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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Freedom Of Expression: Where Do YOU Stand?

Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim, won the drawing contest with this entry:

I could publish blog post after blog post and write reams about the jihad attack in Garland, Texas, on Sunday, May 4. As I said in my previous post, however, I don't have much time to dedicate to blogging right now.

Please watch the following video clip:

See the entire video HERE at Breitbart in the article "Official: FBI Overlooked Texas Shooter’s Violent Tweets Because ‘There are So Many Like Him'."

Additional reading: Garland Texas by Finntann of Western Hero.


  1. Those who have an interest, can read a first person (truncated information) post at my site "The Last English Prince".

    It is interesting to deal with the resistance of Americans to Constitutional principle. Even as a seasoned journalist and member of the press corps I have been slandered and called a "goon" and cast in the same category as the men who sought to kill those who attended the event.

    As for me, I don't "do" illogical.

    Tammy Swofford

  2. Either one "gets it" or doesn't. Sadly we are in the earlier stage of awareness such as rape victims, "She asked for it."

  3. Very good comment, Bunkerville!

    Yeah - I asked for it, by attending the event. Pffft!


  4. The thing I find disturbing is people running around saying free speech is protected, but not "hate" speech. Who exactly defines what is hate speech? Taken to its logical conclusion, no one would be able to ever speak at all since someone somewhere would be "offended."

    1. Adrienne, you nailed the $64,000.00 question. Of course we all know the answer is ... wait for it ... "The Liberal PC Police".

      The "I'm offended so I won't listen crowd" has been replaced by "I'm offended by your hate speech so I will do everything to silence you crowd." We even have the press (mentioned and protected by the First Amendment) siding with the ones want to silence everyone else. You can trace it back to our schools, not teaching the gift from our Founders, for the last forty years.

  5. The constitutional amendment protecting the right to free speech was written to protect political speech many might find offensive.

    Free speech has its limits. For example you csn't shout fire in a crowed building just for the hell of it. You can't threaten physical harm to the president of the USA. If you do you can expect legal consequences to follow.

    1. Criticizing (satirizing) shari'a, which contains a political element, is political speech and, therefore, protected under the 1st Amendment.

      Satire is NOT free speech "just for the hell of it."

    2. And remember that a somewhat ginned up war time "crisis" led to the first serious denial of the right of political speech whencongress passed the sedition act in, what was it, 1782?

  6. We'll be seeing more of this. The Obama administration is importing muslims from war torn lands, and more than a few of them will be radicalized, or so backwards that our society's blazing, neon sign vulgarity will push them over the edge.

    Meanwhile, we dump billions into various federal spy agencies, law enforcement and paramilitary organizations, and this attack is stopped by one local Texas policeman with a cool head and a dead-eye aim.

    1. This guy was native born and not born to a Mulim family.

      Fanatical converts are a prize for extremists who don't have to be in the country. They just use social media.
      Police had their eye on this freak for quite some time but never had concrete reason to move in.

      Have to agree with you that it was an other worldly couple shots. Uncanny marksmanship.

      But it gets us no closer to understanding the pathology of these fanatics. I thought one report was interesting. Someone said of him, "Islam was all he had".

    2. Duck,
      This guy was native born and not born to a Mulim family.

      Which guy? Simpson?

      Soofi, the other jihadist, had a Pakistani father and a Roman Catholic mother.

    3. PS: Simpson and Soofi were roommates, right?

    4. Duck,
      it was an other worldly couple shots. Uncanny marksmanship.

      What was the distance?

    5. A expert shooter with a lot of 'point and shoot' practice could do this. Possibly a veteran, but not necessarily. This was no ordinary cop. His skills. Our luck.

  7. Muslims, advocates for unchecked drug abuse, and traitorous leftist subversives have NO LEGITIMATE PLACE in OUR society. If you don't believe me, look what our having given them free rein has produced here and in Great Britain.

    *** Gino Lollapaluzza ***

    1. Advocates for unchecked drug abuse.
      I suppose that's why the signs in Saudi airports offer the friendly reminder that the penalty for drug smuggling is death.

    2. Facts mean nothing to some. Fabricated BS, everything.

  8. Adrienne makes the quintessential point:

    Who exactly defines what is hate speech? Taken to its logical conclusion, no one would be able to ever speak at all since someone somewhere would be "offended."

    Especially, since we have to be careful not to commit microaggressions!

    1. Do you deny that this (microaggressions) exists or just think it is the way it has always been and therefore will always be?

      Whatever became of respect and decency? That question cuts across race .

    2. RN.
      Do you deny that this (microaggressions) exists or just think it is the way it has always been and therefore will always be?

      The latter.

      Whatever became of respect and decency?

      The 1960's.

    3. Addendum:

      People need to quit being such whiners and wimps. Hypersensitivity is stupid and unrealistic.

      "Suck it up," in today's vernacular.

  9. Excerpt from Why Won’t Pamela Geller Shut Up?:

    ...Respectable opinion can’t bear the idea that she has become a symbol of free speech, which once upon a time was — and still is, when convenient — one of the highest values of the media and the left.

    If Geller were a groundbreaking pornographer like the loathsome Larry Flynt, someone would already be planning a celebratory biopic of her life. If she were a gadfly sticking it to a major Western religion rather than to Islam, she might be considered more socially acceptable.

    Instead, her provocations are deemed almost as shameful as the intentions of the men who wanted to kill her and her cohorts....

    Read the rest HERE.

    1. Well I for one have no issue with Geller speaking her piece. Her views may be off the wall for some but she has a right to hold them and express them.

      I will defend anyone's right to their views and opinions, in so long as there is reciprocity.

    2. Z,
      I have a theory about one reason that so many are attacking Geller and Spencer for sponsoring the event in Garland, Texas.

      The two jihadists don't "fit the profile" that makes people comfortable. They don't have long criminal histories, histories of mental illness, or histories of having grown up downtrodden in poverty.

      So, what did set them off? Hardcore Islam, of course. They were serious about strict shari'a and desired to be enforcers thereof. That is the reality.

      The values of strict shari'a and Western values are incompatible. You know that I've held this position from the first day that I started blogging. I stand by that position.

      Here's the conundrum....How do we deal with having in our midst people who will act on their convictions of enforcing strict shari'a or who support, financially and otherwise, those who wish to enforce shari'a? Blame the messengers -- that is, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer? Cower so as not to offend the strict shari'a enforcers?

    3. Erratum!

      A sentence above should read as follows;

      That the two jihadists don't "fit the profile" makes people uncomfortable.

    4. There is very little difference between sharia and ultra conservative Jewish doctrine.

      All comes from the same culture.

    5. Duck,
      Doctrines are one thing; running around and forcing people who are not members of that faith to abide by those doctrines in the 21st Century is a different matter.

      As for All comes from the same culture, Mohammed obviously glommed onto certain aspects of Judaism and Christianity, then tweaked those aspects to fit his tribal agenda, one goal of which was to conquer territory. Islam spread far and wide primarily by the sword -- not by voluntary conversion to Islam.

  10. Am sorry to hear, today, that many terror suspects the FBI was watching have suddenly gone underground. Our media tells them how the latest thugs were found (they tweeted, they put something on facebook)...so it sells the story for the news and makes it sexy and fills in the time between commercials$$$ but it also alerted very bad people to how their own are being caught. Exit, stage left.
    Isn't America amazing? Anything for THE STORY; get peoples' attention, sell ads, win a Pulitzer. HURRAH! But...Oooops...we shouldn't have really divulged that information. Oh, but WE are a free country.
    This is a very rough time for a country whose freedoms are what's convinced the very bad guys that she's very, very vulnerable. Of course, we DO have good law enforcement. But, oops again...they're under siege by an America who thinks they're all corrupt and hateful.
    Wait. NOW what? :-)

    makes her so vulnerable....

  11. Someone said of him, "Islam was all he had".

    Just like an animal with rabies. Hopeless, virulent and good for nothing.

    Some just need killin'

  12. Recent comment at Jihad Watch:

    Was anyone forced to draw a pictured of Muhammad? NO

    Was anyone forced to look at a picture of Muhammad? NO

    Did the Muhammad drawing contest pose a threat to the life or freedom of any single person anywhere? NO (except to those participating)

  13. Mind-boggling ignorance from Bill O'Reilly:

    I don’t believe that the Prophet Mohammed wanted a world war to impose Islam on everybody. I don’t believe that!


    1. Especially surprising since he started a 'world war' to do just that.

    2. Baysider,
      Yes, the started a "world war" in his corner of the world, a war which then spread from there to places more distant.

  14. This guy says it all:

    This muslim extremist steamrollers over ANY thought that he lives in a country bound by certain protections and flexible adaptations. He wants to apply sharia EVERYWHERE, including what you say at your dinner table, no doubt. So, if we visit HIS country of origin can we speak out with total freedom because OUR country of origin allows that?

    It's like the old saying about teenagers' view of private property in the house: What's yours is ours, and what's ours is ours.

  15. AND .... the winner is a great choice. I wasn't particularly a fan of this 'contest' but completely understand why it's necessary. Just not my personality. She's like a modern day Rosa Parks. The point had to be made: Americans are not going to take their civil rights and shuffle to the back of the bus. I think we all learned a lot.

    1. Baysider,
      Bosch's drawing won by a landslide. Why? His drawing was on message!

      In my view, there is nothing "extreme" about that drawing!

  16. The jihadis apparently didn't like our First Amendment, so Texas police introduced them to our Second Amendment.

    1. Mustang,
      The introduction to the Second Amendment saved at least 100 lives that day.

      I hear in the media a bit of moaning and whining about the dead jihadists. Pffft.

  17. Kid,
    It's simple: if we don't make the point that we are not going to change, Western civilization will descend into even worse chaos.

    I wonder how far away we are from a jihad attack on a major art museum in the United States. All that art offends the hell out of Moslems.

  18. For those who asked earlier about the 'how' of this takedown, here are some observations: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/hero-garland_941518.html
    It analyzes the ejection pattern of the officer's shots to trace his movements toward the jihadis. And this is something Imp and I have commented on before: male nature that is trainable to advance toward danger to protect others.

    1. Baysider,
      Thanks for that link. I was looking for that information.

  19. ""Official: FBI Overlooked Texas Shooter’s Violent Tweets Because ‘There are So Many Like Him'.""

    Sounds to me like the problem is a lot worse than we are being told. So much for ISIS being the junior varsity team and Al Queda on the path to defeat!

  20. ""Official: FBI Overlooked Texas Shooter’s Violent Tweets Because ‘There are So Many Like Him'.""

    Sounds to me like the problem is a lot worse than we are being told. So much for ISIS being the junior varsity team and Al Queda on the path to defeat!


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