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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Saturday Music: What Happened to Us?

Silverfiddle Rant!

Thanks to our good and erudite friend Farmer, I just became aware of this song and video, produced during the second or third covid panic wave, depending on how you reckon it...

Damn shame it didn't catch on.  

I'd love to see a similar effort going after the Canadian government for bravely supporting protests in other nations, while punishing protesters in Canada by taking away their livlihoods.  

Our "leaders" stink, and the people know it.  Please crank it up and enjoy "Jesus... What happened to us" by Five Times August...


  1. Oh, wow I loved this post! Thank you and that song is so true and it did not catch on I am sure because so many hate the name of Jesus and so many are just followers and are afraid to change and too stupid to know the difference.

    1. Thank Farmer. He brought it to our attention!

    2. Don't thank me, thank Him. 5xA used to be a lot more mellow and less cynical... but has been getting more and more "radicalized" as time progresses.

    3. Damn... what a great song. That guys is talented in many ways.

    4. Well thank you Farmer and you to SF you posted it! :)

  2. I like it. Particularly, "Keep staring at your smartphone, get dumber every week."

  3. Five Times August has a lot of great music. You can support him at Amazon, Spotify, and Apple Music if you're so inclined. I stick to the free YouTube stuff myself. This one's my favorite Five Times August song.

    1. I putting that up for my Sunday blog with a hat tip to you! :)

    2. Joe,
      This one's my favorite Five Times August song.

      "Sad Little Man" is quite brilliant!

  4. He's got a few of them. Played'em on my show.

    1. Ed did you put them on YouTube? I also follow you there.

  5. I just pulled back my Musical Interlude post for today so as to give the music/video posted here a front-and-center position.

    1. She tells me; "Yes, probably next Sunday. That's the plan."

    2. Apologies for pulling the trigger without consulting the Editor and her editorial board.

    3. This is really awesome AOW! I absolutely love it!


      That is AOW Warren!

  6. @ SF
    Editor replies:
    "What the hell is that all about?" :)

    Duh Board
    P.S. Now, first I take inventory of my fingers and then I must go and cut up numerous cardboard boxes to fit in recycle bin, then another finger inventory.

  7. I love coming here there are always laughs to be had and sarcasm in jest and good jokes. Thanks for making me always feel better!

    1. Its a great and heterodox group of nice folks here. I'm glad you decided to join us.


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