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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Open Thread

So, what's on your mind?

Here is your chance to vent, but please observe the guidelines listed below:

We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. We will delete comments that include any of the following:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective
4. We do not respond to anonymous comments

One recent story that made me sigh in frustration:

Salon Attempts to Paint Avowed Communist Lee Harvey Oswald as a “Right-Winger”.

Here's another:  

FAA Issues Flight Restrictions Over Ferguson After Rioters Shoot At Police Helicopter.


  1. So what do we have here? Wh have the blacks rioting and burning down buildings, and stores, and breaking in to these stores so that they could STEAL STUFF, anything that they could get their filthy hands on no matter if they need it or not, but just STEAL, STEAL, STEAL. And for what? In defense of a 300 plus pound criminal !! And now that a video has leaked out that the animal that was shot just after committed strong armed robbery !!And also info is leaking out that the cop was treated for injuries indicating a physical altercation before the officer made Michael Brown good. if you think this makes any difference to these SAVAGES looting stores and steeling TV sets and car rims and burning down buildings in honor of the 300 plus pound criminal think again. And as expected we are seeing those same bleeding hearts over on the left called Progressives defending those assholes who are looting shit. It doesn't matter to these looters if the if the 300 plus pound criminal was shot and killed! It just gives them the chance and the opportunity to looting shit!
    As long as we keep making excuses for these sub human animals this kind of behavior it will only get worse.

    1. .

      "As long as we keep making excuses for these sub human animals this kind of behavior it will only get worse."

      Should Jerome Katzenjammer really be referring to the police as sub-human animals? Just because the police shot an unarmed person in the back (more than once), does not make the police sub-human animals.

      Ema Nymton

  2. Today, I saw this comment about the Ferguson riots:

    The perp had a gun in his belt. The cop behind him saw it and yelled gun. The gun is in his dead hand on the ground.

    Does anyone in this thread have a link confirming that information?

    1. Sounds like it could be a right wing canard. Conservatives might like it to be true, but the media including FOCKS are still saying a policeman, now identified as Darren Wilson, shot "an unarmed youth."

      ________ Tocsin the Terrible ________



    A grand jury in Travis County, Texas, indicted Governor Rick Perry today. Why? For exercising his constitutional prerogative by threatening to veto, and then vetoing, an appropriation to support the public corruption unit in Travis County’s district attorney’s office. This followed the arrest of the county’s district attorney, Democratic Party activist Rosemary Lehmberg, for drunk driving, after she was found “with an open bottle of vodka in the front passenger seat of her car in a church parking lot in Austin.” Ms. Lehmberg served 45 days in jail.

    The Travis County district attorney’s office has long been a cesspool of corruption. It was that office, controlled by the Democratic Party machine, that infamously indicted Tom DeLay for nothing. It took years before DeLay could finally clear his name, and his career was ruined.

    Conservatives should respond to this indictment by rallying around Perry. The indictment is a bad joke, intended simply to generate negative publicity. As with the bogus DeLay indictment from the same source, years may go by before it is finally proved baseless. In the meantime, conservatives should stand behind Perry and denounce the politically-motivated machinations of Texas Democrats.



  5. What asinine comments I have been reading over that (you know who’s blog), most of which has nothing to do with the police officer shooting that THUG” . And once again sadly Obama has put his 2 cents into th works to fuel the flames, and that only contributed to provoke those animals to riot. . He was wrong for stealing the cigars, in that store and God only knows what else he did in his miserable past.
    I just can't believe anything that these mobsters like Sharpton etc. say anymore.

    1. .

      "He was wrong for stealing the cigars, in that store and God only knows what else he did in his miserable past."

      And for that, it is OK with "American Jihad" that the police shot (more than once) the unarmed person in the back?!?

      BTW - How does "American Jihad" feel about Cliven Bundy and the police? Should the police be allowed to shoot Cliven Bundy; he was after all stealing from the government?

      Jus' ask'n ...

      Ema Nymton

  6. Lets call it like it is. At this point the rioting, burring, stealing, and destroying property no longer has nothing to do with protesting the shooting, but has everything to do with these people acting like the wild animals they are. Unless you count stealing and looting as protesting! ..It’s time for the National Guard to start shooting these looters. Enough is more than enough.
    When did rioting and looting ever help a community, huh Mr. Community Organizer?

  7. The Westboro Baptist Church, led by Zach Phelps-Roper, the grandson of the church's founder Fred Phelps of the The Westboro Baptist Church who incidently are all Blacks, is seeking to picket Robin Williams’ funeral after saying the actor is “going to hell” and was “hated by God”.

    These IGNORANT Bastards was carrying picket signs that read, ““God hates divorce”, another one read, “Williams mocked God with his comedy” and another said “Robin in hell” with a picture of his head in flames.

    Nothing new here, one bunch of Liberal Democrats picketing the funeral of another Liberal Democrat.
    What a bunch of two faced liberal bastards.

  8. They are a bunch of anti-gay wacko’s plain and simple. To play party politics at any funeral is simply BS.

    May they step in dog chit while they protest, and may lightning strike at their location. That would be doing the world a real big favor.

    And more evidence that the Left are a bunch of Wacko’s.
    A Marine combat veteran was denied admission to a New Jersey amusement park because he was wearing a patriotic Fourth of July shirt with a picture of a military rifle on it.

    Mario Alejandro, 33, a veteran of the 2003 Iraq invasion, was stopped by a security guard when he and his family tried to enter Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, N.J., because his black shirt bore a drawing of an M-26 military rifle in red, white and blue, and the slogan, “Keep Calm and Return Fire,”

    This is a man who gave 4 years of his life fighting and defending his and our country, and this is the welcome he received!

  9. Hate thy neighbor... leave no opportunity lost for restricting their uncensored opinions!

  10. When will America's "liberals" return to their libertarian roots and start mistrusting government again?

    1. You know that won't happen. Once one becomes addicted to the teat,......

  11. These incredible Progressive Morons thinks that the Moonbat Messiah we now have as resident of OUR White House grew up as an ordinary Black American Citizen.

    That couldn't be further from the truth.

    Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway. But he sure likes to yack about it. He sure wants everyone to think it’s so.

    Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's behaid about black people in this country. He uses them for HIS own political gain, period.

    His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only Moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.
    And pleeeaase don’t get me started on Moochelle, our First Wookie, the one that these Smug, Arrogant, Imbeciles think is the most Wonderful and Beautiful First lady American has ever had!!.
    If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served. But that will never happen in our lifetime.

  12. .

    "... incredible Progressive Morons thinks that the Moonbat Messiah ..."

    "...Obozo has ..."

    "... Moochelle, our First Wookie, the one that these Smug, Arrogant, Imbeciles think is the most Wonderful and Beautiful First lady American has ever had!! ..."

    Does calling people made up names make Sarah Bernhardt feel like an adult, mature, capable, and strong?

    Jus' ask'n?

    Ema Nymton

    1. I don't like that terminology, either, but tell us, Ema, is this comment to rant in righteous indignation or is it easier to comment on the names she's used than actually address the truth in her comments about Obama's background.
      I myself ask myself sometimes "What does Obama have in his background which WOULD create any mildest affection for this country?" I still can't find anything.
      Address Frank Marshall Davis's influence...
      Obama's having 2 autobiogs published by a big publisher when nobody even knew who Obama was and he hadn't done anything but be born into a black/white family, which is not rare? How'd he get published?
      How'd he become Editor of the Harvard Law Review having written one piece?
      Ya...lots of things to think about.
      The title of AOW's post today might help you?

    2. .

      ""What does Obama have in his background which WOULD create any mildest affection for this country?" I still can't find anything."

      You mean besides President Obama's growing up, maturing, and benefiting from being a USA citizen?! Really?

      Can't find anything? Perhaps Z should try realizing the wide spectrum of people who give back (or pay forward) because they understand the value of being a USA citizen come from within.

      Ema Nymton

    3. Z,
      How'd he become Editor of the Harvard Law Review having written one piece?

      But one of many things about Obama's background that we don't know!

      You mentioned other things as well. So, here's a question: How is it that investigative journalists haven't ferreted out more about certain things in Obama's background?

      Here's another question: Why don't we hear from his many classmates at various schools? He must have had many classmates!

    4. won't happen, AOW....investigative? on the LEFT? Other than going through Palin's trash, I haven't seen much of that lately. They're on THIS GUY'S SIDE and this is the new journalism. and Leftwingers who accept it are repulsive.

    5. Ema....now THINK. THINK HARD. WHAT in his childhood of living in Indonesia, what of his black/white growing up that is ALWAYS troublesome even with dignified parents and grandparents, who's come forward to acknowledge his college years except that pot smoker arab he lived with for a while?
      If Leftwingers only have to LIVE here to appreciate and even love this country, why do so many disparage her? , go against the Constitution, rewrite her history to go as hateful against her as possible, deny her exceptionalism, ignore the other side of the aisle and taunt them? Are you KIDDING? WOW.
      That said a LOT.

  13. Everything that is wrong in the world can be attributed o "climate change". The science is settled. Ebola due to climate change?


    1. Jim,
      Here in the 21st Century, we have been overtaken by absurdity.

      Didn't John Kerry recently say that the biggest problem facing the world today is climate change? This -- from the Secretary of State!

  14. Enema,

    This is just for you.

    A little boy said to his mother; Mommy, how come I’m black and you’re white? . “His mother replied, ‘Don’t even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you’re lucky you don’t bark!’

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. So, Jon Boy, does that mean we keep giving Barney Fife military vehicles in some deluded belief it will do one iota to lower crime in America?

    The cops kill another unarmed black man and you seem surprised that there is a violent reaction.
    I'm surprised it wasn't more violent.

    Again, will militarizing the cops do one iota to solve the crime issue, especially in an environment where prisons are a privatized, high profit, growth industry.
    Pardon me if I think the Teabags haven't thought this out.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Duckling,

    Contrary to your absurd assumptions, I said nothing in favor of arming the police with: "Barney Fife military vehicles" and, indeed, I'm not the least bit surprised at the reaction. Do they offer remedial reading courses in Boston?

  20. Please review these parameters for commenting at this blog:

    We will delete comments that include any of the following:
    1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
    2. Off topic comments and spam
    3. Use of personal invective

    Comments which are "over the top" will be removed as soon as a blog administrator becomes aware of such comments.

  21. Duck,
    Who is militarizing the police forces?

  22. Ema Nymton,who really cares, thinks, worries about anything that YOU say or write? I certainly don't.

  23. Ema Nymton asks, "Does calling people made up names make Sarah Bernhardt feel like an adult, mature, capable, and strong?

    Jus' ask'n?"

    Does Shaw, you don't seem to complain when she name calles and she does on a daily basis...

    JUS' SAYIN!!

  24. Many of the stores in Ferguson are burning, cars are doing wheelies in the streets, people loot, a guy runs out of the Ferguson Mart with a load of beers, a already Looted market is now burning, other people are looting TV’s appliances, a mob threatens a newspaper photographer , & the city turns chaotic. And Our Dear Leader plays Golf in Martha’s Vineyard, as our First lady dines and Wines on Lobsters and Caviar.!

    Ah for the Good Life!

  25. President Obama said today that the police shooting death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown was "heartbreaking,"

    Sound familiar? n I remember him saying the same thing after the Trayvon martin shooting.

    This Cop is Toast.

  26. Most who have commented here so far want to discuss Ferguson.


    This is an open thread, after all.

    So, here's my question....

    What is this recent rioting and looting in Ferguson ACCOMPLISHING??

  27. "Who is militarizing the police forces?"

    Our federal government. It started in earnest in 1997 under the DoD 1033 Program and has increased exponentially each year since.

  28. Meanwhile, in Florida: Police search for men who slammed woman to ground, snatched purse at Ocoee Publix (Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014):

    OCOEE, Fla. —

    Ocoee police are searching for three people they said knocked an elderly woman to the ground at a busy Publix and took off with her purse.

    Charlotte Dunaway, 74, is in the hospital with a severe head injury, a broken clavicle and a broken shoulder....

  29. Note this....

    Swisher Sweets Theft May be Key Detail in Brown Shooting Case

    Also see Michael Brown's rap page.

    This comment is not to be construed as meaning that Brown deserved to be shot. But he may well not have been "a gentle giant" or "a sweetheart."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. AOW...I thought you meant Rap SHEET! That's a RAP PAGE, but I see nothing wrong with it...???

    3. Gesualdo Ostinato said

      You see nothing wrong with it? Ye gods! What could possibly be right about it? It's hideous. The product of a degraded culture.

    4. Z,
      Did you listen on the first track on the page?

      "I be countin' money by myself.
      I'm a rich n#%%@r, so I got their wealth."

      The song then proceeds to something about smoking pot. I think. Hard to discern the words most of the time.

    5. Gesualdo,
      It's hideous. The product of a degraded culture.

      I must agree -- and I'm pretty generous as to what kind of music I accept or tolerate.

  30. "What is this recent rioting and looting in Ferguson ACCOMPLISHING??"

    Well, it more or less affirms the legacy of "The Great Society" if, in fact, that's an accomplishment!

  31. OK, why is it so hard to believe that this "gentle giant", of almost 300 pounds, assaulted a police officer, especially after a week's observance of the behavior and actions of his peers?

  32. All kinds of lessons to be learned ...

    1. Before you riot and act like assholes try a cooling off period to let the facts come out.

    2. Giving Barney Fife military grade hardware is not working out.

  33. @AOW --- Most who have commented here so far want to discuss Ferguson.
    Well, the Ferguson situation is ambiguous and invites debate.

    I think Obama's recent foreign policy efforts are less open.
    (runs stick across fence pickets)

    The Ukrainian situation is playing out as well as can be expected.
    He has contained ISIS and removed Maliki. Not bad moves.

    1. Ducky - How did Obama 'remove' Maliki? The State of Law Coalition removed him, and named al-Abadi in his place.

    2. How is ISIS "contained"?

      And WHO REMOVED Maliki?

      WOW....sounds like a new American history book "LEFTWING REVISIONISM by DUCKY BOSTON"

  34. Nothing like a good riot now and then, to give the Schwatzers something to do on a hot summers day.
    This is what happens when most of the city is living on welfare...They have nothing else to do

    1. Nothing like the smell of Napon on the morning after a riot

  35. ISIS contained?

    Nope: Islamic State fanatics kidnap more than 3,000 women and girls in 2 week rampage

    Amnesty International said the victims, some just babies, were snatched from villages and face the prospect of being forced into marriage or sold as sex slaves....

    More at the above link.

  36. What in the world is a Ema Nymtom?

    1. .

      "What in the world is a Ema Nymtom?"

      When one is trying to play at being an agent provocateur, one really must first learn to spell.

      Ema Nymton

    2. Ema Nymton

      ."What in the world is a Ema Nymtom?"
      When one is trying to play at being an agent provocateur, one really must first learn to spell.
      Ema Nymton


    3. Ema Nymton = not my name, spelled backwards.

  37. Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power!

    What a joke that is considering the JOKE we have in office now.

    He can, and should just ignore it. If the comical idiot, aka the current president et al do not respect law then I don't see why Rick should.

    Having said that I'm not exactly a Rick fan, but then again I’m surely NOT an Obama fan either. Stalinist Democrats: making criminalization of political differences the new American reality.

  38. Michelle Obama is no *Bell-Of-The-Ball*, that’s for SURE! The Progressives of this country has totally gone loco in pushing propaganda that Michelle is beautiful, stylish and one hot mama! People, what are you thinking of!!!!!
    She is undoubtedly one of, if not, the UGLIEST women on the planet!! That mug would break a mirror! The media isn't fooling any of us with eyes and a brain! And just so you know, she dresses ridiculous for a first lady.... Did I say “Lady”? I am actually ashamed to have this creature as first lady, that is if she is really a lady?

  39. Huguenot,

    "Liberals seem almost pathologically accommodating of that most illiberal of all the world's religions, Islam."

    Well, I'm sure that you are aware of the fact that Liberalism is a serious mental illness. Don't look for rational thought or common sense from those so afflicted!

  40. Fox News is the one single major news outlet that attempts to do something besides fall all over itself at the sight of his majesty and further his message and propaganda. Bill O'Reilly took a beating cause he had the audacity to ask Obama some real questions instead of soft balls lobbed up in his wheel house. Obama sputtered and stumbled all over himself and was uncomfortable because he wasn't receiving his usual treatment. If your trying to drum up sympathy over talk radio and Fox News as apposed to every other major news outlet in the country your barking up the wrong tree bud
    For example, they are not afraid to call it like it is!!
    Could it be that Previous First Ladies cared about America's image in the world
    I don't care for Michelle just because she's not at all likeable...just like her arrogant and disrespectful husband. They give me no respect...they get none back. They are my employees...I'm not theirs. I'd fire anyone who disrespected so many of their bosses as Obama does
    Could it be that an $8,000 a night hotel is excessive
    Could it be that there are 10 million people unemployed
    Could it be there are 47 million people on food stamps
    Could it be there are 13 million people on welfare
    Could it be that we are 18 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt!

    Could it be while family's are struggling with the longest recession in American history,
    Michelle jet sets around the world on our dime & Barry is playing golf!
    Could it be that our leadership are supposed set a better example example?

  41. Let's all go get some of Obama's free stuff and go party!

  42. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osvvTOzzQBE

    1. You Who,
      One of my favorites of the routines that Williams did!

  43. ..

    Oh boy, another unending poor pity party ... Is this all AOW is going to ever do; snivel and sob, whine and whimper, bellyache and bewail, fret and fuss, grouse and grumble?

    "An American citizen was beheaded, yet BHO goes back to his vacation. "

    Of course the President should have immediately jumped into Air Force 1, flown to Iraq, and ... done ... what?

    What exactly would AOW have President Obama do? Specifically, tell US what actions AOW would have the President do?

    Please proceed.

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ema,
      At the least, Obama should give a mournful and empathetic speech -- followed by a stern rebuke and a statement as to America's resolve.

      Then, bomb the hell out of ISIS. No boots on the ground.

    2. Ema,
      Insult me one more time -- and in "my own home" (my blog) -- and you're gone.

      And I do mean gone forever -- no matter how civil additional future comments after another insult might be.

      This blog is MY property, and the rules of my property are my rules.

      Go foul your own nest.

      Wait. I take back some of the above.

      You must now apologize to me -- or you are gone forever. Get it?

    3. .

      If AOW finds my comments an insult, than I apologize.

      Ema Nymton

    4. .

      "Then, bomb the hell out of ISIS. "

      Oh, pal ... ese. USA is not Israel.

      The same USA hating Right Wing Republican'ts who are willing to cheer on as Israel bombed noncombatants, children, schools, and hospitals in Gaza, would scream for President Obama's head as soon as one USA bomb is dropped; and AOW knows it! Does Ben Gazi sound familiar?

      Ema Nymton

    5. Ema,
      The same USA hating Right Wing Republican'ts who are willing to cheer on as Israel bombed noncombatants, children, schools, and hospitals in Gaza, would scream for President Obama's head as soon as one USA bomb is dropped; and AOW knows it!

      Really? What I've been hearing from many GOP pundits and others is to bomb the hell out of ISIS.

      The beheading of James Foley and the threat of beheading the next journalist, already a captive, is a clever strategy on the part of ISIS. Now, no matter what Obama does, he's damned by one crowd or another.

      Actually, what I do know as reasonably as I can is that the coalition should have bombed the hell out of ISIS back in January when the ISIS forces were smaller and, more importantly, out in the open and not well armed.

      Now, estimates show that ISIS is 80,000 troops strong. A formidable force!

      ISIS will behead the second journalist if ISIS doesn't get back control of the Mosul dam. Already, the Obama administration has stated that the United States will keep on doing in Iraq as we have been doing.

    6. Ema,
      HERE is a plan:

      First, the United States ought to recognize Kurdistan as it exists outside the borders of Turkey.

      Second, the United States ought to recognize the Shia state of Iraq as it exists in the southern and southeastern territory controlled by the Iraqi government.

      Third, all surrounding nations are to be notified of our intent of recognizing the Islamic State of Iraq as it exists as controlled territory at the end of ninety days.

      Fourth, at the end of ninety days we recognize the Islamic State of Iraq and declare war on it, demanding their unconditional surrender.

      After that, any violation of international law committed by the Islamic State of Iraq shall be met with military reprisal. First any identifiable military equipment goes, then the airports, power plants, dams, bridges, railroads, highways... treat them as we treated the axis in WWII.

    7. .

      "Now, no matter what Obama does, he's damned by one crowd or another." NOW???

      Has AOW not been paying attention? Since President Obama won the Presidency, the Republican'T crowd has been damning USA and President Obama.

      AND ... had President Obama acted in any other way than he did, the USA hating Republican'T Party would scream President Obama was kowtowing to Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.

      Get a grip, AOW.

      Ema Nymton

    8. Ema,
      "Now, no matter what Obama does, he's damned by one crowd or another." NOW???

      Has AOW not been paying attention?...

      Get a grip, AOW.

      Ahem. You need to review grammar information about the use of now as an interjection -- not as a time-frame qualifier. I was using now-comma in the sense of "now then" (as opposed as merely saying "well").

    9. Typo alert! The words (as opposed as merely saying "well") should read as opposed to merely saying "well".

      More coffee, please!

    10. As a time qualifier in the example cited by Ema, it should have been placed thusly:

      "No matter what Obama now does, he's damned by one crowd or another." There is no ambiguity if one uses that placement; of course, such placement was at all what I meant.

      I love grammar!

      PS: Lately, I've been reviewing once again Strunk and White's The Elements of Style.

    11. Ema,
      Oh, and one more thing....If I had meant "just now" in my original comment to which you took exception, I would have said just now.

      Yes, I'm a bit OCD when it comes to grammar.

    12. .

      "Yes, I'm a bit OCD when it comes to grammar."

      Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, Kemosabi; so is Ema Nymton.

      Ema Nymton teaches English at local high schools. Communicating through written media can be troublesome. As an example:


      When spoken one can clearly understand the meaning of the sentence. When written, unless one is clear and concise with punctuation, the sentence is a mine field.

      1. Woman - without her, man is nothing.

      2. Woman without her man, is nothing.

      Same six words; exactly in the same place in the sentence; but two totally different meanings.

      Ema Nymton

    13. Ema,
      Communicating through written media can be troublesome.

      No kidding!

      Often when we write blog commens, we don't write our comments, let them "cook," then come back to proofread and revise with "fresh eyes."

      Typing comments on the web is a spontaneous pursuit. Certainly there is a time and a place for that kind of spontaneity, but often these on-the-fly comments are misunderstood.

      PS: I've been teaching writing as an art for 34 years: elementary, middle school, high school, and college classes.

  44. Replies
    1. The NERO analogy rears its shameful head yet again. Nero 'fiddled." Obama "golfs." Same difference.

      What COULD Obama do, they ask?

      Well, at the very LEAST he could behave with a modicum of good taste and show respect for those enduring unimaginable agony by not making a public display of his insouciance and lack of empathy.

      Hypocrisy is certainly better than unadorned beastliness.

  45. Replies
    1. Frank,
      What did you think of Obama's speech today?

    2. Frank,
      I thought that some of the speech was excellent.

      But I take exception with this statement:

      So ISIL speaks for no religion.

      BHO immediately went on to say:

      Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings....

      Anything about the massacre of Christians in the speech?

      According to the reports I've just read, Obama then immediately left so as to play golf.

    3. POOL REPORT: "Obama stepped to a podium and delivered his remarks… Afterward, the motorcade drove to the Vineyard Golf Club."

    4. From the Koran: When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks (47:4).

      James Foley certainly qualified as an unbeliever according to the tenets of Islam. By definition, an unbeliever is not an innocent. Thus go the definitions of Islam.

      Muslim victims of ISIS are considered heretics and apostates.

  46. Here is my message to all my stupid, liberal, democratic, and progressive, countrymen and women who voted for this complete inept fraud of a "President"........You wanted Hope and Change? You Got It!
    And as the chaos continues all over the country and all over the World King Obama says.. "lets play golf"

  47. The following sonnet is dedicated to "Lester" who posts too freqently at Western Hero. Lester is better known in these here parts as Liberalmann. Be careful when deciphering the acrostic, it may cause you to have to clean up a dreadful mess on your keyboard.

    ____ To a Harbinger of Malice ____

    Living loosely, tilting to the left,
    Eager to condemn with sneers and taunts,
    Sarcastic always right wing blogs he haunts
    Trolling for attention he is deft ––

    Excellent in fact –– like no one who since
    Rose of Tokyo fouled GI’s air
    Eroding confidence at morale she’d tear ––
    An eloquently evil bloody nuisance.

    Termite-like this slimy creature chews
    Steadily besmirching others’ views.
    Snotty, sullen, he will not relent
    Harbingers of malice don’t repent.
    Instead, they thrive as they forever choose
    To propagate and spread their septic views.

    ~ FreeThinke

  48. Do the liberal’s care about how pathetic Obama really is?
    Obama’s motorcade actually zipped quickly past where he gave his pathetic speech about the beheading of an AMERICAN to the first hole after his pathetic media session on the murder of James Wright Foley.
    Obama delivered a short pathetic statement and took no questions from the media.
    And was seen cutting up, and laughing on the Golf course just moments after.
    After his pathetic speech Obama was asked a comment......He said... “ NO COMMENTS”
    What a pathetic Joke!
    American journalist Steven Joel Sotloff is still being held hostage and could be next! The "Commander of Nothing" said Nothing! He is just getting worse and worse. Could he really get any worse??

  49. Obama simply does not possess the skill, or the ability to lead ... he literally doesn't have the ability to do the job. We need an alpha and we got a self-centered, Spock-like putz. He thought that if he gave good speech, looked nice in a suit, said the right things that he could just breeze through his presidency (I honestly believe that's how he approaches being president). He's never liked being president ... but oh those perks, playing gold with big stars, and dancing , and partying with Hollywood celebs, having his Wookie appearing on all those late night TV show, all those goodies never seems to end! He just couldn't resist. I have never been more embarrassed of a president and more concerned at the lack of leadership. And ISIS is ALL on him, and on HIS watch! You can't Blame Bush for any of this. they grew and came to power under his watch, and the pity is that they are not finished yet.

    A British Black rapper whose father is awaiting trial in Manhattan for a pair of US embassy bombings is a leading suspect in the barbaric beheading of American journalist James Foley, it was revealed on Friday. Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary — who recently tweeted a photo of himself holding up a severed head — was among three Brits identified as possibly being the masked killer known as “John the Beatle.” Bary, 24, is the son of an Egyptian-born militant who is awaiting trial on terror charges tied to the deadly 1998 bombings of embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.Also under investigation are the brother

    Hum, his Dad bombed our embassies and brother beheads our citizen and threatens us but this President doesn´t take it personal??

  51. Rusty,
    Thank you for posting that information.

    1. Rusty,
      I found a link just now -- after I saw your comment.


      ...The former musician was raised in a Maida Vale council-owned home worth £1 million and has had his songs played on BBC radio stations.


      On Friday, one former IS hostage said Mr Foley's killer was leader of a group of three or four British jihadists, known as the “Beatles”, who are believed to be the main guards of foreign captives at the IS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria....

      More at the above link.

    2. DIDADIN



      Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."

      "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

      ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


  52. Two things are certain: Islamic Terrorists are VERMIN, and Ovomit is a vain, shallow, selfish, cold-hearted son-of-a bitch.


  53. The same people who whine about liberals and who are calling them bigots, etc., but then give misonygistic and racist trolls the run of their blogs. To these folks, it's not bigotry when trolls attack with slurs, name-calling, and slander the people they dislike, I think it’s stupify. .

    Of course these individuals lack the power of introspection, even when someone holds a mirror in front of their face.

    I would much rather share an afternoon over lunch with liberals like Shaw and
    Octopus, and other liberals than conservatives that may share more of my political views but who give a nod and a wink to these asshat trolls, like those found on AOW’s blog and assassins only because they aren't liberal.

    It seems as though all the average T-Bagger, republican, Conservative want to hear are these meaningless speeches about their loss of freedoms, gun controls, illegal immigration, and baseball and apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer, and that’s why they haven’t beaten Barack Obama or won an election since their last failed disaster named George W. Bush.
    And that’s why I have such contempt for these people who would rathe belittle the other person to make themselves appear better than the other..

  54. Let’s face it. There are times when the blogosphere resembles a war zone.
    Anonymous trolls, predators, stalkers, and comment assassins – they pop up sight unseen like whack-a-moles. Some merely argue in bad faith; some rise to the level of road rage; others leave behind taunts and menacing comments. Some incidents are more memorable – meaning more disturbed and disturbing – than others. For over a year, a persistent predator has been stalking this community

    It is difficult to know who "he" the “Troll” is. Trolls are aplenty and certainly I have a few that target me everywhere. It's just the price one pays for not "staying on the reservation" or having independent views. As well, trolls, and their boorish behavior are not limited to any particular political or philosophical view or party.

    My philosophy is that Republics will fail and fall, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.

    Thank you for giving me this opportunity. This is something that should be spread across the blogosphere, repeatedly...

  55. Are we to believe that the “Gentle-giant Unarmed Teen-Angel” Michael Brown, after stealing from and threatening a store clerk moments before, was “Just walking” down the middle of the streets with his fathers blunts and his bag of Skittles, and mean ol Officer 'Whitey Wilson just opened fire on him for no reason. This is the crap-ola the Media is reporting.

    I guess that there bleeding heart Progressives never knew that Constitutionally, a police officer can shoot a suspect who is threatening the life of the officer, a fellow officer or a member of the public..

    Perhaps Officer Brown was on his way home to have Tea and biscuits. And the Cop just blazed away at the Un-armed Gentle “Teen” Giant, while he was just walking down the Street eating Skittles and drinking Iced tea for no reason. My, my, my,...perhaps the prosecution can play the retardation card to try lynch officer Wilson.

  56. In light of Obama's initial reaction to journalist James Foley's beheading, saying "the entire world is appalled," "we are all heartbroken," and the U.S. will remain "vigilant" AND "relentless," the following [as reported by the Daily Mail] is worthy of RECOIL: "Four minutes after leaving the podium, Obama teed-off and was seen laughing with friends and fist-bumping them during a five-hour round at Farm Neck Golf Course on Martha's Vineyard -- his seventh 18-hole game in ten days."

  57. Comments made while I was at work today are now published.

  58. It’s a very sad time in America when the President of these United States sends a delegation to the Funeral of a Thug but does not send a delegation to Margaret Thatcher's Funeral.
    And by the way, since last Friday afternoon there was 43 people shot and KILLED in Chicago including a 6year old, and guess what? NO Presidential delegation was sent... NONE!
    Do you think that the American people might finally get the message. I think not, and don't hold your breath.. And how about the General that was just killed in Iraqi? I get it - everything for the street-thugs and criminals but nothing for the real heroes of America.

  59. The Obama administration announced this weekend that it will be sending not one, but THREE, officials to attend the funeral of Michael Brown on Monday.
    President Barack Obama is sending three White House officials to the funeral service of the Missouri teenager whose death in a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, has sparked days of racial unrest.
    Leading the group for Monday's service will be the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, Broderick Johnson. My Brother's Keeper is an Obama initiative that aims to empower young minorities. Johnson is also the secretary for the Cabinet.
    Also attending will be the deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, Marlon Marshall, and an adviser for the office, Heather Foster.

    This decision was highly questionable as is, but when compared to the White House’s presence at, say, the funerals of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene an American General that was killed by Iraqi Terrorist’s or British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, it’s DEPLORABLE.

    And In just case you were wondering, Obama was golfing during Greene’s funeral.
    This shows that the only ones who cannot see through this Charlatan by now t must be stupid or a LEFTEST! Uh, yeah, and one other thing:...those who were snubbed were all WHITE.

    1. Rottweiler,
      ...Obama was golfing during Greene’s funeral.

      There are only two possible interpretations of the above:

      1. Obama doesn't understand the optics of such behavior.

      2. Obama doesn't care and will continue to do whatever pleases him -- as opposed to fulfilling his responsibilities as POTUS.

  60. Rant Time? I guess it is!
    If one were to look at today’s Democratic Liberal, Progressive Party, they would find there is very little difference, if any between it the Communist Party. And this is the Party which twice endorsed and elected Barack Obama to the Highest office in the land. The office of the president of the United States of America TWICE! They elected a man whose father was a Communist, whose grandparents who helped raise him were Socialists, and who was mentored by a card-carrying member of the Communist Party of the United States. A man who sat in the Church of a Pastor (Jeremiah Wright) who clearly stated that BLACKS SHOULD NOT sing "GOD BLESS AMERICA" BUT "GOD DAMN AMERICA."
    The very same Reverend Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."
    We have a President who believes that the problems throughout the world have been caused by America. His disdain for the nation and the military that serves to protect it is on full display. And the Democratic Party twice chose him as its candidate.

    If you want to see what Communism looks like, acts and says, watch and listen to the Democratic Party.
    The American People who are members of the Democratic, Liberal, Progressive Party march to the drum of Communism.

    This is the reason I have long suggested that the Republicans do a frontal assault on the true Marxist-Leninist orientation of the Democrat Party.
    This is a disgusting display of hypocrisy and is proof positive that we’ve finally hit the bottom of the barrel.
    It’s no wonder that Conservatives (like me), and Tea Party supporters (like me) are FED UP to our Ears with this man! Us patriotic Americans know exactly what Obamas goals are and WE don’t like it and we don’t want any part of the racist Community Organizer, or the racist, Community Agitator, Al Sharpton who now seems to be at the highest level of Obama’s Administration, as Obama's Race Ambassador.

  61. Here is a partial list of Obama's legacy:
    1. Riots in Ferguson by black thugs, escalated by his Cronies Sharpton, Jackson, Holder. The Three Stooges.
    2. ISIS preparing to bomb the US.
    3. Putin took over parts of Ukraine
    4. Vacation to Martha's vineyard & golfing while the country is rioting and world burning.
    5. Truckloads of several thousands of illegal aliens crossing the open US borders.
    6. Preparing Amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens who invaded the United States.
    7. Requiring border agents to baby sit the illegal aliens kids dumped by Central America and Mexico to the US.
    8. IRS corruptions and multitudes of incompetence and errors.
    9. NSA snooping on all US citizens, and world leaders.
    10.Benghazi killings of our Ambassador Stevens and 3 other support team.
    11.ObamaCare made many taxpayers' premium more expensive, when he promised premium will not go up, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance.
    12. Fast and Furious, selling guns to drug cartels in Mexico that killed our border patrol agent and Mexicans.
    13. Released 5 Taliban terrorists from GITMO and into Afghanistan to fight US again, and without notifying Congress within the required 30 days notice. A violation according to General Accountability Office.
    14. Pardoned an army deserter Bergdahl a Muslim sympathizer.
    16. Accumulated $17.575 trillion US debts and continue growing.
    17. Went on vacation in 2010 to India with 600 entourage, 34 warships, 43 warplanes escorted him, and expended $2 billion for 10 days.
    18. Appointed Czars who make decisions and policies without Congress approval.
    19.Removed all Christian symbols from the WH, the Court, and all public squares. These symbols have been there since the 1776.
    20. Stopped all Christian annual national prayers at the White House..

    1. Constance,
      Pretty much sums up much of Obama's watch as POTUS!

  62. CNN Reported That “Officer Wilson DID NOT Suffer An Injury To His Eye Socket"

    We ALL know that Michael Brown was shot 6 times, two of which were in his head, that Officer Wilson shot him, and that, according to CNN, Officer Wilson did NOT suffer a fracture to his eye socket. That's it. So lets call it what it was. RACISM.. PERIOD.

    sounds to me it’s something that that Limbaugh, Breitbart and Faux News, and Glenn Schmeck cooked up.

    1. Anonymous,
      We'll find out after the grand jury's deliberations exactly what evidence there exists for both Michael Brown and Officer Wilson's stories -- and the various pundits' positions as well.

  63. The police department in America are trained to shoot idiotic. Thugs and wild savages like Michael Brown, who has the insane notion that he could charge a police office and try to take away his gun. Police officers are trained to shoot to stop the threat. Someone has been watching entirely too much television and movies to actually think that shooting someone in the arm or leg is that easy. The first thought in anyone's mind is to stop him, by any means possible.

    The riots are doing nothing more than making an entire race of people , right or wrong, deflect from the real issue, and act like animals do. And does not help their cause..

  64. @Thom --- The police department in America are trained to shoot idiotic.

    Actually, your typo holds much truth.
    Most of these Dunko's denizens need a hell of a lot more qualifying time on the range.

  65. Michael Brown could have been a son , or an older brother who played with his little siblings, of the president of these United States. Just as Trayvor martin “could have”.But instead, he took to the streets where he made a lifetime of stealing and manhandling, store clerks. His bad decision or decisions made him who he turned out to be. After all Michael Brown was black, and Blacks are born with 2 strikes against them already. And he was only human and human beings often make bad decisions.

    I understand the negativity of stereotyping, but the fact are facts and these are the facts. OLD RICH WHITE REPUBLICAN PEOPLE may tell you differently, but these ARE the facts.
    I don't care that he smoked pot, face it, over half of the young people in America smoke pots these days, should we shoot them all down in the streets? I think not.
    Let us not forget that the police are required to follow the law themselves.

    The White community can put every spin that they can think of to try to justify the killing of that young man, but they are not succeeding...........you probably think Black America is blind to the truth here. we are not a community of useless, free- grabbing, degenerates, and crazy people who need to get a job, a life, and quit tugging, attacking, looting and shooting people. We are for the most part just like you. And the actions of the devil, ( Officer Darren Wilson ) will NOT be rewarded by God.

  66. Lets not make any mistakes about it, Michael Brown “was” a Criminal and a Thug,
    he wasn’t at all, no matter how these Liberals try to change the facts the “Gentle Giant” and the upstanding, unarmed-teen, citizen that these PC irresponsible people on the Left have claimed him to be. And the following rioting, bloodshed and the stealing and looting continue in Ferguson, Missouri, is evidence of what these lunatic opportunist are.
    And the Police Officer Darren Wilson was not the Killer that the Black Community (Al Sharpton is making him out to be.
    The gentle Giant Brown who was a 6' 5". 300 lb man not a “Teen” who had just committed a robbery, so lets not make him out to be some innocent little Teenage like they portrayed Trayvon Martin when they used a 12w year old photograph to sow how cute and sweet he was. .

    1. Rottweiler,
      Why don’t we all just wait until all the facts are in, instead of judging a Police Officer who was there to do a job?

      Good advice.

      I have a PRELIMINARY opinion, but I'm waiting for the CONFIRMED evidence before I say that Officer Wilson committed murder.

    2. Addendum: I fully admit that I'm leaning in favor of the likelihood that Officer Wilson fired that many shots because he rightly believed that his own life was in danger.

      And what will the toxicology report show? The full report?

    3. .

      "... I'm waiting for the CONFIRMED evidence before I say that Officer Wilson committed murder."

      "Addendum: I fully admit that I'm leaning in favor of the likelihood that Officer Wilson fired that many shots because he rightly believed that his own life was in danger."

      Broad daylight?
      Unarmed suspect, not in close proximity of police officer?
      Police officer shoots unarmed suspect _SIX_ times?

      And the officer "... rightly believed that his own life was in danger." !?!

      Really? The officer rightly believed that his own life was in danger? From what; the ricochets of his bullets?!?

      Ema Nymton

    4. Ema,
      Ever been charged by a 292 pound male? I have. In a school hallway. I was able to retreat.

      Retreat isn't always possible.

      Furthermore, the full toxicology report on Michael Brown might give more information. PCP, for example, enables extraordinary strength and speed. I'm not saying that Michael Brown was a PCP user; pot can be treated with PCP without the toker knowing it.

      See this about PCP-laced marijuana. Note that it can have a strong analgesic effect.

      As one who saw what PCP did to my own 18-year-old cousin, I have to think about that possibility.


    5. Debonair Dude,
      The gentle Giant Brown who was a 6' 5". 300 lb man not a “Teen” who had just committed a robbery....

      As far as I know, that is confirmed information -- and that information does matter, IMO.

  67. .

    "As far as I know, that is confirmed information -- and that information does matter, IMO."

    "... just committed a robbery...." Which the armed policeman _DID_NOT_ know at the time that the police man shot the _UNARMED_ suspect _SIX_ times.

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ema.
      Whether Officer Wilson knew about the robbery or not, the robbery goes to Brown's state of mind that day.

  68. Barrack Obama, a president whose approval rating is suffering often tries to rescue his popularity by wrapping himself in the flag
    Norvell Rose — August 26, 2014
    A president whose approval rating is suffering often tries to rescue his popularity by wrapping himself in the flag. You know, giving a rousing, stars-and-stripes speech about our American values as exemplified and protected by the armed forces…or going before a military group to generate supportive applause and good ole red, white, and blue media coverage.
    Well, if that sort of ratings boost was Barack Obama’s goal in appearing before the American Legion’s annual convention in Charlotte, NC, not only did the president fall short of that goal…he absolutely fumbled the ball.

    And from Fox News
    Obama's] 35-minute speech seemed to have reminded the audience of the stark divide between the White House’s policy choices and the feelings of the men and women often called on to carry them out.
    A Virginia legionnaire who served in the U.S. Marine Corps told MailOnline that ‘a small group of Obama’s admirers – and there are some here – sat near the front and tried to generate applause for him about 10 times.’
    ‘They didn’t get much pickup,’ the retired lieutenant colonel said of the ‘instigators’ gathered at the Charlotte, North Carolina event, but ‘they were persistent. You could tell when the applause was genuine and when it wasn’t. It was obvious to everyone here.’
    Most of the veterans sat on their hands, leaving awkward silences where White House speech writers expected ovations.

    I guess that he can't be bothered with the BIG things that are happening these days!

  69. "Whether Officer Wilson knew about the robbery or not, the robbery goes to Brown's state of mind that day."

    Yes, and it speaks volumes about his [general] character, as well. Of course, that doesn't matter to Liberals who continue to think of this, obvious, thug as a "gentle giant"!

  70. Comments that consist of boilerplate ad hominem attacks will not be published or will be deleted if already published.

  71. As expected , the alleged CNN audio of the shooting was a phoney! And as I expected, the officer shot in rapid-fire fashion as indicated on the tape. I'd figured that when seeing the autopsy results and noting the hit pattern on Mr. Brown's arm. The pause in the shooting audio being hyped up isn't surprising either. It's indicative of the officer either losing track of how many rounds he'd fired and reloading to be safe then resuming fire, or more likely, noticing his target isn't falling down correcting, taking a deep breath and continuing to fire.

    While emptying your clip, reloading, and emptying another might seem excessive to laypeople, it's actually what officers are taught to do. My thinking is once he began to fire on Mr. Brown he reverted to his training model and did exactly as he'd been trained to do. Whether he reloaded or not is moot. Whether he paused and corrected and resumed fire is moot. He behaved as he'd been trained and the justification to use lethal force doesn't change or cease because you pause in the exercise of it.

    While some are describing the audio as 'damning' I think it simply further vindicates the officer.


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