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Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's That Time Of Year

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For teachers, that is (Click directly on the image to enlarge it):

Right now, I'm groaning under the load of grading the final sets of papers for the 2014-2015 school term: essays, tests, and exams. Following the completion of those tasks comes filling out the report cards. I'm accustomed to this cycle. I've been teaching for over forty years.

I know my limits. So...

Back soon!


  1. Don't worry, the world will still be here when you get back!

  2. "It's that time of year, again".
    My first thought: fundraiser.

    1. Oh dear, Ed! Your computer seems to have caught "Z's Disease." It's been happening to Lisa too, but not all the time.

      What IS this Cyber Glitch, and why can't it be fixed?

    2. It didn't start with mine....and mine had finally stopped but it's baaack. I get that from others at my site, too. I WISH we could fix it.
      Nobody I've spoken to can help :-(
      It's more annoying for those of us who 'have it' because we're constantly having to delete one.

  3. AOW, thank you for taking the time off from your busy schedule to comment so generously at my blog yesterday and today. I had no idea you were THIS busy, so tha makes me doubly grateful.

    Intelligent commentary and good conversation are in very short supply, so your presence is always welcome at my place, even hough we don't always agree. You are one of very few who know how to voice an opposing point of view without getting personal and being obnoxious about it.

    I wish others would use you as a role model.

    I hope you don't wear yourself to a frazzle before all your obligations are met! ;-)

  4. Yes, Ed - fundraiser! First thing that came to mind.

    Thanks for taking the time to post the cartoon, AOW. I never thought of this until I had a blind teacher whose wife read our essay tests to him. The NEXT test was multiple choice. He told us we were too wordy and his wife's couldn't make it through another one.

  5. All the best, AOW. I can only think of how I felt when I knew teachers were reading my work......awful! Be fair, be kind :-)

  6. http://news.yahoo.com/officer-shooting-muhammad-cartoon-contest-texas-005227724.html

    Man, AOW....Pamela Geller REALLY lives on the wild side...

    1. Z,
      Tammy Swofford is there! She has phoned me several times from her cell phone. See this at Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

      Midnight Rider posted the information to get the post up -- I wasn't logged onto my computer yet. I added more information as soon as my computer was up and running, and Pastorius chimed in when he was available to do so.

      Tammy is okay -- hungry and thirsty, but okay. Heaven only knows when the police will allow event attendees to go home. They're now being held in a safe place away from the event's venue.

    2. So much for my grading papers tonight!

    3. From a Jihad Watch thread about what transpired in Garland, Texas:

      Some argue that the Muhammad cartoon competition created the threat – but the reality is that the threat was already present.

      Their intentions is to keep you in line – after while – as with the conditioned people of the Islamic world – no one moves out of the line.

    4. I just read that Geert Wilders had just spoken there....
      This is amazing.......it's only FREE SPEECH when Islamists promise death to Americans, I guess?

      By the way, I'm hearing now that Tsarnaev's family is bring brought from Russia to testify for him in his next trial re penalty. And we're paying for them PLUS we're paying for 16 FBI agents to protect them.

      I was wondering if I was found guilty of murder if the feds would pay for my relatives in NY to come tell them I'm a really nice person... (smile)

    5. Z,
      Please try to make time to watch this video of Geert Wilders speaking at the May 3, 2015 Muhammad Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas.

      Long live freedom of expression!

    6. Hi, just watched the speech.....excellent. I don't know where he gets his courage...he is REALLY BRAVE, as is Geller, and Spencer. They are certainly putting their very lives on the line, aren't they.
      And how ironic that he finished his speech just before the shootings, from what I heard...he's interviewed as saying he was stunned to be leaving and find out what had happened. A perfect illustration of the brutality.

      It's SUCH a shame that those who don't want to see what's going on in Islam will call Wilders and Geller ISLAMAPHOBES when all they're saying is that the terrorists need to be STOPPED. The Left will label them as haters; instead of EVER labeling ISIS haters. Imagine.

    7. I just read that Geert Wilders had just spoken there....
      This is amazing.......it's only FREE SPEECH when Islamists promise death to Americans, I guess?

      By the way, I'm hearing now that Tsarnaev's family is bring brought from Russia to testify for him in his next trial re penalty. And we're paying for them PLUS we're paying for 16 FBI agents to protect them.

      I was wondering if I was found guilty of murder if the feds would pay for my relatives in NY to come tell them I'm a really nice person... (smile)

  7. Love your cartoon. My youngest (Rosie the Riveter) graduated from college on Friday, May 1st. She's no longer an undergrad. Yay!

    I've told you before that I wish I had had teachers like you. It will be over soon.

  8. UPDATE:

    I have just finished the sets of papers here at home right now.


    Another set comes in tomorrow: the rewrites of the high schoolers' literary analyses of Shakespeare's Richard III.

    On Wednesday, the rewrites of the middle schoolers' literary analyses of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet arrive.

    Then begin the preparations of the end-of-term pageant. Exams are two weeks after the pageant.

  9. Tammy Swofford checking in.

    Yes! AOW was my news desk buddy during the whole free speech meets the non-free speech whackos. Interesting that those of us who most fiercely protect this liberty are also the gun owners who are most careful with our right to bear arms. We would never consider turning a weapon against another man except for an act of self defense.

    I attended the event fully clothed in my right mind but with a strong belief that the event would be attacked because of the nature of freedom. For that reason, I did not allow my spouse to bring me and merely sit in the parking lot. My conviction, never requires the sacrifice of the other - only my own. But I am grateful for a husband who supports my every move and countermove in jihad/anti-jihad.

    For those who need a bit more clarity regarding our tremendous blessing of freedom of expression, please click on the link to my avatar site, The Last English Prince.

    I am grateful for the "team" who were first to blog and break this story at another site. The internet is a wonderful invention which allows for cross-pollination of ideas, which is healthy for society.

    There were two really funny moments right after we were quickly led out of the conference area. One man said, "I wonder if this was Muslims?" I sniped back, "Well, do you think it was a couple of nuns in that car?" Second silly moment was when a man stated, "I wonder if I can put my ticket and parking pass on eBay and sell them?" Personally, I may frame the aforementioned.

    1. AOW, did I tell you my neighbor in Paris sent me the second printing of the first Charlie Hebdo published since the deaths? (the first publication sold out in a few hours) Am so glad to have that piece of history.

    2. Z,
      Good for you!

      I don't have a hard copy. I do have a digital copy.

  10. The other site that Tammy mentioned is Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

    I wasn't logged into that site when Tammy phoned me on Sunday evening, but Midnight Rider was. He and I got on the blower and coordinated the post, which we continued to update along with Pastorius.

    At one point, Tammy was on the land line with me and MR on the cell phone with me. I was talking into two phones at the same time. Intense!

    So relieved that all the freedom lovers at the Muhammad Art Contest are not injured -- or dead.

    The jihadists were bringing death to infidels; instead, they brought death to themselves. Justice!


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