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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Obama's Own Words

With a hat tip to Bloviating Zeppelin:

If you are so inclined, please address the accuracy of the third quotation above. What does "transcend" mean in your view?


  1. Obama has mental issues.

    Beyond this, a man with his education should know that race is a factor in EVERY society. Perhaps Obama holds Americans to a higher standard, particularly when there is an opportunity to criticize America and its people.

    What I’ve found is that even in spite of the superiority complex found in most western societies, no one is more ethnocentristic than people living in the Middle East and Asia.

    What separates American society today from everyone else is that we seem infected with a vile and rampant disease known as political correctness. Who benefits most from this pandemic are progressive politicians, including the communist in chief, Barack Obama.

    But I regress: I already said he has mental issues.

  2. Harvard made him white enough, Reverend Wright made him black enough.

    His whole political life has been knowing which one to play.

    I think his statement today on Guantanamo is a measure of the man. The hunger strike means he has to act. it has become serious and is drawing attention. So what's he going to do ... cry the crocodile tears and ask the Republicans (no bargains themselves) to assist in a bipartisan solution.

    So nothing happens and The Black Messiah can return to being an amoral cheap corporate pimp and militarists while the fringe right worries about some quote he while he was talking out of both sides of his mouth.

    I don't know which is more dangerous, The Black Bush or the fringe right who think he's a leftist.

  3. The fact that he is an effectual leader in the campaign to make America a socialist paradise supercedes any charge of racism as true as it may be .

  4. "I don't believe it is possible to transcend race in this country. Race is a factor in this society. The legacy of Jim Crow and slavery has not gone away."


    transitive verb
    a : to rise above or go beyond the limits of
    b : to triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of : overcome
    c : to be prior to, beyond, and above (the universe or material existence)

    : to outstrip or outdo in some attribute, quality, or power

    intransitive verb
    : to rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits

    The first thing that strikes me about the use of the word "transcend" in reference to race is that Obama (or whoever was writing on his illiterate behalf) holds that there are "limits" or "negative or restrictive aspects" that he believes can not be overcome. Effectively, he is saying we can not treat people equally, because race makes some of those people naturally limited and inferior.

    Typical left-wing racism, as often heard in pro-affirmative action arguments.

  5. Quite frankly, everything that comes out of Obama's mouth for his writers is a bunch of rubbish.

    He may be a great speaker, but that's all he is.

  6. From above: "Harvard made him white enough, Reverend Wright made him black enough."

    And Chee-gog-go bath houses made him 'down low' enough (wit da hep o da Rev.)

  7. Beamish,
    Effectively, he is saying we can not treat people equally, because race makes some of those people naturally limited and inferior.

    Interesting parsing!

    I'll put my parsing below in a few minutes.

  8. "I don't believe it is possible to transcend race in this country...."

    I took the third quotation, along with the other quotations listed in the graphic, to mean that white people can never be non-racist. Therefore, a permanent state of racial disharmony will exist forever. In other words, that whites can't stop themselves from being racists.

    Grammatically, I cannot determine the subject of "transcend." White folks? Black folks? People of all races?

    Without a subject, the statement I excerpted in this comment is an absolute.

  9. Sam,
    What I’ve found is that even in spite of the superiority complex found in most western societies, no one is more ethnocentristic than people living in the Middle East and Asia.

    Familial and, more to the point, tribal as well. "The other" is always under the cloud of suspicion in such a society. America has tried to get past that kind of mentality.

  10. Duck said, and I cannot disagree with his observation:

    Harvard made him white enough, Reverend Wright made him black enough.

    His whole political life has been knowing which one to play.

  11. Leticia,
    We are living in the Age of the Cult of Personality. Obama looks good in a suit, and for many that dapper appearance is enough to elicit their support.

  12. A paranoid narcissist. What could be better for a leader.

  13. AOW, it's my opinion that Bath House Barry isn't capable of writing the tripe that he's credited with writing. Don't get me wrong; he's smart and cunning in his own way. But, Down Low Barry is nothing more than a puppet. Those that pull Down Low's strings are masters at the art and Down Low is their perfect puppet.

    The person(s) that wrote the third quotation -- subject or no -- meant it to be as it reads: 'a permanent state of racial disharmony will exist forever.' I base this on the communist manifesto, itself. Without racial disharmony, communism is doomed to failure simply because, without this disruption, people step back, the light dawns and the 'Ah-HA' moment of what's really happening sets in. The 'Ah-HA' moment has proved to be not such a good thing for the socialist/communist movement.

    In the past four plus years, race relations have been set back since a time I cannot remember -- and I'm older than dirt.

    This has been in the making for a long time (even before I was born; remember, I'm older than dirt) and the timing is perfect. We are seeing what we were promised a long time ago -- "We will bury you from within."

  14. o/t - Kawanio che Keeteru!

    "Song for St. Tamminy s Day. "The Old Song.

    Of Andrew, of Patrick, of David, & George,
    What mighty achievements we hear!
    While no one relates great Tammany's feats,
    Although more heroic by far, my brave boys,
    Although more heroic by far.

    These heroes fought only as fancy inspired,
    As by their own stories we find;
    Whilst Tammany, he fought only to free,
    From cruel oppression mankind, my brave boys,
    From cruel oppression mankind.

    "When our country was young and our numbers were few
    To our fathers his friendship was shown,
    (For he e'er would oppose whom he took for his foes),
    And made our misfortunes his own, my brave boys,
    And he made our misfortunes his own.

    "At length growing old and quite worn out with years,
    As history doth truly proclaim,
    His wigwam was fired, he nobly expired,
    And flew to the skies in a flame, my brave boys,
    And flew to the skies in a flame.

  15. Sammy says: "But I regress: I already said he has mental issues."

    No, you didn't "regress, dummy. You reiterated. Learn to speak English.

  16. What does "transcend" mean in your view?

    "To rise above; surpass; exceed."

    Now, to be used in a sentence:

    Obama's diatribe strongly suggests that [he] is unable to transcend issues of race inspite of the fact that it has, apparently, not impeded [his] rise to power.

  17. Is Barack Obama a President for ALL Americans … or is he a racist.

    Barack Obama is a president for every American who prefers having an Obama phone to the right of living free from government tyranny. Obama is only a racist if you happen to be white. If you happen to be black, he is the messiah, this according to Louis Farrakhan (who I assume is in someway related to Genghis Khan).

    Let’s face it; white oppression of blacks living in America is not entirely a myth—it is only taken out of context in order to gain political advantages. In the history of man, more whites suffered enslavement than did blacks. I always wondered why blacks don’t curtail their criminal behavior if they truly wish to avoid criminal profiles. Well, but then I can see how political correctness was an easier route …

    I find the fact that blacks have rallied to the party that kept them enslaved far beyond emancipation nothing less than astounding. Today, they have enslaved themselves to the odious progressive movement. Sympathy escapes me under these circumstances.

    As for Obama … he only compounds our nation’s problems.

  18. FJ,
    I knew that you'd stop by to leave your typical greeting for May 1 because you celebrate this day in this fashion and have done so for as long as I can remember! :^)

  19. Jon,
    Obama's diatribe strongly suggests that [he] is unable to transcend issues of race...


  20. Marine4ever,
    it's my opinion that Bath House Barry isn't capable of writing the tripe that he's credited with writing.

    I've read more than one analysis which might well indicate that he didn't pen every word himself.

    In the past four plus years, race relations have been set back since a time I cannot remember...

    I agree.

  21. Mustang,
    white oppression of blacks living in America is not entirely a myth—it is only taken out of context in order to gain political advantages


    Back when Obama was running for President in 2008, one of my friends said, "A lot of white people won't vote for Obama because he's black. He won't get elected."

    I replied: "Oh, yes, he WILL get elected. A lot of white people will vote for Obama to prove to themselves that they are not racists. White guilt, which has been pushed for years upon years, will control the outcome of the 2008 General Election."

  22. Interesting parsing!

    I'm probably just a typical white person (despite the portion of Cherokee in my veins) parsing the first Messiah-American President's words in the worst possible light.

    Maybe he was just hollerin' "BULLSHIT!" at Martin Luther King Jr. and others who sang "We Shall Overcome"

    Myself, I'm wondering which of Barack Obama Sr.'s forebears was a slave in the South.

  23. I think he meant to say "impossible to transcend racism", not race.

    We are who we are, we have no choice in what our skin color is when we are born into this world.

    I don't think anyone in Obama's administration has, will, or wants to ... transcend racism. They thrive on it just like the race-baiters of years past. It is an industry.

    How did Obama get elected? 96% of Blacks voted for him. Does anyone think they voted for him because of any other reason than he is Black.

    Just read the title "Obama Housing Nominee: White People Who Won’t Vote For A Black Candidate Should Be Excluded From “Democratic Process”…
    by ZIP


    Think he has transcended race or racism?

    Transcend gives out a religious glow, don't you think? Just a side thought.

    Right Truth

  24. Back when Obama was running for President in 2008, one of my friends said, "A lot of white people won't vote for Obama because he's black. He won't get elected."

    I replied: "Oh, yes, he WILL get elected. A lot of white people will vote for Obama to prove to themselves that they are not racists. White guilt, which has been pushed for years upon years, will control the outcome of the 2008 General Election."

    Too much "McCain's not a conservative" the first time and too much "Romney IS a conservative" the second time. The first time had a point, the second time was Newspeak.

  25. Beamish,
    I'm wondering which of Barack Obama Sr.'s forebears was a slave in the South.

    Outstanding point!

  26. Debbie,
    Thank you for leaving a comment that is so well thought out and so well expressed!

    BHO's equating race with racism is a statement of inevitability and negates the very possibility of free will.

    Excellent point about one connotation of the word "transcend":

    Transcend gives out a religious glow, don't you think?

    Thank you for the link to that article at Weasel Zippers. Talk about dividing America! Sheesh.

  27. (I have ancestors who were indentured servants in America in the 17th century)

  28. Thank you for clarifying that, Beamish.


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