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Friday, October 2, 2015

Open Thread

(I've made a significant dent in grading a huge stack of essays and now offer an open thread. I'll peek in from time to time)

So, what's on your mind?

A video to get this thread started:

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  1. Mr. President, you should read the Constitution! once in a while... You cannot go it alone...you are not a king and the Constitution is not a "Golf Course."if you think a deal with Iran should go before the U.S. Senate for approval you are mistaken.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu has already taken you behind tha barn and gave you a whippin. Learn for that!
    This is what happens when people vote for the person who’s gong to give them a Free Obamaphone.
    Israel has a real leader, and unfourtinitly, we have you Mr. Obama


  2. Are you as sick and freaken tired of Obama as I am? Are you sick and tired of his politicizing KILLINGS to further his agenda as I am? I'm not a gun owner but I do believe people have he right to live in fear for their lives and those lives of people around them. If a gun is what they need to combat that fear, whether it is real or imagined, as long as they're law abiding citizens I say let them carry. .
    Our founding fathers gave us the tools to maintain our freedom. We must stand up and demand our Constitution be honored.


    Here is the Oregon Shooter’s Profile: Who is Mahmoud Ali Ehsani?

    Friday, October 2, 2015 5:10

    The Oregon shooter had a thin social media profile.

    On his myspace page, Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, posted a photograph of himself holding a rifle, alongside images of masked IRA gunmen and an IRA terrorist video. The IRA and Palestinian terrorism have a long history.

    He has two friends – a girl and a jihadi. Check out the terror sympathizer’s page – “kill the jews”.

    Mahmoud Ali Ehsani’s Page looks like this:

    “The Quran ….. holy book of muslims”
    “The brave Mujahideen heroes”
    “my brave soldiers keep on fighting for the liberation of Palestine against Israel. fuck Israel. Kill the Jews. jews are the only infidels.”

    ‘If they said they were Christians, they were shot again’

    Ana Boylan, 18, was in her classroom at Umpqua Community College when the gunman entered and shot her professor, she told family members Thursday afternoon.

    Boylan, who had started attending the college this week, was shot in the back, said her grandmother, Janet Willis. A girl standing next to her was shot, too, Willis said.

    “They just laid on the ground and pretended they were dead,” Willis said her granddaughter told her and other family members. Boylan tearfully recounted her ordeal from a hospital bed after she’d been airlifted to a Eugene hospital. As she lay wounded in the classroom, she told her grandmother, she heard the gunman ask others to rise and state their religion. “If they said they were Christians, they were shot again,” Willis said.

    A woman who said her grandmother was inside Snyder Hall, where part of the attack took place, described what happened in a tweet.

    Police have not yet said whether Harper-Mercer was a student at Umpqua Community College although several reports suggested he was crazy.

    Officers also said they recovered three handguns and what they described as a “long gun” – which generally refers to a shotgun or a rifle.

    There is not much else — a profile from a “long dormant” dating site.

    1. Was some of the information scrubbed? There were certainly a few hours to do so.

    2. ALL the emphasis in the enemedia has been on the OREGON Massacre, and NOTHING has been said about the endless unfolding Horror Show that is Inner City Chicago.

      Does anyone have any serious suggestions as to why news coverage is so lop-sided and disproportionate?

      Maybe we could borrow a bit from Golda Meir and put it this way:

      Peace and Prosperity will come to the Inner Cities of America when the Liberal Establishment begins to LOVE the People it Pretends to Champion more than it HATES the U.S.Constitution and Those Who Wish to be Governed by our Founding Principles.

  4. Think about this, A good guy with a gun stopped the massacre. Crazy people are not worried about laws. If they were, then they wouldn't commit murder. We have laws against murder. Criminals are not worried about Gun Control Laws.

  5. Enough of this Chicago gun law nonsense.

    Gun laws are tough in Chicago, you just go outside Chicago to looser areas and buy them. Cart them in bulk from Virginia and Georgia.
    Gun laws cannot be effective unless they're on a national level.
    Now you states rights folks resent that and fine. That's your stance but stop making fools of yourselves with this O'Reilly crap.

    1. Chicago knows how to treat the boogies

    2. Canardo, baby, YOU would do better, to KEEP your TRAP SHUT, you foolish fount of contempt and sneering denigration. You obviously came from a thoroughly ROTTEN background. You were never taught proper manners, YOU are living proof that "You can take a turd out of the gutter, but no amount of education, pretension, wishful thinking or lily-gilding can keep it from remaining a turd.


      PS: I fully realize this will only strengthen your determination to be even MORE obnoxious than ever before –– as if that were possible ––, but every once in a while it becomes necessary to express what i truly feel out loud. I can't thank you enough for not visiting my blog anymore with your stale, unwelcome taunts and jibes.

      Why ANY decent blogger puts up with the likes of you –– and a number of others I could name, but won't –– I can't begin to fathom.

      That does not mean I don't believe in freedom of speech. I do, but cant and rhetoric of your ilk should be free to share shouted ONLY from a soapbox on street corners, public parks, sewer systems and the city dump.

    3. Ducky, The point being that only the criminals, as you pointed out, do this.
      The law abiding do not, and are in fear.
      Thus your point is invalidated by your own statement.

    4. If guns [cause] people to murder each other how can there be anyone left in"looser areas" to sell them to Ducky's WINNERS?

    5. Ed, my point is that bringing up this meme about Chicago having a high murder rate and tough gun laws overlooks the fact that Chicago as a simple municipality cannot exrt much control over the proliferation.

      So you have a couple problems:

      1. People led by the nose by jackies like O'Reilly when they should make a modest attempt to reason.

      2. The move to flood the country with even more guns despite many studies that indicate that only increases gun violence.

      Now, nothing constructive happens till the right stops listening to jackasses like O'Reilly.
      I don't know how we reconcile people like myself who have no need or desire to own a gun and people like yourself who go strapped to church but the time is coming when we'll need a line of communication. It ain't Faux Snooze.

      So my point isn't invalidated by anything.
      The danger of your fetishizing guns remains.

      Remember, the right lives scared and cedes reason to that fear.

    6. The move to flood the country with even more guns despite many studies that indicate that only increases gun violence.

      Ducky, Unlike some, I don't need to employ vile pejoratives or pedantic gutter speech, in lieu of a reasoned argument......so I hope you'll indulge me with an honest answer. I'll repost what I asked you on Ed's blog:

      Your oft-repeated meme is specious. You and your compatriots endlessly trot out "more guns"....without any accompanying metrics. Tell me who is advocating for "more guns"...versus the rest of us who want the keep and purchase the median number of firearms as it currently stands. Further, your use of "fetishization' is likewise without merit or metrics. Gun owners aren't scared, we're prepared. You're not.

      You can do better than simply repeating the script.

  6. I don't know, anonymous.
    What do you make of his fascination with the IRA?

    What should we make of the right's insistence on making this an Islamic incident?

    1. Some on the Right may be asserting the Islamic connection, but few whom I have recently read. That said, it appears that the shooter had only two friends on his My Space page, and one of those friends glorified the mujahideen.

      The shooter appears to have had fascinations with the IRA and Nazis.

      Where he went to school and apparently aged out at age 21, the Switzer Learning Center in Torrance, California, is a significant factor, IMO. Look up that educational center.

    2. AOW... Here's one from Imp... "They know his name. And I have a feeling we know what it might be too. I think they’re trying to sanitize the shooter already. If it’s a mooselem…so what? It’s not like we’d do anything about it. Major Hassan is still alive, isn’t he?"

      Here's one from Mustang... "All the data Presidente Zero is whining about is collected and maintained by the FBI. I do think states and jurisdictions have the right not to provide the data the FBI is asking for, but what is provided is sufficient nationwide to form several logical conclusions about gun violence. Gun laws already exist in Oregon (a Democratic State) and they did not prevent this incident. Someone in the classroom who was armed might have saved lives. So the way I see this is, the state of Oregon is as much guilty for what happened as the hog-bait Moslem. My guess is that every time one of these events happens, Zero whispers, 'Allah Snackbar.'"

      Here's one from Fredd... "One more point: 10 deaths at the hands of a madman Islamic terrorist in Roseburg Oregon (just wait, the guy’s name is Mustaffa, Mohammed, Ali, or something like that), and Barry takes to the stump bad mouthing the Second Amendment. 10 deaths just a few miles from his house in Chicago, aw shucks, that ain’t nothin’ but a normal weekend death toll in Barry’s old stomping grounds, and you can’t have a gun by law in Chicago."

      If you haven't read conservatives asserting a Muslim connection before the facts were in, I'd be very surprised since you commented on the very site where they were found.

      At least Z maintains a stance that not all Muslims are terrorists and refuses to resort to name calling of an entire religious group. But the folks that posted the above... not so much.

      I wonder if we'll read any retraction now that the facts are coming out.

      This time, Ducky was 100% right...

    3. Puffed up, hate-filled MARXIAN-FABIAN-COMMUNIST-SOCIALIST-LIBERAL-PROGRESSIVE-STATISTS –– termite-like creatures all of whom display a despicably captious turn of mind –– spend their lives doing "Opposition Research" gathering "evidence" against people whose worldview they don't like.

      That might be all right, if they did not borrow deplorable tactics from the enemedia and sedulously avoid sharing any information showing favorable aspects of their "targets."

      Apparently, these sniveling, self-righteous, censorius tattletales would rather die than ever admit they might be wrong, and they are equally loath to give credit where it may be due to anyone they've decided to try to injure deliberate mischaracterization.

      I call this process LYING WITH FACTS, and I can think of few tactics more despicable.

    4. Dave,
      This time, Ducky was 100% right...

      Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

      From what I understand, Duck maintained for quite some time that the 9/11 attacks were not jihad attacks. Hmmmmm....

    5. That said, it appears that the shooter had only two friends on his My Space page, and one of those friends glorified the mujahideen.

      He was also arguing on-line with some computer geeks who may have created a parody trail... cyber-bullying.

    6. Dave - Challenging one's own position and assertions is not a quality appreciated by many...because it's not the easy way, but those who do not advertise themselves quite boldly.

    7. What was Ducky "right" about?
      He asked two questions.
      He made no statement.
      And he is never right, always left :)

    8. My mistake. He did make a ststement, "I don't know, anonymous."
      He was correct in that.

    9. The cover-up continues so that a new "narrative" can be created.

    10. Thersites,
      CNN actually ran that image???

    11. DAVE, Ducky is NEVER right, and neither are YOU!

    12. Yep, they made me, at first look, think that he was white.


  7. It is almost unbelievable and hard to believe that President Obama or that any American President would turn his back on Israel while Iran’s leaders shout “Death to America” .

  8. What I'd like to know is who gave the Pope the right to judge who is and isn’t a Christian?

    1. Saint Peter through Jesus Christ,

    2. Protestants believe that Jesus' words about giving the keys of heaven to
      Peter are symbolic and refer to Peter's declaration of faith rather than to the Apostle Peter himself as the first "Pope."

    3. Any Catholic will admit Peter is not on the Judgment Throne, even though cartoons portray him as the Pearly Gates keeper.

  9. As I read the comments of the last several threads (to include this one), I cannot help but wonder if Ducky has asked Cooper-Union for his money back.

    Sunset Out

  10. I'm just amazed that the democrat party, the entire democrat party thinks it's perfectly Ok to run someone who thinks an economic system which has never worked anywhere ever, a moron clown, and a mobster in a pantsuit are viable candidates for them. Even worse, they probably are.

  11. Dave,
    When names are withheld, quite often the perpetrators turn out to be Moslems -- reverts who have American names.

    Frankly, the kind of attack perpetrated at Umpqua Community College could well have turned out to be a jihad attack. In fact, in Saudi Arabia some years ago, an Aramco compound was broken into by jihadists; the jihadists went door to door and asked whoever answer each door, "Are you a Christian?" If the answer was affirmative, that person was slain on the spot. I had friends living in the compound. Christian friends. Thank God that the jihadists never got to that family's door before all the jihadists were "neutralized." Therefore, before more details came about Chris Harper-Mercer, it would be perfectly reasonable to guess that he was a Moslem.

    And more facts about Harper-Mercer will still be revealed, IMO.

    If you haven't read conservatives asserting a Muslim connection before the facts were in, I'd be very surprised since you commented on the very site where they were found.

    Back off! Now. Since Tuesday, I've commented at a few blogs, but have done very little reading of entire threads of comments. The reason for my reduced web time is explained in the link at the top of the body of this blog post.

    1. How often do alienated kids ask their shooting victims, "Are you a Christian?" and then shoot the Chritstians in the head?

      Now ask yourself who DOES exhibit that same behavior in the world today. Not merely an alienated kid!

      Get the point?

    2. FIW, at least one survivor has a slightly different take on what the gunman said:

      McGowan told family members that the gunman didn't specifically target Christians but asked them about faith. The shooter, apparently planning to die during the massacre, told students: "I'll see you soon" or "I'll meet you soon."

      "The shooter would call a person: 'You, stand up,'" Salas said, recalling what her son told her. "And then he would ask them if they were a Christian, knew God, or had religion. And it wasn't like it was stated on TV. It wasn't about that he was just trying to pinpoint Christians, no."

      The shooter would tell them it wouldn't hurt.

      "And then he would shoot them," she said.


    3. CI,
      I read that information earlier today. Does this make sense if one reads the shooter's web sites and profiles on the web. No.

      I hate to say it, but it seems to me that this young man devolved. Could it be that he was passed on in school, then couldn't fit in anywhere to the point that he had an inconsistent global anger?

      I understand that the shooter was enrolled in Writing 115. Huh? After having attended El Camino College for two years?

      He seems to have targeted the professor of that class first, before he shot anyone else. Trouble with passing the course? In some kind of trouble because of dark writing about which the professor expressed alarm and/or disapproval?

      I'm engaging in conjecture here. But as a teacher of creative writing, these thoughts are on my mind.

    4. Sense or no sense... It's an eyewitness account, that if reported accurately, and we have no reason to believe otherwise, changes a popular narrative. McGowan can easily be queried, and verified by others, as to the veracity of the statement. We'll wait and see.

      The problem is this version does not square with versions, accurate or not, that many heard mere moments after the tragedy and with which they agreed.

    5. AOW - It's hard to say....this turd doesn't seem to have had much of a coherent ideology to begin with. We're raising too many special little snowflakes who lose their grasp on reality anytime they get criticized or experience low self esteem.

      Predictably, the left [generally] focuses on a tool used, as opposed to the underlying paradigm of entitlement and instant satisfaction [material and emotional] that their ideology and politics have ushered in.

    6. Dave,
      I'm not disputing that eyewitness's account.

      What I AM saying is that the shooter showed more than one side of his personality -- and within a few moments. Such shifts are indicative of mental problems and/or serious self-confliction.

    7. CI,
      I agree with you that our society is creating special little snowflakes, who are ever depressed and worried all the time about micro aggressions.

      The doctrine of self-esteem is ramped up and leaving more than one kind of disaster in its wake. The Me Generation!

  12. Does anybody here know what this means?

    A review of Army records indicate that Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer was in the service at Ft. Jackson, S.C., from Nov. 5 to Dec. 11, 2008. He was discharged for failing to meet the "minimum administrative standards to serve."

    1. A bit more information:

      Lt. Col. Ben Garrett, an Army spokesman, said Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer was in service at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, starting on Nov. 5, 2008. But by Dec. 11, 2008, he was discharged for failing to meet the minimum administrative standards.

      Garrett did not say which standards Harper-Mercer failed to meet. Generally, the Army requires recruits to pass physical fitness tests and to be generally in good physical and mental health. Recruits also must score highly enough on a multiple-choice test covering science, math, reading comprehension and other topics.

    2. Sound like he wasn't either physically or mentally/morally "capable".

    3. Could be anything from the generic 'failure to adapt', to not passing a physical fitness test. I'm thinking it's more the former...given his recent escapade.

  13. Here we are coming to the end of other year and that usually brings us think about the things that happened during the year, or in this case the STUPID things . That Liberals, Progressives and other such Idiots said I give you the top 15 most stupid things said by Democrats, Progressives and Liberals, and other Morons. ...
    Topping the list and most certainly what is now the most famous presidential lie by the “Great One” aka the Idiot-In- Chief. Aka the dumbest, most inept president in American history, “If you like your plan, you can keep it.” This line of Bull-Shit was issued over and over again–not just in 2013 but ever since 2008–by none other than President Obama himself. It has to rank as the most stupid thing any Democrat has said for years. But Obama isn’t the only leftist running about saying stupid things.
    And lets not forget the First Lady Michelle Obama, who certinaly is not immune to stupidity.
    Remember when Michelle went to Target, and walked around pushing a shopping cart to prove she’s just like anybody else? How about that Bull-Shit!
    And how about when she complained about someone asking a tall black woman to help reach something on a shelf that’s too high for you is racist, because… well, I don’t know why it’s racist. But it is. Why else would Michelle Obama say that it was? And is there a law against a white personasking her for help?

    How come it seems like ever since Obama, America has been in a race war? When we elected President Obama, weren’t we promised “hope and change”? It seems like his years as president have only torn our nation apart.

    We now have race riots in our streets. Blacks burning down their own neighborhoods, Looting stores, and even shooting Police Officers. I’ve never seen a country more divided. We all hate each other now. Is it Obama’s fault? I don’t know, but I’ll say this - Obama has destroyed our economy. Everyone is under-employed and etc, etc, and etc..

  14. After the last seven years of Obama's hope and change BS. And to think that now the liberal left believes Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders could be our next president. After these nightmarish seven years, they should all drop out of the race and just say to the American people, “we’re sorry.”, for the false "Hope".
    Give us the change we need.
    Donald Trump has the right message.

  15. DAVE, Ducky is NEVER right, and neither are YOU!

  16. What's really going on in America? A Christian lady is JAILED for not participating in signing off to homosexual marriage. A Christian cake baker refuses to bake a wedding cake for a wedding between two men, and all HELL brakes loose on his life, and the media makes HIM into a politically incorrect criminal. Every day now CHRISTIANS who simply stand for Biblical truth are mocked, persecuted, jailed, or BEHEADED...

    And now, it's non stop media coverage against Doctor Carlson or anyone eles who says America should not have a Muslim president!
    So you think you heard it all? Hang on!
    Now we hear that Obama wants to change Thanksgiving Day for “Immigrant’s Day.”

    Yes, you read that correctly! According to Susan Payne who overheard this plan during a conference call led by Cecilia Muñoz, assistant to the president and director of the Domestic Policy Council. Muñoz was once the legislative director for the National Council of La Raza , a Latino Supremacist group that has regularly attacked Thanksgiving.

    The conference call was meant to inform illegal immigration activists about what the White House was planning with the President’s amnesty rules, but it quickly devolved into a discussion about the president’s plans to destroy Thanksgiving.

    Since Barack Obama first became president, he has been on a mission to destroy American, Christian culture. This year, he is planning to do this once again by eliminating Thanksgiving and replacing it with a holiday called “Immigrant’s Day.”
    According to Top Right News, conservative activist Susan Payne overheard this plan during a conference call led by Cecilia Muñoz, assistant to the president and director of the Domestic Policy Council. Muñoz was once the legislative director for the National Council of La Raza, a Latino Supremacist group that has regularly attacked Thanksgiving.
    The conference call was meant to inform illegal immigration activists about what the White House was planning with the President’s amnesty rules, but it quickly devolved into a discussion about the president’s plans to destroy Thanksgiving.

    Disturbingly enough, the plan was met with excitement by the liberal activists on the call. Payne added that the activists then began asking each other, “How can we make life better for an illegal alien? And basically kicking the citizen out to the curb.”
    We can only pray that Obama fails to take down Thanksgiving. Nobody gets between my family and Thanksgiving Day!!
    If he can do anything he wants, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! If he thinks the people are going to follow a dictator he is wrong!
    Or maybe Hillary will tell you What Difference Does It make!!

  17. I think it's about time Obama did something about all the mass killings.
    Serious stuff.
    Executive Order stuff.
    Ban stuff.
    Stop funding Planned Parenthood.

  18. To paraphrase Donald Trump: WE DON'T HAVE A GUN PROBLEM, WE HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS PROBLEM! This is quite evident considering that B.O. has been elected TWICE.

  19. The sad fact is that not one of these bleeding heart progressive idiots fail to mentions is that you cannot stop these so called mental cases, criminals, and or crazies with any law that they ignore or consciously refuse to accept. As it has been said over and over again, these people if you wish to call them people, I prefer to call them wild animals, don't obey laws, or abide by the system. Not one reporter, and not even our dear leader has addressed that. And no one has the balls to stand up to Obama and just ask him “just what laws are you promoting when you say gun control and how would that have stopped this tragic event?” or “do you mean we could eliminate all DUI deaths and traffic accidents by banning cars?” And, if he argues the point, ask him to compare the usage of vehicles to the usage of guns by law-abiding honest leagal Gun owning citizens.
    So maybe more people should be looking for other alternatives, like voting for a president who has the guts to tell it like it is, and what it is, is that more and more of these shootings and killings are being done either by Muslims, Blacks, or by whites who have been requited by Muslim Terrorists.

  20. The shooter was a right wing nut. 'Nuff said.

    1. Who sympathized with Black lives matter... and the Left Eco Cascadia Movement.

      'nuff said.

  21. Since this is an open thread, I'd like to ask about a completely different subject. WEDDING GIFTS. We have a wedding upcoming in our family, and I was flabbergasted to get on the registry site and see it was all a request for money for ephemeral experiences. Paying for the honeymoon (theoretically). A friend did something similar, but she had both money gifts and household items.

    In reading up on it, this looks like a trend. One wedding planner said she counseled couples to have some tangible offerings for 'older relatives' who tend to find this tasteless. We found it unbelievably tacky. I still remember the gift-givers in my wedding when I see or use their thoughtful gifts - and we asked for none.

    Is this common? Do others find this trend as tasteless as we do? How do you convey this to young couples? In this case, I know the groom's mother had some kind of conversation with him about it as she had the same reaction. What do you say?

    1. Baysider,
      Asking for money as wedding gifts is a trend?

      Are you kidding me?

      And what is an "acceptable" amount to give?

      Question: Has this couple been married before or been living together for years? All that I can think of is that they already have everything they need or want for "setting up housekeeping" or maybe they are unemployed.

  22. They are living together about 2 years. Although 20's and never married, she's a surgical nurse, and he's about 3 years into a major online retail business that is growing like crazy - hard workers both. No one suggests an amount, but the "needs" are spelled out - for our dream honeymoon: airfare, hotel, romantic dinner, massage, etc.

    Today I spoke with a girlfriend (late 30's, 2nd marriage) who did same thing - and all money. They had 'stuff' and wanted that dream honeymoon in Greece. They ended up buying their first house instead, and will be sending a nice graphic card to all who contributed to thank them for their part in their down payment.

    40 years ago a girlfriend had to return 3 toasters. Okay - I guess times are changing. But I was shocked.

    1. Baysider,
      Yes, changing times.

      No one suggests an amount, but the "needs" are spelled out - for our dream honeymoon: airfare, hotel, romantic dinner, massage, etc.

      I guess that each cash gift must be at least $100 so that the giver doesn't appear to be a Scrooge.

      Well, some of us can't afford to give a gift of that amount. In that case, I would give no gift at all. Really. I'd merely send a nice note.

      I refuse to be fleeced.


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