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Thursday, January 9, 2020

You "Progressives", Can Be So Very Proud.

 Posted by Warren.

Looks like, the three ring circus formerly known as "The United States House of Representatives", is all set to pass a new War Powers Resolution that would, supposedly, limit President Trump's military actions toward Iran.

It would seem that the Democrats have "serious, urgent concerns about the administration's decision to engage in hostilities against Iran and about its lack of strategy moving forward." Unlike 'Silly Billy Clinton' who bombed the crap out of an aspirin factory and killed a nightwatchman and President 'I Won' who destabilized Libia and in a separate instance killed an American Citizen.

 According to The Council on Foreign Relations
"The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As Obama reportedly told senior aides in 2011; "Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine."

Of course, Democrats are always quick to make meaningless and toothless resolutions. Make no mistake about this resolution, it's figuratively and literally,  toothless as is the present Speaker of the House, whine box Nancy. -aka, wine box Nancy-

 Note that this will be a "concurrent" resolution – a legislative maneuver that is  not submitted to the president and does not have the force of law. (How friggin brave can you get. /sarc) 


  1. The US Congress is much like the Academy or Golden Globe Awards: clowns performing mostly for other clowns. Normal people shake their heads from side to side, shrug their shoulders, and wonder what in the hell the founding fathers were thinking when they created the House of Representatives.

  2. Well, Mustang, It's my contention that, "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's Clown College", closed in 1997 due to the stiff competition from congress. -Beside that, you had to pay to go to Clown College but you get all those benefits and become a millionaire by going to congress.-

    1. Mustang

      A point is missed. Cant talk about the economy its good
      Open borders is a vote killer
      Screaming WW3 when killing master terrorists

      All the far left has anger with zero substance

  3. Replies
    1. ...phony, meaningless virtue signaling as a "substitute" for actually legislating and/or attempting to fix anything.

    2. "Truly this is an age that has become moralistic rather than moral. We are more interested in signalling the right opinions than in doing the right things."

  4. Conceptually, I'm all for limiting the power of the Executive. But this is a waste of time and tax dollars.

  5. Well, I'm of the belief that Congress is Constitutionally empowered to check and balance the Executive branch, to the degree that if their oversight and investigative powers wanted to know if the veins in the President's rectum spelled out anything in calligraphy when stretched end to end, the President better bend over. (Which is why who we put in Congress matters...) but, perhaps a fix is needed, go back to the Senate being appointed by state legislatures so who we put in state legislatures matters. How many Constitutional functions are gummed up because Senators are elected instead of appointed, from treaties to war declarations to impeachments... let's fix the really broken stuff.

    1. Congress has studiously delegated its powers over the years and at the same time has attempted to usurp the powers of the executive and judicial branches -the judicial branch has done the same, i.e. "judicial activism"- Thus, all three branches fail their Constitutional Duty.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.
      ~~Mark Twain~~

    4. Agree on the senate. Repeal the 17th Amendment.

      Disagree on congressional proctology exams of the president.

      Congress does have oversite of all government operations. Where Nancy Mussolini went wrong on Ukraine was, congress should have held hearings and demanded testimony on the Trump Administration's conduct of Ukraine foreign policy.

      Congress has no business digging into a president's personal life, personal affairs or tax returns.

    5. If cons don't like dems calling Trump Dotard, or other unflattering names, they should consider their Nancy Mussolini and the many other names given by them to those THEY disapprove of.

      Just sayin...

    6. RN, just remind them that a Trump-mandated investigation EXONERATED Hillary Clinton.

      Happy New Year.

  6. Lets give more power to congress because everyone knows they only act in their best interest. The millions spent on the impeachment hearings because they needed to rid themselves of the dangerous president then oops maybe not.
    I am sure trump will be blamed for Iran shooting down the airliner, the quake in Puerto Rico and the fires in Australia.
    Watch for it on CNN exclusive.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yea Really. Stop bashing Trump for 2 seconds and tell us what you love about D☭mocrats. K?

    1. Democrats are marginalizing their most left-wing members instead of making them President?

    2. @Kid - Not much. It's the lesser of two evils for me again in the era of Trumpism and repubs kissing Trumps a*s giving him the fealty he demands

  9. Duncan Hunter finally resigned todaay, and the Governor declared that no special election would be held to replace him. The people in his district are OUTRAGED, and I do mean OUTRAGED that they will not be represented in the House of Representatives for a whole year.

    They should have thought of that when they elected a guy who was already indicted for fraudulent use of campaign funds.

  10. FT,

    Pile up as many superlative adjectives as you can shoehorn into a sentence, but I'm not going to pretend a lifelong con artist and charlatan like Fonald J. Trump suddenly became morally infallible and above reproach by joining the Republican Party in the height of its most anti-libertarian, anti-conservative, anti-Constitutional phase in history.

    Give Trump the okie-doke all you want. I prefer to keep my character and principles out of the sewer. Holding Presidents to account is one of Congress' jobs. If Trump can't handle scrutiny, he should go back to pretending to be a business success on TV and leave government to the adults.

    1. The "expert" adults?

      Let's rewind the tape to 2007/8... lol!

    2. ...after all, we've got a lot of neo-Marxist presidential wannabe's waiting to rewrite the Constitution and just itching for another chance like Obama's.

    3. ...much as conservative "purists" of the Never-Trump variety bore the other 99% who must live in a real world.

    4. ps - President Trump is handling the "scrutiny" just fine. Pass all the non-binding but ideologically pure "Congressional Resolutions" you want.:)

    5. If crying on Twitter is "handling scrutiny" he's a champ.

    6. Does the "real world" just mean voting for the less distasteful of two candidates.....or does it mean surrendering all principles to never hold that candidate to any accountability?

    7. ...but if the justifying intel of an "imminent attack by Iran" turns out to be as hallucinatory as Trump's desires to investigate Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton, it's probably prudent to start testing Trump for fentanyl abuse.

    8. It's as if Trump got tired of winning before he ever won.

    9. Tears of laughter, actually. From trying to prove Obama wasn't born in Hawai'I to racking up sealed obstruction of justice indictments waiting for him to leave office to getting himself impeached chasing debunked Hunter Biden conspiracy theories to launching investigations that exonerated both the FBI probes into his wrongdoing and also Hillary Clinton herself, Occam's Razor would seem to whittle Donald Trump down to "total retard."

      Total retards aren't fit to serve as President.

    10. After Trump leaves office and the prison guards limit his access to Twitter, some of you may try to ingratiate yourself back into actual conservative circles. It's probably worth trying to build a time machine to go back and stop yourselves from being stupid.

    11. Indeed. President Lock-Her-Up launched an investigation that exonerated Hillary Clinton.

      That's gotta sting.

    12. Now he says that he’s worried about Democrats leaking classified information. This comes from the very person who had leaked classified information.

      To state the obvious, and be displeased with it thought (because one might actually have principles).....is apparently to be a “never trumper” in the eyes of the sycophants......

      There’s a lot of ‘unhinged’ in our political culture.

    13. Lifelong America-hating far left communists like Donald Trump are trying to sow discord in our government? What's not news?

    14. We've never had a President like Trump before. At least it's more clear now why we avoided it for so long and why we won't ever again. The self-lobotomization required of Trump supporting is both heart-wrenching and stomach-turning. It's like discovering a friend huffs paint thinner.

    15. @ CI, By definition, the President -any President- cannot "leak" classified information as he has final say about what is classified. In contrast, The Democrats have a long history of selectively leaking, full or partial, classified information to benefit themselves politically and personally, security and the life's of our operatives, servicemen and agents, be damned.

    16. Oh, I'm well aware of what the 'standard' (such as it is), is. I'm just enjoying the hypocrisy. It's the gift that keeps on giving!

  11. Just checking in to see how everyone has recovered from WW III...

    1. Iranian funerals kill more Iranians. This domino effect needs to be weaponized.

    2. I wouldn’t presume that it’s over.

    3. I refer to the Democrat media hysteria.

      As I stated in the previous blog post, We've been at war with Iran for 41 years

    4. Fair point. Even given your definition, I still wouldn't presume that it's over. The hysteria will rumble on...

  12. Replies
    1. The name of this now benighted place should be changed to TROLDHAUGEN. (Look it up!)

  13. Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached new lows.

    Even after the lying sack of Shiite mullahs admitted they accidentally shot down that plane, unhinged nutballs on the left are still blaming President Trump.

    1. SF,
      I don't expect the unhinged nutballs on the left to stop blaming Trump.

  14. I want to know how trump managed to start the fires in Australia while pushing the missile button that took out the aircraft. I am sure omar can tell us during her parade honoring suleymani.


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