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Friday, August 29, 2014

Open Thread

Yes, I'm back — not that I was ever really absent from this blog, but rather spending a great deal of time preparing for the start of the 2014-2015 school term.

So, what's on your mind?

Here is your chance to vent, but please observe the guidelines listed below:

We welcome civil dialogue at Always on Watch. We will delete comments that include any of the following:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective
4. We do not respond to anonymous comments

One infuriating story that recently came to my attention:

Christian children...Islamic songs [at Rejoice Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska, on the evening of 9/22/13]

Even more infuriating — and dangerous:

Obama confesses: ‘We don’t have a strategy yet’ for Islamic State


  1. Excerpt from What Leading From Behind Looks Like:

    ... To stand up and tell the world that we are going to do zero to help Ukraine and have no strategy to defeat ISIS is just insane....

    I'm as certain that I can be that the Pentagon has already developed various strategies in response to various scenarios. After all, that's one of the major things that the Pentagon does! Obama is just too busy fundraising to take responsibility as POTUS.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. .

      "... To stand up and tell the world that we are going to do zero to help Ukraine and have no strategy to defeat ISIS is just insane...."

      Too bad for Always On watch and the rest of the USA hating Republican'T Party types, no one said this.

      But hey, what the heck. Never let truth or facts get in the way of a good ol' fashion RW hate fest ... Right AOW??

      Ema Nymton

    3. Were did you see that or did you invent it yourself or maybe even write it yourself, you lying POS.

  2. Our Dear Leader tells the world: “WE DOŃT HAVE A STRATEGY YET”
    What a revelation! Admitting that he is clueless! Well Duh! Are you stunned? Well what else is new? What a powerful message that must have sent to ISIS
    He doesn’t have any strategy, or any clue about what he want’s to do “Yet” But when he does, he will announce it to the rest of the world, and yes, including to the enemy!

    No surprise here since hie’s been doing nothing else but playing golf since this whole thing happened. Oh yes, excuse me, he did make a 5 minute speech about it. . And these clueless progressive DARE to tell us that President Reagan was bad! Are they friggen out of their minds? Don’t answer that, I already know the answer. How many more heads will ISIS chop off before he makes up his friggen mind? I wonder if he’s going to invite ISIS over to a beer summit in the Rose Garden? That might do the trick without any further damage for these Savages. Wonder if all these leftist are happy now, after all their Hero didn’t start any new wars yet!! I guess No War, No hHarm, No Foul. Boy that was easy!
    And where is Hillary these days? Guess if she don’t say anything she can’t be wrong!
    Its really been funny watching Hillary scramble to get out of speaking about the current news like Ferguson, Russia, the murdering Hamas terrorists in Gaza,
    Good old Hillary, who’s always out there to talk about the important issues of the day, like Blaming Bush.. LOL...

  3. Several CONSERVATIVE bloggers have been repeating this misinformation (which they probably read on other rightwing blogs and news sites):
    "We do know from every media source that three representatives from the White House will attend Brown's funeral tomorrow. I think that at least one of those representatives went to school with Michael Brown's mother back in high school.
    In contrast, there was not a single representative from the Obama administration at the recent burial of Major General Greene at Arlington National Cemetery."

    The above claim is TOTALLY WRONG. This is what happens in the right wing blog sphere. They read a false claim and it spreads like wildfire.
    The fact is that President Obama's cabinet officer, Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel attended Major General Greene's funeral.

    Will the right wing blogs and news sites retract their abominable lie?

    "Right-wing media outlets criticized the Obama administration over news that three administration officials planned to attend shooting victim Michael Brown's funeral, citing the myth that the White House failed to send representation to the funeral of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, who was killed in Afghanistan -- In reality, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel attended the two star general's service."

    I loved the part about using poor black Americans as pawns! I hate to sound mean, but this list is nuts.
    "No cover up"....Benghazi. I think I'd rather have a cover up than send the message to all future CIA intel people that we don't have their back. Go figure, huh? Please tell the deads' parents what really happened and why it did; it'd be good for us all to know because, it DOES matter to us.

    Well Frankly Shaw, We Don’t Give A Flying Fig, What YOU Think!....Touche'

    1. Rusty,
      Well Frankly Shaw, We Don’t Give A Flying Fig, What YOU Think!

      Then don't post it here.

    2. Rusty, that lasted a few hours; I don't know what leftwingers made hay with that, but you know they will, right?
      I never saw a 'rightwing blog' that carried that story. Oops. The left hates the truth SO MUCH.

  4. Debonair Dude said it all for me already - and I thank him.

  5. In today's WaPo:

    By now, President Obama's remark that "We don't have a strategy yet" has made the rounds. Republicans were quick to pounce on it, as well they should have.

  6. Replies
    1. This is what you get when the FBI uses CAIR soap to cleanse Islamic radicalism from their files. We lose sight of an enemy while praising their Trojan horse.

  7. And I second what the Debonair Dude said, In Spades.

  8. Dated August 29, 2014: Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border.


    Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

    Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.


    Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.

    The disturbing inside intelligence comes on the heels of news reports revealing that U.S. intelligence has picked up increased chatter among Islamist terror networks approaching the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. While these terrorists reportedly plan their attack just outside the U.S., President Obama admits that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to combat ISIS. “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse,” the commander-in-chief said this week during a White House press briefing. “I think what I’ve seen in some of the news reports suggest that folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than what we currently are.”

    The administration has also covered up, or at the very least downplayed, a serious epidemic of crime along the Mexican border even as heavily armed drug cartels have taken over portions of the region. Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re “too dangerous” and patrolling them could result in an “international incident” of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is “as secure as it has ever been.”

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. .

    "... To stand up and tell the world that we are going to do zero to help Ukraine and have no strategy to defeat ISIS is just insane...." Please source the exact quotation (place, time, and speaker) ...

    What next? Will USA be entained with a repeat of the "You didn't build that" lie that the USA hating Republican'T Party made up to win the last national election? Do you guys ever try to respond to "what is said," and not to "what is not said?"

    Oh heck. Let the silly games begin ...

    Where is Gohmert from Texas?

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ema,
      Right AOW??


      Clearly, you don't know me at all.

    2. Wait! Obama DID say we have a strategy? And he IS helping Ukraine right now? Place, time, speaker, please? :-)

    3. FRAUD ALERT! "You didn't build that" was a quote in context from the Prezident himself. The firestorm that followed demonstrates he showed a bit more cleavage about his attitude than he intended. The lazy media who share his attitude didn't see THE REALLY BIG STORY there in such a dismissive, paternalistic insult. I notice he wore more modest speech after that ...briefly.

  11. A new report confirmed that women are not fans of the GOP, and Republicans have more work to do if they want the female vote.

    The report, which was obtained by Politico, found that although Republicans have tried to improve outreach to female voters, women still believe the party is "stuck in the past" and "intolerant."

    Forty-nine percent of women polled for the report looked on the GOP unfavorably. Only 39 percent felt that way about the Democratic Party.
    Regarding the republican conservative party, a woman is deficient, and certainly not equal to man.
    The study was commissioned by two conservative groups: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network. It offered a stark picture of how women view the Republican Party as a whole.

    Women are "barely receptive" to the party's policy proposals, the report said, in part because Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

    All one has to do is witness how brutally the conservatives treated Sandra Fluke to understand how a majority of women reject their ideology where it concerns their well-being and their issues. Change has to come in the GOP if they want women's votes. But it will be a difficult job as long as the GOP continues to elect the sort of men who believe a woman's place is in an apron with a mop in her hand.
    Sadly there are many women who vote republican. because they are told to do so by the their husbands/fathers!

    How dumb can they be?

  12. Ema Nymton, is part of the problem..............Period

  13. All one has to do is witness how brutally the conservatives especially that Lump of Fat who hinds behind his microphone has treated Sandra Fluke to understand how a majority of women reject their ideology where it concerns their well-being and their issues. Change has to come in the GOP if they want women's votes. But it will be a difficult job as long as the GOP continues to elect the sort of men who believe a woman's place is in an apron with a mop in her hand.

    1. Can you tell us what man believes a woman's place is in the home? Name names. And Limbaugh's supposed to be ashamed when Sandra Fluke gets up in front of Congress, on camera, as a single woman, and demands we pay for HER birth control? Really?

      You need to read more; it's important. your comment is just as wrong as liberals who actually suggested that Hobby Lobby was denying birth control to its women! I'll be you don't even know that's not true. We need to stay informed ..

    2. Sandra Fluke is a long-time activist and provocateur. She didn't get half the approbation she deserves.

  14. If the Drive Media had just bothered to open their ears and listen, and open their eyes and looked, they wouldn't be surprised today, because they're all out saying their own version of this -- that Obama is detached, form his duty they wouldn’t all be surprised by it today. By the way, I was against Obama before it was “Cool”..

  15. The only things certain in life are death, and Obama learning about what’s going on in America from reading about it in the daily news?
    Maybe if he gets his skinny ass off the Golf Course, pulls his head out of his ass, and stops Blaming Bush instead of flying off to to his next fund-raise, he might find out whats going on here in America.

  16. Circling back to your story on Christian children singing Islamic songs. This reminds me of what a local health food chain printed on their bags "people who think all vitamins are alike will probably swallow anything."

    A Christian who is well grounded in his faith and relationship with Jesus Christ will want to exhibit an attractive and winsome manner in his service as an ambassador for his Lord. He will not swallow anything, however.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Breaking News!: Wearing his an ugly Panama Jack suit Obama ordered air strikes on Islamic State forces in Iraq.. The strikes destroyed an Islamic State armed vehicle, an Islamic State elderly lady, and significantly damaged an Islamic State tooth brush manufacturing building.

    Afterwards, when many New Yorkers are heading out of town for Labor Day weekend, President Barack Obama is heading not to NY City, but to Westchester County, in New York for a pair of events.

    As CBS 2’s Lou Young reported, Obama is first set to visit Purchase for a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, followed by a trip to New Rochelle for another smaller event.

    As a result, the Westchester County Airport in White Plains – known as the easiest airport in the area – will become difficult at the start of Labor Day weekend. Air Force One will land at the airport on Friday, and when the president moves, the rest of us do not.

    I can't believe i am the first to comment. And all I have to say is ABSURD. Shutting down highways and airports for this moron to go to fundraisers. And all this while the world is in turmoil and we still don't have a plan for ISIS ?

  19. Suitgate is giving the president a taste of what it's like to live in a woman's world. But what good does that do anyone?
    President Obama Makes Statement In The Briefing Room Of White House
    In Defense of Barack Obama’s Tan Suit
    Obama Says ‘We Don’t Have a Strategy Yet’ for Fighting ISIS, well DUH, why tell the whole world that?

    We all know that Female politicians have been criticized for what they wear since they first began running for office. Hair too long, skirt too short, too much or too little makeup: any and all of it can derail an interview and focus attention on style over substance. It almost doesn’t matter what you say if you don’t look good doing it.
    What else can I say except, that I guess that he gets this stupidity, and BAD taste from his wife.
    Obama looked ridiculous in that Tan Suit, where is Heidi Klum, or Tim Gunn when you need them?

  20. Baysider,
    Hello! Great to see you here!

    I hope others are taking note of the link about Christian children singing Islamic songs. Chrislam is a cancer!

  21. Hey Ben,

    I think a Clown Suit would be the most appropriate!

  22. I say this at the risk of having to duck and cover - I liked the tan suit. Even though I agree with JonBerg, I cannot understand the fuss! He walks on with an empty mind, and we act like he had an empty closet? Not since Jimmy Carter has a president given away so much free intel to an enemy.

    1. Baysider,
      I didn't mind the tan suit. Frankly, Obama is one of those rail-thin fellows who looks good in a suit. As if looking good in a suit matters one whit!

    2. The above said, I think that the tan suit makes Obama's complexion even more sallow. Is he jaundiced?

  23. AOW, I have a question for you as a teacher. I've heard several teachers tell Dennis Prager how they use his 5-minute 'courses' at Prager University in their classrooms. One was certainly in college. I know you're with younger students, but just wondered if you find any of this fits in your lesson plans - and if so, what feedback you might have gotten?

    1. Baysider,
      Sorry, but I haven't used any of those. However, this term I'm teaching American History, so I might work in a few of them.

    2. If that happens, I would be interested to know how they are received.

  24. Great thread. A for comedic relief, D for substance. Talking points don"t really cut it. Whether con or lib.

  25. Hillary Clinton said young Michael Brown was a victim of police brutality in Ferguson, Mo., the latest in a long line of helpless black victims mowed down by racist cops who are part of America’s corrupt criminal justice system.

    It’s just more left-wing sloganeering, staples of which are knee-jerk cop hatred and making excuses for black criminals.

    And of course Clinton is completely supportive of Eric Holder’s witch hunt in Ferguson, where Justice Department and FBI officials have been busy gathering evidence to use in what promises to be a high-profile trumped-up civil rights prosecution against Officer Wilson..

    My real hatred of liberal began with these trailer-park Clintons in the White House. If two people can be held responsible for the great divide in this country, it is this woman and that despicable husband of hers. I will do all I can to keep this woman out of the White House. Though my efforts are small, if many others like me jump on board, this evil person will never sit in the Oval Office.
    What a sad despicable comment from this trailer-park trash, as well as the blogger’s who support that so called "Gentle Giant".

    Lets not forget Joe Biden's stupid remark, "a vote for republicans is a vote to put black people back in chains?"

  26. Hillary Clinton aks "Her Thighness" and "Hilderbeast", along with Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters & Harry Reid as those who make me want to vomit when listening or reading anything that they say. I avoid watching or listening to them like the plague.

    Hillary has a history of bending over backwards to get the Black vote, remember the despicable BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI when she spoke “Blackspeak” to a black audience? And her famous “Plantation” speech at one of Al Sharpton's events, when she said “The Republicans run the House like a Plantation”! Beware of THE BENGHAZI BITCH when she’s out for blood. She’ll do and say anything to get her way. This idiot will add her endorsement to any cause just to get her name in the news! She will do pretty much anything to get a vote or two.

  27. I could probably listen to Hillary for 2-5 minutes. I can't listen to Elizabeth Warren for 5 seconds. or Barack Obama for even ONE SECOND!.

  28. So much for the U.S. consulate in Tripoli.

    I note that the "news" isn't giving much attention to what has transpired in Libya.

  29. Nothing surprises me any more what our Pecker Head President does or says. It’s always somebody else’s fault be it Bush, America, or our Military’s the Republican’s. So in his words we should have just looked the other way when the Towers were hit because we did not want to offend his church buddies the dog eating Muslims. What a Moron he is but look at the ones that elected him.. Morons begetting Morons
    It was truly SICKENING to watch America’s first communist usurper give this speech to military veterans. How many impeccable offenses does this man have stacked up already? Where is the Republican opposition? We have military Generals and officers taking early retirement and protecting those bennies rather than standing up to this OPEN SEDITION! How many Maoist are in this administration as czars? How many Muslim infiltrations? Our “Community Organizer in Chief” is looking more and more like his Commi biological father as he ages! Has he rallied the American people? Has he spoken to Congress? Has he asked for a declaration of war or at least a joint resolution to fund an aggressive offensive attack against these cockroaches? No, he hasn’t. We’re dealing with a very peculiar man who operates with a few advisers around him

  30. @ Melissa From Texas,

    Hillary Clinton aks "Her Thighness" and "Hilderbeast", along with Michelle Obama, , Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters................... make me want to vomit"

    Me too and [they] actually make a logical case for the Burka!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. BTW wizard the correct spelling is Reagan, not Reagen.

    But we all understand why you wouldn't know this.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. The imbeciles over on the left are so friggen buzy trying to cover up ALL the screw-up, the Lies, and the cover-ups for Ovmit that they can’t keep up with them themselves. So what do they do? The switch rails and try to disparage people like Ronald Reagan, and George Bush. And if you notice they never, EVER mention Jimmy Carter. or Bill Clinton’s presidencies, and just ignore their bumblings and mishandling of just about everything that they put their hands on. . Of course Obama and his fellow dumb goons in the White House don't have a strategy in Syria, they never had a strategy anywhere else either. They ever thought that the “Muslim Brotherhood was going to be a “Good Thing” .

    As for Ovomit’s having a strategy in Syria, for Crist’s sake he’s too is busy playing golf and his handler goons are busy covering up his fiascos.
    FYI...the CIA and military have been tracking these terrorists for YEARS, and Ovomit was too busy partying to care. And Mooshell was too busy planting Zucchinis and screwing up school children’s lunches. .
    The Socialist Labor Party of today is nothing different from the Democratic party of yesterday or the Liberal party of yesterday. Come on Democrats, admit it...what has your party become? Just admit what you are, "Communists." Why are you ashamed of it?
    Can't you handle the truth?
    No. Nothing. This is how far left Dems have become. Their agenda matches Socialist Workers Party. Want proof? Check out the Progressive’s Blog.

  34. Lets see what could be in the “mind” of Obama this lovely day!
    Oh, Man! What a great day to mess with conservatives. Let's see now.....I could play some more golf (that ALWAYS pisses them off, especially since the rest of the world is imploding.), or I could issue an executive order mandating a more bland, insipid and caustic, federal lunch program. That reminds me, it's almost lunch time. I need to get thunder thighs...er, I mean Michelle, and head down to Big Al’s for a big old barbeque rib platter, smothered with that hot and spicy barbecue sauce, their ribs are amazing, as are their fries..

    I’ve got it, I’ll give them another one of my now famous "I ain’t got no no strategy" searches, this time wearing my plain suit. Man alive when I tell them that we do not have one yet, those Conservative boogers, I mean blogger’s go nuts. But screw them they didn’t vote for me anyway so why the “F” should I give a crap about them.. Or maybe I’ll finally admit it and let them know that I really side with the Palestinians, and screw the Israelis and Bibi Netanyahu as well. And send a missile shipment to Hamas.. That should really annoy the republican voters!

    What else can I do to cause trouble? I'll take that obscenely expensive Air Force One and do some fund raising and while I'm at it, I'll blame Bush and the "feet dragging Republicans" for the constant stalemate that is blocking my every attempt to get meaningful legislation passed. LOL. I don't know if I can pull that one off without cracking up. Sometimes my little, pernicious, wicked schemes even amaze myself.

    I need another vacation. I believe I'll head to Hawaii and take AF#1 and AF#2 (to accommodate the little woman, hee,, hee, and her enormous entourage.) Hey...what is the good of being president if I can't take advantage of all the perks...even if I do abuse the privilege in the most wanton way possible.

    I'm sure there are lots more ways to screw the American citizens, but the day is young and I'm sure before sunset I'll will be able to come up with a plethora of laws and regulations designed to punish and make life miserable for just about everyone. OOPS!! I hear Michelle yelling for me. I'd better hurry....she said the next time I made her wait, she was going to make me sleep in the same bed with her.

    Oh My Allah!! That would be a fate worse than death

  35. News flash
    Another American was beheaded today by those bastards'


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