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Silverfiddle Rant! |
The federal government is expanding the terror threat signature to include civil disobedience, protests, voicing dissent, shooting off your mouth about stolen elections, questioning government's Covid narrative, or spreading misinformation, disinformation and malinformation that questions authority.
1. What is MDM (according to the US government)?
Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation make up what CISA defines as “information activities”. When this type of content is released by foreign actors, it can be referred to as foreign influence. Definitions for each are below.
* Misinformation is false, but not created or shared with the intention of causing harm.
* Disinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate a person, social group, organization, or country.
* Malinformation is based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.
Foreign and domestic threat actors use MDM campaigns to cause chaos, confusion, and division. These malign actors are seeking to interfere with and undermine our democratic institutions and national cohesiveness.
Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:
The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:
For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.
3. DHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Additional Efforts to Comprehensively Combat Domestic Violent Extremism
Secretary Mayorkas also announced a new, dedicated domestic terrorism branch within the Department’s Office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) to ensure DHS develops the expertise necessary to produce the sound, timely intelligence needed to combat threats posed by domestic terrorism and targeted violence. I&A will also continue leveraging the National Network of Fusion Centers and our deployed intelligence professionals who collect and analyze threat information alongside our state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners to increase timely and actionable information sharing in a dynamic threat environment.
MISSING: A comprehensive government list of domestic terror attacks.
Related Podcasts:
Listen to two intelligent thinkers discuss the government's clear and present danger to our liberties:
Dark Horse Podcast - Don't Say Anything at All
Kara Frederick has been an intel operative for the US government and an intel specialist for Facebook. You will love her clear-eyed criticism of big tech totalitarianism, government's dangerous expansion of what it considers terrorism, and the abuses big tech and government perpetrate in the name of stamping out Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation:
* - 18 USC 2331: Domestic Terrorism: ... activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States;
From the Homeland Security link:
ReplyDelete"I&A will also continue leveraging the National Network of Fusion Centers and our deployed intelligence professionals who collect and analyze threat information alongside our state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners ..."
Nice of the federal government to so brazenly inform us that they are carrying out domestic spying on US citizens.
Please. Domestic terrorism is so boring a subject!
Delete...and those terrorist aren't even scary!
DeleteAgree. This is a lot further along that everyone thinks.
ReplyDeleteI think Trump's exposing them accelerated all this. Like uncovering a snake who was comfortable being in hiding.
DeleteLike uncovering a snake who was comfortable being in hiding.
Good analogy.
Every security/surveillance state movie you've ever seen, brought to real life fruition by our political parties.
ReplyDeleteI give it 1 out of 5 stars.
The Social Credit Scoring System for Americans and Canadians must be progressing right on schedule.
ReplyDeleteHyperNormalisation” tells the story of how politicians, financiers and “technological utopians” constructed a fake world over the last four decades in an attempt to maintain power and control. Their fake world is simpler than the real world by design, and as a result people went along with it because the simplicity was reassuring.
DeleteFighting mal/mis-information sure makes the messaging "simpler" for the Society of Control. How reassuring!
DeletePopulist narratives offer epistemic certainty by exploiting common failures of inductive reasoning such as confirmation bias. This refers to the human tendency to prefer information that supports our pre-existing beliefs, promoted by people’s limited cognitive capacity, and the need to sustain a coherent belief system. Maintaining a consensual view of reality, rather than seeking truth, was probably adaptive in our ancestral environment, but now makes us vulnerable to populist disinformation.
Nothing creates the dreaded populist "confirmation bias" like a Google Search algorithm coupled with a Facebook shadow-banning of alternative views/comments.
Makes me wonder how the "Russian invasion of Ukraine" is going today and how many Nobel's Biden will get for averting global nuclear destruction.
DeleteChinese style social credit has already arrived in Canada. Government authorities have documented names and license plate numbers, and are now going after bank accounts insurance and business licenses. All for the offense of clogging up some streets of the capital and honking horns.
DeleteIn many ways, this bureaucratic state going after bank accounts and livelihoods of ordinary, nonviolent people is much scarier and more chilling than if riot police had gone in with trenchans and gunbuts to savage the protesters
It certainly foreshadows the extent to which their totalitarian visions will be enforced.
DeleteWhat else horrifies us about unscrupulousness if not this? Why is the thought of someone twisting someone else round his little finger, even in innocent contexts, so beastly (for instance in Dostoevsky's Dyadyushkin son [Uncle's Dream, a novella published in 1859], which the Moscow Arts Theatre used to act so well and so cruelly)? After all, the victim may prefer to have no responsibility; the slave be happier in his slavery. Certainly we do not detest this kind of destruction of liberty merely because it denies liberty of action; there is a far greater horror in depriving men of the very capacity for freedom--that is the real sin against the Holy Ghost. Everything else is bearable so long as the possibility of goodness--of a state of affairs in which men freely choose, disinterestedly seek ends for their own sake--is still open, however much suffering they may have gone through. Their souls are destroyed only when this is no longer possible. It is when the desire for choice is broken that what men do thereby loses all moral value, and actions lose all significance (in terms of good and evil) in their own eyes; that is what is meant by destroying people's self-respect, by turning them, in your words, into rags. This is the ultimate horror because in such a situation there are no worthwhile motives left: nothing is worth doing or avoiding, the reasons for existing are gone. We admire Don Quixote, if we do, because he has a pure-hearted desire to do what is good, and he is pathetic because he is mad and his attempts are ludicrous.
DeleteIsaiah Berlin, "Letter to George Kennan 2/13/51"
DeleteYou say that men who in this way undermine the lives of other men will end by undermining themselves, and the whole evil system is therefore doomed to collapse. In the long run I am sure you are right, because open-eyed cynicism, the exploitation of others by men who avoid being exploited themselves, is an attitude difficult for human beings to keep up for very long. It needs too much discipline and appalling strain in an atmosphere of such mutual hatred and distrust as cannot last because there is not enough moral intensity or general fanaticism to keep it going. But still the run can be very long before it is over, and I do not believe that the corrosive force from inside will work away at the rate which perhaps you, more hopefully, anticipate. I feel that we must avoid being inverted Marxists. Marx and Hegel observed the economic corrosion in their lifetime, and so the revolution seemed to be always round the corner. They died without seeing it, and perhaps it would have taken centuries if Lenin had not given history a sharp jolt. Without the jolt, are moral forces alone sufficient to bury the Soviet grave-diggers? I doubt it. But that in the end the worm would eat them I doubt no more than you; but whereas you say that is an isolated evil, a monstrous scourge sent to try us, not connected with what goes on elsewhere, I cannot help seeing it as an extreme and distorted but only too typical form of some general attitude of mind from which our own countries are not exempt.
...of course , the above optimism was expressed in the days before the potency of computer algorithms had fully revealed itself. :(
DeleteMy admiration for the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, grows daily.
Delete...and of course, Salvador Allende (1973) was WAY ahead of his time...
Delete...and we all know how much bureaucrats abhor scrutiny.
Indeed. The spawn of the English empire have come out of these past few years looking desperate clawing and despotic. Australia, Canada, and the United States have lost any moral authority to lecture other nations on freedom and democracy.
DeleteThat wasn't always true. But yeah, we've changed. :(
DeleteIndeed. Same for capitalism. Ours economic system is not free market capitalism. It is crony crapitalism, with some corporatism thrown in. We have the sh*ttiest government money can buy.
DeleteHmmm nothing about abusing connections at the FBI to frame political opponents or looting stores.
ReplyDeleteThe swamp is vast and needs draining. Of course the lessons of Europe do not register in a monoculture. Trump is mild compared to his counterparts in Europe.
When soccer moms want kids in school and say wtf to increasingly bizarre political garbage in classrooms you may unleash something ugly.
The problem starts with big tech. They need to be cut down to size with antitrust and labor violations in the case of Bezos.
DeleteThe problem starts with big tech. They need to be cut down to size
I don't see that curbing on the horizon. Do you?
ReplyDeleteGood Lord!
Whatever happened to our First Amendment rights? And to other rights listed in our Bill of Rights, for that matter?
So, we are governed by an oligarchy beyond the reach of the electorate's votes?
ReplyDeleteBest ask the experts at Dominion software, AoW.
DeleteThe "81 million plus" vote getter in 2020 is in need of some "officialista" Nobel Peace Prize affirmation of his "popularity".
DeleteNobel Peace Prize affirmation
I look for that to happen any day now. >:(
In a word, yes.
DeleteWorth reading, especially the portion under "Reducing a Great Republic to Despotism":
ReplyDeleteThe Way Out (Imprimis, November 2021).
First paragraph, plus one sentence, of the body of the essay:
DeleteTo establish despotism in a nation like ours, you might begin, if you were smart, by building a bureaucracy of great complexity that commands a large percentage of the resources of the nation. You might give it rule-making powers, distributed across many agencies and centers inside the cabinet departments of government, as well as in 20 or more “independent” agencies—meaning independent of elected officials, and thus independent of the people.
This much has been done.
DeleteAre psychopaths the heads of various agencies of the bureaucracy?
No, more like demagogues... e-r-r-r-r... demigods.
DeleteDemigods of demagogues?
DeleteIt helps to have sociopathological tendencies though.
DeleteIt doesn't even take a sociopath. All it takes is a sufficiently indoctrinated true believer. Those are the most dangerous people. They will do anything, because they have already justified it in their own mind
DeleteThey say that "sunlight is the best disinfectant"... unless, of course, it could be misinterpretted and used to produce DISINFORMATION!
DeleteJoe, I moved my social credit comment up below your comment about the same topic. Apologies for the confusion
Delete@sf :)
DeleteSO, we can "listen to two intelligent.." talk about threats to our liberties and then.............DO WHAT?
ReplyDeleteIs all of this implemented NOW?
Is anybody of any consequence standing up against it?
...and face Trumpian levels of scrutiny from the most powerful forces on the planet?
DeleteZ: I have been featuring for a while, people from the intellectual dark web, who are primarily classic liberals, not dictatorial progressives, but classic liberals who defend our traditional values and liberties. Many people on the quote left unquote are alarmed at what is going on in this country.
DeleteOne of the people in the podcast, Brett Weinstein, has actually counseled ordinary people to hold their fire for now, for precisely the reasons we see playing out in Canada. Hopefully, something will blow, and not in a bad way like a terrorist event, and electoral earthquake, something, I don't know, but this can't continue.
Well, this is scary. Actually, Mustang commented at my blog that our issues began in 1993. I agreed and said ... Clinton.
DeleteSF...I'm thrilled to have classic liberals to talk with...I hope you didn't take my comment to suggest otherwise? My point is SO WHAT? What's going to HAPPEN once we realize these things? We Conservatives talk a good storm, then nothing.
DeleteSilverfiddle wrote, "The federal government is expanding the terror threat signature to include civil disobedience, protests, voicing dissent, shooting off your mouth about stolen elections, questioning government's Covid narrative, or spreading misinformation, disinformation and malinformation that questions authority."
ReplyDeleteWell then I should be going to jail or having the FBI interrogate me because I just wrote on my blog that Biden and AOC should go to jail! What a joke. So much for land of the free and free speech!
Those of us without large audiences and big loud platforms, are still below the radar, we are not a threat.
DeleteThis article is about how easy it is for government to make the Nexus between speech and terrorism. Right now, this is used only to sensor, silence, and shut people up. And Canada it is being used to shut down bank accounts and business licenses.
The technology is already in place for a Chinese style social credit system, and I have no doubts that it is already operating in the background. Right now, we would just be noise in the data way below any threshold of attention. I will say, that what we are saying and writing now, could be used against us 5 years, 10 years, 15 years from now. I use a nom de plume, but I have no doubts that someone with even a small amount of effort could track me down.
I agree with you wholly on this Silverfiddle. Also, in all honesty I do not care if they come after me. My truth may not be their truth, but at least I know my truth is the truth. I won't shut up and be scared.
Delete++ Keep your powder dry :-)
DeleteWho here is afraid of being mistaken for a terrorist?
ReplyDeleteMistaken, or forced to become one? The latter is uch more likely.
DeleteThere won't be a mistake. Dissent will be criminalized, and we will either comply and desist or defacto become "terrorists".
DeleteMistaken? I very much am a terrorist.
DeleteIf you donated to the Canadian truckers, in Canada, you ARE now considered to be a terrorist.
Other donations may be under scrutiny for all we know.
Hell, for all we know, anyone who subscribes to Imprimis or any number of other conservative publications may already be on the "domestic terrorist" list.
And what about the lists of donors, small and large, to the Trump campaigns for POTUS?
Any number of other donor lists are out there as well.
The above are my rambling thoughts this morning before I've even finished my first cup of coffee.
All that metadata kept somewhere can be searched by using certain terms for a search.
DeleteThere won't be a mistake. Dissent will be criminalized
Civil disobedience, protests, voicing dissent, shooting off your mouth about stolen elections, questioning government's Covid narrative?
ReplyDeleteSF, I'd suggest these Heritage Foundation gurus et al may be blinding your vision of the forest with trees.
While these Big Techs are gobbling up all your freedumbs and shutting you up, the GOP and right wing media has mastered the art of Propaganda 101, Rule # 2: blame your opponent of which you are guilty of. They've also caught on to how the more civil disobedience and protests they provoke through propaganda and lies (let's call it what it is) the more they in fact shut down voices.
Did you here the one about how only 13 of the 143 TX Republican 2022 candidates for House seats said that Biden won legitimately? Wanta talk “legitimate political discourse”? How about that Trump Klan rally in Conroe TX where he mentioned pardons for those who attacked our Capital (if reelected) in order to stop the legitimate seating of the man who defeated him AND THEN to turn around and dangle that get-out-of-jail-free card while asking for riots in major U.S. cities if the New York investigation and trial doesn't go his way? That one tops assaulting peaceful protestors for a Bible photo. "Stand down but stand by"? Maybe the right wing media urging teenagers to pick up their assault rifles and travel out of states to discouraging riots? Peppering peaceful protests with white supremist?
Question the government's COVID narrative? Maybe like when the Trump admin declared it a national emergency and advised states to follow CDC guidelines only to immediately promoted thugs to "liberate" cities he just advised to lock down?
See a pattern here?
And how is it that Liz Cheney, one considered a top conservative went from a # 3 spot in the House to what, toilet scrubber with her political life in jeopardy for refusing to abet what was clearly a GOP promoted lie?
And before you get all Jan Brady and go into some justification of me being fixated on Trump. he is still the leader of his party and will most certainly be the nominee if he chooses. His lies, misinformation, disinformation are who today's GOP is. 130 of 143 TX GOP still selling the big lie? Obviously, Cheney "shooting off her mouth about a stolen election" had consequences- FROM HER VERY OWN PARTY. Hannity and Tucker nightly encouraging a similar trucking protest here?
The more the GOP can throw sand in the air and muddy the water and keep Dems putting out fires the more they succeed in rigging election (Propaganda 101 Rule # 2) and thus silencing voices.
And they are doing it in broad daylight.
Please keep your comments on topic and stop trying to drag us into a useless red team - blue team hissy slap fight.
DeleteI didn't mention or link to the Heritage Foundation.
Did you read the links to official government websites?
a) I was on topic. You just didn't like the reality and truth of it.
Deleteb)You did somewhat applaud Kara Frederick, a Heritage hack who pushes federalism principles and policies through Republican controlled state legislation. Looking at what's been going on in Republican controlled states lately and in light of your opening premise of civil disobedience, protests, voicing dissent, shooting off your mouth about stolen elections (which Fredrick deflects with "Big Tech totalitarianism"), well, you did open that door.
c) As usual, your Eureka Internet find falls short of making a conclusive open and shut case.
Ah, I get it now. Kara Frederick triggered you. Believe it or not Ronald, I have grown to kind of like you. Seriously, you really should strive to focus on the subject at hand and examine it in the light of first principles, not partisan politics. Partisan politics is a quagmire, a fun house of nuttiness, and apropos of nothing in the rational world.