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Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Break (With Addendum)

It's time for R&R (rest and relaxation)!

Until August 31, this blog is on summer break.  Please return for new posts on that date, for which I already have two posts queued up. 

During this blog break, I might or might not be making blog rounds. Intense blogging makes R&R impossible and blights life.

Comment moderation is intermittently enabled during this R&R break. I rarely use comment moderation, but I'm determined to enjoy a period of respite.

ADDENDUM: If you wish to post comments about current events, go to this open thread. Otherwise, your comment will not be published.


  1. dmarks,
    I accidentally deleted your comment. My apologies! I hate comment moderation because with my eyesight difficulties I make mistakes. **sigh**

    Anyway, here is the comment you left:

    I drop by here for the first time in a couple of weeks... and find that you are following the President's example, and now living a life of leisure for the time being, not a care in the world.

    At least I know that in your case, it is deserved: ;-)

  2. We all need a little downtime. Have fun, Mr & Mrs AoW!

  3. Have a nice break, AOW - you've earned it...

  4. Enjoy, you deserve it.

    Right Truth


    see you on the 31st.

    1. Jon,
      Not really a vacation. Gotta get ready for the start-up of classes early in September!

  6. Well, I hope you get to watch some ants crawl up and down a tree trunk at least.

  7. Catch you on the rebound or anywhere you comments appear ,enjoy

  8. I'm still around, albeit not hovering over my blog.

    Today I completed the college recommendations for two of my students. That's one time-consuming chore done now! **smile**

    Next up: preparing lesson plans for Beowulf. The British Literature class begins in two weeks with a study of that particular work.

  9. Herr Heinrch Stark-Gelegnheit sagt:

    Essen, Trinken, Schlafen und Traumen bis deine Herzen's Glucklicheit. Haben Sie einen ganze gutes Ferien!

    1. Herr Heinrch Stark-Gelegnheit,
      My German is good enough to read your comment without any assistance.

      Thank you for the well wishes.

  10. Things in the country and on the world are to HOT to take time off. Let's get back to our forum . There are many hot topics to discus. You can sleep when your 95 years not now.:)

    1. Frank,
      I'm not only taking time off. I'm frenetically working on lesson plans for the start of the school term in less than 2 weeks. I'm also getting my mind and my body ready for another grueling school year.

      Go to another forum to discuss hot topics -- or post your comments to this open thread. I assure you that comments posted to that thread will be quickly published.

    2. Frank,
      Better yet: establish your own blog. You'll then learn just how much work running a blog is!

    3. No need to get Angry, I didn't mean any harm

    4. Frank,
      Apology accepted.

      I'm struggling with a lot of obligations for several days.

  11. I only meant to say that I respect you and your blog SO much, that at this time with ALL the hot topics goong on in our country, I miss your input. And your readers comments.

    1. Frank,
      Of late, there have been commenters all over the web telling blog owners how they should run their own blogs. I'm getting a bit "sensitive" about that kind of thing.

      I'm glad to know that you think so highly of me and this blog.

  12. Enjoy a well-deserved break (if not 'rest') as you get ready for fall. Appreciate the insights and effort that goes into a blog. Hope these last weeks are special in your household!

    1. Baysider,
      Thank you.

      If the weather were a bit warmer, I'd be spending more time at the neighborhood pool. Alas! It's been too cold for much of this summer to enjoy swimming as much as I typically do. This August 2014 has been one of the coolest Augusts on record.

    2. And we, here in So Cal, have just the opposite - the warmest after years of very cool summers. We actually saw the sun in June instead of around mid-July! Unless you're growing tomatoes, enjoy the cool while you have it. :)

    3. AOW: You're getting my cool weather. While this year hasn't been the hottest I've seen here in SC, on Saturday it hit 103. Way too hot to even go outside and water the garden. I hear the rest of the country is breaking records for cool weather.

    4. Mike,
      Temps here will start to climb tomorrow. Today the water in the swimming pool was bearable, but only for a few minutes.

  13. Some real R&R last night!

    Mr. AOW went to dinner at the house of one of my clients. Wonderful food (authentic Chinese)! But the best part of all is that my client did all the work with Mr. AOW. She even spoon-feed him, thus relieving me of having to clean up after him. She felt that she had to spoon-feed him because it is a struggle for him to eat without the use of his left hand.

    We came home with enough food for at least 2 days -- and a bottle of excellent wine, too.

    What wonderful friends this Chinese family is!

    They also helped Mr. AOW to walk up the few steps into their home, so he got some exercise to offset the feast.

  14. OK, you had enough R&R. Come on back now, we need to have your input so that we can carry it on.

    We need you, especially now!

    1. A. Reader,
      The open thread is still available -- in moderation for a few more hours because I have some caregiving responsibilities to fulfill in a few moments. Then I'll come out of comment moderation.


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