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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nincompoopery — And Worse

(Weekend roundup post.   For the definition of nincompoop, see THIS in the Urban Dictionary. Commenters are encouraged to post links that tell of more nincompoopery)

Links to read (more possibly added as the weekend progresses):

Lien Placed On Mayor Nutter’s Home For Failure To Pay PGW Bill

Federal Reserve: $9T Missing – Off Balance Sheet, $1T to Someone – Inspector General Clueless

Lenders seek court actions against homeowners years after foreclosure [In debt forever?]

IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address

78% of Muslims in UK think anyone who insults Islam should be punished to the fullest extent of the law

Chicago Veteran Has Antique Guns Confiscated After Visit to Grief Counselor (Video)

Mosques Are Off-Limits To Obama’s Snooping

[San Francisco International] Airport’s garage now Muslim house of worship

Boy Suspended for Pop-Tart 'Gun' Loses Appeal to Have Record Expunged

Chicagoan ordered to get help after 396 arrests

Sesame Street To Teach Kids About When Mommy Or Daddy Goes To Jail

U.N. Islamic Bloc Slams Human Rights Council For Violating Sharia Law With Resolution On Eliminating Violence Against Women

With thanks for FreeThinke for the links below:

Manscara or guyliner anyone? Tom Ford to launch a range of slap for chaps

Chelsea Clinton Laments: My Great Grandmother Did Not Have Access to Planned Parenthood


  1. Veteran gun confiscation is the current liberal "cause du juor"... they think that the suicide rate is too high. They are beginning to mandate that psychologists ascertain if the veteran has guns in their "confidential" counselling sessions so that they can be confiscated if he gets "depressed".

    Just like lawyers are now going after secret NSA tapes to absolve their murder clients...

  2. The abortionists have long argued for a privacy right in the Constitution. I'm beginning to believe them.

  3. Each week the news gets more grim. Just when one thinks it can't get any worse....

  4. Unreal. You just can't make this stuff up.

  5. Now, frankly the Grayson video in the missing $9t leaves me underwhelmed.
    Google missing 9 trillion and every link goes back to that video.
    And Grayson seemed grandstandy there as he asks her questions she has not the authority to investigate. Not her fault.
    Is $9T really missing.
    I don't know.
    And I'm no fan of the Fed or Obama and I despise Grayson.

  6. Can anyne find ANtIDOTES to stuff of this nature? It's ALL we seem to hear about anymore?

    Have Faith in God and the Desire to Do Good lost all power and credibility?

    Do these inanities, absurdities and atrocities now make up a majority in all we think and do?

    After all, food still gets produced and delivered to the markets, and people are still eating, aren't they?

    Most people still have a roof over their head, don't they?

    And it's still possible that Hillary Clinton, her priapic consort, and their wretched spawn may get a disease and die before they can do any further harm, isn't it?

    Think cheerful thoughts. It's better for our mental health. };-)>

  7. FT,
    I typically post an antidote every Sunday.

    Saturday is the weekly reality check. **sigh**

  8. Don't look at me for the antidote... I'm waiting for Godot.

  9. Thersites,
    We do seem to be living in the Age of Absurdism in many, many ways.

  10. @FT --- Have Faith in God and the Desire to Do Good lost all power and credibility?

    Saw this at the office today

    These guys were praying for a profoundly disabled man and this wasn't jive.

    I watched them for some time and though about talking to them afterwords about their ministry. I regret not doing that.

    Who knows. It was quite moving.

  11. Here's a candidate for your list:

    NAACP President offers bizarre reason for abolishing Voter ID laws: Transgenders

  12. Thanks, Jim!

    I'm going to use that link at the very top of next week's "Nincompoopery" post.

  13. Not finished with all the links yet, but I have to add this first.

    My cousin- who are fiscal conservatives (they're old adults)- saw that gun articel, and to my shock, agreed with the police. The guy was a danger, blahblahblah. I pointed out that the therapist had said she didn't think he was a danger- she ignored that fact and forgot it. I had shown it for the simple fact that psychiatrists can't be trusted. I didn't expect that.

    On guns, everyone seems to hate them now. Even conservatives. People are more than a little afraid of them, and fear leads to hatred as I always say. Given this, the police thing does NOT surprise me, only sickens me. There is a much deeper rooted issue there.


    Finished now. Absurdity, one and all! Though I think FT found the CAKE of idiotisy. 1) Why can't guys just wear girls makeup if they must? 2) GRARGH! Fist off, the stupidity of saying you wish you were never born. Second, when the hell will liberals wake up... abortions only cause grief! (with except to rape/etc)


  14. Anyone else tired of the race bating? And how about this thing with Paula Deen getting fired because she dared to us the “N” word 30 years ago! Love her or not, this whole thing is ridiculous. She told the truth, she apologized, and that should do it. She didńt commit a heinous crime, and raising censorship to this level is very dangerous. All she did was express her free speech. Or doesn’t Free Speech exist anymore since the Obama’s took over this country!
    And dońt forget that Hillary Clinton let four men die in Benghazi and she wants to be the next President of these United States.
    Susan Rice can lie five different times on national tv and get a job promotion. Bill Clinton can lie by declaring what the meaning of is, is.
    Compare this to Benghazi, Fast and Furious arm-dealing, America killing othe World Leaders, or IRS intimidation or any of the other REAL scandals that are a daily occurrence from the Obama administration, this is nothing!
    As far as I know, Paula Deen has never Spit in anyone’s food as Jessie Jackson did to White People when he worked behind a lunch counter.
    I dońt really care if Paula Deen is a racist or not, but I believe in her right to say whatever she wants to.
    The very idea that in this country with our first amendment that we have all the right in the world to say the dreaded "N-word", "F-word",or any other word. That is the whole purpose of the first amendment. So people could say things that may annoy, insult, hurt, or Piss Off other people. That is the whole purpose of it.
    Further more I think everyone should support Paula Deen...not because she deserves supporting but because it́s time to put an end to this freaken double standard. Like her or not, this whole thing is ridiculous. She told the truth, she apologized, and that should do it. She didńt commit a heinous crime, and raising censorship to this level is very dangerous. I never heard of a Rapper being fired for the disgusting language they use about whites! They not only use racist language in their stupid rap songs but even rap about murdering policemen.

  15. Wildstar,
    Glad to see you commenting again! Please visit again.

    The elderly man who was, according to the mental health professionals, no danger yet had his firearms confiscated is an example of trying to prevent a crime before it happens. Not surprisingly, our justice system typically doesn't allow pre-crime prevention because that kind of operating procedure is illegal and unconstitutional. It is Orwellian to have legal intervention because someone MIGHT do something.

  16. I.M.H.O.,
    Thank you for visiting and commenting.

    Compare this [persecution of Paula Deen] to Benghazi, Fast and Furious arm-dealing, America killing othe World Leaders, or IRS intimidation or any of the other REAL scandals that are a daily occurrence from the Obama administration.

    Political correctness has run amok, and the story such as that of Paula Deen is an engineered distraction from real news stories. **sigh**


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