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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hitler And Islam

Hitler believed that Islam was a religion perfectly suited to the German temperament: "It's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion."

Hitler and the Mufti al-Husseini

From page 96 of Inside the Third Reich (Click directly on the image below to enlarge it):

(hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance)


  1. He pretty much supported any religion other the Judaism and Christianity which he saw as a product of Judaism.

    Yitzhak Shamir and the Stern Gang tried to ally with Hitler and later Stalin.
    There are lots of historic anomalies that we shouldn't read much into.

  2. I must admit that Christianity confuses me as well. Following several thousands of years smiting one another, we end up at a point where “the meek shall inherit the earth.” There is a logical disconnect in this, particularly in light of the fact that since Matthew 5 we have seen no evidence of gentleness gaining advantages over an aggressive humanity. We do not advance human society by allowing bullies to have their way with us. Hitler was a bully; Stalin was a bully; Islam is a bully today and we must deal with Islam on that basis. We must take care, however, that we do not become one of those ourselves.

    1. Maybe but some shallow post about what is really Hitler channeling Nietzsche only makes it clear that you are dealing from emotion and a false sense of exceptionalism.

      The issue of who is the bully (in the case of the Mufti it as clearly Britain) is subjective.

    2. Duck,
      I can always count on you to come quaking in to attempt to deflect from the purpose of a blog post which even hints that Islam isn't all sweetness and light -- and to squawk something illogical about "excetionalism."

    3. Yer Fodder's Mustache said

      Trow dat doity duck bum OUTTAHERE!

  3. Z,
    The purpose of this blog post wasn't to throw rocks at the German people.

    Hitler was a demagogue and a propagandist, and it's interesting that he apparently believed that Islam was "the strong man" religion. He also implies that Islam has a militant nature, and Islam does indeed have a militant nature.

  4. Kid...excellent deduction! Not their bucket list (anymore)...Jews don't even pay taxes in Germany since WWII....Thankfully, while mosques are being built everywhere, Synagogues, too, are going up like crazy! Odd, however...I wonder if some of those building plans will stop or slow down with this huge influx of true Jew Haters?

    1. Thank you. I thought it was a required query.

      I still have not figured out why Merkel said that. And I still haven't.
      The conclusion seems absurd, but .... so Angela, tell me, what's up?

  5. Always, I didn't think that's why you blogged it....Yes, he apparently thought this was "the strong man" religion, you're right. Germans were strong in their Christianity (Catholic in the South and Lutheran in the North) and it was, indeed, those stronger Christians who worked hard to rid their country of Hitler, as you know.
    It does infer more about Germans than I think you meant..
    Since Islam is moving in there now, BIG time, we'll see how Germans take to it. So far, NO GOOD! Thanks for the explanation.

  6. It makes sense. If you know more about the pre-Christian German pagans - with whom Hitler identified - you understand his lust for the sword. He hated Christianity, and did seem to attract a number of central Asian mystics to his inner circle. He certainly supported the Grand Mufti - literally - and funded his office and staff in Berlin. Common men with a common purpose. The quote makes perfect sense.

  7. Does Germany have a mechanism for impeachment? How much of this BS can be sustained?

  8. Z,

    I would think that even in spite of an, apparent, imbalance of kooks, presently, there would eventually have to be a 'tipping-point' as a matter of survival. Currently, it sounds like collective masochism on a scale unprecedented in recorded history!

    1. I'm hearing the tipping point is about reached....SF posted a link at my place on this, too........stay tuned. Germany's in real flux right now and I won't be surprised if they get rid of Angela....God willing. And I was a FAN of hers till now..!!!

  9. B. Waring said

    When you walk through a crowd
    Keep your chin up high
    But keep far away from the park.
    Keep your chin up high
    And look down your long nose
    And remember this life is no lark.

    Walk on through the filth
    By each bloody stain
    As around you victims groan.

    Walk on, walk on
    With hate in your heart,
    And you'll never walk alone.
    You'll never walk alone.


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