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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Open Thread

Note: If you're inclined to weigh in on the previous post, FEATURED QUESTION: 2016 Election, please do so.

So, what's on your mind?

Here's a link to get this thread started: Ivy League prof. calls Ben Carson a 'coon'.

BTW, on Sunday, October 11, Steve Kroft will "grill" Obama on 60 Minutes. Here's a preview of that episode of 60 Minutes:

Enough from me for now. Please opine on the topic of your choice according to the parameters below:

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1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective

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  1. That 60 Minutes clip surprised me, as I didn't expect any hard questions for Obama. The WH just might put Steve Kroft on that 'embargo' train he mentioned regarding this interview. As for Putin and the situation in Ukraine and Syria, its not the facts on the ground we should trust. Rather, Obama's delusional spin on it.

    1. DaBlade,
      I'm curious to see if Kroft backed off. Teasers such as the one posted can be deceiving.

  2. Replies
    1. Duck,
      The consequence of dhimmified leaders who will not address what amounts to no-go zones in Dearborn?

    2. Addendum: Clock Boy himself may be a whack job. At least one former teacher has referred to him as "a weird little kid."

  3. Has Hillary had it? She maybe old news with too much baggage, even though she is spawn of the Soro's/Alinsky machine as much as Obama is, and thus fits the Soros job description requirements as perfectly as does Obama.
    It is truly astonishing to see the Democratic Party rushing so far off into Socialism that they think Hillary Rodham Clinton is too conservative for them.
    And yes, Virginia, Hillary IS a Socialist, and she always has been.
    Polls show that the Super-Loon, Bernie Sanders. whose only merit is being honest enough to admit he is a raving Socialist, is giving her a good run!

    Democrats don't really don't care if she is a crook. The world, excepting only Democrats, now understand that she used her position as Secretary of State to shake down whole countries!
    Just how desperate do you liberals have to be, to want a sleazebag like Hillary to be your President?

    But sit back and remember how cleverly and quickly the Soros machine manufactured the Manchurian candidate Barack Obama from an Community Organizer do-nothing. say nothing Congressman who only knew how to vote "present" Well, could they do it again in the twelve hour only one year before the election? I suspect that they are busy little Bees right this moment . Or another trick up their crooked sleeve maybe to have Hillary to replace Joe Biden on the ticket. until the day that they make up some excuse like Obama is sick or so tired he has to step aside

    There are many, many people who seem to think Hillary Clinton hasn’t accomplished anything. Apparently, being a First Lady, a Senator, as well as Secretary of State doesn’t count as accomplishments to her critics. But here is a very simple summary that encompasses Hillary Clinton and what she has accomplished throughout her life .
    To start with, she accomplished getting four people killed in Benghazi.

  4. The idea of Huma Abedin being an acceptable First Lady is more ludicrous than a Hillary Clinton presidency

  5. Both the current and a prospective POTUS have within the past week, implied overtly or covertly, that they would seek to enact Executive Orders to further infringe upon your Constitutional, civil and natural rights. Obama repeatedly claims to respect the 2nd Amendment, yet endorses the actions taken in Australia, as a model for what "reasonable" gun policy looks like. In 1997, Australia confiscated ~650,000 lawful firearms, and instituted a registration scheme [which allowed the confiscation] that still costs about $75,000 per day to administer; and still pursues even more gun control legislation to this day [the current 'controversy' is over the Adler Shotgun]. All with a negligible effect on the violent crime rate in some sectors rising]. Similar to the paradigm v. intentions within our own nation, Australia's violent crime rate was in decline prior to this legislation being enacted.

    All this is smoke screen for their true goals....but they have not the integrity nor the courage to actually fight for a repeal of the 2A. They would rather take the perfidious route of obfuscation, fear, lies and myths.

    Don't let them ever get away with telling you that they don't want to take away your firearms. That's exactly what they want.

    1. CI,
      Executive order on the horizon?

      As a lame duck, Obama doesn't have any concerns about hurting his chances for reelection.

    2. Yep. Word on the street is that he's look to issue an order to declare anyone selling ~X firearms per month/year, to be "in the business" as a dealer. Something that is already regulated by the BATF. But he's "doing something!"

  6. So on a Friday and under the cloud of the civil war in the Republican party, the House Oversight committee announced its findings in the Planned Parenthood investigation --- Nothing .

    Several states had also investigated and found -- Nothing .

    This won't stop the zealots from screaming for a shutdown if PP isn't defunded and Fiorina (R -- Liar) is unlikely to retract. Taking their strategy straight out of Alinsky, they wouldn't.

    So the stream of doctored videos from Operation Veritas (LMAO) and its offshoots will continue.

    Benghazi, Benghazi , Benghazi .
    No shame at all. Something's going to snap in the Republican party.

    1. Nothing? The House has voted to create a special committee to investigate Planned Parenthood in the wake of GOP outcry about the group's handling of tissue from aborted fetuses.

      The vote was 242 to 184, with two Democrats voting in favor and one Republican voting against.

      That doesn't sound like "nothing" to me. Sounds to me like they (much like a Grand Jury) found reasonable cause for continued investigation and the likelihood of indictments for criminal activity.

    2. and speaking of Benghazi...do we have ALL of Hillary's e-mails yet? Last time I checked, there was still a curious "gap" in e-mails started right after the Benghazi attack... and even the left leaning WaPo us giving her 3 Pinnochio's on the subject.

    3. Personally, I have a feeling we won't get all the classified emails until the FBI searches Sandy Berger's pants and socks...

    4. ...or someone searches all of the papers surrounding Hillary's personal copy machine.

    5. The committee reported their findings, Farmer ... Nothing .

      But stay if denial and continue to avoid taking responsibility for this dumpster fire you call the Republican party.

      Benghazi, Benghazi , Benghazi .
      As a Sanders supporter I would really like to thank you boobs for strengthening Hillary's hand.

      Oh, and don't be working the counter at Popeye's if that sociopath Ben Carson walks in. The best part was how he giggled after the story.
      Dumpster fire.

    6. Duck,
      I'm not certain that the Benghazi findings are final. Hillary's email issues are still ongoing in committee.

      As for Dr. Carson's giggle, many surgeons and other speciialists/geniuses evince that mannerism. It is not a sign of sociopathy.

      Furthermore, the giggle is as nothing compared to Hillary's witch cackle and the foghorn of a voice that Sanders has.

    7. Thersites,
      I wonder if or when we'll learn what's in the gaps you mentioned.

    8. The committee reported their findings, Farmer ... Nothing .

      Acta non Verba, ducky. "The House has voted to create a special committee to investigate Planned Parenthood"

      @AoW - She's not going to leave the evidence on the copier like she did last time.

    9. Meanwhile...women are dying because the Left can't be bothered to regulate abortion centers.... because "Women's Lives Don't Matter."

    10. Think that the above is an anomally? Best think again.

    11. Abortion was supposed to be "safe" once legalized, right, Ducky?

    12. "Sociopaths" like Carson are noted for performing life saving surgeries worldwide.
      What would prompt someone to call Carson a sociopath?

  7. I'm not supporting her, but Fiorina R liar? Seriously. Hillary truthful? Please, be real.

  8. Ivy League professors hate the thought of someone succeeding without theirs or the governments help.

    1. Odie,
      Just imagine if an Ivy League professor had called Obama a coon in the run up to the 2008 election. A capital offense in that case? If not, certainly cause for dismissal -- tenure or no tenure.

    2. I remember a time when so many looked up to Dr. Carson as a hero. Then, once it turns out that he's a Conservative, the racist epithets fly!

  9. Heres my message to all my stupid, liberal, democratic, and progressive, countrymen and women who voted for this complete inept fraud of a "President"........You wanted Hope and Change? You Got It!

  10. "to prop up your only ally" just MIGHT be a good idea, no??

    I'm hoping all of you can read the Trey Gowdy letter to E. Cummings; a little insight never hurts when flapping off on things we only know about from The Nation or the Sanders campaign BS.

    1. The letter to Cummings is a straw man argument that says nothing about Benghazi.

      If he is going to investigate the decision to topple Qaddafi then it should be noted.
      I believe the committee is investigating Benghazi.

      It's a witch hunt.

      Is The Nation the only left publication you're aware of?

    2. I'm sorry...should I have listed every single leftwing publication in America?
      You might call that a straw man; I call it showing where Cummings' allegiance lies.
      Sorry you didn't catch that.

    3. Cz,
      Don't let Duck get under your skin. Ain't worth the hassle!

    4. Um, my last comment was addressed to Z. Damn iPad autocorrect.

    5. Hey! Is this the same Cummings fellow who once opined that Guam might tip over? Just askIn'.

    6. As I read the letter to Cummings it does nothing more than indicate that a friend of Clinton's may have profited from the Libyan action.

      If you call that a major revelation then so be it but war profiteering in America has been going on since before the Civil War.
      Wouldn't it just be more honest to admit you ant a replay of the Gingrich witch hunt? Lot of people greatly dislike Her Nibs.

      You'd have company. You really don't have to stretch in a vain attempt to show this wasn't a political witch hunt.

    7. Is this the same Cummings fellow who once opined that Guam might tip over?

      No, that was Hank Johnson, D-GA. Idiocracy Hall of Famer.....

    8. DUCKY: maybe you should read it again? That might work...

      AOW....thanks...You know I'm pretty used to Ducky by now....what, 15 years? :-) When he gets under my skin and I respond, it won't be here at your blog. I wouldn't do that to you!

  11. I just watched the video. I swear, B.O. adds a complete new dimension to the definition of ARROGANCE. In fact to the point that even the Quackmaster must get nauseated! We, of course, will never know, for sure.

    1. Jon,
      Rumor has it that BHO displays a whole lot more arrogance in the complete interview tomorrow night. I don't doubt it! As a lame duck, he has a certain immunity now. Furthermore, I'm not convinced that he's much of a Party man.

  12. watching democrats get 'grilled' by the media is like driving nails into your forehead on purpose.

    1. Kid,
      Probably. But I'll watch tomorrow night to see if Kroft backed down in the face of Obama's ire.

  13. The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world—by far. And it has the highest rate of homicides with guns among advanced countries. … The firearms homicide rate, and homicide rate overall, is also higher in the U.S. than other advanced countries, such as Canada, Australia and those in Europe, according to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

    1. You left out that the U.S. has the highest rate of citizens who are able and willing to defend themselves, their families and property...and their nation.

    2. Another pack of lying lies from the fat leftwing lying liars who lie them.

      Here is the truth:

      From Finntann at Western Hero


      "Adjusted for population the statement above is patently false."

      "The frequency of mass public shootings per million people is .247 in Switzerland, .196 in Norway, .183 in Finland, and .178 in Belgium. By comparison the rate in the US is .088, in the Netherlands it is .059 and in France it is .047."

      "It should also be noted that countries topping the USA in frequency of mass shootings also have far more restrictive gun laws then thenUSA does."

      Crime Prevention Research Center

      "Murder rates are determined by basic socio-cultural and economic factors rather than the availability of weaponry. Norway has Western Europe's highest household gun ownership rate (32%), but also its lowest murder rate. Sweden lies in the middle at 15% ownership, and the Netherlands has the lowest rate of Western European gun ownership rate (1.9%) but a murder rate exceeding both Norway and Sweden."

      Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?

      A Harvard study gives us this interesting statistic to chew on:

      "Concealed carry permit holders as a group, commit crime (12.5/100,000) at a rate ten times lower than police officers (124/100,000) do."


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