Silverfiddle Rant! |
The problem with the Infotainment Media Complex is that it deals in outrage and soundbites for indoctrinated patsies.
Life is complicated and full of contradictions--the world is a complex and confusing place. The issues we face as individuals, as families, societies and as a nation cannot be addressed with soundbites and cartoonish blather.
Here in the Real World
The emotional sorority girl types on the left--who think they are so smart and all that despite the fact they have no real-world experience--have dusted off the Bush-Cheney era chickenhawk "with us or against us" taunts and cleverly turned them back on their former tormenters.
As Rod Dreher observes, the Americans (prog and con) spewing overheated, id-twitch rhetoric (from the comfy confines of western luxury) lack a
"Tragic Sense," just like the rightwing warhawks of a generation ago.
Have any of the pontificators--left, right or whatever--ever lived in the real world? Hell, I bet none of them have even been in a fistfight. Have any of them had to deal with difficult or even dangerous people? In the real world, nations and people have to negotiate and compromise with bad people, including predatory landlords, neighborhood bullies, creepy gropers, and the criminals and drug users down the street.
Cable TV as Emotional Therapy
The Progressive blathersphere is jumping around and hooting like rabid shitgibbons over propaganda video of Mike Pompeo's "praise" of Vladimir Putin. Of course, none of the Pavlovian fools bothered to go watch the whole interview.
This simple-minded Two Minutes Hate is an anti-intellectual rape of reason, and it discourages in-depth, frank discussions of the facts before us.
Starting at the 13:00 minute mark, Pompeo deprecates and refutes Putin's fanciful atavistic dreams and goes on to make a clear and forceful case for how and why the west must frustrate Putin's military aggression.
Q & A
The infamous "praise" come at the 26 minute mark. The tastemakers driving the leftwing outrage machine purposely omit Kazianis' question that sparked the answer
Kazianis: "Do you consider Vladimir Putin a shrewd or reckless leader overall?"
As we now know, Pompeo commits treason by calling Putin smart and shrewd (He has made similar comments in the past. Vlad's craftiness is no news to intelligence analysts).
A quick logic lesson for the pinheads calling this praise:
1. A thing cannot be two mutually-exclusive things at once. Hot and cold for example.
2. Conversely, a person can be both evil and smart. They are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, stupid evil people usually don't enjoy Vlad's longevity.
If you can't make honest assessments of the threats around you, you cannot safely navigate them. My advice? Don't be a willing patsy. Stay away from the Red Team - Blue Team outrage bullhorns. If you must indulge in Tucker or Colbert, take it with a grain of salt, do your own research and think for yourself.