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Friday, August 19, 2016

From The Defies-Description Files

Howard Dean: ‘I Don’t Consider Iran to Be a Muslim Country’.


Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean told Breitbart News that “Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic” and that Iran is not “a Muslim country.” Read the rest HERE.


  1. And he is the one who blasts Trump constantly on MSNBC Morning Joe regarding Trumps lack of understanding of foreign affairs.

  2. Howard Dean proves himself a racist anti-Semite with his comments. Since Iranians are "Persians" and not "filthy Arabs", they must not be Muslims.

  3. Intelligence on a level with Debby Wasserperson Schulz.

  4. Replies
    1. FJ,
      Apparently he doesn't have a clue.

      Excellent link, my friend.

  5. So Iran is not an Islamic republic, eh?

    Well, I'm here to tell you that DENIAL is not a river un Egypt either. So there!

  6. Fits well with the perception of many who don't consider Howard Dean to be a sane, rational individual.

  7. Sounds as if Dean is a Saudi sympathizer.

    Saudi Arabia certainly has better PR.


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