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Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Real Hillary Clinton

One of my recent Facebook finds:

Detailed reading about The NEGRO PROJECT: Margaret Sanger's EUGENIC Plan for Black America. Supporters of Margaret Sanger's project:

  • Claude A. Barnett, director, Associated Negro Press, Chicago

  • Michael J. Bent, M.D., Meharry Medical School, Nashville

  • Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, president, National Council of Negro Women, Washington, D.C., special advisor to President Roosevelt on minority groups, and founder of Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach

  • Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, cum laude graduate of Tufts, president of Alpha Kappa Alpha (the nation’s oldest black sorority)k, Washington, D.C.

  • Charles S. Johnson, president, Fisk University, Nashville

  • Eugene Kinckle Jones, executive secretary, National Urban League, New York

  • Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York

  • Bishop David H. Sims, pastor, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia

  • Arthur Spingarn, president, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
This material provided in the link is extensive; I suggest that you read it a web page or two at a time. Is this not worse than the display of the Confederate flag? If not worse, at least equally bad!

Hillary Clinton should be relentlessly slammed for admiring Margaret Sanger. 

In fact, the Democratic Party should drum Hillary Clinton right out of the Party for voicing  admiration of Margaret Sanger, a person who so strongly believe in eliminating the Negro race.


  1. Is this not worse than the display of the Confederate flag? If not worse, at least equally bad!

    Clearly a colored piece of cloth, that inspires 'trigger warnings' and vapors amongst the intellectually frail...is a far greater threat than the usurpation of individual sovereignty by leftists...and the wholesale genocide of an undesirable ethnicity.


    1. It's true that Sanger was involved in the eugenics movement but it's also true that this particular quote is not present in her recorded writings.

      But we (some of us, anyway) are able to handle the ambiguity of Sanger's work.

      It's an important topic that deserves more than just yahoos trying to smear anything they can't accept by using their critical ignorance.

    2. It's an important topic that deserves more than just yahoos trying to smear anything they can't accept by using their critical ignorance.

      I agree. But then, why do you not heed your own advice?

    3. No historical ambiguity with Margaret Sanger. After the deeds of the Nazi eugenicists came to light - who based their forced sterility and euthanasia programs on what was already being done in the US - the American eugenicists decided to go underground and use alternative names like Planned Parenthood. Today there are many eugenicists who state openly that human beings are a virus or cancer on the earth. They advocate a global human population of 500 million maximum. What do you think they think about the extra billions of people - which include all of us?
      Modern eugenicists include Bill Gates, whose father William Gates was the head of Planned Parenthood.
      If Ms. Clinton - a highly educated and intelligent politician - is publicly speaking of her support of Margaret Sanger, it’s logical to assume that she’s telling people who can read between the lines that she will do everything in her power to move forward with as many of Sanger’s current-day eugenics programs as possible.

    4. Frank Lee said

      Eugenics has a lot to recommend it. Sanger was on the right track.

    5. Reading Frank Lee reminds me that the KKK can find a lot of comfort in Sanger's writings.

  2. Replies
    1. A bit extreme but he does do a good job of framing the film.

      Does it deserve to be in a limbo with other vile but technically brilliant films like Triumph of the Will and Birth of a Nation?

      What do you do with something like Birth of a Nation which single handedly established a healthy chunk of the 20th century's film vocabulary? Or something like Gone with the Wind which is simply more subtle?

      As far as general public screenings are concerned that won't change.
      You aren't going to ever see a D. W. Griffith retrospective at the local megaplex (pity). Gone with the Wind will also remain in art houses and museums with the possible exception of a rare showing on Turner Classics.

      What he should have concerned himself with in the review is whether or not we can watch the film with a more keenly developed critical eye.

    2. Ducky: I've always thought that "Birth of a Nation" deserves a remake. By Spike Lee. I'm not really a fan of him ("Do the Right Thing" is a love poem to racist violence)... but in this case, I think it would be appropriate to go the other way with the remake.

  3. As long as I'm on the topic of the Confederate flag, please see THIS GRAPHIC, labeled Clinton-Gore 1992. Did they actually use that flag as one of their campaign logos?

    1. Yes, that's apparently legit; Elbro told me about it on the phone the other day. Let's see who brings THAT up in the campaign.

    2. Can you think of a better symbol to use campaigning in the contemporary south?

  4. Don't forget tin foil hat anti-semite kooks like you and Waylon.

  5. Brilliant Observation. If the Confederate flag has to go, so does progressive Margaret Sanger, along with the leftwing progressive abortion slaughterhouses that stand as monuments to her progressive genocidal racism.

    1. Do you find it as ironic as I do, that the same arguments for erasing the symbols of the confederacy [inciting hatred and violence, etc...] could be as equally applied to the Qu'ran? Precedent can be a b&*%ch.....

    2. Do you find it ironic that the right can't get it through it's head that the STATE display of a symbol of slavery and racism should not be condoned.

      If you can find a STATE flying the crescent or other Muslim symbol, let me know.

      Logic can be a b&*%ch.

    3. I find it ironic that you illustrate one argument behind removal of the symbols....but ignore the point above.

    4. Amazon has removed items emblazoned with the confederate flag. Does that bear upon this discussion?

      I can't be the only one seeing where this Long March is going...

      I would mention Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, with tinges of the French Revolution, but Ducky gets exercised and has to reach for his heart pills when apt metaphors hit a little too close to home.

      Culture cleansing anyone? Statue smashing, ala Taliban and ISIS style? Nothing sends a tingle of self-righteousness and revenge up the leg like stuffing hated and inconvenient history down the ol' memory hole, eh Ducky?

    5. What will our version of going after people with eyeglasses be?

      The regime needs good comrades like you, Ducky.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The national park service just pulled Confederate flag decals from Fort Sumter gift shops.

      I sense a trend.

    8. Yes, there 's a trend to wipe out our history; after all, it's so full of racism and oppression. Man, you must be cheering with champagne! have a party and celebrate; "Screw those who lost loved ones fighting the North, the South's nothing but oppression and Americans should never have pride, anyway...the damned racists"
      and be real careful what you wish for.

    9. Yes, you tell 'em Silverfiddle.

    10. Z,
      there 's a trend to wipe out our history; after all, it's so full of racism and oppression

      Didn't Farrakhan just call for the removal of the American flag at the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, D.C.?

    11. If he did, the right wing blogs are the only ones paying any attention to him.

    12. I love Ducky's current Girolamo Savonarola impression. After the bonfire of confederate vanities, the auto da fe's will SURELY follow.

    13. What a day! What a day, for an auto da fe!

      Which irks you most –– the assertion of Roberts Rule supporting the unconstitutional outrage of Obamacare, or the FORCED legalization of Homosexual Marriage –– both made with nose-thumbing, Bronx-cheering arrogance against the Will of the People?

      How many do you suppose realize a bloodless COMMUNIST REVOLUTION has just taken place?

    14. The Republic is dead, FT. "Hail Obama!" Long live the New Imperium!

      Just remember, "Candor and generosity, unless tempered by due moderation, leads to ruin." - Tacitus

      "All things atrocious and shameless flock from all parts to Rome". -Tacitus

      "Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards." -Tacitus

    15. FT,
      How many do you suppose realize a bloodless COMMUNIST REVOLUTION has just taken place?

      Not very many, IMO. Most people are busy thumbing through their electronic devices.

    16. Mrs. Grundy,
      "Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards." -Tacitus

      Sums up the situation all these centuries removed from the days of


      There really is nothing new under the sun.

  6. Sherlock, the Bold said

    Veritably this Able Danger emitteth an odor too similar to that of RN the rude sycophant in service to Satanica Bostoniensis to be merely coincidental.

  7. Sherlock, the Bold said

    I meant to add PHEW! to the preceding.

  8. I'd love to see Hillary squirm out of this truth; remember she had her thesis hidden during the Clinton campaigns and into his presidency......
    Yes, she greatly admired Sanger and, even more, Saul Alinksy. Well, it's working well for her, isn't it. She learned very well.
    I believe a LOT of libs don't even understand Sanger.....she freed them from bearing children they didn't want and that was enough (hurrah!) and who cared what prompted her to kill babies, particularly Black babies?

  9. Yes, agreed, that Margaret Sanger was indeed "tenacious." OMG.


  10. My Quote du jour is from a black man who perceptively points out that the rainbow flag of homosexuals is flown wherever they please without any thought given to how offensive it might be to others.

    1. WOW....well said.
      By the way....where are Sharpton and Jesse Jackson over this thing? I'm guessing that since it's not institutional racism (what they think law enforcement is) it's not worth their time. Who's going to pay them to lay low?

    2. Do either of you know of an instance when the rainbow flag has been permanently displayed on state property?

    3. "wherever they please" is not particularly state property...parades, homes...who cares?
      I don't believe the Conf flag belonged on State property, either...but it DOES belong in a museum, and it does not deserve being an object of scorn.

      So...where IS Sharpton on S Carolina? Not enough $$$? Not "institutionalized racism"?

      Gee..that's odd (not)

    4. "wherever they please" is not particularly state property...parades, homes...who cares?
      I don't believe the Conf flag belonged on State property, either...but it DOES belong in a museum, and it does not deserve being an object of scorn.

      So...where IS Sharpton on S Carolina? Not enough $$$? Not "institutionalized racism"?

      Gee..that's odd (not)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. For about $1,000, a now "obsolete" Confederate cival war obelsik monument can be re-purposed into a giant penis to celebrate gay equality.

      PC today. PC tomorrow. PC FOREVER!

  11. ........................................ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!HELLARY ROTTEN CLINTON make Loofah angry!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. _______Hillary’s Confession _______

    I’ve always had ambition to gain power.
    My motives frankly, I’ve not understood.
    At times I know that others think me sour.
    For me that’s not a problem. I’m no good.
    Unusual if not unique it must
    Cause many to perceive my style as vile.
    Kicking at the pricks fulfills my lust
    Inspiring me to spew more and more bile.
    No one can stop me, I am positive,
    Because I am The Designated Choice
    In whom the Bosses found a Factor Causative
    To silence soon forever Freedom’s Voice.
    Crushing, then discarding the Old Rules
    Happily I of all my fans make fools.

    ~ Hillary Rotten Klinton )^:{>

  13. SF,
    Culture cleansing anyone? Statue smashing, ala Taliban and ISIS style?

    It seems that way, doesn't it?

    Revisionist history with a vengeance!

    1. It took hold on college campuses, and now it's spreading. Lots of lust for vengeance... Who knows where it will end.

      When Hillary get the levers of power in her unholy claws next year, don't be surprised when she and her politburo convene a public Truth Commission and compel citizens to appear before it.

  14. ZJune 24, 2015 at 3:06:00 PM EDT
    OK, Ducky....what do you propose? Seriously...and tell us, do you think everyone with over, let's say $250(Obama's number) is "rich enough"? And how do we get middle America moving again?

    DUCKY: Any response yet? I'm hoping. I'd honestly like to hear it. Thanks

    SF....like Hillary appears so willingly? You did hear tonight that her pal Sydney is saying there were many MORE emails Hillary did not divulge? After she promised she'd done it? BOy, if she ticked HIM off, he's sure getting back at her....in this political nightmare in Washington, I guess the only way to get to truth is have a disgruntled friend turn you in? Sad, when Republicans have been trying to get the truth out of her for months and months..

    1. If you want an answer open your blog.

    2. You don't know how much I wish I could.
      Maybe I'll even consider it.

      But that's a BIG cop out...we're here at AOW's now...

    3. I didn't ask the question on my blog.
      And I've considered and it isn't going to happen. But I'm not real happy about that.

    4. Z,



      What's this about more emails that Hillary Clinton didn't reveal?

      I missed the news yesterday. "Stuff" going on here, including an invasion of either carpenter ants or termites. The pest control expert comes today.

  15. "Do either of you know of an instance when the rainbow flag has been permanently displayed on state property?"


    1. Viburnum,
      I read about those crosswalks in Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love has taken on a new meaning. Pffffft.

    2. Vibirnium: This flag summarizes the news of the month so far.

      If I could have worked in the Supreme Court decision to bless the State taking control of our healthcare away from us, I would have.

  16. Sure it isn't an Ellsworth Kelly installation?

  17. ZJune 24, 2015 at 3:06:00 PM EDT
    OK, Ducky....what do you propose? Seriously...and tell us, do you think everyone with over, let's say $250(Obama's number) is "rich enough"? And how do we get middle America moving again?

    DUCKY: Any response yet? I'm hoping. I'd honestly like to hear it. Thanks

    SF....like Hillary appears so willingly? You did hear tonight that her pal Sydney is saying there were many MORE emails Hillary did not divulge? After she promised she'd done it? BOy, if she ticked HIM off, he's sure getting back at her....in this political nightmare in Washington, I guess the only way to get to truth is have a disgruntled friend turn you in? Sad, when Republicans have been trying to get the truth out of her for months and months..

  18. Great graphic!

    All this huffing and puffing about a flag that is NOT the confederate flag (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America). You'd think the media might actually make an effort to get facts right occasionally. I'm not a fan of official state display of an historical flag that really got tainted in the 60's with the Klan and other riff raff, but let's be clear: it is NOT the confederate flag. Robert E. Lee would roll over in his grave.

    1. Fascinating, Baysider. I wonder how many Southerners realize this. Helpful link. Thanks.

    2. Facts have never mattered to those who need 'trigger warnings'. All they need do is label something 'hate'....and the apology gymnastics commence.

  19. Some attention should be drawn to Hitler's "bible," The Passing of the Great Race by Margaret Sanger's friend and contemporary Madison Grant. American leftists like to shell game that Germany's Nazis / National Socialists had little to to with,European socialism / Marxism, which is true.

    Most of the Nazi ideology was borrowed from American progressive leftists.

  20. There is nothing wrong with displaying the Confederate flag. It's part of our nation's history and it surely is not one of another nation's! :-) And these same idiots condone flying the Mexican flag on Cinco de Mayo over our own!

    1. I wonder if we'll even be allowed to mention "the Confederacy" a year from now. Orwell's Ministry of Truth is working overtime.

      The inmates are running the asylum. **sigh**


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