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Friday, January 21, 2022

Get It Off Your Chest 1/21/22

Open Post.


  1. "Well, the concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."
    ------Mitch McConnell 1/20/2022 in response to a reporter's question pertaining to GOP states imposing voting restrictions targeted mainly to people of color and Democratic districts under the premise of The Big Lie.

    1. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

      Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. The remark was made the same day Biden filed the official paperwork to launch his presidential campaign in 08.

    2. Mitch had a point. If African Americans aren't under-represented at the polls, why do Democrats keep insisting that they are and they need special "voter fraud exploitable" measures to increase their turnout?

    3. Joe Biden, having been born with his foot in his mouth, has an extensive history of being a walking and talking gaffe machine.

      McConnell and his corporately owned party however, are successfully destroying our democracy in broad daylight.

    4. FJ, I have no idea how you arrived at the conclusion that Dems are demanding special measures for certain voting blocks. Fueled by The Big Lie, republican lawmakers in 19 GOP controlled states have passed 33 bills and counting to not only make it harder for Americans, particularly minorities, to participate in their own democracy, but even how the votes are counted of if they even want them to count.

      What's more telling of Mitch's comment is an admission that African Americans have been a dominant force at the polls and accordingly, they must be stopped, which is precisely his objective..

    5. ....which is precisely his objective....

      Both Trump and McConnell have overtly implied that when more people vote, Republicans lose. Follow their strategy from that.

    6. Holy, holy, holy
      Democrats almighty
      Party of slavery, abortion and interment-camps

      Prop up all thy puppets
      With excuses stupid
      And line all thy coffers thru bribery and-graft

      Stomp down thy opponents
      With thy mighty jack boots
      The blood may flow but thy power will ever-last

    7. Corporate cash, as of 2017 - It appears we have two " corporately owned" parties


    8. In 2018, arguably the height of Republican power in government, the split of Silicon Valley cash was about even, with the GOP enjoying a slight edge.

      Can we please, once and for all, knock of the crap about the GOP being "corporately owned," unless we also say in the same breath that it also applies to the Democrats.


    9. "Can we please, once and for all, knock of the crap about the GOP being "corporately owned," unless we also say in the same breath that it also applies to the Democrats."

      "You all just got a lot richer"
      ---Donald Trump to wealthy donors after signing the tax overhaul scam which shifted around $1,5 trillion their way.

      How republicans became the party of the rich.

      A guide to billionaires bankrolling GOP campaigns

      The top 25 Americans who funded politics in 2018

      And here's a gem on how a GOP senator responds when corporate donors makes him mad:

      "This is the point in the drama when Republicans usually shrug their shoulders, call these companies “job creators,” and start to cut their taxes. Not this time.

      This time, we won’t look the other way on Coca-Cola’s $12 billion in back taxes owed. This time, when Major League Baseball lobbies to preserve its multibillion-dollar antitrust exception, we’ll say no thank you. This time, when Boeing asks for billions in corporate welfare, we’ll simply let the Export-Import Bank expire."
      --Ted Cruz in response to corporations frowning on GOP disenfranchisement efforts.

      So to answer your question, probably not.

    10. ...and that also applies to Democrats, how, Ronald? LOL!

    11. I have no idea how you arrived at the conclusion that Dems are demanding special measures for certain voting blocks.

      Felons... illegals in NYC...fraud by mail in California? Any bells ringing yet?

    12. I love it how Democrats insist that "Black lives matter" also includes the sentiment that "all lives matter" but if you include them in a term referencing "all Americans" as "American" they get all bent out of shape for being included.

    13. Ron and CI... let's not lose sight of the words of James Madison when he called the Election Clause of the Constitution a measure that would “allow Congress to use its power over elections against state electoral rules that were ‘subversive of the rights of the People to a free & equal representation in Congress agreeably to the Constitution.’”

      I wonder how he would view those who seek to subvert the ability of some to vote, to which you both alluded.

    14. . James Madison described the problem this way:

      The right of suffrage is a fundamental Article in Republican Constitutions. The regulation of it is, at the same time, a task of peculiar delicacy. Allow the right [to vote] exclusively to property [owners], and the rights of persons may be oppressed... . Extend it equally to all, and the rights of property [owners] ...may be overruled by a majority without property....

      Eventually, the framers of the Constitution left details of voting to the states. In Article I Section 4, the Constitution says:

      The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations.

      Now we know the "unwisdom" of the 17th Amendment that led to a popular vote for Senators.

    15. The rights of "property owners" went all to hell once that happened.

    16. RJW, just posts Demo-prop.
      He's completely oblivious to FACTS. any FACTS.

    17. @ Dave Miller,
      So your telling me that an apology exempts Democrats from their unequivocally racist statements?

    18. RJW and his fellow indoctrinated progs are impervious to facts and reason.

      Warren and I post facts, and Ronald posts leftwing opinion pieces.

    19. Dave,

      When you find something in current state election law--in any state--that is ‘subversive of the rights of the People to a free & equal representation in Congress agreeably to the Constitution,’ let us know.

    20. fyi - The 17th Amendment was originally a Jim Crow work-around... but the "race rider" portion protective of Jim Crow got dropped...

      House Joint Resolution 39, May 1, 1911
      House Joint Resolution 39 ultimately passed both houses of Congress and became the 17th Amendment. However, this version of the resolution as it originally passed the House of Representatives contained language referred to as the “race rider.” The clause states, “The times, places, and manner of holding elections for Senators shall be as prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof.” This language was meant to bar Federal intervention in cases of racial discrimination among voters. This would be done by vesting complete control of Senate elections in state governments. A substitute amendment by Senator Joseph L. Bristow (R-KS) provided for the direct election of Senators without the "race rider." Bristow’s version later passed both houses of Congress and was ratified by the states.

    21. It was also a tool used by Louisiana to attempt to declare a Constitutional Convention...

      Apparently, the States (New York, Iowa, Montana, and Colorado) were having problems deciding who their Senators should be and were leaving seats unfilled...

    22. The framers of the Constitution wanted politics to be local. You'd vote for your state government and for your local representative in Congress; your state government would *appoint* your US Senators. Congress would then elect the President. The guy that came in second place in the Presidential vote would be Vice-President. In the event of a tie vote in the Senate, the President's rival for the Presidency could kill the bill, lol.

      Now state governments have no say in the federal government, politicians represent political parties rather than their home constituents, and so on...

    23. Warren asked... "@ Dave Miller,
      So your telling me that an apology exempts Democrats from their unequivocally racist statements?"

      Not at all. But I am saying that people can recognize their mistakes and atone for them with their actions. It doesn't erase those original bad acts, but I like to leave space for people to "right their wrongs" and then move forward.

      I think if a person seeks forgiveness and tries to be better, it then becomes our role to accept that effort.

      That's just me.

    24. Silver stated... "Dave, When you find something in current state election law--in any state--that is ‘subversive of the rights of the People to a free & equal representation in Congress agreeably to the Constitution,’ let us know."

      Currently in Texas many people in one of the states with the tightest regulations for who can request mail in and absentee ballots, we are seeing just that.

      To get a mail in or absentee ballot to which ppl are entitled and which some have received for numerous elections, people now have a new question they have to answer.

      "What specific ID did you use when you registered as a voter?"

      Can you tell me what you used? Your drivers license? Military ID? Social Security card? Some other ID?

      And if you get the question wrong, you are denied a ballot.

      And it is happening right now, today in some of the biggest counties in Texas.

      But I know you, and others will dismiss it.

    25. TC... local politics, YES.

      But federal control over federal elections as affirmed numerous times by the SCOTUS citing numerous writings of the founders.

    26. Dave, You have failed to state how asking people to verify who they are before voting is ‘subversive of the rights of the People to a free & equal representation.'

      The rules apply to all. Are some groups less capable than others of comprehending rules and following them? That seems the be the basis of the argument you present.

    27. "Warren and I post facts, and Ronald posts leftwing opinion pieces."

      Aside from that being about as big of a whopper as Republicans being pro-workingman, what you actually do is sugarcoat what barely passes any factchecker's tests and inductively concluding from observations of your likings.

      And you do it quite poorly.

    28. So, Ronald, please tell us why you think workers are leaving the Democrat Party? Mass delusion? Ingratitude towards the coastal elites who mouth platitudes in their honor?

      Related question: Why are people migrating from blue states to red states?

      Progressive pseudo-intellectuals can pontificate and postulate, while real people are voting with their feet.

      I don't need a meteorologist to tell me its cold outside.

    29. Ronald, If you're done throwing your little hissy fit, lets get back to facts.

      You called the GOP "corporately owned." Its your opinion, its very subjective and therefor pointless to argue over. What is not pointless, is what I did, which was to post a link showing the Democrats are also "corporate owned."

      You responded with links to opinion pieces. The one link that broke down billionaire political contribution destroyed your own cause. Of the $574 million in contributions by billionaires, $300 million of it went to Democrats!

      Please stop helping me beat you in these futile, flailing, pathetic little fights you pick. I can handle it on my own without you shooting yourself in the face with a cannon.

  2. I love Jordan Peterson. Men die on the job at over 10X the rate of women.

    If we want complete workplace gender equity, we need to start pushing a lot more women off the roof.

  3. "Democrats almighty
    Party of slavery, abortion and interment-camps"

    What ever became of those southern state slave owning Democrats? They're all todays Republicans.

    Abortion by the way, was a sole product of the Republican Party. The year was 1973 and the president was Richard Nixon. The decision came from the predominantly conservative Warren Burger court by a 7 to 2 vote. All five Republican Justices voted for it and 2 Democratic Justices voted against it.

    1. Georgia and Virginia went for Trump? Who knew? I must have missed those 29 Trump Electoral College votes.

    2. ps - Are there any pro-Life Democrats today? I thought that they were all excommunicated...

    3. The Democrat Party is a party of coastal 'elites.' Working people are not stupid, so they have left the party of global corporations, lectures and indoctrination. The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse.


    4. @ RJW,
      "What ever became of those southern state slave owning Democrats? They're all todays Republicans."
      Any proof, Ronald, or are you just pulling crap out of your drawers?
      Were your progenitors Slave owners?
      Mine were abolitionists and sharecroppers.
      I'm not a Republican, BTW, But I haven't voted for a Democrat in a national election, since they ran the draft dodging Bill Clinton, for President.

    5. What ever became of those southern state slave owning Democrats?

      Pretty sure most of them died of old age.

  4. Needless to say that the Progressives are the biggest bunch of NAME CALLING of any party,

    And the funny thing about that is that THEY are the most HATEFUL group of all

  5. Congratulate me everyone. After two years, I finally joined the Covid Club. Low grade symptoms on Tuesday, improving daily.

    1. Get well soon. Hopefully, you'll have natural immunity and can ignore all the future "booster" hysteria.

    2. Thanks Farmer. That is my hope, but Doctator Fauci, nanny statists, and their progressive Branch Covidian cultists will keep fanning the hysteria for as long as they can.

    3. Hopefully the Covid doesn't put you down for four weeks like it did me.

    4. "The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse."

      Because they say so or because of their actions? Sure, they say so, kinda like Mexico paying for a wall or a good dose of Trump steaks to enjoy while we're admiring our Trump University diplomas.

      Tell ya what ole boy, how bout you start listing GOP policies or legislations over the past 50 years (lowering taxes for the rich is not one) that was intended to give any meaningful or substantial support for the working class and I'll rattle off a dozen Dem policies or legislations for each.

    5. While we're waiting for that list of Republicans being a friend to the working man, let's revisit Warren's invoking abortion as a product of Democrats. Democrats legislations and bills addressing abortion compared to Republicans is akin to how each address American workers.

      The Adoption and Safe Families Act making it easier to adopt was passed by Democrats. FMLA preventing employers from firing women because of maternity leave was passed by Democrats. The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act guarantying infants born at any stage of development full legal rights and extended legal protections was passed by Democrats. The 2008 Democratic platform was “reducing the need for abortion by reducing the need for women seeking abortions" but that was shut down by a defiant Republican party hell bent on obstructing anything Obama presented.

      It's worth reminding that the Republican party voted unanimously against the Violence Against Women Act. They unanimously allowed Trump's pro-rape judge (Neome Rao) a lifetime seat. They have diligently weakened the Affordable Care Act which has lowered abortion in every single state that accepted it and expanded Medicaid. In Colorado, abortions have dropped by the 40% range in the past 5 years after the state implemented a free contraceptive program, yet Republicans have adamantly targeted free or reduced pricing for contraceptives for women.

      Since we're waiting to hear all the great things Republicans have done for the working man.

    6. RJW,
      When did you have your abortion?
      Do you consider prostitutes to be "the working man"?
      I worked in Social Service -as charity- and quite a few single mothers used abortion as birth control because the because they "didn't want to bother with birth control".
      The "Affordable Care Act" drove health insurance companies out of business because special contracts were given to the big players including government paying them so-called administration fees. I lost my health insurance and was forced into a "government plan" with ridiculous out of pocket and deductibles. I came within a hairs breadth of going bankrupt because of my wife's failing health and need for medical equipment.

      Given your history; I doubt that anything you said was factual. Probably something you heard on MSNBC.

    7. I had to work my full time job, two full time/part time jobs and one part time/part time job because my full time job only paid for my insurance, medicine and medical equipment.
      Why couldn't get help? Because I wouldn't divorce my wife and I "made too much money" to qualify for government assistance.
      They/it sure didn't help this working man!

    8. "Given your history; I doubt that anything you said was factual. Probably something you heard on MSNBC."

      My my, a get-out-of-jail-free card to dodge (rather than simply look them up yourself) any arguments that don't suit your agenda. I realize this is your show but that's a tad intellectually lazy wouldn't you say.

      Prior to ACA, health care was exploding the deficit while insurance companies were raking it in while selectively picky and choosing who had preexisting conditions.

      I don't know your employer or circumstances but many companies used ACA as an excuse to lower or cut benefits. UPS decided to cut around 15,000 spouses who were eligible for insurance with their own employer, siting ACA even though it had nothing to do with it. That is true even if it was mentioned on MSNBC. But of course, the Obama haters only heard and saw what they wanted.

      And while some did lose their provider due to ACA, a significantly larger number gained.

      Is ACA perfect? Hell no. But perhaps if the Republican Party made an attempt to actually help the country with the obvious health car problem rather than sabotage it at every level and marching lockstep to their Big Insurance donors, maybe a great deal of it's problems would have been ironed out.

    9. Oh, the irony!

      "My my, a get-out-of-jail-free card to dodge (rather than simply look them up yourself) any arguments that don't suit your agenda. I realize this is your show but that's a tad intellectually lazy wouldn't you say.

      No, I wouldn't say! I've read the crap already and debunking cherry picked statistics, isn't my bag.
      Intellectually, you are about as lazy as they come and a waste of time.
      You have proven, time and again, that you are a doctrinaire ideologue with little interest in facts. I'm not going to waste my time explaining complicated ideas to a person that doesn't understand the difference between correlation and causation and uses their ignorance like it's some kind of Holy Grail and looks to the Government for the solutions to problems in which the Government has no reason, or moral authority, to be involved.
      But you go ahead, you just be you.

    10. Ronald,

      You sound peeved and miffed! Those lying Wepubwicans are thstealing our voters! (poke out your bottom lip when you say that)

      lol You as me what Republicans done for working people?

      You should be asking the millions of working people who have left the Democrat party.

    11. TC: I am heeding what you and other who have had it have said. Its been down in the 20's here, but I am out every day for a brisk walk. Even though Omicron is the covid lite version (I assume that is the strain I have) I don't want it settling in my lungs.

    12. Yes. You don't want the Covid-fueled form of pneumonia.

    13. If you haven't lost sense of smell and taste, it's probably Omicron. Take the alphabet of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and Zinc with food. The loss of taste is almost like a thrush infection.

    14. SF, I have no control as to what sounds to you.

      Yes, I did ask what Republicans have done for working people over the last 50 years. You tucked tail and ran from your claim and didn't answer for an obvious reason. None exists.

      I would go into what Dems have done but someone else gave an extensive one earlier and it's disappeared.

    15. Poor Ronald...

      First off, I'm not your fetch boy.

      Secondly, I made no claim for what the GOP may or may not have done for working people, so that is you flipping over the checkers board and hiding behind a strawman because I am beating you.

      I said: "The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse."

      Polling data going back to the Reagan 80's backs that up, and the Jacobin mag link I posted summarizes nicely, so my statement is backed up by 40 years of historical data.

      My entire family, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, all working people, all Democrats, crossed over and voted for Reagan in 1980. I was too little to understand politics (they all loved Jimmy Carter four years earlier), but it was probably inflation, and then the jobs boom held on to them.

      So go ahead and tell us these voters are just too stupid to know what's good for them. Or, like some good journalists on the left, you could go investigating.

    16. TC: Uh oh... I have lost my sense of taste and smell. I detest beets, almost to the point of making me gag (must be a subconscious repudiation of my Eastern European peasant roots). My wife just cut off a big slice of a cooked beet and handed it to me. I couldn't smell it. Taking the experiment further, I ate it, no prob. :-(

      Maybe I don't have Omicron...

      We are big on eating clean and vitamins and supplements. First time I've been sick in years. The kids have all got covid, son most recently, and my unvaxxed wife hasn't has so much as a sniffle.

      Also, I've been eating plugged-in fluorescent bulbs and horse paste and washing them down with fish tank cleaner, so I'll be fine...

    17. @ SF,
      I see you're getting plenty of roughage so you should be fine. ;)

    18. "First off, I'm not your fetch boy."

      Well, excuse me if asking for an example over the last half century of the Plutocratic Party being the party of working people somehow insinuated I expected you to be my bitch.

      And aside from your somewhat admission you can't do it, over here in the real world, the Plutocrats lost the House, the Senate, and the Executive Branch in a matter of 4 years. Sounds to me that while workers did likely buy into Con Man Don, that scam didn't hold up.

      And they'd been crushed in the House over the last 20 years had it not been for heavy gerrymandering. In 2018, NC statewide house seats votes were 48.5 Democrat yet 3 went to Dems and 10 went to Rs. And NC is not an isolated example. Is that what you're calling the voice of the working class?

      This why your Plutocratic states are legislating obstacles for voters and installing fraudulent electors.

      While it's my personal opinion you're a cantankerous, brainwashed spinmeister abetting the propaganda machine with disinformation and alternative facts, Godspeed on a full recovery.

    19. This is the statement I made, and it stands fully substantiated:

      "The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse."

      Ronald Ward could not rebut and refute this factual statement, so he went off on a blathering tangent, asking me to substantiate a claim I never made. Poor Ronald!

      I repost my comments from the other thread here, since you are ignoring them.

    20. Ronald,

      We've got two threads going, I've demolished you in both, so go down to the end where I've started a new thread. I have posted my consolidated comments and they await your rebuttal.

    21. @SF - now there's "sub-variants" of Omicron. I suspect viral recombination because Delta didn't go away. I got through the loss of smell and taste with sweet fruits and berries and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with extra jelly. Even though anything bread or batter fried tasted like dirt I could taste sweet so it became tolerable. I lived on frosted mini-wheats cereal with raspberries.

  6. AOW and I both think we had it. We didn't see any reason to be tested as we would have had to go to the Emergency Room to be tested and our symptoms were mind. Took about four days to recover.
    Covid has entered the Epidemic phase and almost everyone will get it regardless of what kind of prophylactic measures are taken, including the MNRA vaccines and "Boosters".
    BTW, we both had the J&J shots before we were married. We got them because, the way things were going at the time, we were afraid we wouldn't be allowed to travel.

    1. almost everyone will get it regardless of what kind of prophylactic measures are taken, including the MNRA vaccines and "Boosters".

      Ay! There's the rub.

      Not to mention some of the horrific reactions to the so-called vaccines.

      My primary care doc said that I should not get MRNA "vaccines" because they are, in his words, "almost alive." I have a history of reacting to live vaccines -- and I don't mean just a rash. The last time around that I had a live vaccine (chickenpox vaccine, in 2015), the damn thing very nearly killed my left kidney -- and left me with this hellish neurogenic pain syndrome in my left abdomen and left flank.

  7. WOKE women make me want to puke. They are ignorant and ridiculous and not at all what the "Womens Movement" was about. They are a literal joke. They are not educated. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Jennifer and Jane. Those people need to read the Bible and they all should be kicked in the bum and kicked out!

  8. AOW, I posted here to this yesterday and my post is gone. I know you and Warren or SF would not have deleted it because it spoke to the WOKE lunacy. Am I going insane? I am beginning to wonder if Blogger is not censoring us. I rechecked before I posted this, and my comment is gone. Insane!

  9. "And they (Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Joe Biden, and the entire Democrat Party) want to De-Fund the Police?"

    Another lie and distortion of reality but I know Phantom, you get a pass.

    Biden's published criminal justice plan calls for a $300 million investment in community policing and includes the hiring more police. https://joebiden.com/justice/

    "No, I don't support defunding the police," I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorableness. And, in fact, are able to demonstrate they can protect the community and everybody in the community."
    --President Joseph Biden to CBS on June 8 2022

    1. Joe Biden has told so many lies that nobody is willing to publish them except in serialized form. Try googling them with Joe Bidens tall tales and lies . I don't know why anyone would believe anything he says.

    2. That guy with dementia beat Trump in a landslide without even trying. Just sayin'.

    3. @RJW:
      I'm going to play your game.

      Here, is a list of 119 lies that Joe Biden has told As President. Just the ones he has told or repeated since he took office.
      I'm not even going to agree with all of them -I'm not telling you which ones- but it's up to you to debunk "all" of them thoroughly.
      Post your results here and then I'll find you a list of lies and tall tales he told before he took office and you can debunk them.
      Now, go do your homework.

    4. @TC....+1

      He also soundly beat a serial liar. But lying is only important now that the other guy is a liar as well.

    5. Warren, I'll plead the SF right to not be a fetch boy on debunking the likes of a propagandist outlet such as the Federalist.

      But I'll play the game of "Try googling them with Joe Bidens tall tales and lies", I'm pulling up 1,150,000 results. Using SF's often holstered "they all do it" change the name to Trump and you get 4,080,000. I guess kinda like "Bill Clinton Draft Dodger" and Caption Bone Spurs?

      Oh, but I'm not suppose to say "Trump", am I.

      It would make an interesting debate to scroll these lies of Biden, Trump, Clinton, GWB and list by most destructive, Constitutional damaging, and/or deadly.

    6. I think it was Bill Maher that summed up Trump's loss as Americans wanting a break from crazy. Even though it's fun to play the policy wonk game of challenging Trump supporters to name what Biden has changed from the Trump years when he can't get anything passed, Biden not being Trump yet keeping Trump policies in place is likely not going to be enough in 2024.

    7. @ RJW:
      Warren, I'll plead the SF right to not be a fetch boy on debunking the likes of a propagandist outlet such as the Federalist.

      That was my point except you seem to believe that, "Progressive/Liberal" outlets are speaking unvarnished truth and aren't "propagandist outlet(s)". That's laughable! You can even see it at NPR and that latest Nina Totenburg hit piece against the non-"Liberal" members of the Supreme Court. Even though debunked by all the USSC members involved, -including Sonia https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/19/us/politics/supreme-court-masks.html-, NPR and Totenburg refuse to retract. In other words NPR is spreading unfounded rumors from unnamed sources -If, indeed, there are any sources and Totenburg didn't make the thing up from whole cloth.-


      You can say Trump all you want but your obsession makes you look nutty and your endless ranting is boring. You sound like the ghetto Mamma endlessly weeping about her poor, good, squeaky clean boy that was caught red-handed murdering a fellow gang member.

    8. HERE is the first link reformatted for ease of use. I also cut off Sonia Sotomayor's last name by accident.

    9. "Gruel Throat", An allegorical story:

      In the days of the massive institutionalization of the mentally ill, physically and mentally handicapped; there wasn't enough staff or time to hand feed every patient/inmate individually. First, they feed them gruel, which was really pureed anything. Next, they would use a funnel and hose arrangement which was forced down the inmates throat to avoid aspiration and choking.
      After a while the attendants noticed that the inmates throats would open when the funnel was placed in their mouth without having to force the hose down, so they would quit using the hose and only use the funnel.
      This condition was know -unofficially- as "gruel throat".
      This story was related to me by a friend who is a licensed Clinical Psychologist that entered the Priesthood in his mid 40s and although has retired as a parish priest, still practices counseling and psychology for those that can't afford the monetary burden.

      My point;
      You aren't immune to an intellectual form of "gruel throat" where you take the information you gather from whatever sources and take them without any form of discernment at all.

      On other thing my friend told me.
      When the mass institutionalization end, they had to retrain these poor individuals, to again, be able to chew and swallow their food. Some were never able to relearn.

  10. @ Elizabeth,
    Evidently, Blogger moved it into the Spam folder. It has been re-marked as "not Spam" and has re-appear where it was, just above Ducky's comment.
    Sorry, mysterious are the ways of Blogger.

    1. LOL no problem Warren. Thank you and AOW for looking into it. I was sure it was blogger censoring out speech since the other day when I signed it there was a pop-up saying I had to give my username because it is illegal or some rubbish to login without verifying it in the EU! The world has gone nut!

  11. Replies
    1. Stolen from a comment section elsewhere:

      "2000 - (R) Bush beats Gore= Selected, not elected. Hanging Chads. Butterfly Ballots. Not my president.
      2004 - (R) Bush beats Kerry = Voter suppression. More hanging Chads. Illegitimate President. (push for all-electronic voting ramped up).
      2008 - (D) Obama Beats McCain = The nation heals it's racial wounds. The rising seas begin to recede.
      2012 - (D) Obama beats Romney = A post-racial America. The Most Secure Election in Our Nation's History. Let's find a way for Obama to get a 3rd term.
      2016 - (R) Trump beats H. Clinton = Voting machines hacked. Russian FB ads / Russian Collusion. Trump a Russian Agent. Illegitimate President. Stolen Election.
      2020- (D) Biden beats Trump = Most secure Election in Our Nation's History. To question election results is "The Big Lie", An Assault On The Very Foundation Of Our Democracy, Encourages Insurrection.
      2024 - Coming soon, predicted (R) Win = Cannot Accept Results of Elections. Vague Allegations of Voter Suppression. Republicans Stole Election Because "Voting Rights" legislation Not Passed.

      Is it just me, or is there a pattern?


    2. I suspect there will always be a pattern of folks upset about an election outcome. Considering Republicans for the most part historically lose the popular vote, I'm sure that irks a few as well. And yeah, pundits, critics, and the media from both sides will moan and throw out assertions and accusations.

      Thing is, there's only 1 person on that list that has refused to accept the results of a legitimate election, even after his very own hand picked courts slammed the door in his face.

      There's only 1 person who appears to be in deep doo-doo for stirring a mob to stop the will of the people in seating his legitimately elected opponent.

      There's only 1 person that after a year of his loss, would still be sowing division and spreading lies in order to con the electorate into believing that he won the election.

      This would be the same guy who could shoot someone dead on 5th Ave and his apologists would stand firmly behind him while somehow finding a way to point blame at the Democrats.

    3. @ RJW,
      Selective amnesia?
      Remember, Al Gore?
      He was bitching and bellyaching for years, until he became a laughing stock and irrelevant. At first, he even conceded the election.

  12. --- Ronald and Kurt, Consolidation and Recapitulation ---
    GOP has become the party of the working people

    This is the statement I made, and it stands fully substantiated:

    "The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse."

    Ronald Ward could not rebut and refute this factual statement, so he went off on a blathering tangent, asking me to substantiate a claim I never made. Poor Ronald!

    Ronald did issue a related challenge:

    "Tell ya what ole boy, how bout you start listing GOP policies or legislations over the past 50 years (lowering taxes for the rich is not one) that was intended to give any meaningful or substantial support for the working class and I'll rattle off a dozen Dem policies or legislations for each."

    Good question, but I never made any claim about GOP policies, therefore I have no need to go collect data for you. My claim is fully substantiated.

    1. Ronald Ward,

      You have asked a good question. You intimate that if we stacked up GOP policies against Democrat policies, the evidence would show that Democrats policies for working people would outnumber GOP ones, and outdo them in quality. It's up to YOU to demonstrate that, not me, since it is YOUR claim, not mine.

      Let's save you the leg work and concede your point: Democrats have produced more and better legislation for working people than Republicans have.

      Now, the question becomes: Why are working people and POC leaving the Democrat Party? Especially in the Age of The Racist Orange Bad Man? Mass delusion? Ingratitude towards the coastal elites who mouth platitudes in their honor?

      Indeed, pollsters, social scientists and pundits right and left are investigating why working people, including Hispancis, POC, etc are voting Republican. One reason cited by Hispanics is their resentment of Anglo pseudo-intellectual progressives inventing words like LaTinks (Latinx) and shoving it down their throats. This vandalism of The Castillian doesn't sit well with people.

      Other potential issues: Disrespect for their values of religion and family? Jobs? Illegal Immigration (Hispanics in Southern Texas are pissed off about illegal immigration disrupting their communities)? All I know is what I read.

      Related question: Why are people migrating from blue states to red states when blue states are so obviously superior in every way?

      Progressive pseudo-intellectuals can pontificate and postulate, while real people are voting with their feet.

      I don't need a meteorologist to tell me its cold outside.

      Over to you, Ronald!


  13. --- Ronald and Kurt, Consolidation and Recapitulation ---
    Both Parties are Corporately Owned

    Ronald called the GOP "Corporately Owned." I responded with a link demonstrating that both parties lap up corporate cash. This isn't news to normal thinking people, but it caused a major blowout in Ronald Ward's hermetically-sealed progressive ideology bubble, and his comments just got wild and crazy after that.

    @Ronald J. Ward:
    "Aside from that being about as big of a whopper as Republicans being pro-workingman, what you actually do is sugarcoat what barely passes any factchecker's tests and inductively concluding from observations of your likings.

    And you do it quite poorly."

    So, to summarize where we are:

    Kurt says: If the GOP is "Corporately Owned" then so is the Democrat Party, based on the evidence of cash given both parties by billionaire plutocrats, Silicon Valley Robber Barons, and global corporations.

    Ronald says: "The GOP is corporately owned."

    It is still unclear if he thinks the Democrat Party is also corporately owned.


    1. Ronald, If you're done throwing your little hissy fit, lets get back to facts.

      You called the GOP "corporately owned." It's your opinion, it's very subjective and therefore pointless to argue over. What is not pointless, is what I did, which was to post a link showing the Democrats are also "corporate owned."

      You responded with links to opinion pieces. The one link that broke down billionaire political contribution destroyed your own cause. Of the $574 million in contributions by billionaires, $300 million of it went to Democrats!

      Please stop helping me beat you in these futile, flailing, pathetic little fights you pick. I can handle it on my own without you shooting yourself in the face with a cannon.

      Now, I ask you point blank, in the face of the facts presented: Is the Democrat Party also "corporately owned?"

    2. Ronald fancies himself a post-modern influencer. In many ways, he is. He lives in a flat-world of celebrity "appearances" that lacks any depth required for our increasingly meta-modern world. I say we nominate him for a stay at the new TikTok influencer creators mansion.

    3. SF, not meaning to ignore what I admit to be an unexpected and refreshing argument of substance, being with family on a Sunday doesn't give me the opportunity to research and respond to each of your points as I would like.

      Did the working class feel left behind? That question is understood. Did they turn to the Trump movement? Yes they did.

      But does this confirm your claim they are leaving "the Democrat (sic) Party"? Well, the 2018 and 2020 vote says no. Was the VA vote a sign of things to come? Very likely? Does 2022 look like a bloodbath for Democrats? I would say Dems should be shaking in their boots.

      Is this a sign of the working class leaving the Democratic Party to join the anti-worker Plutocrats that have been stabbing them in the back and turning them into the socialist/corporate welfare funding saps for their corporate donors? Well, that might not be as apparent as you argue. These political midterm winds have shifted for decades. And with the present day environment of COVID, inflation, along with an obstructive opposition party doing all it can to beat America down in order to blame Biden, it's very likely to be a bad year for Dems.

      You also ignore North Carolina as an example voters going 48.5% democratic voting but only seeing 3 Democrats seated to the U.S. House verses 10 Republicans seated. And I can send you countless of links from the Federalist, AmericanNonThinker, GatewayPundit, and so on where they say those 10 seats were where the working man spoke. That just isn't so and you know it. And again, NC is just 1 of many. You also ignore the reality of Plutocratic states implementing election rigging laws to insure they remain there.

      So knock off the horse shit that this is some decision of the working man. The working man foolishly gave them enough room to get their foot in the door to take screwing their eyes out to a new level.

    4. I think Joe Manchin best represents what's happening in the world of the working class in the energy sector. Manchin offers coal miners $61k/ year coal mining jobs. Biden offers them $38k/yr green energy/ solar panel installer jobs. Guess which one WV workers support?

    5. hint - It requires no multi-billion dollar government subsidies for "worker retraining".

    6. So yes, the carbon-based traditional energy corporations support Republicans and the new green-energy corporations that receive untold billions in government subsidies support Democrats.

      But there are still lots of kids going to the Colorado School of Mines who will require coal mining jobs after investing $100,000+ in their undergraduate tuition and who won't take kindly to getting re-trained for minimum wage "green" worker jobs.

      And lets face facts. Green energy jobs short of nuclear engineering are a dead end/loser for all energy sector workers. Gas, petroleum and coal are far more energy dense sources.

    7. YOu brought up North Carolina...

      North Carolina's 2018 total gross state product was $496 billion.[95] Based on American Community Survey 2010–2014 data, North Carolina's median household income was $46,693. It ranked forty-first out of fifty states plus the District of Columbia for median household income. North Carolina had the fourteenth highest poverty rate in the nation at 17.6%, with 13% of families were below the poverty line.[96]

      The state has a very diverse economy because of its great availability of hydroelectric power[97] its pleasant climate, and its wide variety of soils. The state ranks third among the South Atlantic states in population, but leads the region in industry and agriculture.[98][99] North Carolina leads the nation in the production of tobacco.[100] Charlotte, the state's largest city, is a major textile and trade center. According to a Forbes article written in 2013, Employment in the "Old North State" has gained many different industry sectors. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) industries in the area surrounding North Carolina's capital have grown 17.9 percent since 2001. Raleigh ranked the third best city for technology in 2020 due to the state's growing technology sector.[101] In 2010, North Carolina's total gross state product was $424.9 billion,[102] while the state debt in November 2012, according to one source, totalled $2.4 billion,[103] while according to another, was in 2012 $57.8 billion.[104] In 2011, the civilian labor force was at around 4.5 million with employment near 4.1 million.

      North Carolina is the leading U.S. state in production of flue-cured tobacco and sweet potatoes, and comes second in the farming of pigs and hogs, trout, and turkeys.[105][106] In the three most recent USDA surveys (2002, 2007, 2012), North Carolina also ranked second in the production of Christmas trees.[105][107][108]

      North Carolina has 15 metropolitan areas,[109] and in 2010 was chosen as the third-best state for business by Forbes Magazine, and the second-best state by chief executive officer Magazine.[110] Since 2000, there has been a clear division in the economic growth of North Carolina's urban and rural areas. While North Carolina's urban areas have enjoyed a prosperous economy with steady job growth, low unemployment, and rising wages, many of the state's rural counties have suffered from job loss, rising levels of poverty, and population loss as their manufacturing base has declined. According to one estimate, one-half of North Carolina's 100 counties have lost population since 2010, primarily due to the poor economy in many of North Carolina's rural areas. However, the population of the state's urban areas is steadily increasing.[111]

      Given the nature of North Carolina's economy, unless the feds are going to significantly increase tobacco production or farm subsidies, the economy will likely stay pretty Republican.

    8. So vote for Democrats if you want your agricultural products taxed off the shelves, industrial jobs shipped to China, and service jobs keeping your kids busy at minimum wages after they drop $100k at the Colorado School of Mines getting a worthless STEM degree.

    9. ...or better yet, teach your Southern Belle daughters how to become social influencers by subsidizing their $10k/month "education expenses" at the local NC TikTok House

    10. Ronald,

      Thank you for the response. Looks like Thersites has already woodchippered your pathetic response, so I'll simply thank you for finally stating what I knew you were edging around all along:

      "The working man foolishly gave them enough room to get their foot in the door to take screwing their eyes out to a new level."

      Those people crossing over and voting Republican are just too stupid to vote in their best interests.

      And that in itself provides the answer. Progressives are puritanical, preachy, dogmatic, snotty, arrogant, self-important and increasingly self-referential to the point of incest and self-pleasuring. Ordinary people are repulsed by that.

      Glad we could resolve this.

    11. SF, once again, the 2018 and 2020 election results ware not an indication that "The GOP is now the party of working people, and it is becoming increasingly diverse." The GOP lost both chambers of Congress and the WH.

      Whatever this incoherent "Progressives are puritanical, preachy, dogmatic, snotty, arrogant, self-important and increasingly self-referential to the point of incest and self-pleasuring" that you connected to being scammed and claim "we?" resolved is a product concocted in your head.

      Thersites response to the fact that the plutocrats would be crushed in the House if not for profound gerrymandering was to tell us about their Christmas tree industry.

      I hope your fever breaks soon and you make some sense.

      Perhaps when the fever breaks, you'll make some sense.

    12. I never mentioned the 2020 North Carolina election. Republicans took 8 seats with 49.4% of the vote and Democrats took 5 with 50%.

      This not being good enough for election rigging republicans, they went back and redistricted to give them more seats in 2022.

      These election rigging and fraudulent electors initiatives taking place in red states have nothing to do with the working class voters, how many hogs the state raises, or your vile view of progressives.

    13. Doing the percentages/seats kabuki is stale. We have congressional districts, whoever is in power gerrymanders. That's not news.

      When we point out that the Senate is 50/50, Progs start yapping about how unfair it is that Wyoming gets the same amount of senators as California. Well, Rhode Island gets the same number of senators as Texas. Go read the constitution-change it if you don't like it.

      So tell us, how did those wathcally wethugwicans rig the Senate vote to end up with half the Senate?

      We do agree that nothing in politics is locked in, and a year in politics is a lifetime, which is why you don't hear me crowing about what crushing defeat this November will be for Democrats. I put nothing past the Democrat Establishment and their handmaidens in the three letter organizations. Lord knows what 'crimes,' crises or catastrophes they will cook up to save themselves and keep them from bleeding out more voters.

      Have you decided? Is the Democrat Party also Corporately owned? Simple Yes or No please.

    14. @ RJW,
      "This not being good enough for election rigging republicans, they went back and redistricted to give them more seats in 2022."

      It's called Gerrymandering and the Political Party in controls the process. It's legal -supposedly, if it's in reason- and both sides do it! That's why there is nothing done about it. Dems and Reps both benefit from it when they are in power and it has been going on since the late 1700s and the party in power never complains about it. The only reason Dems are complaining about it now is they can see the big political loss coming down the road and margins are narrow.

    15. Yes, the Democratic Party accepts corporate campaign money.

      Obviously, the word "owned" can be argued so let's put it this way. The difference in today's political parties is that Republicans cater solely to the wealthy whereas Democrats govern for EVERYONE.

      Bill Maher simplified it.

      "There is a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy. Of course the Democrats are disappointing. That's what makes them Democrats. If they were any more frustrating they'd be your relatives. But in this country they are all that stands between you and darkest night. You know why their symbol is the letter 'D'? Because it's a grade that means good enough, but just barely. You know why the Republican symbol is 'R'? Because it's the noise a pirate makes when he robs you and feeds you to a shark."

      Yet, as you reasonably argue, 2016 saw a huge shift from working voting factions. Trump did an excellent job conning these folks into believing he was in their corner which helped down ballots as well.

      Other variables played well for the Plutocrat and social Darwinism party as well such as misinformation on moral issues, Fox News free air time, taking their culture wars and The Southern Strategy on steroids to social media. Plus, many were still butthurt over that guy from Kenya.

      But as I've repeated, it didn't play out so well in 2020 and while 2022 appears to be a regular and expected midterm election hit, insinuating they've won over the working class (or whatever you said as I'm tire of scrolling) at a time of the Great Resignation is a bit of a stretch.

      Lots of moving parts in that machine.

      Yes Warren, the ole "they all do it" is true on gerrymandering but much like being corporately "owned", the party of Trump have taken it to new levels.

      Can you actually say that a state with 13 congressional seats seating 8 Rs with 49.4% of the vote and 5 Ds with 50% of the votes is okay because the other side tapped into that well before. To use your very words to me in a previous post- Come On Man!

      Thing is, gerrymandering is the tip of the iceberg of vote rigging shenanigans of the party of Trump. And it's all a product of The Big Lie that Trump won.

  14. Warren,

    I agree with you about some women using abortion as a form of birth control. I took care of a woman who had more than a dozen abortions and she told me she did it because she didn't use birth control. Not sure why the surgeon didn't just stitch in a zipper for the uterus. Or more to the point, why the woman didn't opt for a tubal ligation. I consider her behavior very wicked.

  15. Tammy,
    Her behavior was wicked.
    Birth control is cheap, I could rant for hours.


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