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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Open Thread

Let's discuss political issues in this open thread.

Comprehensive information about the recent Friday documents dump: Hillary Testified That, DUE TO CONCUSSION, She Could Not Remember Having Had Any Security Briefings, or Instructions on Preserving Records, Claimed She Didn't Know Files Marked "C" Meant Classified.

So, what's on your mind? Here is your chance to opine within the parameters listed below:

We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective

Note: comments consisting of blog gossip will be deleted as soon as an administrator of this blog becomes aware of such comments.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Bluebull,
      You, sir, need a lesson in good manners.

      Your comment will stand because it provides proof of just how ugly the souls of Leftists are.

    2. The same moment was posted at my place, AOW. I know the real BlueBull, and while he is definitely a leftist, he would never post anything as rude as that where he knew it would be unwelcome. I just checked with him by phone, and –– as I suspected, –– that rude remark is, indeed, a counterfeit.

      Lots of foul-minded mischief-makers in the blogosphere. Damn their nasty little souls!

    3. FT,
      I wondered about the true identity.

      Thanks for letting me know.

    4. The blogosphere is particularly toxic in an election year.

  2. It's interesting AOW... I think both sides need a few lessons in civility. Bluebull calls the followers of Trump morons and he gets chastised. Yet others call the followers of Hillary libtards, commies, socialists, vermin and nary a word is said.

    And then if someone else raises an issue with that type of language, the defenders claim their description is true, so they are entitled to use that type of language.

    It's like the other day... the new campaign manager for Trump, KellyAnne Conway, said it was sad that some Hillary supporters had resorted to name calling. I wonder if she feels the same way about the man Trump who started that this election season. Lyin' Ted. Low Energy Jeb. Little Marco. Crooked Hillary.

    If it's wrong and uncivil discourse, and I believe it is, isn't it wrong when both sides do it?

    1. Dave,
      Well, it's like this: BlueBull is a drive-by insulter. The others you refer to don't fit that category.

    2. Oh Great Gaia! Here we go again with the carefully-measured out equivalency exam!

      Cram it, boy, and discuss something substantive!

    3. More and more people who identify as "Democrats," truly ARE crypto-Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Fascists, Tyrannists, Statists and advocates of Totalitarianism at worst and Authoritarianism at best.

      Since that is undeniably true, these people –– because of their politics –– really DO qualify as Seditionists, Traitors, Moral and Intellectual TERMITES, et al.

      Ergo, from a moral, intellectual, spiritual and psychological standpoint LEFTISTS truly ARE V-E-R-M-I-N.

      I, personally, don't use terms like "Leftard" or "Lefturd," or "Libturd," though I've been known to to use "Libloon"on occasion ;-)

      Also, I try in most venues to restrain myself from calling anyone a "moron," a "psycho," or a "GOD-DAMNED BASTARD,"even when I feel such expletives may be warranted, but in the main I firmly believe it is right, good and proper ALWAYS to call a SPADE s SPADE.

      This does to mean that I do not recognize the sincerity and essentially good moves possessed by many of my political adversaries. Many are very dear friends on a personal level. We just DON'T "talk politics" –– ever. Always a good rule to follow in "Polite Society."

    4. If someone calls me a socialist, Dave, I just say thank you.

      To have FreeThinke(LOL)™ give a lecture on civility is truly ironic.

    5. I do my best not to address you any more than I believe I absolutely have to, Canardo.

      To say I loathe and despise your political beliefs and your habitual snotty, sneering, condescending, unfailingly insolent taunts and sarcastic gibes, which you seem to believe constitute legitimate commentary, would be a vast understatement. Nevertheless, I have made every attempt to bridge the chasm between us whenever a subject arises that we might be able to address intelligently and without rancor.

      YOU on the other hand, except for an occasional show of respect for my admitted musical expertise, have NEVER bothered to respond to ANY of the thousands of perfectly reasonable responses I've tried to make to some of your less insolent commentary in the hope of starting an honest dialogue.

      It NEVER happens, because YOUR stock-in-trade has always been to act as a persistent IRRITANT –– "cheesing off the right wing" –– is the phrase I believe you use to describe your purpose in blighting our blogs with your persistent Defense of the Indefensible and endless attacks on the United States of America and those who love, support, and believe in her as based on our Founder's Vision.

      You are not honest, you are only a Game Player who takes apparent delight in embracing Perversity and Self-Destruction.

      Bearing that in mind why ANYONE should bother to be civil to you –– or any of the growing army of reprobates and imbeciles who think like you –– I cannot imagine.

  3. I am not allowed to use bad words. And I don't see BlueBull's comment. But just to make it clear - I hope his mother crawls out from under the porch and bites him on the leg.


    1. Tammy,

      Please understand that the real Blue Bull is a good friend of mine. He may be a leftist whose opinions we don't admire, but he's not a sneaky, shape-shifting, thuggish, tattling troublemaker who lives primarily to stir up will will among bloggers like this frankly vicious IMPERSONATOR.

      To my way of thinking there is nothing lower than a TROLL who steals someone else's identity with the sole purpose in mind of MISREPRESENTING the targeted person's character and disposition..

      "Lower than Whale Dung" is a phrase that springs easily to mind when attempting to categorize this type of internet nuisance.

    2. FT,
      To my way of thinking there is nothing lower than a TROLL who steals someone else's identity with the sole purpose in mind of MISREPRESENTING the targeted person's character and disposition.

      And there's plenty of it going on all over the blogosphere during this election season. **sigh**

  4. Kid,
    First, she hides who-knows-what stuff in that private, bleachable server. Now she appears to be hiding except for, as you mentioned, completely scripted events. Her versions of stonewalling.

  5. Found this on another blog:
    "The president of the united states cannot build walls, unless we're talking Lego here. Day one, says trump. Even if he could get congress to appropriate at least 2 billion dollars on day one, most of those 2000 miles are private property and as the wall can't physically be built right on a riverbank, 2000 miles of ranches and homesteads and even towns and cities would have to be condemned, environmental studies would have to be done and unless the Fascist Dictator Trump somehow earns a 3rd and 4th term he doesn't have the time. It's questionable as to whether a 20 foot gapless structure could be built at all and whether it could really deter anyone from crossing without stationing soldiers every 20 yards 24 hours a day. I'm getting tired of news nitwits ignoring this point. and tired of Americans who couldn't pass a citizenship or constitution test and ought to know this stuff.
    Now as to rounding up ten or twelve million people on "day one" the physical means do not exist. Would we need 50 or 100 thousand new government employees and the most massive government agency in history?

    It's one thing to dismiss the Liar Trump as an unscrupulous creator of myth, it's another to try to excuse all those supporters who can't do arithmetic and are clueless as to the separation of powers that defines this great country.
    Donald Trump is a con artist. He doesn't have the brains to make America great again.

    1. Where do you think Obama--who has never asked congress for anything after Obamacare was passed--gets the money for all his various schemes?

      Congress appropriates money every year, and federal bureaucracies under Obama have exercised more and more of their own discretion on how to spend it.

      Thanks to the regal precedents Obama has set, President Trump will have no problem starting construction on "day one." He does that for a living, ya know...

    2. Our nation has arrived at a tragic and dangerous place when enforcing existing laws is considered controversial.

    3. This EXACT SAME SET of DISPARAGING REMARKS about Mr. TRUMP was LEFT at MY BLOG EARLIER. Here is what I said about it there:

      I'm sure that scoffers of your depressing, pessimistic, crudely materialistic ilk said the same sort of thing about Intelligent Use of Fire, the beginning of Stone, then Bronze tools, the Pyramids, Stonehenge, the Acropolis, the Aquaducts, the Appian Way, Brunoleschi's Dome, the Great Wall of China, Hadrian's Wall, the Gothic Cathedrals, the Suspension Bridges, the Tunnels beneath urban Rivers, the Eiffel Tower, the Erie Canal, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, the Cotton Gin, the Steam Engine, the Sewing Machine, the Telegraph, the Radio, the Telephone, Electrical Light, Automobiles, Flight, Motion Pictures, Television, Space Exploration, and all the rest of it.

      You, Sir or Madam, –– whatever the case may be ––, are a modern-day equivalent of those who scorned the enlightened thinking of Semmelweiss and drove him into madness and beggary.

      YOU are COMMON, and like most vulgar peasants, smug, petit-Bourgeoie Philistines, narrow-minded Prigs, opinionated Fools, and other members of the Madding Crowd, YOU are nothing more than a suppurating Boil on the Butt of Society who might better be described as a Pimple of the Prick of Progress

      Let's stop pretending there is any need to be POLITE to these TERMITES who ceaselessly eat away at the foundations of our sacred LIBERTY.

      How I wish Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys were with us today!

  6. The comments made by A LIBERAL ON THIS FACEBOOK who shared Occupy Democrats's post. sAYING THE FOLLOWING!
    "This is sad. WTF is wrong with you people with guns? I bet in a fire fight you shit your pants, but to shoot an unarmed person is easy! Sad really sad."
    In a case in a rising trend of African-Americans losing their lives over nothing, a man in Las Vegas has been fatally shot. Mohammed Robinson, 31-year-old father of two, got into an altercation with a woman at a McDonalds for apparently failing to hear her request to hold the door open for her.The woman then complained to her male companion, who promptly drew his weapon and shot Robinson dead. He leaves behind a girlfriend and his fourteen-year-old daughter, who cannot comprehend why her father has been suddenly taken from her. “My dad would open the door and hold it for the lady but he probably didn’t hear her. I love him. I wish he was still here” mourned Miniya Sampson.
    Its clear that racial relations in the United States are in a very bad place, and that the conversation that people of color like Beyonce and Colin Kaepernick is more critical than ever.

    1. What we have is a collapse of morals and civility. Back before all the social programs, "You don't work--You don't eat," was an iron law. It motivated men and women to be responsible.

      Now, our government subsidizes stupidity and irresponsibility, so we reap and abundant harvest of it.

      A sub-class of this is the millions of violent, feral hogs roaming our nation, answerable to nobody. But they are just playing out what they see Hollywood celebutards doing, only on a more guttural level.

      Leftwing progs in this country failed to learn the same lesson Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld ignored in Iraq: If you're going to knock something down, be it a government regime or a fairly homogeneous culture of shared values and mores, you better build something in its place, or you get chaos.

      Welcome to the Progressive State of Amreeka.

    2. “When we take away from a man his traditional way of life, his customs, his religion, we had better make certain to replace it with something of value."
      -- Robert Ruark

    3. Just put CANARDO in charge. HE will make sure our mad headlong dash to EXTINCTION is accelerated to the nth degree.

      REJOICE and BE GLAD, because when THE END arrives, we won't have to worry about ANYTHING ANYMORE –– EVER AGAIN.

      No more HUNGER. No more PAIN. No more SEX. No more WORK. No more LOVE. No more DREAMS, No more ART. No more MUSIC. No more LITERATURE. No more ARGUMENTATION. No more ACHIEVEMENT. No more JOY. No more Hope. No more ANYTHING.

      " ... I'm tired of fields and flowers,
      And Men who laugh and weep,
      Desires and Dreams and Powers,
      And everything but Sleep."

      ! Samuel Taylor Coleridge - excerpt from The Garden of Proserpine

    4. It's said they also banned long hair; mini-skirts; Sophocles; Tolstoy; Euripides; military toasts; labor strikes; Aristophanes; Ionesco; Godard; Sartre; Albee; Pinter; freedom of the press; sociology; Beckett; Dostoyevsky; 12 tone music; the new mathematics; and the letter "Z", which in ancient Greek means "He is alive!"
      --- Costa-Gavras

      Always makes me think of you, NotSoFreeThinke but Trump will do.

  7. Kid exposes a major weakness of the conservative right. In many instances, their critique of HRC is accurate. As both Ducky and I have pointed out many times, she is a deeply flawed candidate and many on the left abhor her and her policies.

    The simple fact that Paul Wolfowitz, cheerleader for the Bush invasion of Iraq, is supporting her should be enough to DQ her from serious left leaning consideration.

    But the language used by many on the right, and Kid is nowhere near the worst, is not language that brings people to the conservative side. It is language designed to denigrate in a very base way. And it is driving people who might otherwise gravitate to the cause to consider why they would want to associate with people who cannot discuss an issue with swearing or calling people names.

    AOW said above that BlueBull [or his imposter] needed to get some manners. The same can be said here for many on the right, Donald Trump included.

    Manners is not political correctness. Manners are what our parents and grandparents taught us about how to communicate with others.

  8. The Left has trampled the Right into being rude. Fighting fire with fire.

    Kid is a friend of mine. Just sayin'.

  9. The right wasn't trampled into being rude by anyone but itself.

    Are you trying to hold the left responsible for the likes of (m)Ann Coulter, Rush the Vulgar Gasbag, Bill O'Really and their like.

    What the right has not been able to do is take responsibility for its role in creating the current environment.

  10. Here is a secret videotape of the FBI interrogating Hillary Clinton on the subject of classified material on her private e-mail server...

    1. If only Hillary really WERE a girl, instead of vicious, valueless, venal, vampirish virago, we might be able to conjure up a modicum of confidence in her. But Alas! She is not.

      The Lesbian Vampires of Sodom of movie fame seem like models of virtue and good deportment in comparison to The Thing from Illinois.

    2. Watch closely, Huma has a cameo role in Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama .

  11. Duck,
    There were a few of those outspoken persons on the Right.

    But most on the Right were being polite and got trampled.



    adjective - derogatory

    making a show of being morally superior to others people.

    "What happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?"

    synonyms: self-righteous, holier-than-thou, pious, pietistic, churchy, moralizing, preachy, smug, superior, priggish, hypocritical, insincere; goody-goody, goody-two-shoes, etc.

    Now to whom do you think this term might best apply on this page?

    SMARMY is another, similar term that easily came to mind in this particular case

  13. Really AOW? Are you saying that people on the right are not personally responsible for their own actions?

    Everyone knows a majority of Christians in the US reside on the right side of the political continuum... How do they square their treatment of others with Jesus words to love your enemies?

    Jesus himself, who Freethinke likes to put forth as an example to live by, allowed himself to be trampled to the cross, and then we were called to do the same.

    I realize Kid is a friend of yours... but he makes his/her own choices... and the choice Kid frequently makes is to insult, vilify and use language that when used by people on the left on your blog, gets deleted.

  14. Really AOW? Are you saying that people on the right are not personally responsible for their own actions?

    Everyone knows a majority of Christians in the US reside on the right side of the political continuum... How do they square their treatment of others with Jesus words to love your enemies?

    Jesus himself, who Freethinke likes to put forth as an example to live by, allowed himself to be trampled to the cross, and then we were called to do the same.

    I realize Kid is a friend of yours... but he makes his/her own choices... and the choice Kid frequently makes is to insult, vilify and use language that when used by people on the left on your blog, gets deleted.


  15. There is much to dislike about Trumps latest address and his trip to Mexico and the fallout from his Hispanic advisors.But now I feel that there is even more to dislike about Hillary.

    I listened to my pastor speaking last Sundsy and even he was disbarred with Hillary. He felt it was important for him to have faith and hope in Trimp, than with Hillsry... Ss an evangelical he could influence and maybe push Trump in a more compassionate direction. What struck me was what that he as a leader said... Hillary has no group/council dedicated to evangelicals. She is not speaking to anyone in that camp.

    I for one find that, if true to be very depressing. She has no outreach into the largest faith group in the US?

    The way Hillaru has acted, and has avoided any press conferees, or interviews is horrible. But at the heart of what she is saying is this...im leading do I just ain't honna answer any questions about mutiny. Shouldn't our view of someone that says that be , then we just ain't gonna vote for you .... period.

    I realize that she has a lot to hide but is that pretty offensive to people!
    But that means our voices are not being heard, and she don't give a damn about the people. Hillary just don't care about us "little people"

  16. There will, sadly, always be some so stupid that they'll vote for the Republiscumbag aka Trump, no matter what. They've been trained by the right wing bubble to respond mindlessly. Luckily, that generation is on the downhill and the demographics of our nation are favorable for finally bringing us out of the darkness brought about by right wing idiots for the past 40 years and into a new, progressive future.
    PS a note to Free Thinke, I certainly am NOT a "Friend" of yours!!!!
    Perhaps there are two people with this name, but I got one star not any friend of yours, you can count on that.

    1. The above was written by Bluebull NOT Blue bull. (One word)

    2. Documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveal that Hillary Clinton told the agency she could not recall all of the briefings she received on preserving sensitive materials during her transition out of her job as Secretary of State after a concussion she sustained in 2012.

    3. Luke,
      Thank you for brining up the matter of today's documents dump. I've managed to read up a bit on the topic this evening. Pretty damning stuff!

    4. Even the WaPo isn't ignoring today's documents dump. Wow.

  17. Dave,
    I plan to answer you. But my answer will have to wait. Schedule conflict at the moment.

  18. Dave and Ducky, dragging the thread into the logical fallacy swamps and bogs of hasty generalizations, package-deals, and association fallacies.

    Dave: Speaking of Christianity, Christians living in Democrat Glass Houses of sexual libertinism, abortion, blasphemy and gleeful trampling and lampooning of all things Christian should not throw stones.

    Read FT's post on sanctimony, then put it in your hopium hookah and smoke it.

    You and Ducky's digressions are time-wasting brain-sucks.

  19. @ Luke,

    "Documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveal that Hillary Clinton told the agency she could not recall all of the briefings she received on preserving sensitive materials during her transition out of her job as Secretary of State after a concussion she sustained in 2012."

    Which is it:

    1)She is lying to keep from being indited

    2) She is suffering from early Alzheimer's

    My question to the Left: Which of these attributes makes the most sense to support her?

  20. Hilary KEEPS stealing money by the Millions with her phony Charity, keeps getting found out about lie after lie, keeps getting caught by the FBI in her email scandals, and is falling, tripping, hiding her pea-bag, and her bad health from the people, and Shaw keeps posting pictures of Trumps Hair. Good Job Shaw, your really on it ain't you?
    What a Dirt Bag SHE is!

  21. Replies
    1. Arguments from "convenience" can be identified by their audiences... she certainly wouldn't plead ignorance due to a bump on the head to voters, yet to the FBI it becomes "exculpatory".

    2. FJ,
      I posted the original video at Infidel Bloggers Alliance and will add the one you linked to as well.

  22. Hillary Clinton is a millionaire, but she can’t afford a change of clothes to visit Cincinnati?

    Photos and video show Clinton has worn the exact same outfit for her last three trips to the Ohio city.
    Or could it be that she NEEDS these pant suits to hide the Pee-bag that she has taped to her leg?

  23. Doses' anyone ever wonder why the fact thst Hillary Clinton is a millionaire, but she can’t afford a change of clothes to visit Cincinnati?

    Photos and video show Clinton has worn the exact same outfit for her last three trips to the Ohio city.
    Or could it be that she NEEDS these pant suits to hide the Pee-bag that she has taped to her leg?

  24. Trump's Presidential Summit in Mexico Dispels Hillary's Baseless, Negative Attacks on His Character and Temperament!As the Mexican President agrees that Trump's border security plan is the right thing to do! Even the protesters who waved Mexican flags and shouted obscenities outside Trump rallies in the U.S. were happey about the meeting of the two.
    But Crooked Hillary didn't see this coming. Perhaps she was too busy deleting emails. And prompting her dumbass daughter Chealsea on what to say to the press as she takes a bite of the bullet for Dear Old Mom. Do I dare conjure up the certain old wind-bag ultra- Progressive Liberal blogging troll who posts all over the place under various factious names... names and watch them gloat with glee over this? Nah, she's not worth mentioning. Besides that, doing seances is evil. And she's to busy deleting the comment tat are made by people other than her usual Gang of Progressive Idiots

  25. I rather enjoy watching the left wing sillies make fools of themselves. If Mr. Trump gets elected, it will be amusing to see the Democrats so terribly upset for the next four years.

    Dahlings, you do know that the Democrats are having what is known as a "meltdown" for another reason, too....Mexican President Nieto and Mr. Trump both agreed that a wall is legal. And it is true that building a wall, my dears, is legal. What's interesting is that Mr. Trump Will make sure Mexico will pay for building it while she sits back and hides from the Ptess and let's her dumbass Daughter take the blame for her stupidness and her unqualified inability .Hillary thinks that everything is quite amusing. But it's actually quite idiotic. But the bias press let's her get away with everything . Why?

  26. What those commenters who support Secretary Clinton and who come to Shaws blog to read her blog already know Hillsry's lies, cover-ups, and failures; and according to the polls, so do the American people who support her ahead of Donald Trump. That there are so many Americans who support Trump is more than disturbing, it's a wake-up call to everyone who cares about our country that so many of our fellow countrymen and women can be so easily duped by a demagogue and a con man.
    It's already well known that Hillary is not the best of choices in America, but she is not as bad as dTrump is by any means. . Are we to vote for Hillsry and hold our nose's or vote for a TV reality showman?

  27. it must be killing hillary that trump is wandering into her black territory

  28. According to an Arabic-language researcher, Walid Shoebat, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, is at the forefront of a plan to organize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state. Apparently a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy is what has specifically pointed out Abedin’s involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood and this mobilization.

    Abedin was an assistant editor for twelve years for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. This institute was founded by her father and is currently directed by her mother. The organization is backed by the Muslim World League, which is an Islamic organization located in Mecca that was founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

  29. Dave,
    Jesus himself...allowed himself to be trampled to the cross...

    In order to bring about the prophesied plan of salvation.

    Yes, our Lord called His followers to be meek -- at times. Not always, though.

    Let us remember that our Lord drove the money changers out of the temple (What were His words at that time?). He also called the Pharisees "vipers." Remember what the connotations of that term were at that time. The Pharisees believed themselves to be the pinnacles of righteousness. They weren't, of course.

    the choice Kid frequently makes is to insult, vilify and use language that when used by people on the left on your blog, gets deleted

    My blog, my property, my rules. Whom I allow to visit my house (my blog) is my choice. Period.

  30. SF,
    You and Ducky's digressions are time-wasting brain-sucks.

    I'll say!

  31. FT,
    synonyms: self-righteous, holier-than-thou, pious, pietistic, churchy, moralizing, preachy, smug, superior, priggish, hypocritical, insincere; goody-goody, goody-two-shoes, etc.

    Now to whom do you think this term might best apply on this page?

    SMARMY is another, similar term that easily came to mind in this particular case.

    Also, UNCTUOUS: adjective

    characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug

  32. As each day goes by the polls are getting closer and closer . Either Hillary is slipping or Trump is getting stronger, it both. But as I see it Hillary is still going to win unless Assange actually has something that is really very damaging. If you notice, Trump rising because he has finally got it, and thus Hillary is falling. Trump has softened up his speeches, and he has shown the voters that he can be Presedential. That leaves to many voters to swing the election one way or the other. To many people are proclaiming that "both are so bad, but I don't really think that they will vote for neither. Also if Assange does have something as he claims, Clinton will be buried.
    And we will have a Ptesident sho will Make America Great again, and I believe that.
    Remember, even though to most people 2 + 2= 4, the left is still able to deflect what is patently obvious by demanding absolute proof, then smugly claiming it is a rightwing conspiracy as they insist they don't have to do the math to prove our point for us. But, if Assange has that proof, the Clinton house of cards will collapse almost instantly. The lefties will rither run for the door, or they will do as I expect and replace her with either Sanders or Biden.
    Now that is a hell of a thing, putting your hopes on a hacker, if I do say so myself. But it is what it is, and I tend to believe that the timing of the Assange release was done purposely, (if there is actually a release coming around the 1st debate as has been reported) to make it almost impossible for the Democrats to replace Hillary unless with Kane. The smart money says that if he has a bunch of something, the most damning stuff won't be released until before the 3rd debate to bury her, and the 1st dump is just going to be to prove she is in a world of poo-poo, but keep her in the race until it is to late!


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