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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quiz Time

A little something different for Columbus Day 2015:

Question 1

CLICK HERE to take the quiz Can You Guess the Invention Based on These Patent Illustrations? Hint: They are all part of the National Museum of American History’s collection.

My quiz results below the fold.

You Answered 8 out of 10 CORRECT!

You ranked in the 83th percentile compared to all others who have taken this quiz
How did you do on the quiz?


  1. 9 of 10. The one device looked very much like an inclinometer on a ship.

  2. 7 of 10. Amazing what has been invented. When taking the "patent" course work, it was so much fun wandering through all of the thousands of odd ball concepts that creative minds have come up with, including the "Big Mac."

  3. I should have paid more attention. That one thing looked like one of those piano timers (I don't know what they are called); so 9 of 10.

    1. I tried to zoom in on my phone to make sure it wasn't a metronome, but my pastor was starting to get suspicious. :)

  4. 9 out of 10. Imagine calling an inclinometer a thermometer.

  5. Not so good - 7 out of 10. That first one was the doozey. Interesting & fun.

    1. Baysider,
      Funny thing about that first one: I got it right away. Then again, considering the situation in this household...not a surprise.

      Glad that you enjoyed the quiz. Too much politics, and we all overdose!

  6. Couldn't find the quiz. All I got when I clicked was an ADVERTISEMENT for Smithsonian! Phooey!!!

    As for the sketch at the head of the post, it looks to me like a CLOCK made to look like a BOMB by some psychotic Islamic Mischief Maker. };-)>

    1. FT,
      If all you see is an advertisement, look for the arrow that indicates "continue to site."

  7. 9 of 10.

    Missed the mouse of all things.

  8. 7 out of 10

    Wh at IS the right answer for the First One, and the one that looks sort of like a metronome?

    1. FT,
      Number 1 = a snow board for disabled people.

      The one that looks like a metronome was a device for measuring temperature.

      Glad that you were able to access the quiz, FT!

  9. great one AOW! Happy Columbus DAY! booyah! xoxoxo

  10. 9 of 10 Surprised myself although a couple were guesses. Anyway I never saw a diaper wrap that looked like a corset


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