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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Another Pandemic Coming?

(hat tip to The Misinformation Spreaders Gazette for the Twitter embed below)

According to Joe Biden, another pandemic looms, and more money is needed:
And that money is needed to vaccinate young children and adults, too — never mind the contraindications for doing so. See THIS and THIS, for example.***** 

 Personal observation: I am one of those individuals suffering long-term respiratory problems apparently caused by just one J&J injection. When I mentioned these problems to my primary care doctor yesterday, he did not dispute what I said but, instead, nodded his head. Hmmmmm....


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))June 22, 2022 at 6:33:00 AM CDT

    "Mr. President, how will your administration prepare for the next pandemic and vaccinate against the unknown cause of that next pandemic? Will you be giving Admiral Rachel Levine the tools he needs to keep monkey pox from jumping the species gap and affecting heterosexuals?"

    1. For confirmed cases in the UK, where gender information was available, 758 (99%) confirmed cases were male, with 5 confirmed female cases. The median age of confirmed cases in the UK was 37 years (interquartile range 31-43).

      We wouldn't want to "stigmatize" people by describing the "disease vectors", would we beamish...?


    2. How many hundreds of billions did CDC divert from Cancer Research to spend on AIDS Research, Beamish? I forget. Did they ever find the cure... or did they do like Covid and just figure out ways of infinitely prolonging the plague so that more money could be spent on "staving off" inevitable deaths?



    3. We wouldn't want to "stigmatize" people by describing the "disease vectors", would we beamish...?

      Because stigmatization is so much worse than dying from self-inflicted feces in the larynx.

    4. Oooops! Problem SOLVED! We're not going to stigmatize monkey's anymore. :)


    5. "Monkey Pox" is now MPXV.

    6. (((Thought Criminal)))June 23, 2022 at 3:41:00 PM CDT

      Why not "Brave Struggle of Courage Pox?" "Fabulous Pox?" "LGBTQ Plus-itis?" "Yas Queen Syndrome?"

    7. (((Thought Criminal)))June 23, 2022 at 3:43:00 PM CDT

      "The Lisping Blisters?"

    8. Who knew that a simple "re-branding" would solve it? Madison Venue wizardry wins again,

  2. Governments at all levels, the government school industry, and other preferred recipients are still a wash in covid cash sloshing around, because they haven't figured out how to spread it around for the biggest political benefit yet.

    Denver county has just announced they have 150 million they need to try to spend somewhere, and they're asking for public input. Government needs to stop. Just stop.

    1. Look, they need to keep printing money to keep the corporate stock market from crashing and people from seeing all their 401k values vanish into "inflation payments" on the national debt. Jes sayin'...


    2. Of course we could all go along with the government sponsored corporate media constructed hyper-reality and pretend that we really DO need to print more national debt to prepare for the next "plague"...


    3. I'd prefer we just spent it all on preparing fixed Maginot-style defenses for the coming Martian Invasion... but then again, I'm sure that our government/ corporate overlords see them as a future "cheap labour" source for their ever-expanding corporate economy... so of course, they wouldn't do that. ;)


    4. But seriously, until these $9 trillion are sold as interest bearing T-bonds, I wouldn't give the federal government authorization to spend or "print" another dime.


  3. If this fool wants more money then he can 1)stop the illegals from coming in, 2)stop sending money and free stuff to foreign countries, 3)open energy in the USA, and 4)shut down government handout programs

  4. ...The published evidence is conclusive that the risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19 in children is almost nil (statistical zero) and this evidence has accumulated for well over a year now; in fact we knew this for over 18 months. It is clear that children are at very low risk of spreading the infection to other children, of spreading to adults as seen in household transmission studies, or of taking it home or becoming ill, or dying, and this is settled scientific global evidence....

    The above has internal links. Go HERE.

    1. Inoculating children under 5 for Covid is the new regime loyalty test... it causes far more harm than good and only parents who are thoroughly brainwashed will comply.


    2. FJ,
      But will one or more COVID vaccines be required for admission to school?

    3. At that age... "school" is an "excess" of "education", IMO.

    4. As for the rest, opting out of a "public education" would likely be a blessing until someone brings its' curriculum back to centering upon the trivium/ quadrivium again.


    5. Meanwhile in the UK, the Covid vaccine damages payments begin...


    6. The victims of US/ CDC malfeasance will receive.... nothing.


  5. Of course there will be another pandemic. There always will be. The west's arrogance in the early days of covid was a mistake which it would be unforgivable to repeat.

    1. It's pretty obvious that no lessons were learned, jez. Inoculating <5 year olds? Please. Where's the "science"?


  6. I think this is all double speak and lies to keep Americans in fear so the government can have more control over us. It is never enough control the powers at be want more.


  7. So Today the Reason for the High Gas Prices is the Gas Companies Fault, Yesterday it was the fault of PUTIN, and before then it was Trump’s Fault. Gee, I can’t wait until tomorrow to see who’s fault it is then!

    Hey Joey! What is required for PRICES TO COME DOWN is a total change in direction on YOUR energy policy, you need to get away from mandates and restore customer choice to start RE-DRILLING and free competition.
    Anyone with a brain already Knows that. And NOT putting the blame on the Oil and Gas Companies , or as you say “The Former President, or Putin’s War!

    But Poopeypants refuses the permits for drilling, because it might endanger the Snow Owls.

  8. The parents who went ahead and offered up their 6 month old babies for the trials should be locked up for child abuse. That is what it is.- and as I recall the trials only showed some activity with the shot. No information if it caused any effect in getting the virus or not.

    1. "Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all." -Voltaire

      "The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." -Voltaire

      "It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong." -Voltaire

  9. Excellent observations Bunker - I totally agree.


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