The hypocrisy of the left, them blaming Tucker Carlson for exposing biolabs infuriates me. This country is going downhill fast under this administration, and I shudder to think what we will look like in 2024. We already appear weak and a banana republic to the world.
What gets me is, the infotainment media complex cannot even give us the simple straight facts. They attack Tulsi gabbard Carlson and others and accuse them of spreading lies about these labs. The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine. That state department lady newland said so in congressional testimony. When you drill down, what they are really attacking Carlson and gabbard for is that the accusation is they are making a baseless claim that the US was involved in the labs. Right now, we don't know who was involved.
The infotainment media complex only makes us dumber, and it has us at each other's throats, and I think it's intentional
Yes, CI, but without information how are we to know where one ends and the other begins? It doesn't bode well that the CDC seems to be going through back channels to fund research banned inside the US.
You take the information at hand, along with the international agreements these labs were in conjunction with [of which there is quite a bit].....or you ask your elected representative for an investigation.
Or I suppose the third alternative is to latch onto media sock puppets peddling the narrative of your choice. Seems to be the thing to do these days.
Nuland expressed extreme concern at the possibility Russia could get their hands on the material in those labs.
We don't know what's in them or who has or has not funded them.
Gabbard was not way out there in her statement, although she did get over her skis a little and ended up clarifying her comments.
Meanwhile, the Infotainment Media Complex has gone full praetorian guard and attaking Gabbard and anyone else who questions the party line. What a good, responsible press would do would be to leave the personal attacks to partisan attack dogs and go do some shoe leather research to find and bring us the truth, or at least some facts.
"The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine."
Those trees are keeping you from seeing again. It's about motive man, motive.
I'm sure you meant "in" rather than "and" as even I would agree with you that there really is a Ukraine.
But I'm really sure the existence isn't the point but rather how the right wing pro-Putin media is eating out of Putin's hands by spinning it as U.S. operations, ownership, or involvement.
Think Gabbard just flubbed up a bit with "25 U.S. funded biolabs"? And long time Putin supporting and Ukraine bashing Tucker Carson wasn't presenting a sales pitch with "special military operation mopping up traces of military biological program under development in Ukraine, financed by the U.S. Defense Ministry.” ?
How about on March 9 when Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit linked a video of the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation telling the U.S. that Russia has “found your biological weapons”. This was a day after he posted China’s claim that there are “26 US biological labs in Ukraine alone”.
On 3/9, QAnon bigwig Ron Watkins shares an EpochTimes Telegram post asking if Kamala Harris will “negotiate the cover up of the US Biolabs in Ukraine.”
It would seem that if you follow the Putin/China/Qanon/Fox News/ rinse-repeat feedback loop of the biolab conspiracy of linking the biolabs to some U.S. intent, that should speak volumes.
Not enough? Don't want to do that? Meh? Okay, how about the multiple factcheckers?
No deal? Factcheckers fake news? Okay, waddabout Clint Watts, a Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University dude who put it “They create a situation where they go to a populist audience, push out talking points, get the audience primed and make it true later.”
Benghazi anyone?
Naw, that guy's a MSNBC contributor so scratch that.
To lift a quote from former GOP strategist Rick Wilson who was speaking about blaming Biden in general for Ukraine, "GOP leaders don’t care about reality; their audience doesn’t care about the truth, and their political media apparatus always stays on message".
And once again, I don't know where all this rinse-repeat (latest praise for us smart kids, like it?) for this "Infotainment Media Complex" is you speak of. I'm sure Lemon and Maddow and Dailykoes and MediaMatters are all over it put that's what they do. And your regular op eds are going to point out these inaccuracies and how Gabbard and Tucker are pissing down are necks and telling us it's raining.
But yeah, I guess it's just them damn indoctrinated partisan red team/blue team guys going nuts because, well, "The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine". So there!
Ronald, your comments here reveal the core of what has gone wrong with our discourse. You proceed as if I claim there are US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. I made no such claim. You engage in red team-blue team sniping, partisan point scoring (poorly executed) and (ridiculously inept) hissy slap fights that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.
You're in the MSNBC bubble, so I don't blame you, but I do blame serious, responsible news outlets for failing to cut through this BS and simply bring us some facts and context.
I don't blame Maddow, Carlson and the other infotainment bloviators for scoring political points and slamming the other side--its how they make their bones.
I do believe their style is destructive to our dialog and corrosive to our society.
The Infotainment Media Complex would be a collapsed, broken down wreck without a steady, belching stream of lies and dark conspiracy theories like Trump-Russian Collusion, Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction, Hillary's stolen election, Trump's Stolen election, Kerry's stolen election (complete with hijacked Diebold voting machines in Ohio!), Stacy Abrams' stolen election...
It is up to each of us as thinking Americans, to ignore the partisan BS and focus in on facts. The progressive left is hooked on "The Truth," (funny, given so many laugh at the concept of God), when real people in the real world know from hard experience that "the truth" is hard to come by.
The best we can do is gather information and use our judgment to make inferences or rack and stack plausible explanations. If you read Daniel Boorstin or other chroniclers of human thought and experience, that is how we have always done it.
I do believe their style is destructive to our dialog and corrosive to our society.
Indeed. And as you allude to in your next's become the lifeblood of political discourse. Word don't matter anymore....labels have no meaning. It's all about 'scoring points'. Ironically....usually in echo chambers.....
Slate breaks it down nicely, despite taking a few inquisition-like catty swipes at Glenn Greenwald (who, with Matt Taibbi and other journalists, have not changed) and others for asking quesions instead of simply ingesting the official government explanation.
Even biological samples in a perfectly innocent lab designed for research only and with no capability to weaponize them could still be used for nefarious purposes. State Department poobah Nuland expressed alarm that the Russians could take possession of them.
So, so far, we have no signs of malfeasance on the part of the US or Ukraine, but can you blame anyone for asking questions and digging deeper?
Our government has a long track record of lying, funding sinister projects, covering things up, blaming others and doing violence in our name. Remember how the left used to remind us how profitable war is for global corporations and the well-connected profiteers? That's still true.
I want a skeptical press and skeptical politicians digging through the propaganda garbage and smoke screens to try to find the hidden facts.
Well SF, you actually say it too often. So often that one would think that "they all do it", along with "you're being partisan" was the only ammo in your argumentative arsenal.
Let's clear something up on your comment of: "You proceed as if I claim there are US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. I made no such claim."
No, I did not say or suggest that and this has become something that you do quite often-just make up any stupid shit you want to use as a diversion.
Look dude, I was responding to what YOU said:--- "When you drill down, what they are really attacking Carlson and gabbard for is that the accusation is they are making a baseless claim that the US was involved in the labs. Right now, we don't know who was involved".
I gave you exact context and dates of how the right wing media as well as both right and left responded. That's not some red/blue team scoring. If my pointing these factual statements and demonstrating a pattern of a certain faction manipulating context in order to convince us of "what we do not know", as you say, "have nothing to do with the issue at hand", what the hell does?
Considering from your very own words, that we don't know who was involved, you'd might address why the same Putin boot lickers are quickly defending and promoting these debunked Kremlin-backed conspiracy theories rather than regurgitating your trite "they all do it" and "you're partisan" default one liners and claiming I accused you of something which I did not.
Poor Ronald, you are incapable of escaping the Red Team-Blue Team Blather Bubble.. I just gave you a link to the US embassy in Ukraine stating we fund biolabs, and I went on to say we have no evidence there is anything nefarious about it.
This corrosive, distracting partisan sniping you and so many others are addicted to is almost an exact mirror image of the post-911 2000's. The progressive irony detectors must be clogged with bullshit.
Those screaming "Traitor!" and "Silence them!" at people who say something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder, are themselves little Putins. Congratulations.
This is not a totalitarian dictatorship, much to the disappointment of censorious progressives, we believe in free speech here.
So, Ronald, want a little freedom dressing on your salad? Maybe a visit to the famed Freedom Tea Room in New York?
Rafting down the Freedom River west of Sacramento?
A little less CNN Seltzer and a little more Fred Nietzsche would do you and your ilk some good:
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster."
Now that I have educated you on the US government-acknowledged fact that there are US funded biolabs in Ukraine (despite what the leftwing propaganda you cited said), what say you?
"Those screaming "Traitor!" and "Silence them!" at people who say something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder, are themselves little Putins. Congratulations.
This is not a totalitarian dictatorship, much to the disappointment of censorious progressives, we believe in free speech here."
Mkay, that might need some unpacking considering you likely can't even see your very own irony and hypocrisy.
Was Mitt Romney not within the parameters of the 1st admin with his fiery accusation of Gabbard? I'm reasonably sure you're calling him a "little Putin". Right? Wrong?
And who are these screamers of "Silence them" you speak of? Factcheckers? MSNBC? So, uh, one cannot scrutinize Putin coddling lest they themselves infringe on YOUR freedom of speech?
I mean, The Putin/Qanon/Fox News feedback loop says "something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder" and everyone else needs to STFU in order to not impose on YOUR belief in free speech?
But oh, you congratulated ME for becoming a "little Putin" and imposing on your elitist freedumbs.
You are indeed one indoctrinated, Trumpism sucking, liberal hating, partisan piece of work.
Of course the people I criticize are within their rights, which is why I am not screaming--as they are--to silence them.
You have reading comprehension issues. I did not say they should be silenced. I say they are over the top and poisoning the dialog. You and your ilk are also the Bush-Cheney's of the 2020's. You serially fail to grasp that ironic reality.
No one is willing to take the time to search out primary sources regarding news stories. All the new "20 somethings" who can barely read off a prompter is what we have. All we need to look at is Woodward and Bernstein and what they have morphed into.... a reflection of todays news man.
Glitch! His closest I am sure want to shut him up. He looks like Hitler before the crowds of German transposed in 2022. Sickening. He is highly guarded but eventually this scumbag will have to go.
yup. I think the Hitler comparisons are way overdone and disrespect the memory of his millions of victims, but you comparison is apt. Just looking at this from a historical perspective and the circumstances leading to Putin invading Ukraine and Hitler invading Austria, Czechoslovakia and later Poland, the situations leading to that point, and the scapegoating and grievances over earlier losses...
Can we stop demanding apologies? Apologies, as offered in the modern-day, do not mean a thing. They are clichéd and insincere. Saying you’re sorry doesn’t undo the damage inflicted. So, we should stop asking for, demanding, or accepting insincere apologies. I’d rather someone prepare a five-hundred-word statement that explains what happened, why it was wrong, why they regret having done it, and what they intend to do to change their behavior. Until that happens, I’d just as soon everyone keep their “I’m sorry” to themselves. It doesn’t mean squat.
Anymore, the standard apology seems to be along the lines of "I'm sorry you were offended". So if RJW wants an apology, tell him you are sorry he was offended. Sincerity optional.
The conflict in the Ukraine shows war as we understand it is obsolete. Cheap ordinance destroys expensive vehicles. You can level cities but not control anything for long. Year after year the bodies and expenses pile up. Maybe now the wisdom of Sadat is clear. Soviet weapons may not be that good. The T series tanks get beaten by Americans and Israelis. They have lost over 300 tanks all ready.
All of us to a degree are to blame for allowing globalist to put way too much of our economy in China. We should have ensured backup sites of production. I still don’t understand why we don’t produce garments in Latin America.
How are the American citizenry to blame? Explain? We do not have control other than who we vote for. Once voted in they no longer care for the citizenry that put them their and advance their careers, sell land to China amongst other atrocities and when we do find out it is after the face. They the government knows the American people would not play this way. So no, it is not the American people's fault.
Now voting is a different issue, but that war falls at the feet of Biden, period!
Beak, Agree. Afghanistan showed us all the expensive equipment in the world, and all the billions in 'aid' will end in failure if the people are against you.
Latin America? I've spent years there, have friends and family there, most of my friends here are from there, and I have asked the same thing.
I have come to the cynical and jaded conclusion that powerful people want everything all fouled up all the time. They can't make money and gain more power if people are happy and keeping to themselves.
They can't make money and gain more power if people are happy and keeping to themselves.
This is probably the single best observation I have read on the sites that I frequent. It sums the entirety of the problem with our political theater.
If the People are content [truly, not the typical facade] and have little need of the levers of influence being wielded by elites...then they lose their power.
The People become their Kryptonite.
Sadly, most of our society doesn't want to be without their security blanket. Though the parable isn't true....most of us know the tale of blankets given by the government in 1837.
Elizabeth, How are the American citizenry to blame? Explain? We do not have control other than who we vote for....
I can't speak for Beak, of course. But I can say that the heavily-populated metropolitan areas of our nation have moved far to the left and, therefore, end up swinging the entire state into the leftist column.
Silverfiddle, as a reader of your blog, I wonder why I see, and read some very interesting comments here and when I come back to read some more, I find the others have been deleted? Is it because you don't agree with their opinions? And if that's true, I'm really shocked knowing that you only post comments of the opinions that you share. Please allow us to read the opinions of all. Thank You
@ Meiyee: Of course, I'm not Silverfiddle but I can answer your question. Our rules aren't ridged but wildly off topic will get you deleted. Spam bots, or their equivalent, will be deleted. We also include people that are unresponsive to replies or or just promoting their own blog with a link and a generic comment in this group. Any administrator may delete any comment for their own reasons but if that happens, we are constantly in contact with each other and as a matter of respect, will explain why certain comments are deleted, to our fellow administrators. Cut and paste comments are deleted but allow descriptive quotations with links as long as they are at least tangentially related, -we are not news/propaganda outlet. Blog gossip will be deleted. Example: we don't care what Shaw said on her blog. It's not relevant to our discussions. We have one troll that we delete without reading. He's been banned since Obama ran for election the first time in 2008. He just spreads cut and paste comments from blog to blog and calls everyone a Nazi or racist or just vile epithets that would get you knocked on your butt if it was done face to face. Remember that the three of us have been blogging for years and some of our commenters are also personal friends. Beakerkin and I, go back a long way. He was even the Best Man at AOW's and My wedding last year. Some comments are left undeleted simply because they are so ridiculous they serve as an example of a turd in a punch bowl. Our main three rules, stated at the bottom of the comment section are: We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion: 1. Any use of profanity or abusive language 2. Off topic comments and spam 3. Use of personal invective
If you really were a reader of this blog and the excellent discussion in the comment thread, you would not be asking such dumb questions and making such foolish comments.
A casual scan of the comment threads reveal a diversity of thought that often disagrees with the blog post and with other commenters. Lively discussion is one of our hallmarks and that more than the blog posts themselves is what make this blog so great, imo.
You think we deleted some "interesting" comments? Can you provide some examples? Cut and paste drive by and turgid screeds that have no reference to anything else said here are not welcome and will be deleted. If that's your game, go find another blog. This isn't a toilet stall.
Remember our rules aren't writ in stone but repeated violations will earn you extra scrutiny. BTW, Welcome to the blog! glad to have you here. One other thing, and if you own a blog you'll understand. Our blog, our rules, and no, I really don't see us deleting your comments even if you disagree with our views.
We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion: 1. Any use of profanity or abusive language 2. Off topic comments and spam 3. Use of personal invective
The hypocrisy of the left, them blaming Tucker Carlson for exposing biolabs infuriates me. This country is going downhill fast under this administration, and I shudder to think what we will look like in 2024. We already appear weak and a banana republic to the world.
ReplyDeleteShooting the messenger is a tradition that goes back centuries. :-)
DeleteWhat gets me is, the infotainment media complex cannot even give us the simple straight facts. They attack Tulsi gabbard Carlson and others and accuse them of spreading lies about these labs. The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine. That state department lady newland said so in congressional testimony. When you drill down, what they are really attacking Carlson and gabbard for is that the accusation is they are making a baseless claim that the US was involved in the labs. Right now, we don't know who was involved.
ReplyDeleteThe infotainment media complex only makes us dumber, and it has us at each other's throats, and I think it's intentional
I think in many respects however, the criticism comes with regard to reckless conflation between biolabs and 'bioweapons labs'.....
DeleteYes, CI, but without information how are we to know where one ends and the other begins?
DeleteIt doesn't bode well that the CDC seems to be going through back channels to fund research banned inside the US.
You take the information at hand, along with the international agreements these labs were in conjunction with [of which there is quite a bit].....or you ask your elected representative for an investigation.
DeleteOr I suppose the third alternative is to latch onto media sock puppets peddling the narrative of your choice. Seems to be the thing to do these days.
Nuland expressed extreme concern at the possibility Russia could get their hands on the material in those labs.
DeleteWe don't know what's in them or who has or has not funded them.
Gabbard was not way out there in her statement, although she did get over her skis a little and ended up clarifying her comments.
Meanwhile, the Infotainment Media Complex has gone full praetorian guard and attaking Gabbard and anyone else who questions the party line. What a good, responsible press would do would be to leave the personal attacks to partisan attack dogs and go do some shoe leather research to find and bring us the truth, or at least some facts.
"...latch onto media sock puppets peddling the narrative of your choice. Seems to be the thing to do these days."
DeleteWell put.
"The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine."
DeleteThose trees are keeping you from seeing again. It's about motive man, motive.
I'm sure you meant "in" rather than "and" as even I would agree with you that there really is a Ukraine.
But I'm really sure the existence isn't the point but rather how the right wing pro-Putin media is eating out of Putin's hands by spinning it as U.S. operations, ownership, or involvement.
Think Gabbard just flubbed up a bit with "25 U.S. funded biolabs"? And long time Putin supporting and Ukraine bashing Tucker Carson wasn't presenting a sales pitch with "special military operation mopping up traces of military biological program under development in Ukraine, financed by the U.S. Defense Ministry.” ?
How about on March 9 when Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit linked a video of the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation telling the U.S. that Russia has “found your biological weapons”. This was a day after he posted China’s claim that there are “26 US biological labs in Ukraine alone”.
On 3/9, QAnon bigwig Ron Watkins shares an EpochTimes Telegram post asking if Kamala Harris will “negotiate the cover up of the US Biolabs in Ukraine.”
It would seem that if you follow the Putin/China/Qanon/Fox News/ rinse-repeat feedback loop of the biolab conspiracy of linking the biolabs to some U.S. intent, that should speak volumes.
Not enough? Don't want to do that? Meh? Okay, how about the multiple factcheckers?
No deal? Factcheckers fake news? Okay, waddabout Clint Watts, a Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University dude who put it “They create a situation where they go to a populist audience, push out talking points, get the audience primed and make it true later.”
Benghazi anyone?
Naw, that guy's a MSNBC contributor so scratch that.
To lift a quote from former GOP strategist Rick Wilson who was speaking about blaming Biden in general for Ukraine, "GOP leaders don’t care about reality; their audience doesn’t care about the truth, and their political media apparatus always stays on message".
And once again, I don't know where all this rinse-repeat (latest praise for us smart kids, like it?) for this "Infotainment Media Complex" is you speak of. I'm sure Lemon and Maddow and Dailykoes and MediaMatters are all over it put that's what they do. And your regular op eds are going to point out these inaccuracies and how Gabbard and Tucker are pissing down are necks and telling us it's raining.
But yeah, I guess it's just them damn indoctrinated partisan red team/blue team guys going nuts because, well, "The truth is there really are biolabs and Ukraine". So there!
Ronald, your comments here reveal the core of what has gone wrong with our discourse. You proceed as if I claim there are US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. I made no such claim. You engage in red team-blue team sniping, partisan point scoring (poorly executed) and (ridiculously inept) hissy slap fights that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.
DeleteYou're in the MSNBC bubble, so I don't blame you, but I do blame serious, responsible news outlets for failing to cut through this BS and simply bring us some facts and context.
I don't blame Maddow, Carlson and the other infotainment bloviators for scoring political points and slamming the other side--its how they make their bones.
I do believe their style is destructive to our dialog and corrosive to our society.
The Infotainment Media Complex would be a collapsed, broken down wreck without a steady, belching stream of lies and dark conspiracy theories like Trump-Russian Collusion, Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction, Hillary's stolen election, Trump's Stolen election, Kerry's stolen election (complete with hijacked Diebold voting machines in Ohio!), Stacy Abrams' stolen election...
It is up to each of us as thinking Americans, to ignore the partisan BS and focus in on facts. The progressive left is hooked on "The Truth," (funny, given so many laugh at the concept of God), when real people in the real world know from hard experience that "the truth" is hard to come by.
The best we can do is gather information and use our judgment to make inferences or rack and stack plausible explanations. If you read Daniel Boorstin or other chroniclers of human thought and experience, that is how we have always done it.
I do believe their style is destructive to our dialog and corrosive to our society.
DeleteIndeed. And as you allude to in your next's become the lifeblood of political discourse. Word don't matter anymore....labels have no meaning. It's all about 'scoring points'. Ironically....usually in echo chambers.....
Yes, and both sides do it. I state that plainly, but for people like Ronald, maybe not enough.
DeleteHere is a basic fact:
DeleteThere are US funded bioresearch labs in Ukraine, and many other nations. This is not a secret
Slate breaks it down nicely, despite taking a few inquisition-like catty swipes at Glenn Greenwald (who, with Matt Taibbi and other journalists, have not changed) and others for asking quesions instead of simply ingesting the official government explanation.
Even biological samples in a perfectly innocent lab designed for research only and with no capability to weaponize them could still be used for nefarious purposes. State Department poobah Nuland expressed alarm that the Russians could take possession of them.
So, so far, we have no signs of malfeasance on the part of the US or Ukraine, but can you blame anyone for asking questions and digging deeper?
Our government has a long track record of lying, funding sinister projects, covering things up, blaming others and doing violence in our name. Remember how the left used to remind us how profitable war is for global corporations and the well-connected profiteers? That's still true.
I want a skeptical press and skeptical politicians digging through the propaganda garbage and smoke screens to try to find the hidden facts.
Well SF, you actually say it too often. So often that one would think that "they all do it", along with "you're being partisan" was the only ammo in your argumentative arsenal.
DeleteLet's clear something up on your comment of: "You proceed as if I claim there are US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. I made no such claim."
No, I did not say or suggest that and this has become something that you do quite often-just make up any stupid shit you want to use as a diversion.
Look dude, I was responding to what YOU said:--- "When you drill down, what they are really attacking Carlson and gabbard for is that the accusation is they are making a baseless claim that the US was involved in the labs. Right now, we don't know who was involved".
I gave you exact context and dates of how the right wing media as well as both right and left responded. That's not some red/blue team scoring. If my pointing these factual statements and demonstrating a pattern of a certain faction manipulating context in order to convince us of "what we do not know", as you say, "have nothing to do with the issue at hand", what the hell does?
Considering from your very own words, that we don't know who was involved, you'd might address why the same Putin boot lickers are quickly defending and promoting these debunked Kremlin-backed conspiracy theories rather than regurgitating your trite "they all do it" and "you're partisan" default one liners and claiming I accused you of something which I did not.
Poor Ronald, you are incapable of escaping the Red Team-Blue Team Blather Bubble.. I just gave you a link to the US embassy in Ukraine stating we fund biolabs, and I went on to say we have no evidence there is anything nefarious about it.
DeleteThis corrosive, distracting partisan sniping you and so many others are addicted to is almost an exact mirror image of the post-911 2000's. The progressive irony detectors must be clogged with bullshit.
Those screaming "Traitor!" and "Silence them!" at people who say something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder, are themselves little Putins. Congratulations.
This is not a totalitarian dictatorship, much to the disappointment of censorious progressives, we believe in free speech here.
So, Ronald, want a little freedom dressing on your salad?
Maybe a visit to the famed Freedom Tea Room in New York?
Rafting down the Freedom River west of Sacramento?
A little less CNN Seltzer and a little more Fred Nietzsche would do you and your ilk some good:
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster."
Now that I have educated you on the US government-acknowledged fact that there are US funded biolabs in Ukraine (despite what the leftwing propaganda you cited said), what say you?
I think he wants an apology... ;)
Delete"Those screaming "Traitor!" and "Silence them!" at people who say something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder, are themselves little Putins. Congratulations.
DeleteThis is not a totalitarian dictatorship, much to the disappointment of censorious progressives, we believe in free speech here."
Mkay, that might need some unpacking considering you likely can't even see your very own irony and hypocrisy.
Was Mitt Romney not within the parameters of the 1st admin with his fiery accusation of Gabbard? I'm reasonably sure you're calling him a "little Putin". Right? Wrong?
And who are these screamers of "Silence them" you speak of? Factcheckers? MSNBC? So, uh, one cannot scrutinize Putin coddling lest they themselves infringe on YOUR freedom of speech?
I mean, The Putin/Qanon/Fox News feedback loop says "something that might 'agree' with Putin or that gives him propaganda fodder" and everyone else needs to STFU in order to not impose on YOUR belief in free speech?
But oh, you congratulated ME for becoming a "little Putin" and imposing on your elitist freedumbs.
You are indeed one indoctrinated, Trumpism sucking, liberal hating, partisan piece of work.
Of course the people I criticize are within their rights, which is why I am not screaming--as they are--to silence them.
DeleteYou have reading comprehension issues. I did not say they should be silenced. I say they are over the top and poisoning the dialog. You and your ilk are also the Bush-Cheney's of the 2020's. You serially fail to grasp that ironic reality.
I refer you again to the Nietzsche quote.
No one is willing to take the time to search out primary sources regarding news stories. All the new "20 somethings" who can barely read off a prompter is what we have.
ReplyDeleteAll we need to look at is Woodward and Bernstein and what they have morphed into.... a reflection of todays news man.
Uh oh. Vlad gave a Trumpesque 'Make Russia Great Again' rally...
ReplyDeleteThe smart kids at outlets like Maoists Snorting Nothing But Crap will be using this to do snarky, trite anti-Trump riffs all weekend
Glitch! His closest I am sure want to shut him up. He looks like Hitler before the crowds of German transposed in 2022. Sickening. He is highly guarded but eventually this scumbag will have to go.
Deleteyup. I think the Hitler comparisons are way overdone and disrespect the memory of his millions of victims, but you comparison is apt. Just looking at this from a historical perspective and the circumstances leading to Putin invading Ukraine and Hitler invading Austria, Czechoslovakia and later Poland, the situations leading to that point, and the scapegoating and grievances over earlier losses...
DeleteCan we stop demanding apologies? Apologies, as offered in the modern-day, do not mean a thing. They are clichéd and insincere. Saying you’re sorry doesn’t undo the damage inflicted. So, we should stop asking for, demanding, or accepting insincere apologies. I’d rather someone prepare a five-hundred-word statement that explains what happened, why it was wrong, why they regret having done it, and what they intend to do to change their behavior. Until that happens, I’d just as soon everyone keep their “I’m sorry” to themselves. It doesn’t mean squat.
DeleteAnymore, the standard apology seems to be along the lines of "I'm sorry you were offended". So if RJW wants an apology, tell him you are sorry he was offended. Sincerity optional.
ReplyDeleteThe conflict in the Ukraine shows war as we understand it is obsolete. Cheap ordinance destroys expensive vehicles. You can level cities but not control anything for long. Year after year the bodies and expenses pile up. Maybe now the wisdom of Sadat is clear. Soviet weapons may not be that good. The T series tanks get beaten by Americans and Israelis. They have lost over 300 tanks all ready.
ReplyDeleteAll of us to a degree are to blame for allowing globalist to put way too much of our economy in China. We should have ensured backup sites of production. I still don’t understand why we don’t produce garments in Latin America.
China hiccups and the whole planet feels it.
How are the American citizenry to blame? Explain? We do not have control other than who we vote for. Once voted in they no longer care for the citizenry that put them their and advance their careers, sell land to China amongst other atrocities and when we do find out it is after the face. They the government knows the American people would not play this way. So no, it is not the American people's fault.
DeleteNow voting is a different issue, but that war falls at the feet of Biden, period!
*fact & *The
DeleteAgree. Afghanistan showed us all the expensive equipment in the world, and all the billions in 'aid' will end in failure if the people are against you.
Latin America? I've spent years there, have friends and family there, most of my friends here are from there, and I have asked the same thing.
I have come to the cynical and jaded conclusion that powerful people want everything all fouled up all the time. They can't make money and gain more power if people are happy and keeping to themselves.
They can't make money and gain more power if people are happy and keeping to themselves.
DeleteThis is probably the single best observation I have read on the sites that I frequent. It sums the entirety of the problem with our political theater.
If the People are content [truly, not the typical facade] and have little need of the levers of influence being wielded by elites...then they lose their power.
The People become their Kryptonite.
Sadly, most of our society doesn't want to be without their security blanket. Though the parable isn't true....most of us know the tale of blankets given by the government in 1837.
DeleteHow are the American citizenry to blame? Explain? We do not have control other than who we vote for....
I can't speak for Beak, of course. But I can say that the heavily-populated metropolitan areas of our nation have moved far to the left and, therefore, end up swinging the entire state into the leftist column.
I agree with you on that AOW, and literally I could see how anyone would say it is our fault, just not all our faults. Hope that makes sense! :-)
DeleteSilverfiddle, as a reader of your blog, I wonder why I see, and read some very interesting comments here and when I come back to read some more, I find the others have been deleted?
ReplyDeleteIs it because you don't agree with their opinions? And if that's true, I'm really shocked knowing that you only post comments of the opinions that you share.
Please allow us to read the opinions of all.
Thank You
@ Meiyee:
DeleteOf course, I'm not Silverfiddle but I can answer your question.
Our rules aren't ridged but wildly off topic will get you deleted.
Spam bots, or their equivalent, will be deleted. We also include people that are unresponsive to replies or or just promoting their own blog with a link and a generic comment in this group.
Any administrator may delete any comment for their own reasons but if that happens, we are constantly in contact with each other and as a matter of respect, will explain why certain comments are deleted, to our fellow administrators.
Cut and paste comments are deleted but allow descriptive quotations with links as long as they are at least tangentially related, -we are not news/propaganda outlet.
Blog gossip will be deleted. Example: we don't care what Shaw said on her blog. It's not relevant to our discussions.
We have one troll that we delete without reading. He's been banned since Obama ran for election the first time in 2008. He just spreads cut and paste comments from blog to blog and calls everyone a Nazi or racist or just vile epithets that would get you knocked on your butt if it was done face to face.
Remember that the three of us have been blogging for years and some of our commenters are also personal friends. Beakerkin and I, go back a long way. He was even the Best Man at AOW's and My wedding last year.
Some comments are left undeleted simply because they are so ridiculous they serve as an example of a turd in a punch bowl.
Our main three rules, stated at the bottom of the comment section are:
We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. Comments that include any of the following are subject to deletion:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective
Meiyee W,
DeleteIf you really were a reader of this blog and the excellent discussion in the comment thread, you would not be asking such dumb questions and making such foolish comments.
A casual scan of the comment threads reveal a diversity of thought that often disagrees with the blog post and with other commenters. Lively discussion is one of our hallmarks and that more than the blog posts themselves is what make this blog so great, imo.
You think we deleted some "interesting" comments? Can you provide some examples? Cut and paste drive by and turgid screeds that have no reference to anything else said here are not welcome and will be deleted. If that's your game, go find another blog. This isn't a toilet stall.
Remember our rules aren't writ in stone but repeated violations
ReplyDeletewill earn you extra scrutiny.
BTW, Welcome to the blog! glad to have you here.
One other thing, and if you own a blog you'll understand.
Our blog, our rules, and no, I really don't see us deleting your comments even if you disagree with our views.
I can't seem to help myself, one thing more. When you comment, be sure you can defend your views if questioned.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely but it gets me into a lot of trouble except here! LOL! ;)