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Monday, August 11, 2014

August 8, 2014, On The Gathering Storm

I rarely post the audio of a particular edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, broadcast live and via podcast by Blog Talk Radio every Friday. The last edition of the show, however, is worthy of its own separate blog post.

Last Friday, Iraqi exile IQ al Rassoli and I discussed the recent bombing of ISIS ordered by Barack Hussein Obama. Please listen to the first 8 minutes of the show:

Popular Politics Internet Radio with WC Always On Watch on BlogTalkRadio


  1. If only we could get more Americans to care as deeply about the issues as IQ and you...

    1. For one thing, Americans care more about their devices than they do about the issues. **sigh**

    2. Only after they've leveled Washington, DC and burned Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and maybe Denver to the ground will the American Public wake up and want to fight. But by then it will be too late. Millions of us will be brutally murdered, turned out of our homes, and cast adrift amidst the smoking ruins. We will descend very quickly to the level of dog eat dog barbarism. Survivors will take to the hills and forests to fight an endless guerilla war.

      It may take five-hundred years before Civilization may reemerge from the New Dark Ages.

  2. IQ loves America. It's too bad that a preponderance of the US electorate, apparently, don't or, at least, didn't !

  3. I stopped at "I tell you he is a Muslim". Just an Obama bashing session of no value.

    Did he wait too long?
    Well, it seems that the Kurds and others have mounted an effective operation to rescue the Yazidi. Time will tell but there is positive news.

    The Kurds are being armed and are pushing back ISIS from Kurdish towns.

    Do we have sufficient intelligence to make the air strikes effective? If we don't now then we sure didn't earlier.

    Can we deal with Maliki. Can changes be made in Baghdad that will convince the Sunni insurgents that they can ditch ISIS (they removed radical iIslamists during The Surde and can do it again with motivation.

    It's a pretty complicated situation and acting to appease I.Q. on Day 1 was not necessarily the correct response.

    But keeping Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia all happy and well behaved is easy, right? Just do it the Teabag way and send troops.

    One thing I do want to point out is that he has apparently been partially successful in Ukraine. The Kiev "government" has neutralized resistance in Donetsk without Russian action. Cooler heads may well prevail.

    Is Obama's most serious failure in Ira not keeping Maliki on a shorter leash? What should he have done?
    We aren't asking questions just calling for revenge. Guaranteed failure.

    Kerouac was wrong in "Dr. Sax". The universe does not dispose of its own evil. Fallible humans attempt that task and the ones who act from rage and revenge are the least successful.

    Sorry Teabags, you have nothing to offer.

    1. Duck,
      I stopped at "I tell you he is a Muslim". Just an Obama bashing session of no value.

      Yes, IQ bashes Obama. But IQ also offers unique insights about Iraq, his homeland.

      Is Obama's most serious failure in Ira not keeping Maliki on a shorter leash? What should he have done?

      Perhaps not strike a better military deal with al-Maliki. The two men had quite a disagreement as to the number of remaining Coalition troops. See How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations.

      It seems likely to me that Obama wanted American forces out of Iraq in time for the 2012 National Elections here in the United States.

      The down-the-line perspective of hindsight will tell the tale.

      As I believe that I said on the air, Obama pronounced ISIS as "JV" back in January. It seems pretty clear now that ISIS is not JV. I read this morning that various Al Qaeda factions are now joining ISIS.

      Do we have sufficient intelligence to make the air strikes effective? If we don't now then we sure didn't earlier.

      Not necessarily, IMO. Back in January-March, ISIS was "out in the open" and much easier to strike that ISIS is now. Also, ISIS back then had not yet acquired the weaponry that they have now. IQ made those points on the air -- and I think that they are valid points.

    2. BTW, this issue has zero to do with Teabags.

    3. Sure it does, AoW. Obama and the Duck want America to be Iraq's good friendly but respectful drinking buddy. The baggers would prefer to be feared.

      You don't become "feared" unless you give the Iraqi's something to "fear"... like a willingness to "Shock & Awe". Obama doesn't have what it takes to do anything more than lecture them.

    4. It does, AOW, when the purpose becomes dumping on Obama rather than a clear headed discussion of the situation and a prudent response.



    6. Duck,
      IQ did state at some point that Obama has done too little, too late.

  4. Consider these flashback videos (2011-2012).

    • 2011: Obama to troops at Fort Bragg, North Carolina: “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.” Pfffft!

  5. Replies
    1. They are in fact, More to blame on bill clinton policies. As ignore all muslim attacks on our soil, let alone everywhere else. WTC 93, USS Cole. Probably TWA800 and probably Egyptair 990 and Probably the Murrah building, and God knows what else.

    2. PS - clinton would never have authorized drone strikes on islamists. As much as it pains me, you have to acknowledge this difference with obama, the only positive in a sea of anti-Americanism from this imbecile.

  6. In case you didn't get back to see my response to your comment at Asylum Watch the other day, this is what I said:

    "Enjoyed your interview, AOW. I think I would like Mr. Rassoli. Here is another theory on why Obama acted when he did.


    BTW, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate knowing that there are some Americans like you who are willing to go the extra mile to get the truth out in the open. God bless you!"

  7. Ducky he didn't say Obama was a muslim,he said he is an Islamist. But what would an Iraqi know?

  8. From the Telegraph:

    ...Two American aid flights have also made it to the mountain, where they have dropped off more than 36,000 meals and 7,000 gallons of drinking water to help the refugees, and last night two RAF C-130 transport planes were also on the way.

    However, Iraqi officials said that much of the US aid had been “useless” because it was dropped from 15,000ft without parachutes and exploded on impact....

  9. Given Peter King's track record of hysterics I wouldn't accept it at face value.

  10. "Know about Obama? Clearly not much."

    Enough ! Do you have a point here? OK, we didn't think so!

  11. "I stopped at "I tell you he is a Muslim". Just an Obama bashing session of no value."

    Now that's funny, because I stop at the name Ducky, and skip whatever that fellow has to say, because I know in advance it won't be worth bothering with. Nattering nabobs of negativism never are.

    - Cordelia Meadows

  12. I agree with IQ. I've said myself that what Obama is doing is too little, too late. There's no strategy here just a mash of confused policy, dithering and indecision. We had earlier opportunities to strike ISIS when it would have mattered and the current genocide avoided. If I could see this unfolding weeks and months earlier why couldn't Obama? I'll answer my own question: Obama continues to suffer from the left wing ideology that led him to undertake a world wide apology tour in 2009. He simply does not appreciate, nor understand or value the essential contribution to maintaining world peace provided by the United States.

    Where is his leadership to assemble a coalition to address this crisis or other trouble spots like Ukraine? Where is his strategy?

    1. Mike,
      Does Obama operate in a world of his own delusions?

      As you know, over and over again, he bragged in 2012 about pulling all U.S. troops out of Iraq. We have multiple videos as proof of that bragging. Now he's saying that he was forced to do so by GWB's Iraq policy. In other words, back to his blame-Bush meme.

      In his apology tour of 2009, it was the blame-America meme.

    2. Obama's ideology has clearly warped his thinking. That was clear with his Cairo speech in 2009 and nothing has changed since then. Despite the complete failure of his foreign policy he seems unable to change course and still insists on his deluded left wing approach.

      At least most polls show that the American people are no longer fooled even if Obama continues to delude himself.

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    1. Comment removed - off topic.

      Save such rants for Saturday's Open Thread.

      Thank you.


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