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Silverfiddle Rant! |
Spoiler Alert! The case ain't that good, but kudos to Media Matters for doing some real journalism. They staked out The Joe Rogan Experience and documented specific instances of "misinformation and bigotry" guaranteed to get the Branch Covidian cultists' panties all in a wad.
Go here to read the article. They have helpfully bulleted their list of Rogan lies, so you can skip over the ranting preamble and go straight to the good stuff.
IMO, here are the most damning, from a factual standpoint:
On May 14, he falsely claimed that far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was “right” about “actual microchips being injected into your arm to see if you have COVID-19.”
USA Today rated this "partially false," because there is such a device, but it's not technically a microchip.
On July 20, ... Rogan promoted the right-wing lie that the government was planning to monitor private citizens’ text messages for anti-vaccine misinformation.
Does this really seem far-fetched in the age of "show me your papers" to work or eat in a restaurant? Also, it was indeed a topic of conversation and study, so mouth-breathing rightwingers didn't just pull it out of thin air
At least Media Matters provided actual quotes (in most instances) and further links for you to go investigate yourself, which is better than Salon hinting darkly that Rogan is a "dangerous" nazi in Bernie Bro clothing and caters to reactionaries... Salon informs us that ... "Few vaccine refusers are willing to admit they are doing it to stick it to Biden voters."
CNN rolls its eyes and scolds, "Don't pretend you don't know what Joe Rogan is all about." CNN helpfully informs us he's a "noxious" crypto-fascist, a Father Coughlin who has learned to not say the quiet part out loud.
Rogan is, in fact, an agent of these social ills, which he packages and sends out to his audience clothed in the language of moderation and moral equivalence.
It is chilling that we have people in the media--whose livelihoods and avocations are absolutely dependent upon free speech--calling for others to be silenced. It is chilling that we are even having a public conversation about whether a person has a right to speak.
This anti-Roganism is binary thinking, illiberal, and it reveal's the left's inability to embrace life's inevitable ambiguities and contradictions
These hysterical attacks by legacy gatekeeper media outlets are borne of their enraged jealousy that a working class meathead generates 10 to 50 times their feeble listenership. He absolutely destroys them in the coveted 18-34 year old demographic.
The Infotainment Media Complex has beshat itself and destroyed its credibility. Normal people are tuning them out. Progressives are losing ground in the culture wars, so they are becoming even more screechy, preachy and dictatorial, screaming unfounded assertions at increasing volume...
! Proud Boys are an extremist group.
! Not following Fauci's dictates to the letter = you are a selfish a-hole killing your fellow citizens.
! Speech progressives disagree with is de facto dangerous and must be silenced.
! If you voted for Trump you are a racist fascist.
! Those Canadians locking up their capital and blocking bridges are Hitler's Truckers
... but their scolding isn't working like it used to. The Normals are moving on to real dialog and interesting conversation where pros and cons are discussed without the preaching.
There are cautiously hopeful signs woke could be going broke. If Rogan survives with his podcast intact, it will be one more sign cancel culture could be crumbling.
See also this excellent analysis of the left's predictable tactics to silence dissent:
The proud boys aren't an extremist group? What are they, a songwriter's circle?
ReplyDeleteYou think they are "extremist?" Explain your criteria and how they meet that criteria.
DeleteSouther Poverty Law Center is not a reliable source.
There must be a technical legal threshold for extremism, but I assume none of us are lawyers here (and if we are, we're off duty), so among ourselves can we agree that extremism exists on a continuum? Where do the proud boys lie on a scale from say, Nick Clegg (sorry for the Brit reference, but I don't know American politics well enough to pick out a bland one) to Alex Jones?
DeleteI admit that I'd had in mind the story of those threatening emails in the runup to 2020 elections, but now I check it looks like those were spoofed. But even so, their involvement in the 2021 capitol attack went above and beyond mere high spirits, and prior to the last election cycle, the kindest description of them would have been a vector of misinformation combined with fight club. They strike me as far more Alex Jones-y than Joe Rogan.
DeleteWhich is the pot, and which is the kettle... and is only one of them "black".
DeleteIt is easy to get the Proud Boys and the undercover FBI confused. In the summer it is fairly simple. Wearing shorts. Look for the bulge in the pocket... dark glasses..it is a clue.
DeleteI think they can be, if I send you a death threat you can prosecute me so it's at least criminal. Depending on who you are and what I'm trying to achieve, it could be extremism I think. It's a matter of degree, and I don't expect us all to draw the line in the same place. Are antifa or BLM extremist? Maybe.
DeleteWhat's more extreme, the advancement of white supremacy, or the resistance to it? Leaving aside how comfortable PB, BLM, and AF fit into any of those pigeon holes, it's an interesting question which depends a lot on how you judge the status quo. It would be extraordinary for us to agree about who's more extreme.
Henry "Enrique" Tarrio (born 1984 or 1985) is an American activist who serves as chairman of the Proud Boys, a far-right, neo-fascist, and exclusively male organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States. Tarrio, who is Cuban-American and of Afro-Cuban background...
DeleteHe's practically Clayton Bigsby
Again, the degree to which the proud boys' "western chauvinism" coincides with white supremacy, depends on your opinion of western culture.
DeleteIt is up to those alleging extremism to bring evidence to substantiate the claim.
DeleteWhat is going on with the term racist? Communists who killed 100 million toss it around but oh boy do they have issues with Jooos. If you took the entire amount of people lynched in the US history it might not reach five figures. Yes racism is a lousy idea but so is communism.
DeleteThe same spoiled brats who demand the Israelis meet with terrorists wont meet with Truckers and Farmers. They praise a violent communist tax scammers but get hysterical about Truckers.
Jeff Bozos needs to be held personally responsible for the actions of the Washington Post. He needs to pay the people he doxed and fire those responsible. When the GOP gets the house open season on Bezos and Zuckerberg.
There should have been a "Smile Alert" accompanying this post....
ReplyDelete"See also this excellent analysis of the left's predictable tactics to silence dissent:"
"Southern Poverty Law Center is not a reliable source."
Something I picked up on as early as a young teen is the right wing and corporate $ relentless attempts to discredit and silence such groups as the ACLU and SPLC who's core mission was to give a voice to those who otherwise had none.
I'm struggling for the right word here. Irony? Hypocrisy, Indoctrination? Gaslighting?
A link to the Federalist is icing on the cake.
Crying wolf too many times can wreck an organization's credibility
DeleteFarmer, nice find! Thanks
DeleteOh my, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has ended too... boo-hoo!
DeleteI guess Biden will get his Nobel Peace Prize after all.
I feel bad for former Hillary Trump-Russia advisor and current Biden foreign policy advisor and Biden Point-man for the Ukrainian crisis, Jake Sullivan. Those "Russian" wolves he keeps crying about never do what he says they'll do.
DeleteHe can't seem to Karnac their "intentions" like most Democrats.
DeleteHe must be their "Inception" man and "talking points" originator.
DeleteThe Hillary 2016 Campaign was merely the first level in this Meta-DNC Inception Nightmare...
DeleteCrying wolf too many times can indeed wreck an organization's credibility, as can decades of orchestrated baseless smear campaigns and indoctrinating propaganda. The latter rings more true.
DeleteI see no need to argue the "Proud Boys are good people too" as the likely best case scenario would be for it to evolve into "well, white supremacy really ain't all that bad".
"decades of orchestrated baseless smear campaigns and indoctrinating propaganda."...like "well, white supremacy really ain't all that bad"?
DeleteWhen did that Nixonian "southern strategy" magically transform all Republicans into racists? How many decades ago was that? 6?
DeleteAffirmative action has gone too far lol
Delete"When did that Nixonian "southern strategy" magically transform all Republicans into racists? How many decades ago was that? 6?"
DeleteThe Southern Strategy wasn't something that came and went 60 years years ago. It's something that's been perfected.
As Lee Atwater admitted on his death bed, the strategy of invoking fear of the black man by simply pointing and saying "nigger nigger nigger" was no longed a viable ploy due to the "backlash" and therefore needed to become more "abstract" and "coded".
Thus, enter stage left, right, and middle, murdering rapist drug dealing Mexicans, caravan infestation, that the black president is a Muslim Kenyan (you know, not like us), that Democrats will allow the black man to infiltrate white areas and a Republican president is here to protect those suburban area housewives', that schools are teaching Critical Race Theory so the black man can can confiscate the white man's assets through reparations, and the list of things Epochtimes and GatewayPundit abet. Great Replacement anyone?
The DNC traded "working class" politics for "identity politics" in the 60's and so is unable to move beyond race today. Workers of all races now solidly identify as "Trmpublican". And the racial identity politics and narrative of the DNC becomes increasingly laughable and ridiculous.
DeleteI never said black paranoia necessitate white guilt nor did I attempt to exonerate the sins of Democrats of the present or years ago.
Delete"The history of the RNC is one of equality and respect for African-American rights."
My comment which you responded to kinda debunks that nonsense. You tuck tailed and ran from that only to say:
"In other words, grow the 'f up" Ronnie."
Way to go Brandon.
Your comment merely confirmed the fact that one single Republican strategist was an admitted racist. The CURRENT Democratic President voted for segregation to keep his VP from attending white schools.
DeleteBiden was particularly effective in fighting integration because he did not use the overtly racist language of the segregationists, who warned of race mixing and black inferiority, Johnson said. Instead, Biden, along with other centrists and liberals, talked about “forced busing,” “local control” and “parents’ rights.”
DeleteIs Joe Biden simply a RACIST who "speaks in racial code" like so many "parents opposing CRT?"
Sounds like Lee Atwater stole the "Southern Strategy" from Joe Biden.
DeleteEither that, or "abstract race-neutral policies" are a sure sign of racism.
Deletebtw - Why won't the MSM show pictures of smash and grab mobs?
I prefer to adopt RJW's argument and push to end Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid because they are government programs foisted on America by racists.
DeleteThe Democratic Party is the monopoly point source of racism from which some Republican converts have emerged, after all. The pervasive and intrinsic racism of the Democratic Party can not be escaped, therefore these few Republican converts took their Democrat racism with them.
We must use critical race theory to trace all the racism encoded into the legal system to the racist Democrats that put it there.
Okay TC, I'll bite. How is it that "We must use critical race theory to trace all the racism encoded into the legal system to the racist Democrats that put it there" when the main objective from CRT opponents or silencers has been to strangle it in it's crib?
DeleteTheories make testable claims. The only testable claims of racism that CRT makes all trace back to policies enacted into law by Democrats. We can't even make hay about the racism that drove those policies being unintentional consequences. Jim Crow laws were very enunciated and specific upon who they were crapping on with discrimination, as were the housing policies of FDR and so on. The history of the United States and all of its laws is mostly the history of the Republican Party either not existing or not having the power to even suggest interior decorating changes in the Capitol, with a few short-lived intervals where Republicans actually were in charge.
DeleteSo yes, let's teach about the progressive left Democrats that inspired Hitler. Let's get iconoclastic, shall we?
Joe Rogan could team up with Elon Musk and John Thiel and put Spotify out of business. Not even kidding.
ReplyDeleteI've thought the same thing.
DeleteSo tired of all the back and forth. I want anyone to tell the truth, but the swamp has told lies for so long the truth would kill them. Going after Joe Rogan is desperate.
ReplyDelete@ RJW:
ReplyDeleteNAMBLA, considers itself a civil rights organization also.
These organizations sure seem to take in a lot more money than they actually spend!
The Reckoning of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center
I guess that since the link is to "The Newyorker" just puts icing on the cake.
Good points, SF.
ReplyDelete"Few vaccine refusers are willing to admit they are doing it to stick it to Biden voters." Whew - this does not even make sense. Especially in light of the fact that Kamala Harris famously said "I'm not gonna take that thing" referring to "Trump's" vaccine program. Clearly, this is what THEY think. Or feel. I go with the science.
The Media Matters list is singularly unconvincing since much of it is true (I don't know about the Trans list). But yes, kudos to them for making a try. We call it a 'vaccine' for convenience, the makers may call it that for liability purposes, but it IS gene therapy. At least that's what Moderna called it In their own SEC filings for this product: 'gene therapy technology.' So tired of hearing that trope. Are they withholding monoclonals? Lots of good treatments are withheld. I don't know about this one, but it would fit a pattern.
Occasionally I've tuned in to Rogan, or heard him as a guest on another show. I found him to be understated, and careful in the manner he draws his guests out, a good interviewer. His recent interview with Steve Koonin is masterful. He doesn't talk on ONE subject. He is surprisingly broad. And usually interesting.
I heard one reporterette opine something about 'how can he have such a large audience' and we don't, or some such thing. Because, babe, he's INTERESTING ... and you're not.
DeleteI listen to many Rogan podcasts. It is clear 99% of those whining about him have never listened. They are taking second and third hand information.
It is chilling that we have people in the media--whose livelihoods and avocations are absolutely dependent upon free speech--calling for others to be silenced. It is chilling that we are even having a public conversation about whether a person has a right to speak.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! Do not these fools see their own inconsistency? I guess not.
It is a scary time we live in. I was informed by a cyber friend the other day to watch the pictures I use because I upload my posts to Whatfinger.com - apparently the big wigs are trying to sue Whatfinger and bloggers that use their photos. Hence, I am using less photos because I am sure next it will be us; they want to silence. AOW, we live in sad times and no getting away from it even when off the internet. Just going to the store - a mall, a doctor's office and we see evident how people have changed for the worst. Maybe there is still some humanity left in the Midwest, but I see none here.
DeleteMaybe there is still some humanity left in the Midwest, but I see none here.
It's better here in the Midwest. I was in the grocery store here just yesterday, and almost everyone was polite in any way you want to name. Granted, I'm in southwest Indiana and away from the big hubs such as Indianapolis.
Example: I belong to a library group. When I casually mentioned that I have trouble driving after dark because of my eye troubles, one lady piped up, "I'll give you a ride. No problem." This, when I first arrived here and was a stranger from Northern Virginia, which most here have no use for.
And even the Amazon delivery people are considerate. Yesterday, we had delivery of an entertainment center we bought from Amazon; I opted for "inside the entryway." The delivery men placed the heavy box exactly where we wanted it and waited patiently while we opened the box to make sure that the entertainment center wasn't damaged.
Deletethe big wigs are trying to sue Whatfinger and bloggers that use their photos
Not to worry! Do what I do: always include a hot link credit with the photo. This minimizes your liability.