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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

One Root Cause...

...of the present crime wave — specifically, in San Francisco: 

Chesa Boudin, the district attorney of San Francisco, assumed office in January of 2020 and is serving a four year term. So, more years of his policies remain in effect.  "Elections have consequences," and all that.

By the way, Boudin's adoptive father is terrorist Bill Ayers, and his adoptive mother is terrorist Bernardine Dohrn.


  1. This truly heartbreaking AOW. No child should be gunned down but now it is the norm. Spineless judges and prosecutors refuse to prosecute and when they do they go for minimum time. This began years ago, but we are seeing the fruit of this sick mentality now and children and innocent adults are paying for it with their lives.

  2. Irrespective of what transpires in the prosecutorial theater, it being California.....violent criminals know that they face little opposition-in-kind from their victims.

    The first step in righting these wrongs is to empower would-be victims to defend themselves, and exact a high price for transgressing against them.

    1. ++ Colorado has a "Make My Day" law. Granted, a Soros prosecutor could get aggressive, but that has not been the case so far. We had a tragic shooting in Boulder where an inebriated person entered the wrong house and into the bedroom and the owner shot him dead. Even in uber progressive Boulder country, the prosecutor did not bring charges.

      Colorado is full of cases where a homeowner plugs a perp, including in their yard and also road rage incidents where someone being attacked shoots the attacker.

      Needless to say, home break-ins aren't a big thing, at least not in the conservative Southern Colorado redoubt where I live.

    2. Damn...waaay off topic, but you've just convinced me to change calling my little slice of rural Virginia from "my compound" to "my redoubt". Sounds a little less Waco-y and a little more fortified.


    3. I can't claim credit. Snarky leftwingers took to calling our county a "righwing redoubt" when we voted down a tax increase.

      It made national news, with places like HuffPo featuring local prog Dems predicting doom and gloom, no street lights, garbage in the parks, etc. None of that happened... Until marijuana legalization attracted all the pot bums who now stink up the parks and live out of their cars with smoke rolling out like an old Cheech and Chong movie...

  3. I'm sure he'll make a fine governor of California one day.

    1. Mustang,

      But at the rate things are going, I think you're right. Many, many sensible Californians are fleeing to parts elsewhere. My sister-in-law fled years ago because of what her child was being exposed to -- even though she was in a good private Christian school. So many of the neighborhood kids were the children of hard-core Progressives.

      My niece turned out beautifully, BTW.

      All the rest of my California nieces and nephews are as crazy as cootie bugs -- and meth and/or heroin addicts, too boot. Some are convicted felons. **sigh**

  4. Like Barrack Obama, just another Bill Ayers production...

    1. It is no longer safe in any corner of America.

    2. Elizabeth, no longer safe anywhere? I've got lots of friends, both libs and Trumpistas who would stand up and argue against that.

      Certainly some areas have issues and crime is rising, But few in my middle class suburban neighborhood lock their doors or are cowering in fear of this pestilence or current so called crimewave.

    3. "So-called"??? Even the new trans-Jeopardy champion got stuck up in Oakland over the holidays.

    4. @Dave Miller Sorry, but not all of us are so privileged to live where we can still leave our doors unlocked. Better watch out...you never know when they are coming to get yah in suburbia! Better have that ammo ready...

    5. Dave's right though. The "crime wave" narrative is mostly bunk. Apart from murders, every other crime metric is down, way down. Overall national crime rates are less than half of what they were 20 years ago, and that's been a near continuous downward trend.

      Now, murders have seen a spike, but even that spike doesn't return us to the murderous past of 20 years ago. Ratchet the focus down on just murders committed and those get isolated to a certain few metropolitan areas becoming more deadly. There is no "crime wave," just a false narrative being concocted by gun grabbers.

    6. When prosecutors stop prosecuting minor offenses, police stop pursuing and arresting minor offenders. The "crime statistics" may go down, but the crimes do not. Baltimore City no longer pursues drug crimes, prostitution, and a host of others.

    7. Our drug ODs are through the roof, but hey, "Don't ask, don't tell."

    8. There have been 337 homicides, 728 non-fatal shootings in the city of Baltimore and since the pandemic began more than 11,000 people have died from COVID -19.

      Also, throughout the state within the first 6 months more than 1,300 people died from drug overdoses.

    9. Nationwide... 2020 claimed nearly 100,000 lives lost to overdose on top of the 375,000 people who would die due to COVID-19. Hundreds of millions would know what it’s like to be neglected and considered expendable—which is how D and so many other people who use drugs have felt for decades. This was a crisis within a crisis for those who use drugs.


    10. I suppose when you normalize crime and deviance...crime and deviance doesn't go away. It just becomes the "new" normal. Same thing, just different name. Something we no longer need worry about.

    11. Elizabeth, I come from th planet Earth, the third planet orbiting the star known as Sol. It's dominant life form is humans, a species known for thoroughly documenting crime statistics and having blowhards too lazy to look them up. Another subset of humans work in law enforcement and claim a rise in crime without statical evidence and blame it on budget cuts that never occurred. It's a silly, but reasonably safe planet especially in its North American continent. Come visit. We'll leave a clue out for you.

    12. Ermagerd Baltimore has a high accidental suicide rate ...

    13. Accidents are un-caused? Who knew? Fire all the Safety managers, STAT!

    14. Overdosing isn't a crime, intentional or not. Admittedly, you might have a "rising crime wave" argument if you could count prescription opioid overdoses as murders, but lol. Back to the easel, Sparky.

    15. No one supplies the drugs? Amazing how many American chemistry experts are committing suicide these days.

    16. btw - Have you tried getting a legal opioid prescription lately?

    17. ps - What was Trump's Import duty on Chinese fentanyl, anyway?

    18. btw - know any doctors that can write me heroin and cocaine presciptions?

    19. The crime wave is mainly bunk. Wow! Tell that to New Yorkers or Chicagoans or those in other urban areas.

    20. Per the above links, presciption drug abuse among American's is trending down, yet drug overdoses are increasing at a 30% year over year rate... could the source of the problem be ILLEGAL drugs and a lack of drug prosecutions? Over 100,000 American's OD'd. That's about 1/3 of the number of those that died from Covid...and yet the Biden Admin's answer to Covid is to regulate, and overdose,s to de-regulate. Life becomes curiouser and curiouser...

  5. I know, I know... you believe that George Floyd was murdered by the police.

    1. According to the CDC, synthetic opioids (like fentanyl) are the primary driver of overdose deaths in the United States. Comparison between 12 months-ending January 31, 2020 and the 12 months-ending January 31, 2021 during this period:

      Overdose deaths involving opioids rose 38.1 percent.
      Overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids (primarily illicitly manufactured fentanyl) rose 55.6 percent and appear to be the primary driver of the increase in total drug overdose deaths.

    2. btw - Are you still cooking meth beamish, or have you switched to fentanyl now?


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