing Hillary Clinton we are allowing that to happen.


  18. I'm Looking Foward to the next debate and wondering as well as hoping about Hillary's neurological disorder, and will it make another appearance....and if it does what will it be.......
    twitching, out of sync eye movement,--freezing, fainting, or a complete collapse, or all of the above !

    1. I've been told that the next 'debate' is a Townhall, and that would be bad, in my opinion....does that mean they're not on stage at the same time? Does it destroy the probable momentum Trump's building after having turned think-skinned and ridiculous in the last one?
      Oh, if he'd only resisted sticking up for himself and just stayed on PLATFORM, she'd not have taken the lead again.
      Will he EVER EVER learn?
      I'm really hoping the next one is a real DEBATE...but ...

  19. Town Hall with them on stage at the same time takingvQ's from the audience...


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